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Guest Real F'n Show

Thanks guys. Good news, I'm over halfway done with the PPV already, so it will be up sooner, rather than later. What ever that means...

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Guest Real F'n Show

CWA New F’n Day PPV

From Chicago, Illinois

With your host, Joey Styles


An awesome video package opens the show, focusing on the Steiner/Cactus Jack and Guerrero/Benoit matches that will take place tonight.


Joey Styles welcomes us to the Controversial Wrestling Association’s first ever PPV. Tonight we will see 7 huge matches, with 3 titles on the line.


Highlights of the 4 previous Daniels/Styles matches are shown. Up next, they meet in the final match of their series to determine the first ever CWA TV Champion.


Match 5 of the Best of 5 Series

Daniels vs. Styles


THE ACTION: Hot crowd tonight, and what better way to kick off the show, then with AJ Styles taking on “The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels. These two saved the best for last, as they go all out in front of the sold out crowd with hopes of winning the TV title. Early on AJ sends Daniels out of the ring with his kip-up rana, and follows with his amazing springboard shooting star plancha!! Holy shit chant for that. Styles remains in control with his innovative and high risk offense, until Daniels fights out of a top rope hurricanrana attempt with an STO from the middle rope! 1…2…kick out! Daniels busts out some sweet submissions including an STF segued into an indian deathlock. AJ is able to fight out though, and hits a sweet enziguri! He then nails Daniels with a springboard 450 splash! 1…2…but Daniels gets the shoulder up! AJ tries for his quebrada reverse DDT, but as he springs to the middle rope, Daniels dropkicks him in the back, sending Styles crashing to the outside!! Daniels then follows with his sweet rope bounce moonsault to the outside!! He rolls AJ back in and covers for a close 2 count. Daniels tries for a back suplex, but AJ flips out and nails Daniels with a german suplex, rolled through into a belly to back faceplant! 1…2…kick out! AJ heads to the top rope, as Daniels gets to his feet. AJ leaps off with a flying crossbody, but Daniels dropkicks him in mid-air! Daniels hits the Blue Thunder Bomb! 1…2…kick out! Angel’s Wings!! 1…2….no! AJ gets his foot on the bottom rope! Daniels picks Styles up and sets him up for the Last Rites, but AJ elbows out. Quebrada reverse DDT! 1…2…Daniels kicks out! AJ pulls Daniels to his feet, and hits the Styles Clash!! 1…2….but Daniels somehow kicks out!! AJ can’t believe it. He decides to head to the top rope again. He leaps off with the Spiral Tap! But Daniels rolls out of the way! Last Rites!! 1…2…3! It’s over. Chris Daniels is the first ever CWA Television Champion!


WINNER: Christopher Daniels via pinfall in 21:18



After the match, both men receive a standing ovation from the crowd.


Joey talks about what a great series it has been, and says neither man is a loser in his eyes. He then starts talking about RVD and Jerry Lynn. He says he has had the privilege of calling all of their matches in ECW, and they were nothing short of classics. Their match tonight should be no different.


Lynn vs. Van Dam


THE ACTION: The crowd is way into both guys, with split chants of “RVD” and “Jerry” echoing throughout the arena. Your basic RVD/Lynn match with some new counters and moves added into the match. At one point, Jerry countered a Van Dam hurricanrana with a sweet running ligerbomb for a close fall. As the match wears on, a chair gets involved, as is the custom in these matches. RVD gives Lynn rolling thunder with the chair on top of him for a close 2 count. Later on, Van Dam throws the chair at Lynn and Lynn catches it. RVD tries the Van Daminator, but Jerry ducks and tries to bash RVD with the chair, but RVD ducks THAT and gives Lynn the Van Daminator! 1…2…no! RVD places the chair on his opponent’s chest and tries for a split legged moonsault, but as he is coming down, Lynn simply throws the chair right up into Van Dam’s face in a sick spot. Lynn tries a tornado DDT out of the corner, but RVD reverses to a northern lights suplex bridge for a heated 2 count. RVD looks blown up against Lynn when he can’t stall for 10 minutes straight. Jerry heads up top, but RVD stops any high risk attack with a chairshot to Lynn. RVD then climbs up top with the chair, and now both men are standing on the top rope, fighting over the chair. Out of nowhere, RVD hits a Van Daminator on the top rope, sending Lynn off the top backwards and through the timekeeper’s table at ringside!!! Sick Fucking bump there, as he easily could have missed the table and broken his back. Crowd gives it a rather loud holy shit chant, and rightfully so. RVD rolls Jerry back into the ring and heads up top. Five Star Frogsplash!! NO! Lynn moves! Both men slowly get to their feet and Lynn kicks Van Dam in the gut. Cradle Piledriver!! 1…2….but RVD kicks out!! Lynn pulls RVD back up and hits a second Cradle Piledriver, on the chair!! 1…2…3! Lynn wins it! After the match, both men slowly get to their feet and Jerry offers a handshake. RVD ignores the handshake to the shock of the crowd, and simply walks right past Lynn to the back, drawing some heat from the fans.


