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Segment One: Chris Nowinski


Joined by the cerebral assassin junior! How is his head? It’s still attached to his shoulders, but not much else. Dr Tom reminds us that he was former Tough Enough mates with Josh and begins to mock Nowinski’s amnesia by reminding him of the time Maven and Josh connived to make him look bad. Nowinski’s physical condition? He was kicked in the chin last June and received a concussion. He didn’t take care of it and continued to wrestle matches which actually caused him brain damage and increased the post-concussion syndrome. He has had constant headaches since then, although they are getting better now. He has had sleepwalking problems as well, and gives us the example of a time when he dived off the bed into a wall, breaking a lamp on his way down. It happens all the time, as he acts out his dreams, moves around furniture and chases imaginary burglars.


He has tried to get back in the ring and run the ropes – but it didn’t work out. Doctors have told him to not ever bother until the headaches have subsided. He has recently had 4 botox injections in his neck to help out the problematic nerves. On whether he is looking forward to getting back in the ring, Nowinski thinks that it depends on the mood he’s in at the time. He is in better shape than ever before though, he is 15lbs lighter and can now do a lot of things he could not do before. Everything below his neck feels good.


To keep himself busy, he has been getting involved with the Smackdown Your Vote stuff. Recently he participated in a 45 minute ‘rap session’ with high school students. He has also been researching the concussion issue for American football players to be published in a book. He is working on getting a publisher now. He has a lot of research done already, and believes it could help a lot of people. He spoke to one 12 year old kid who, due to concussion, has no recollection of his entire life.


Edgefan03 from the Instant Feedback Room (the coolest place to be on a Thursday afternoon, kids!) asks Nowinski about his memory problems. For the first 6 months Nowinski couldn’t remember certain things – life was like a blur. Things are better now, and he has a lot of techniques to remember stuff. Josh starts talking about Memento while Dr Tom asks Nowinski if he remembers when Josh put German Sheppard faeces in his bed.


Jeff from Stonersville, Atlanta asks Nowinski how he got involved in the wrestling business, pointing out that it was an unusual choice considering he attended Harvard. Chris was not allowed to watch wrestling as a child, but after watching WWF with friends the year before he went to University, he realised what a great business it would be and enrolled in Killer Kowalski’s wrestling school. Although he was a ‘late bloomer’, he thinks it was a great choice to make.


Dr Tom asks him if he would like to be re-teamed with his ‘intellectual equal’ William Regal on his eventual return. Nowinski considers it a privilege to have been teamed with him in the first place, and would love to do it again. He has seen Regal’s new protégé Eugene and is very impressed! He wonders where WWE found him, to which Dr Tom replies that it was the same street where they found Josh. Nowinski has also been taking improv. classes. He likes Bradshaw’s new gimmick as it is as close to the real person as possible. He also doesn’t remember the time Josh scratched his car with keys.


New feature on Byte This – the RAW Rebound! You don’t need me to recap this bit so I’ll tell you to get as many naked pictures of your girlfriend as possible. You can use them as bribery cards to get some lovin’ after you’ve broken up.


Josh thinks that Bad Blood is going to be ‘off the chain’. There is no other way to settle the HHH/HBK match other than Hell in a Cell. After this match, one of them has to say ‘no more’.


Segment Two: Rob Van Dam


Joined by Mr Thursday Night, who admits that although the weather isn’t so sunny in California – it’s still better than anywhere else in the world! Everything is going well with Five Star Comics and they are celebrating their one year anniversary in July with Stacy Keibler! He is hoping to open another store outside of Cali in the future, but at the moment he’s concerned with getting the internet store open. He needs someone to put the products up there but has been assured that it will happen within the next few weeks. He gets to go to the store about once a week, and us really proud of it. He thinks that if he was not the owner he would walk in and say “woah, this place is sweet”!


Smackdown has been the better show for him, travel wise as there have been a few cancelled house shows which have enabled him to spend more time at home. The recent PPV in LA helped a lot as well. When will he receive a title shot? He’s not the one to ask, although he will be persistent in kicking ass – RVD style. He thinks Eddie is a great wrestler, and that a chance of getting a title shot will be much greater on Smackdown than RAW.


Peter, who must have been on Byte This at least 4 times since I’ve started this, says that he has missed the hardcore style and asks about that. RVD agrees, and believes that is the best way to showcase his talent. He answers the rumours surrounding ECW and says he hasn’t heard anything about starting up the promotion again. He wishes that they would do one ECW style PPV a year though, with all the talent that used to be in it. It would totally kick ass.


RVD misses working with Jerry Lynn and Sabu, but was happy to bring back the tag-team Rolling Thunder move with Rey Mysterio Jnr. He had crossed paths with Rey for many years but this was the first time he was able to be in the same ring as him as a tag team partner. He looks forward to eventually facing Rey Rey, but doesn’t want to have to kick his ass. RVD enjoys writing abut thinks that he will have to leave the business before he releases his autobiography… He thinks the fans can relate to him as he is down to earth and has gone through his experiences as a ‘normal guy’.


