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HBO this Sunday

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Deadwood's finale is coming up, and having missed the preview for it, I have no idea what could happen. I am guessing Cy and Al might finally start fighting over the whole Wu situation, maybe Seth starts banging that rich broad, and the Reverand probably croaks. There's gotta be something more though, some cliff hanger.


As far as Six Feet Under goes, I guess we'll find out what happened to Nate's wife, what happened between Nate and Brenda, see how Rico's marriage handles his lil bit of infidelity, see how Claire handles the abortion and wait for the next psycho to enter her life, and see how Ruth's new marriage can go wrong.


Anyone else going to be watching?

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People are always telling me to try the Sopranos, but it's like 5 seasons deep, I figured what start so late.


Never tried the Shield, although I know it is highly recommended.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

Sopranos is the shit Jaxl you should give it a try. I think you could rent the season's on DVD if you have the time to watch them. I didn't really think that I was gonna like Deadwood either, but I was hooked after the 2nd week of it and I've seen everyone. I can't wait for the fanale this week for sure. I've only watched a handful of SFD though.....I never really was into it though.

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Oz and Carnivale are the only ones i could get into...Oz because every week you knew SOMEONE was getting killed and it was fine trying to guess who and Carnivale because that show was so damn hard to figure out you HAD to keep watching so you could FINALLY figure it out...

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I don't know about Seth hooking up with the rich broad yet since he keeps talking about his wife and kids coming. I think something is going to end up happening to them and then later on he'll hook up with her. Al is my favorite character with him calling everyone a cocksucker. I tried counting how many times it was used and hit 20 in the first half of the show before I stopped counting. And that included others that he had saying it, including Wu, who doesn't even speak English.

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As far as HBO shows go.


OZ...2nd favorite show ever (right behind Buffy). I never got so into a show where I just got pissed waiting for the next episode. The only thing that sucks about it are the 8 episode seasons.


Sopranos...Good show. While it's slow at times (especially when waiting for a new season) it usually delivers well in the end.


Six Feet Under...I started downloading the show just for the sake of nothing else to watch, holy crap. I'm not too into drama, but this show was brilliant, great mix of drama and dark comedy. And having the dead dad as a charctes just works so well. Although I don't have cable internet anymore, so I'll have to wait a while to see season 4.


Carnivale...beh. I got into the earlier episodes, and watched all 12, but near the end I was so bored with things. I hate shows that leave you with questions, just for the sake of leaving you with questions. I wouldn't mind watching season 2...but I'm in no hurry.


And The Shield is the shit!

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Used to watch HBO all of the time, untill my cable company made it taht you could only view the premium channels with Digital Cable. And since I just spliced into my parents regular cable, I lost it. Which sucks because I was starting to get into Six Feet Under.

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Tonight's episode of Six Feet Under was probably one of the most powerful hours of television I have ever seen. Nothing can ever come more highly recommended from me then that.


Deadwood? The finale left something to be desired, but it's good to see Bullock's character keep getting better, and Swearengen was great as usual.

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I liked this exchange early in the episode:


Keith: "Feels like we've been eating this cake for 12 months."

David: "Tell me about it."


Nice, subtle joke that most of the people watching probably didn't get.

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