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Lame-o charged with Assault with a Chalupa..

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DES MOINES, Iowa - A man who claimed he didn't get the taco he paid for has been charged with assault for allegedly pelting a Taco Bell clerk in the face with a chalupa.


Nancy Harrison told police she was working the drive-through Thursday night when Christopher Lame, 24, ordered some food.


He later came into the store, complaining he didn't get the taco he had ordered, police records say. Harrison said that when she asked for a receipt, he went back to his car and brought back the bag.


Harrison said she told him the store was closing, and as she turned away, a chalupa hit her in the face near her right eye. She said she ran into the parking lot and took down the license number as the motorist was driving away.


Lame was identified through the license number.


He is scheduled to appear in court June 15.


I would have made sure the Chalupa had hot sauce on it so it would have blinded the cashier.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Death by Chalupas.


If ANYONE ever died from getting hit with a taco or something, if I was the coroner, I'd probably die laughing where it say's "Cause of Death" and fill in with "taco beating".

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Death by Chalupas.


If ANYONE ever died from getting hit with a taco or something, if I was the coroner, I'd probably die laughing where it say's "Cause of Death" and fill in with "taco beating".

Eat several tacos from TB and it will give new meaning to the term ASSault.

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Guest MikeSC

Whew. When I saw the title of this thread, I assumed Sid Vicious got into a fight with Spike Dudley or something and got whooped again.


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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
No thanks, I hate Tacos.


What? I just don't like em...but I love chinese food. Mmmm mmmm bitch.

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Guest MikeSC
No thanks, I hate Tacos.

My ex called her "equipment" a "taco".


Do you not like girls?


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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

...No. I hate the Tacos that you eat.....that have meat in them...

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All the jokes in this thread have sucked.


All of you need to go and visit a running car in a under ventilated garage and think about what you have done.


(But only enough to catch a buzz)

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All the jokes in this thread have sucked.


All of you need to go and visit a running car in a under ventilated garage and think about what you have done.


(But only enough to catch a buzz)

You first

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Rant complaining about unfunny jokes -- that's the best thing I've read in this thread yet.


Oh hell, I must keep the tradition going:


I guess Mr. Lame made a run for the border after the Chalupa tossing...

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

She charged him with assualt? What a bitch. Get the order right next time.

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She charged him with assualt? What a bitch. Get the order right next time.

Damn straight. If some bitch gave me a box of chicken mcnuggets after I asked for a filet o' fish, I'd drive my damn car through the drive-through window.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

..that might be a bit extreme, but no one should get charged with assault for throwing FOOD if she didn't get hurt.

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..that might be a bit extreme, but no one should get charged with assault for throwing FOOD if she didn't get hurt.

She should get charged with disturbance of the peace.


Brother just wanted a taco, she had to get all up in his business.

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Guest MikeSC
..that might be a bit extreme, but no one should get charged with assault for throwing FOOD if she didn't get hurt.

I dunno --- that coulda been one bad chalupa. Maybe the dog's collar was still left in the "meat"


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Fuck that, she gets fired if she hops the counter and beats the shit out of a guy because he was a little bitch about his taco.


I was working at Macys and this guy SPIT in this girls face. The girls boyfriend happend to be dropping off her lunch to her at the time. He told the guy the best that he could that spitting in the face of the girl he cared for was not cool and offensive.


She got fired because her boyfriend beat the guys ass. So if he needs to get locked up for being a little bitch because someone dared to put the wrong taco in his fucking bag fine. I would have beat him until I got tired and hungary, then ate the muthafucking chalupa. Then beat his ass somemore.


Then maybe get a pepsi or something.

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Whew. When I saw the title of this thread, I assumed Sid Vicious got into a fight with Spike Dudley or something and got whooped again.































Tito Santana whooped his ass.

/boooooooooooo, you suck!

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