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Raw House Show Results From Manchester, England

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I was going to put these up last night, but I didn't get back until 2am.


Crowd is buzzing. The lights go out and 'The Fink' appears in the ring. Huge pop for him. "Hello Newcastle". I couldn't decide whether that was really funny or really sad. Either way the crowd didn't care, still popping huge. I thought they would have got all over him for that. He babbles on for a while before introducing a very special guest. I had to expect she would be here after reading the other show reports, but I didn't really care either way. Yep, it's Stephanie McMahon. Another huge pop for her. It's funny being surrounded by marks. All of them were gasping and going nuts, talking about Stephanie 'being back'. They wondered what she would do to Vince, and why she is on Raw. She talks for a bit, but the mic is really quiet and so we can barely even hear her. Of course when you can't hear Stephanie McMahon, you know what she has to do, right? Yep, she starts screeching and screaming all over the arena. Ugh. She says some things that only the first few rows can hear (no else reacted), and gets booed for it. She then says something about Manchester which get's cheared. I'm sure she was just going through the usual 'mention other cities, then say yours to get a cheap pop' routine. She tells us to have a good time, blah blah blah, leaves and it's time for our first match.


Match #1

Matt Hardy V.01 vs Batista

Fink announces the match will be for one fall, whcih gets a big pop for some reason. I guess everyone was just excited we were getting underway. OH YEAH! Large pop for Matt. You're gonna have to deal with me looking for vaious ways to say someone got a really big pop, because everyone did tonight. Batista enters to another big reaction. Very mixed thoguh. More boos, but some people were cheering him. Bell rings, crowd pops, we are underway. Stalling for a couple of minutes as both guys try to get the crowd's support. Hardy poses, gets cheered. Batista poses, booed. Big 'Hardy' chant from the crowd. Batista tosses Matt about for a while before Matt comes big with a few punches. Doesn't last long though, as he gets sent into the corner ribs first, and then back first. Crowd was insanely hot. Batista tosses Matt over the top, then puts him in a bearhug in the ring. Crowd get's behind Matt again. He fights back. Matt gains the advantage and hit's a plancha. Back in the ring, sit-out powerbomb is attempted but Matt fights out if it. Matt with the Yodelling leg Drop gets two. TOF is blocked by Batista, who then hits a spinebuster for 3.


Winner: Batista in about 7 or 8 minutes

Opinion: Not bad actually. Batista has improved ALOT, and Matt is Matt so it was okay. Crowd heat was great, and this was a decent opener. *1/2


After the match, Batista hits another spinebuster then leaves. Referee reverses the decision. MATT WINS!


Winner (Take 2): Matt Hardy by DQ after the referee reversed his decision


Batista returns again to give Matt another spinebuster before leaving. Levaes to alot of heat. Matt finally gets up and leaves to a big pop.


Match #2

Hurricane and Rosey vs Rob Conway and Sylvain Grenier

Howard announces this a tag team match (duh) which gets another pop for some reason. Big heat for La Resistance and a big pop for Helms and Rosey. Not bad, actually. Much better than Raw. Rosey had an actual superhero outfit on! No more homemade threads for him. It was orange and blue, and looked pretty cool. Hurricane with some high flying stuff to begin with, which the crowd is digging. Crowd popped for an armdrag! La Resistance gained the upper hand and dropped Hurricane on the barricade. FIP process began. They delayed the hot tag for about 5 minutes. Crowd chanted USA! This was one crazy crowd. EUGENE came out to a really big pop. He took his jacket off to reveal an England football jersey which just made the crowd pop even more. Rosey got the hot tag and did the usual. Eugene got in the ring and started riding Conway which the crowd loved. Conway went nuts and through Eugene's shirt to the outside. Eugene jumped out after it. Conway and Eugene arguing as Rosey got hit with the flag. Cover got a hot 2 count. Blind tag Hurricane. More arguing between Conway and Eugene which led to Eugene tossing the jacket at Conway. Distraction allowed Helms to hit the neckbreaker/samoan drop combo for the win. Regal escorted Eugene to the back as the super hero and his S.H.I.T (or is he a superhero now that he has a costume?) celebrated.


Winners: Hurricane and Rosey in about 9 or 10 minutes

Opinion: Solid stuff. Just the usual formula tag match, but it works and there was some nice work from Hurricane plus the hot crowd. **


Match #3

Rhyno vs Garrison Cade

You know the crowd is hot when Garrison Cade is getting alot of heat. Rhyno chants from the go. They do the lockup and roll to the outside still in a lockup bit then head back in the ring. Cade goes down and he's injured. Yeah, right. I think I was the only one who knew what was going on, because, you know, I'm cool and everything. Cade stayed down for about 5 minutes. They really dragged it on. He finally goes to leave as the crowd applauds. Rhyno holds the ropes open and Cade (you're gonna be shocked. I know I was) is actually okay, so he boots Rhyno to the outside. Jumping Jacks just incase we missed the point. He rolls Rhyno back in the ring and gets 3. Off a kick?