WINNER: Jerry Lynn via pinfall in 17:04



Joey says that next month’s PPV will be entitled “Stretching the Limits”.


BACKSTAGE: Gorgeous George is still upset about the stipulations for tonight’s match if her team loses. Kid Kash once again assures her that she won’t be getting topless.


Back to ringside, Bob Ortiz announces that the following match is to crown the CWA Tag Team Champions of the World! First out, consisting of Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas, Technically Gifted!


And their opponents, being accompanied by the Sinister Minister, Mikey Whipwreck and Yoshihiro Tajiri, the Unholy Alliance!


Tag Tournament Finals

Unholy Alliance vs. Technically Gifted

(Whipwreck/Tajiri) (Benjamin/Haas)


THE ACTION: The crowd isn’t quite as hot for this match as they were for the previous two matches, but they still cheer on Mikey and Tajiri. Nice back and forth match here with plenty of nearfalls and false finishes, along with some great double teams from both teams. Technically Gifted isolate Tajiri for most of the match, working on his legs to prevent any stiff kicks. They use some pretty cool leg submissions, including a double rolling legbar type of move. Benjamin whips Tajiri to the ropes and Tajiri tries his handspring elbow, but collapses because of his leg. Tajiri does some great selling here. Benjamin works over Tajiri’s leg some more as the crowd gets behind Tajiri. Benjamin and Haas tag each other and they hit Tajiri with their Broken Arrow leapfrog choke!! 1…2…but Mikey saves! Haas continues the leg work with a cool STF variation. He then rams Tajiri’s knee into the mat a couple of times, and tries for the Haas of Pain, but Tajiri somehow kicks it of! He then gets to his feet and nails Haas with some stiff kicks, still selling the leg. Tajiri crawls over and almost makes the tag to Mikey, but Haas grabs him by the leg at the last second and drags him back to Technically Gifted’s corner, before tagging out to Benjamin. Benjamin whips Tajiri to the corner and charges at him, but Tajiri gets the Tarantula! Tajiri eventually breaks the hold and crawls over to his corner, before tagging in Mikey! Mikey runs into the ring, but the referee didn’t see the tag as he was distracted by Haas! Benjamin has now recovered and continues working over Tajiri’s legs. Tag to Haas and they try a double suplex on Tajiri, but he slips out and spits green mist in both of their eyes at the same time! Tajiri then kicks Haas in the head, followed by one for Shelton! Tajiri then finally crawls over and makes the hot tag to Mikey! Mikey comes in a house of fire! Mikeycanrana to Benjamin, and a DDT to Haas! Tajiri back in now and we have a pier 4 brawl as the ref loses control! Mikey hits Haas with the Whippersnapper! 1…2…but Benjamin breaks it up! Benjamin charges Tajiri, only to be backdropped over the top rope and to the outside! Mikey and Tajiri both grab Haas and hit the double brainbuster!! 1…2…3! Mikey pins Haas JUST before Benjamin can break up the pin! The Unholy Alliance win the tag belts!


WINNERS: The Unholy Alliance via pinfall in 17:35



Joey says that up next, The Currency Connection takes on Los Locos Mexicanos, and if the Currency Connection do not win, Gorgeous George must take off her top.