He has had a lot of new movie offers, including a script being written for him by a ‘Hollywood producer’ friend, but his schedule is pretty full at the moment. The comic he wrote will be released, but they take a long time to produce. He hasn’t spoken to Alfonso in a long time – but it is on his to do list.


Ah, the trappings of celebrity. A phone caller tries really hard to remind RVD of the time he met her and her father, but to no avail. She asks him for his thoughts on the idea that Smackdown is the B Show of WWE. RVD thinks there is some validity to the argument, as RAW is live and has a majority of the veterans and established stars compared to Smackdown. Although Rob sees advantages to that, as a lot of the Smackdown guys are still trying to prove themselves and are therefore producing a higher work rate. He misses being on RAW due to the fact that he used to receive phone messages congratulating him on his kick ass match on a Tuesday, whereas he has to wait until Thursday now.


Okay, best phone call guy ever now, as John manages to air his sour grapes on not getting an autograph signed by RVD, as Dr Tom looks appalled in the background. RVD’s answer to John’s question was that unless he has a hardcore title to defend every night he will be held back. It takes a hardcore environment to bring out his hardcore moves. These types of matches are special occasions in WWE, whereas in ECW they were every night. He adds that on the night John didn’t get his autograph, he signed for every fan before the event. Silly John.


Matt asks where he came up with the name ‘Mr Monday Night’. RVD says that it came from his ECW days, back in 1997, where he was seriously considering an offer from WCW. Paul Heyman used his connections to keep RVD, but give him exposure on WWF television as well. At ECW’s first PPV he cut a promo telling the fans how he believed he was above ECW and should be on the Monday Night shows of the main two promotions. So on Mondays he worked as an outsider-heel in WWF, and used that as momentum for his heelness In ECW as well.


He enjoyed teaming with Booker T and believes that they have unfinished business to settle. One of the ICP guys wrote in his autobiography that he thought that when he came into WCW that RVD would take it easy on him, but instead Rob burst his eardrum. Although many of his opponents would consider him ‘stiff’, RVD never wants to injure anyone or bust them open. He was trained by the Original Sheik, and when he entered AJPW he couldn’t be stiff enough! So he learnt to give it right back when they would kick him on his ass. Dr. Tom points out that he never received a ‘potato’ from RVD though.


RVD leaves.


Segment Three: Chavo Guerrero


Chavo Classic joins the show! He watched the documentary on his brother and is more proud of him than he has ever been. Chavo wrestled all his life and even represented Mexico in the Olympics. He turned pro in 1972 and won the junior belt in NJPW from Kenji Kemura. Now in WWE he has won the cruiserweight championship! Dr. Tom says that the Guerrero’s have always been prominent in wrestling, and now his brother is the WWE Champion, and he himself is in the spotlight again. Chavo feels like a kid in Disney Land, and that he could be one of the best workers in WWE. He feels honoured to be there, and wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.


He is received well backstage, and feels they have the proper respect for him and the other old-schoolers. He is impressed with the cruiserweights of WWE, many talented people. The students in his school reacted well to his win, and feel proud to be part of his family.


Josh asks about the Royal Order of the Chicken, causing a number of clucks from both Dr Tom and Chavo. It was an elite order in Texas, where Dr Tom was the rookie. Dr Tom believes it was Chavo and Mondo who put him on his path to destruction. The Guererro’s love Dr Tom and his family, and Chavo points out that he could have actually been a Guerrero, as he was dating a Guerrero sister…


Was Chavo nervous watching his son perform his first match? Chavo reacted as a father after the match, but a trainer during. He sees a father-son tag team in the near future, as long as they are able to keep their heat under control. There are a few jealousies boiling under the surface. Chavo Jnr has to accept that he is the cruiserweight champion now!


Before he leaves, Chavo would like to issue a challenge to Dr Tom, who replies that they will have a match the day Chavo takes off his shirt. Chavo doesn’t want to embarrass Tom in front of his wife by showing off his Herculean muscles…


They end the show by insulting feedbacker blobster17.


Next week’s guests are Hurricane and THE ROCK! Yeah!


End of Show!


Credit: 411mania.com

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He misses being on RAW due to the fact that he used to receive phone messages congratulating him on his kick ass match on a Tuesday, whereas he has to wait until Thursday now.


HA! Come on now, how can you *not* love a guy that is that conceited?

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Okay, best phone call guy ever now, as John manages to air his sour grapes on not getting an autograph signed by RVD, as Dr Tom looks appalled in the background. RVD’s answer to John’s question was that unless he has a hardcore title to defend every night he will be held back. It takes a hardcore environment to bring out his hardcore moves. These types of matches are special occasions in WWE, whereas in ECW they were every night. He adds that on the night John didn’t get his autograph, he signed for every fan before the event. Silly John.


What the hell was the question? The only thing I got from that was John was upset cause he didn't get an autograph. What does the hardcore style have to do with getting an autograph?

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Oh, RVD is hilariously conceited in most interviews. I often wonder how much he is working the public and how much he really believes. He used to have some fabulous net chat sessions on his website archives where he would use a heel schtick and trash moron fans.

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