Winner: Garrison Cade

Opinion: Hardly even a match. DUD


Match #4

Randy Orton vs Shelton Benjamin

Ooh, now we're getting somewhere. Crowd popped for Shelton, but Orton get a MONSTER reaction. Well that surprised me. Everyone popped for his entrance, but most were behind Shelton in the match. Good opening to the match, and the last few minutes were really good but they seemed kinda lost for the brunt of the match. It never seemed like they had any actual story or purpose behind the middle portion, and it just seemed like they were wasting time until they could start firing off the near falls, rather than building to them. Alot of chain wrestling to begin with which the crowd didn't seem to get. Shelton gains the upper hand, but Orton drops him on the barricade. Shelton takes a great catapult into the ringpost, which looked really neat. After this it just kinda died. Orton needs to get him a good submission move or something, because at this point he just switched between a variety of restholds. The chinlock, bodyscissors, camel clutch and abdominal stretch were all used. They didn't build to anything, or have any purpose behind them, it was just wasting time. Anyway, once they got that junk out of the way, we had a really hot final 3 or 4 minutes. Shelton got about 5 good nearfalls on Orton. Shel-Shocker got 2. Springboard Crossbody got 2. A great roll-up which seemed like a very lucha manouvre got 2. I can't really describe it. He used the top rope to go into a wheelbarrow forward roll, then rolled backwards for 2. It looked really good. Shelton missed the Blinger Splash, and Orton rolled him up. He get 3 with his feet on the TOP rope.

Winner: Randy Orton

Opinion: Decent, but the middle portion was boring and served no purpose whatsoever. The ending was great and the opening stuff was decent meaning it was still an okay match, but they really need to improve for Badd Blood. **1/4


Match #5

Triple H vs Shawn Michaels

INSANE pops for both guys. The cameras going off when H posed was something to behold. Darn good match that went about 20-25 minutes, but I was expecting more. Still, they didn't hold back or slow down. Shawn bled after hitting the steel steps. H went for a Pedigree on the outside, reversed to a catapult into the ringpost by Shawn. Triple H bled. The last 10 minutes or so were fantastic. Shawn kept fighting, and reversing, every hold used by H. SCM was blocked by H, who then hit the spinebuster for 2. H went for a superplex, but got knocked down. Elbow by Shawn, but H pulled him off the top. Pedigree attempt, reversed to a backbody drop. Flying forearm got 2. Another SCM, this time H ducked, hit a DDT and got another long 2 count. Abdominal Stretch with the ropes by Trips. Shawn fought out of it and got one of his own. Shawn with a crossbody got 2. Up top and the elbow drop got 2. SCM is AGAIN ducked by H, goes for a Pedigree, Shawn reverses to a jacknife ala SS02 and gets..... 2. Brilliant nearfall there. H with the high knee gets 2. Attempts another, Shawn ducks. Shawn with a dropkick misses and H hits the facebuster for 2. A few rollups from both guys get 2. Shawn fights out of a Pedigree and finally hits SCM for the win.

Winner: Shawn Michaels

Opinion: ***1/4


Match #6

Chris Jericho vs Tyson Tomko

Not much reaction for Tomko, which was weird considering the crowd reacted for anything all night. They reacted for the entrance (Christian's theme) but didn't give a damn about him after that. Trish was met with the usual 'slut chants'. Jericho got a big face reaction, but what's new? This was No DQ, of course. Really bad match. I felt bad for Jericho. I don't like laying it into a gut who debuted just a few weeks ago, but man Tomko was terrible. He had no offense (punches and kicks, never used ANYTHING else) and botched alot of stuff. First botch came when Jericho ducked a clothesline from Tomko, Tomko left his leg trailing. Jericho tried to move but just kinda stumbled for a while, then both guys just wandered around for a bit. The next mess-up came when Jericho went for his springboard dropkick. To be fair, this may or may not have been Tomko's fault but it was still bad. Jericho just completely missed Tomko on the dropkick. Jericho stayed down and Tomko had no clue what to do next, just standing on the apron before coming in, lifting Jericho up and then repeating the spot. The No DQ stipulation hardly played a factor. Trish came into the rin to get spanked, which somehow meant she played dead for the rest of the match. Seriously, a spanking injured her? Tomko tried to use a chair, Jericho ducked and hit an enziguri with Tomko landing on the chair for 3. That was the only time a weapon came into play. The match sucked badly, but the ending was pretty neat.

