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I'm contemplating shaving my head.

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I once thought about shaving my head, and told a girl I was going out with my plan...she laughed at me and said I would look like David Cross. Since that point, I've never thought about shaving my head.

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Guest Choken One

I had shaved head from when I was 17 until a couple years ago...It worked for me...but I decided to let grow and it's your standard shoulder length cut.


Another factor is this...Facial hair...If you have a really nice beard...it looks good with the baldness if not...then you look like a penis.


Grow a goatee/beard first then shave your head.

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Guest netslob

i've shaved my head conistantly for like 8 years(and as recently as 2 hours ago), so let me give you some tips if you should decide to go thru with it:


1. invest in GOOD razors...don't buy shitty cheap ones. they'll tear you scalp to shreds...trust me on this.


2. go slowly...don't rush, or again, you'll be ripped to shreds.


3. be sure to use enough shaving cream...but not TOO much.


4. shave and then shower...washes all the excess hair and foam away alot easier.


5. use an after shave or moisturizer of some sort...it may hurt a bit, but it'll make you scalp feel better afterwards.




huh, no shit. i just moved down here a few weeks ago. what part of the city you live in? i live in Mandarin.

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Guest El Satanico
I'll take one of your winters for one of our suffocatingly humid summers.

Would you trade me all of your summers for all of my winters?


snow is shit and i fucking hate winter




a clean shaved head is too much work. If I went bald the furthest I'd go is with electric clippers. It gets close enough and you don't need to screw with shaving cream and razors on the scalp

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Another factor is this...Facial hair...If you have a really nice beard...it looks good with the baldness if not...then you look like a penis.


Grow a goatee/beard first then shave your head.

Point well taken. I don't wanan be no penis guy. The hair stays for now.

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Guest Vitamin X

And if you think Jacksonville gets humid...


It doesn't get much hotter than Miami. It's suffocatingly hot out here and I've lived through some outer LA-desert summers of 100+ degrees. When you step out of your house here it feels like a sauna in hell.

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I could deal with snow, though blizzards that lock you in your house and shut down the city are something I'm glad I don't have to experience.


However, sweating without the benefit of physical exertion (like exercising or whatever) ranks very high on my list of Thing I Really Hate Doing.

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You should go for it. It'll save you money and women dig men with shaved lumpy heads. The only reason you shouldn't do it is if you are 6 ft tall and way around 115 pounds. Then you'll just look like you're a corpse.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Not only are our winters light years worse than Florida, the summers are just as ugly. 95+ with 95%+ Humidity. Just choking and brutal, and there's no ocean to swim in. Fuck a bunch of Indiana.

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The beach (which I live ten minutes away from) in Jacksonville sucks, by the way. Overcrowded and kinda dirty. St. Augustine, which is about 40 minutes away, has a really lovely beach, though they tend to have security at night, meaning less sex and drinking on the sand under the moonlit sky, which is really the only things I like about the beach to begin with.

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Guest Vitamin X

Miami Beach is WAY overcrowded. And packed with annoying tourists and people who can't speak English.


And I find it hard to believe Indiana's summers are worse than Miami's. The sun is far brighter here as well, and that just comes from geographical location as well, and personally I hate the sun being so bright. That probably comes as a result of being raised in grey sky California though.

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Guest Vitamin X

Now I find that REALLY hard to believe.


You can grab the goddamn air in Miami it's so humid.

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Guest El Satanico

You can swim in the Summer air up in the midwest.


I've been to Tampa and Naples over summer the last few years, frankly I don't see the big deal people make about Florida summers. The sun is more powerful, but other than that It wasn't any worse than the midwest.


However, I'm better at staying cool than I am at staying warm.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Indiana heat is vicious. The humidity is every bit as ugly as it is down south. It doesn't last for much of the year as florida, I'm sure, but you don't get the winters.


Weatherwise, this is the absolute worst part of the country. New England sucks royal dick in that department as well, though.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Probably. You people are retarded for living up there.

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Didn't we have this discussion before?


1. I've always thought that, for the most part, only thick/built people look good with shaved heads.  If you're lanky and you shave it, something just doesn't look right with it.

This man know.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

I've decided only good looking men should shave their heads. Those who are insecure about their appearence should hide behind a beard and long hair.

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Was it 1994 or 1995 that Chicago had that ungodly heat wave? It was one of those two years and it was bad, like 100+ degrees.

Arizona is the number two spot for skin cancer in the world. It's 106 outside right now, too. Summer should be a bitch when it finally gets hot.

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