Currency Connection vs. Los Locos Mexicanos

(Kash/Money) (Super Crazy/Psicosis)


THE ACTION: Crowd is WAY behind Los Mexicanos in this match of course. Nice little match with some sweet highspots, including a double asai moonsault from Crazy and Psicosis. Back in, Crazy gets a nearfall off of a lionsault. Kash and Money start a comeback with some of their cool double teams, much to the dislike of the crowd. Crazy eventually makes the tag to Psicosis, who takes over on EZ Money with some quick offense. A flying headscissors sends Money out of the ring, and Psicosis follows with a somersault plancha, almost killing himself on the guardrail! Psicosis rolls Money back in and tries for the guillotine legdrop, but Money moves out of the way, and makes the tag to Kid Kash! Kash comes in and works over Psicosis with some nice moves, including a double springboard hurricanrana for a nearfall! Kash tries for the Money Maker, but Psicosis fights out and powerbombs Kid Kash! He then rolls over and tags in Super Crazy! Crazy nails Kash with a dropkick and knocks Money off the apron with a spinning heel kick! Psicosis and Money brawl outside as Gorgeous George looks on. Kash and Crazy continue their battle back in the ring, and Kash counters a Crazy powerbomb attempt with a swinging DDT for a heated nearfall! Kash tries a flying headscissors on Crazy, but Crazy plants him with a sweet sit-out inverted powerbomb to counter! Crazy then hits Kash with the trifecta moonsaults, one from each rope. He covers, 1…2….but Kash barely kicks out as Gorgeous George breathes a sigh of relief. Meanwhile on the outside, Money dumps a charging Psicosis into the crowd. He then slides into the ring as Kash gives Super Crazy a low blow! They pick Crazy up and try for their Cha-Ching double muscle buster, but Crazy slips out the back! He then knocks Money out of the ring and plants Kid Kash with a ligerbomb! 1…2….3! Los Locos Mexicanos win! And we all know what that means…


WINNERS: Los Locos Mexicanos via pinfall in 12:45



Kash and Money quickly grab George and head to the back, as the crowd boos loudly. All of a sudden Paul Heyman appears at the top of the entrance ramp. Heyman says that they know the stipulations, and if Gorgeous George doesn’t take her top off right now, all 3 of them are fired! All three seem pissed off as Kash tells George just to do it. She gets in the ring, and takes her shirt off, then her bra, revealing her BOOBIES!!!! Yay! I saw her titties! The crowd loves this, as do the crazy Mexicans.


Meanwhile, Joey Styles hopes his mother isn’t watching…


We see a video package for Brock Lesnar. It shows him sending Ron Killings to the hospital with an F5 from the ring to the outside through a table, and then Heyman giving him a #1 contenders match against Masato Tanaka. The match is up next.


#1 Contenders Match

Tanaka vs. Lesnar


