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Moves which went out of fashion

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Guest jm29195
I could swear for the life of me that someone used to use the Ab stretch as a finisher but I can't remember who.(late 80s-early 90s) Anyone help me out here?


Mike Rotundo(a) aka IRS in early 90's wwf along with the write off clothesline

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Guest DVD Spree

Tornado punch? Heart punch is where it's at.


Savage's running top rope guillotine.


Boss Man's middle rope guillotine.


Boss Man Slam.


Three point stance tackle.


Then there's all the old double-team finishers back when, you know, the WWF had real tag teams. Demolition Decapitator, whatever the hell the Quebeckers used to call their old finisher (actually, wasn't it the same as Jacques used when he was still tagging with Raymond?), The Rocker's double fistdrop...


... ooh, that's another one, fistdrops. Flying fistdrops, standing fistdrops, or DiBiase's badass reverse falling fistdrop.


And Ed Wiskowski used to have a badass facecrushing kneedrop from the top rope, but i haven't seen that in YEARS.


Spinebus... oh, someone beat me to it.


The moves that have REALLY gone out of fashion are finishing moves - i.e. moves that actually put the opponent down for the count, no All Japan false-finish nonsense.

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Guest DVD Spree
The hammerlock suplex and slam are a good call. Those were Anderson signature moves that are really simple to execute, really effective way to work the arm, yet nobody uses them anymore.....

That reminds me of another one - the old eye rake using the bootlaces that Double A and Jesse Ventura used to use. And there's Jesse's old finisher the Canadian Backbreaker...

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... ooh, that's another one, fistdrops. Flying fistdrops, standing fistdrops, or DiBiase's badass reverse falling fistdrop.


John Cena's 5 knuckle shuffle.

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Guest Coffey

It has to be the DDT. That shit was insanely over when Jake used it. People wanted to see it more than the damn snake! Nowadays, everyone uses it, and it's just a basic transition move. It's used almost as often as a damn side headlock. Hell, fucking Torrie Wilson uses it!


EDIT: To clarify, I mean as a finisher. Raven still uses it though, so maybe it's not as bad as possible, but it's still pretty bad. Sucks too, because it's one of my favorite all-time moves...just like Barry Windham's float-over Superplex.

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Guest Bushido
The moves that have REALLY gone out of fashion are finishing moves - i.e. moves that actually put the opponent down for the count, no All Japan false-finish nonsense.


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Bearhug - THE choice submission for any hoss. God, how I'm sick of them...regardless whether executed standing or on the mat. A crowd killer for sure.


Sleeper - Although effective in the real world (been in it on few occasions) it's just doesn't look devastating/compelling at all. Having said that, some workers could make these seemingly basic moves work/look convincing in a match (eg. Orton's cranking on the chinlock).


Just my two cents.

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Guest Wondermouse
And there's Jesse's old finisher the Canadian Backbreaker...

A-Train does a sit-down Canadian Backbreaker, instead of a submission. He calls it the Train Wreck, I believe. A few other wrestlers chickenwing the arms before doing it as to make it harder for their opponent to slip over the shoulder.

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Guest Wondermouse


The moves that have REALLY gone out of fashion are finishing moves - i.e. moves that actually put the opponent down for the count, no All Japan false-finish nonsense.


I think what he's saying is that, many times, after a finisher is hit, it only gets a two count. There's hardly any moves now that, when done, the opponent isn't kicking out.

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Guest Trivia247
And there's Jesse's old finisher the Canadian Backbreaker...

A-Train does a sit-down Canadian Backbreaker, instead of a submission. He calls it the Train Wreck, I believe. A few other wrestlers chickenwing the arms before doing it as to make it harder for their opponent to slip over the shoulder.

well its the same basic move however they do it as a impact move not applying it long enough to be much of a submission and that drop to the knees for the backbreaker effect.

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That reminds me of another one - the old eye rake using the bootlaces that Double A and Jesse Ventura used to use.

Orton still does that.


The moves that have REALLY gone out of fashion are finishing moves - i.e. moves that actually put the opponent down for the count, no All Japan false-finish nonsense.

Pedigree, Tombstone, Batista Bomb, & 3-D--almost noone kicks out of those.

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I'm glad the inverted atomic drop went out of style. It always bugged me that a face would use a blatant attack on the nuts as a transition move. (see: Sting)

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I'm glad the inverted atomic drop went out of style. It always bugged me that a face would use a blatant attack on the nuts as a transition move. (see: Sting)

Shawn Michales and both members of AMW use it.

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Guest Trivia247

If it hasn't been said already...


Slingshot Suplex! one of the few moves that is not in the SD games.


Have to make Tully with a Float over Suplex next to the ropes.

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I love the Slingshot Suplex too, but I think it would make it hard to be in a game because it's hard to animate, and it's not possible to do in a cage setting, meaning that the move would have to be blocked out of your moveset during those kinds of matches...and that's just the kind of thinking game designers can't deal with~

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headbutts and i dont mean the textbook hoss style headbutts i mean when a smaller wrestler like bret hart would wear down a larger wrestler like deisel with them.

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Guest Trivia247
I love the Slingshot Suplex too, but I think it would make it hard to be in a game because it's hard to animate, and it's not possible to do in a cage setting, meaning that the move would have to be blocked out of your moveset during those kinds of matches...and that's just the kind of thinking game designers can't deal with~

then again Leg drops can't be done without use of the ropes in the games so Hogan's finishers would be out outside of the ring if you had him in a hardcore match.


but back onto topic..



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Guest Your Olympic Hero
i haven't seen a spinebuster in what seems like forever.

Please tell me that was just sarcasm...

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The moves that have REALLY gone out of fashion are finishing moves - i.e. moves that actually put the opponent down for the count, no All Japan false-finish nonsense.

Well modern All Japan sucks so I could careless but if your talking about Baba's boys in their prime than no....


Jumbo's Backdrop


Baba's Neckbreaker Drop


Hansen's Lariat


Misawa's Tiger Driver 91, Tiger Suplex 85, Super Running Elbow, Diving Neckbreaker Drop


Kobashi's Moonsault, Burning Lariat, Burning Hammer


Taue's Dynamic Bomb


Dan Kroffat's Tiger Driver


Steven Williams' Backdrop Driver


Terry Gordy's Powerbomb


and for a while Kawada's Folding Powerbomb and Stretch Plum all at one point were very over and pretty protected. Most of the finisher kick outs occured in the Main Event which is nothing new. Even than they were usually put over well at least in the great matches.

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