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When Mae Young Gave birth to a hand

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When Mae Young gave birth to a hand, was this feat of medical science ever explained rationally, my minds gone today.

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the child was the spawn of Mae Young and Mark Henry.


Personally, that was all of the rational explanation I needed.

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I dont think it was, I belive it just happened and that was it. I guess they wanted to end the stupid gimmick where a 80 year old woman gets pregnant with something even more stupid then the concept of angle itself.

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I dont think it was, I belive it just happened and that was it. I guess they wanted to end the stupid gimmick where a 80 year old woman gets pregnant with something even more stupid then the concept of angle itself.

What happened after then? I can't remember to be honest, did they just not mention the angle again?

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

Furthermore, what the hell was supposed to be funny about her giving birth to a hand? I thought that was so stupid.

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If I'm not mistaken, the joke of the whole thing was that they used to make plastic hands for a ladies' pleasure. Kinda like a dildo, only a hand. Don't ask me why - that's just what I've heard.


Anyway, given that tidbit, you should be able to see where the skit was going.

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And less we forget this is the last time we saw a hand pulled out of someone, remember back in the Kane/Triple H feud where Kane was screwing dead people, or at least one? Well the hand was pulled out of Triple Hs ass then as well...or at least someone with a stupid cardboard Triple H face. Hmm...it seems this hand always shows up in the very worst of angles.

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The angle was dropped right after that. Mark Henry dissapeared from tv and was sent to OVW, not to return until 2002. mae went on to feud with moolah and each of theme were in the corners of terri and the kat at wm2000's cat fight.

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Guest Stunt Granny

After The Hand was born Pat Patterson (I think) yealled "Hey everybody!! Let's give Mae a hand!!" and everybody started clapping. It was so fucked up.

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