THE ACTION: Brock gets big heat for his entrance, and even talks trash with fans before climbing between the ropes. One fan actually throws his beer at Lesnar, and Lesnar starts to go after the guy, but security holds them apart and then removes the fan from the building. Tanaka gets a big pop, as expected, and it looks like we’re in for a war. Heated staredown to start things off. Brock slaps Tanaka and Tanaka responds with some stiff chops. Brutal match with Brock using power moves to kill Tanaka but Tanaka not giving up and hitting Brock with some stiff shots of his own. They brawl on the outside for a little while, and Tanaka gets in his trademark running chair to the face. Tanaka tries to give Brock a tornado DDT off the steel steps to the outside, but Brock reverses and sends Tanaka back-first into the steel guardrail HARD! Ouch. Brock then gives Tanaka a snap suplex on the floor, which produces a loud THUD sound. Sick. Brock jaws with some more fans, only to turn around and be met with a huge running elbow smash from Tanaka! Tanaka rolls Brock into the ring, and follows with a steel chair. He smacks Brock in the head with the chair, knocking him down. Tanaka then hits Brock with some stiff forearms and throws him off the ropes, before nailing a snap powerslam! 1…2…Brock kicks out! Both men are slow getting up, and Brock absolutely KILLS Tanaka with a lariat, turning him inside out! Brock then picks up the chair and nails Tanaka right on the head, not once, but 4 times before Tanaka goes down! And he’s getting back up!! Brock doesn’t realize his opponent is up already and starts taunting the fans with the chair, only to turn around and get the chair elbowed right back into his face!! Brock’s busted open. Tanaka slides out of the ring and grabs another chair. He then slides back in and places the chairs side by side near the turnbuckle, before giving Brock a tornado DDT on the two steel chairs!! 1…2…but Brock kicks out! Tanaka gets to his feet and Brock soon follows. Tanaka charges Brock with a clothesline, but Lesnar ducks and plants Tanaka right on his neck with a Vader-style german suplex!! And sweet mother Tanaka no sells and gets right back up! How the hell do you no-sell that shit? Brock kills him again with another lariat anyway, and this time Tanaka sells, and likes it. Brock pulls Tanaka up and drills him into the mat with a spiral powerbomb!! 1…2…but Tanaka kicks out! Both men slow to their feet, and Tanaka charges Lesnar, only to be met with an overhead belly to belly suplex, sending him all the way across the ring! Brock then heads outside and pulls a table out from under the ring! He slides the table into the ring and sets it up. Meanwhile, Tanaka is slowly getting to his feet. Lesnar notices this and picks Tanaka up in a fireman’s carry! It looks like he’s trying for an F5 through the table! But Tanaka slips out the back! Brock turns around, and Tanaka hits the roaring elbow, driving Brock onto the table!! Tanaka then signals to the crowd, before heading to the top rope! But as soon as Tanaka gets to the top, he’s met by Lesnar! The two slug it out with forearms on the top, and Brock gets the advantage, before superplexing Tanaka through the table!! Holy FUCKING shit, it was almost a brainbuster, as Tanaka landed right on his neck/upper back and was driven through the table! Lesnar then lifts Tanaka out of the rubble and hits the F5 onto a chair! 1…2…but Ron Killings breaks it up!!! I thought he was in the hospital!!! Killings kicks Brock in the gut and hits an axe kick, driving Lesnar face-first onto the chair! Killings then leaves through the crowd as the crowd cheers wildly! Tanaka’s slowly getting up! Tanaka picks Brock up and hits a death valley driver! 1…2…3! Tanaka is the #1 contender!