Winner: Chris Jericho

Opinion: 1/4*


Match # 7

Edge vs Ric Flair

Big pop for both guys. The crowd was 'Wooing' (or 'Whooing') all night, so you knew they were gonna go nuts for Flair. And go nuts they did. Flair with the strut early on, so Edge decided to strut his stuff himself. He got booed. He seemed P.Od big time after this and bailed to the outside for the mic.

Edge then proceeded to go nuts on the crowd, telling us all to "choke on this with your yellow teeth you British bastards". Wow. So that meant that we had a double turn. Edge was now the heel, Flair the face. Edge was the biggest heel on the show (exception possibly being Bischoff), Flair was just over beyond belief. Edge pretty much played Flair in the match, doing the old begging in the corner before the lowblow and eye poke stuff, hitting chops, etc. Flair went for a sunset flip and pulled Edge's pants down. Edge wrestled the rest of the match with his ass hanging out. He went up top (with his ass out) and got thrown off himself! That wacky Edge. Flair went up top... and it worked! Well he came OFF the top anyway, but didn't actually hit anything. Edge hit the spear.... for 2. Big pop there. Flair with the dropkick to the leg, chopblock and then the Figure-Four. Edge tried to fight it, but had to tap out!

Winner: Ric Flair in 10 minutes

Opinion: Years better than the Raw match. Edge played a great heel. I presume this was just because of the face reactions Flair has been getting on the tour, but could a heel turn be coming for Edge? It seems like he's getting lost in the shuffle amongst the Raw faces, and a non-Evolution heel is needed. Eventually, either he or Shawn is gonna have to turn. **1/4


Match #8

Victoria vs Lita vs Molly Holly

Match lasted about 2 minutes. Victoria had the Tatu theme, which was interesting. She also had the 'Yes, I've lost My Mind' soundbite at the begining, which she has hardly used since turning face. Is she just not allowed to use the theme on tv or something? Victoria got a bigger pop than Lita. Match was really rushed. Whethe rit was due to someone being injured, or rushing to finish by the advertised time (10.30), I dunno but nothing of note happened here. Molly got tossed out. Then came back in and tossed Lita out. Victoria hit the Widows Peak. That was the match. Lita had almost exited the second the match ended.

Winner: Victoria

Opinion: DUD


Match #9

Chris Benoit vs Kane

Huge pops for both guys. Kane's pyro scared the crap out of everybody.

Really rushed. They wanted to be finished by the 10.30 bell time, I presume, meaning the last two matches were really rushed. This one only lasted about 8 minutes, when I was expecting about 15-20. It was booked HORRIBLE. It really was. It may have just been the UK crowd, but this match made Kane look like a HUGE babyface. First, for the first 3 minutes, Benoit kept on bailing on stalling. Not wise to do that with your babyface champ. Then, the actual match was about 5 minutes long. Kane hit a big boot, took the turnbuckle pad off, Benoit reversed Kane into the corner getting a nearfall. Benoit attempted the sharpshooter, Kane fought out. Benoit with 3 Germans. Headbutt, Kane set up, no selling it. Benoit with a dropkick. Another headbutt. Kane no-sells again. Big mistake there, as the crowd popped big time for Kane sitting up, and it got even bigger the second time. They made Kane look great, no doubt, and they were obviusly expecting that after all this, Benoit making Kane tap would make him look great as well. But still, they are gonna have to change something at BB, otherwise Kane will be turned face during the match. Kane attempts the chokeslam, Benoit reverses to the crossface and gets the tapout. BIG pop there. That was the entire match. Really dissapointing. I suspect it would be much better if they had about 20-25. You can't really fault the wrestlers, though, as the match was booked poorly, and was really rushed.

Winner: Chris Benoit in about 8 minutes

Opinion: 1/2*



Not the best wrestling show I have ever seen, but it was still a great few hours and very enjoyable.


I can't really do the top 5 pops and heat because it was just too hard to tell. Everyone got a great reaction.



Edit - Report is done.

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Guest wildpegasus

Benoit has always wrestled very unselfishly and is generous to the other opponent. It's just the way he is. Sometimes I wish he was a little more selfish in his matches because especially at the end I think it would lead things to be a little more dramatic. I noticed from reading the house show reports that Kane would come off as face somewhat but I don't mind too much. Over a long match Kane will be doing the beat down the face portion for a good while which will get the crowd behind Benoit and the invincable Kane which Benoit is obviously playing to here will make Benoit look good once Kane taps out. Factor in the pop and the overness Benoit will recieve once he slays the unvincable monstor and I'm fine with this. The only thing bad is how Kane has been booked for the longest time now. Can Benoit undue months and months of damage in one match? Let's watch and find out.