WINNER: Masato Tanaka via pinfall in 24:33



Tanaka celebrates in the ring and plays to the crowd before leaving. Lesnar then gets up and he looks FURIOUS. He yells into the camera and says that Ron Killings is a dead man.


Up next, we see a video package of the Scott Steiner/Cactus Jack feud that has arisen over the last few weeks.


We return as Bob Ortiz is in the ring. He says that the following match is to be held under I Quit rules, where the only way that someone can win, is to make his opponent say “I Quit.” He then introduces Scott Steiner with Midajah to tons of boos from this crowd. Joey notes that Scott Steiner has beaten Mick Foley, but he has never beaten Cactus Jack.


Suddenly Cactus Jack’s music hits to a HUGE pop! He makes his way out and charges the ring! And the bell rings, signaling we are officially underway!


I Quit Match

Steiner vs. Cactus


THE ACTION: Cactus starts pounding away with punches on Steiner, backing him into the corner. He punches Steiner down in the corner and hits a running knee to the face. Crowd is super hot for this match and it sounds like everyone in the arena is behind Cactus. This is a back and forth war with these two fighting all over the arena. Mid-way through the match, Cactus pulls out a chair. He throws it into the ring and goes back under the ring. He brings out a trash can and throws that into the ring as well. Finally he pulls out a barbed wire baseball bat and the crowd pops huge! He holds it up as the crowd cheers, but Steiner attacks Jack from behind. Steiner grabs the ring bell and hits Cactus right in the face with it. He then pulls out a table and slides it into the ring. He grabs Cactus by the hair and rams him face-first into the steel stairs. He then rolls Cactus into the ring before following. Big Poppa Pump starts setting up the table in the corner, as Jack slowly gets to his feet. Cactus charges at Steiner but Steiner turns around and catches Cactus, before giving him a t-bone suplex through the table in the corner!! Steiner picks up the trash can and drives it down right on the back on Cactus’ head, 3 times! Steiner then picks up the chair. He starts taunting Cactus to get up, and sure enough Jack gets to his feet, only to be smoked in the head with a brutal chairshot!! And another one! Steiner rolls out of the ring and takes a microphone from a ringside attendant. He gets on the mic and asks Cactus if he’s had enough yet, and Jack tells him to go to hell! Steiner takes the mic and hits Cactus in the head with it. He then jabs Cactus Jack in the gut with the chair a few times and slams it across his back. He then hits Cactus in the head again, and Cactus is busted wide open! Steiner rolls out of the ring and grabs the steel steps before throwing them into the ring. Freakzilla then slides back in and picks up the stairs. He runs at Jack, but gets drop toe holded and falls face-first onto the steps! Jack then puts the stairs on Steiner’s back and hits them with the chair! Steiner slowly gets up, and Jack charges with the Cactus clothesline, sending both men to the outside! Cactus drags Steiner to his feet, and tries a whip into the other set of stairs, but Steiner reverses and Jack crashes into the stairs knee-first and flips over them! Steiner then grabs a TV monitor from the Spanish announce table and tries to smash it into Jack’s head, but Cactus ducks and kicks Steiner in the gut, causing him to drop the monitor. Jack then rolls Steiner onto the announce table and tries for a piledriver through the table, but Steiner gets a low blow! He then grabs Cactus and hits the Steiner Screwdriver through the announce table!!!!!! HOLY SHIT IS RIGHT! Jack may be unconscious. Steiner slowly gets to his feet and motions for the ref to ask Foley if he quits. Jack is somehow still conscious, but he’s not quitting! Steiner can’t believe it, and throws a tantrum! He picks Cactus back up and throws him into the ring. Steiner slides into the ring and starts to grab Jack by the hair, but Cactus hits a low blow, using the barbed wire bat!! Cactus then nails Steiner in the back with the bat, and then in the face! Cactus digs the bat into Steiner’s head and then asks him if he quits. Steiner says no so Cactus keeps digging the bat into Steiner’s flesh! Jack then slides out of the ring and pulls out a bag from under the ring, and everyone knows what’s coming. That’s right, thumbtacks! Cactus rolls into the ring and spreads them all over the mat but turns around right into a barbed wire bat shot from Steiner! Steiner hits Cactus in the face with the bat over and over, and Cactus is now gushing blood! Steiner is busted open as well. Steiner grabs Cactus and hits a belly to belly suplex into the tacks!!!! Shit! Steiner then asks Jack if he quits, but Cactus screams “Never!” Steiner then drags Cactus up, and tacks are stuck all over his body! Steiner sets Jack up, and hits a motherfucking Steiner Screwdriver on the thumbtacks!!!!!! HOLY MOTHERFUCKING SHIT!!!!!!! Steiner then grabs the barbed wire back and uses it to put Cactus in the Steiner Recliner, choking him out with the barbed wire!!!! Steiner yells at the ref to ask him, but Cactus STILL won’t give up!!! The barbed wire is digging into Jack’s neck as Steiner pulls back even harder! The ref asks Cactus again, but no go. Terry Fucking Funk makes his way out now! He gets in the ring and tells Cactus to give up, because he has nothing left to prove. Cactus STILL won’t give up!! Sweet mother, he’s gonna die. Steiner releases the hold and clotheslines Terry Funk down! The crowd starts throwing trash into the ring as Cactus may be dead. Steiner then grabs the bat and puts Cactus Jack back in the Steiner Recliner with the bat! Cactus is losing consciousness by now, and his throat is torn to shreds. Cactus’ wife comes from the crowd and climbs into the ring, crying. She says, “Mick, this is your wife. Please give up Mick, please!” Foley finally says he quits.


WINNER: Scott Steiner in 36:58



After the match Steiner releases the hold. He shoves Mick’s wife down and taunts the crowd with his peaks as more trash is thrown into the ring. Steiner leaves to huge boos as paramedics rush the ring. Mick is eventually carried out on a stretcher. His wife is also checked on after being shoved down by Steiner. The crowd chants “Cactus!” as he is carried to the back on the stretcher, a bloody mess.


Meanwhile, Joey says Scott Steiner is sadistic, and may have killed Mick Foley, if not for his wife.


A video package for the next CWA PPV, Stretching the Limits, plays, showing various CWA wrestlers in action.


Joey says that coming up next, is our main event, with Chris Benoit going one on one with Eddie Guerrero, for the CWA Title.