BTW, thanks for the report.



Just found this bit of info from PWI Insider


Kane suffered a bruised quad muscle at the second Dublin show of tour and worked hurt in Manchester last night against Chris Benoit.


That might explain the match length. Jericho and HHH have been injured rescently too. The single matches on the house shows are definitely taking a toll on the roster.

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Edge worked heel, got on the mic and went nuts on the crowd. Told us all to "choke on this with your yellow teeth you British bastards".


HA! I love it.


Anyways, sounds like a pretty good show. Raw's houseshows haven't really disappointed in the last little while. That's a good sign.

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It is a good sign. I just wish they wouldn't run the EXACT same show as they did on Wednesday. H/Shawn was alot fo fun, Edge/Flair and Shelton/Orton were both really solid, the opening 2 matches were fun, and the Eugene stuff was great. (Noticed I haven't metioned that).


I'm sure you will be pleased to know CC, that Edge was great. You could tell he loved ripping into the crowd, he had all the great heel mannerisms down to perfection, and he was the most over heel on the show.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Edge making fun of other people's teeth should be a crime. He should look in the mirrior first...unless I'm thinking of Test again.

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Damn - I live 20mins from the Arena and didn't get tickets when they came out because, well, Raw sucked backed then.... now I kinda wish I'd made the effort, even if just to see HBK. Not that I'm a huge mark of his but, y'know, it's HBK damnit!

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

That's true. Too bad HBK didn't play heel...he could've humped the flag, thus insulting another country full of wrestling fans.

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They still would have cheered him. The reactions to everyone was just nuts. Blows everything in the US away from the last couple of years.


Oh and Morrissey you so should have went. There was only one real good match (Shawn/Trips) but it was still great fun from top to bottom. I was shocked that Shawn and Trips both bled on a house show, mind you.


Oh, btw, after going to this show (first since Insurrextion in 2001), I have to say: WRESTLING FANS ARE FREAKS! Seriously, you get some weird cats at those shows. I know the mentality is that it is us smarks that are nerds, but have you seen some of the marks that go to these shows? INSANE. Some guy had a Triple H tattoo on his arm. Seriously, who the hell does that?

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Edge making fun of other people's teeth should be a crime. He should look in the mirrior first...unless I'm thinking of Test again.

You are. Edge is the one with good teeth. Test has buck teeth. The dude looks like a horse.

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Sadly, Test was not at the show. I was looking forward to seeing him in action. ;)


Isn't there something about Edge's teeth, though? Like, they're really big or really, really white or something. I'm not an expert on Edge's dental care, so I'm sure someone (CC) can help me out.

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Oh, btw, after going to this show (first since Insurrextion in 2001), I have to say: WRESTLING FANS ARE FREAKS! Seriously, you get some weird cats at those shows. I know the mentality is that it is us smarks that are nerds, but have you seen some of the marks that go to these shows? INSANE. Some guy had a Triple H tattoo on his arm. Seriously, who the hell does that?

Well, considering how much those English like their "football," maybe just in general they are very fanatical about that sort of stuff.

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Hey, I'm English. And I'm very fanatical about our "football" (better than yours). But wrestling is kinda taboo over here. It just gets laughed at, even more than in the US I'm sure. So if you see a guy with a Triple H tattoo walking down the street, then he gets laughed at. Of course, only another wrestling fan would be laughing because they would be the only ones who know what the tattoo is, so then THEY would be laughed at as well.


Erm, yeah.

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Another thing, before Benoit's match with Kane, he said Kane taken the belt from him would be like someone taking the FA Cup from Manchester United - it ain't gonna happen. Oh, big mistake. I don't know if WWE realises this but not everyone in Manchester supports Manchester United. Furthermore, not everyone in the M.E.N Arena were from Manchester. Benoit got quite alot of heat for that.

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Another thing, before Benoit's match with Kane, he said Kane taken the belt from him would be like someone taking the FA Cup from Manchester United - it ain't gonna happen. Oh, big mistake. I don't know if WWE realises this but not everyone in Manchester supports Manchester United. Furthermore, not everyone in the M.E.N Arena were from Manchester. Benoit got quite alot of heat for that.

I seriously doubt everyone's favorite company that thought that the Japanese would like one of their most revered figures dishonored, in addition to hiring clowns, dead men, midgets, racists, HHH, evil foriegners, burn victims, wife beaters, rappers, and other freaks of nature, really follow soccer trends in England.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
Haha, Edge working heel? A sign of things to come, maybe? :P

If he has to resort to cheap heat like making fun of british people's teeth, then he's stealing Christian & Randy Ortons thunder.

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