Final Tournament Match

Benoit vs. Guerrero


THE ACTION: Crowd is pretty burnt out after the last match. Benoit and Guerrero try to change that with a great title match. Back and forth action from both men. Guerrero works over Benoit’s leg to set up for the El Paso Lasso, while Benoit works over Eddie’s back and shoulder to set up for the Crossface. Crowd gets more and more into the match as it progresses, but still seems to be tired. Benoit gets the advantage early after winning a chopfest. Crowd is split between who to cheer for. Benoit busts out the moveset and tries a tombstone piledriver, but Eddie reverses and hits one of his own to take control. Eddie hits his slingshot senton onto Benoit’s leg! Psychology! Eddie continues working over the leg with various submissions. Eddie nails the Flair kneebreaker and locks Benoit in the figure four!! Benoit struggles in the hold, and eventually turns it over and reverses the move on Guerrero! Eddie untangles his legs and gets to his feet. He tries to clothesline Benoit, but Benoit ducks and drops Eddie with an awesome back suplex! 1…2…kick out! Benoit sets Eddie up top and delivers the Dynamite Kid superplex!! 1…2…another kick out! Benoit pulls Eddie up and hits the rolling german suplexes!! Well 2 of them, but Eddie reverses the third into a rolling legbar!! Benoit slowly makes his way to the ropes, and grabs them! Eddie sells his back as Benoit sells his leg big time. Eddie dropkicks the knee and works it over with some elbows. He continues pounding on Benoit’s knee, but Benoit gets an enziguri! Dragon suplex! 1…but Benoit can’t hold the bridge because of his leg! Benoit tries for the Crossface, but Eddie rolls forward and sits on Benoit’s back, before locking in the El Paso Lasso! Benoit’s in the middle of the ring, and looks to be screwed unless he can counter. And somehow he does, by kicking Eddie off! Eddie tries a rana, but Benoit counters with the Wild Bomb! Holy shit, Eddie got planted! 1…2…but Eddie gets his foot on the ropes! Eddie’s back is fucked however. Benoit heads up top, and flies off with the diving headbutt, but Eddie moves out of the way!! Eddie’s going up top, Frogsplash onto Benoit’s leg!!! Holy shit! El Paso Lasso!! Benoit might have to tap! It looks like he’s going to NO! Benoit kicks Eddie off again, and rolls directly into the Crossface, right in the middle of the ring!!! Now Eddie’s the one in trouble as the crowd is finally getting into the match bigtime. And Eddie rolls through the Crossface!! But Benoit keeps it on!!! At least Eddie’s closer to the ropes! Eddie is reaching out, he’s inches away from the ropes!!!! But Benoit rolls over Eddie’s back and switches arms so Eddie can’t grab the ropes!!! And Eddie taps out!!!! Benoit is the CWA Champion! What a match!


WINNER: Chris Benoit via submission in 17:49



After the match both wrestlers continue selling their injured body parts. Benoit celebrates with the belt as the crowd is cheering for him. Eddie offers a handshake, and Benoit accepts! The two hug in the ring and Eddie leaves as Benoit continues celebrating. Eddie heads back up the ramp but is attacked from behind by TAZ, ROB VAN DAM, and THE DUDLEYS!!! WTF? The four men beatdown Eddie in the isle as Benoit tries to make the save, but they attack him as well. The four men roll Eddie and Benoit back into the ring. Taz locks Eddie in the Tazmission as the Dudleys hit Benoit with 3D! RVD then hits the Five Star Frogsplash on Benoit as Paul Heyman makes his way out. Eddie Guerrero looks to be unconscious in the Tazmission as the crowd is booing wildly. Heyman gets in the ring and spits on Benoit! The hell? He then spits right in the face of Eddie. Heyman says that the fans are probably wondering what’s going on. Heyman says that standing before them, is the Extreme Revolution!!! Heyman says he’s gathered some of the most dominant wrestlers that he knows, and now it’s time for them to take over the Controversial Wrestling Association. He says he knows that he’s owner, but that isn’t enough for him. Eddie Guerrero cost Taz a chance at the CWA Title. And now he will pay. Because the CWA has just been taken, to the EXTREME!!!!!


Fade to black.

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Great stuff as usual, I mostly like the twist of Foleys wife getting involved during his match with Steiner, really continued to put Steiner over as a sadistic guy.


It will also be interesting to see how this Extreme Revolution thing goes as well. Maybe Heyman going crazy with nothing being extreme enough for his liking?


Good stuff anyway, entertaining reading :)

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Guest Real F'n Show
Awesome show.


I liked the Steiner/Collette Foley part, too.

That's her name! Damn, I couldn't remember it, otherwise I would have used it. Thanks.

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Guest Real F'n Show


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Guest Real F'n Show

CWA TV (Week 1 of 4 before Stretching the Limits)

From Kansas City, Missouri

With your host, Joey Styles


Still pictures of last night’s PPV are shown, with Joey Styles’ commentary from last night playing in the background. Highlights of Lesnar/Tanaka, Steiner/Cactus Jack, and Benoit/Guerrero are shown.


Bob Ortiz welcomes Eddie Guerrero to the ring to start the show!!! Eddie is dressed in street clothes and has a mic.


PROMO: Eddie is trying to talk but the crowd is too loud. They start chanting his name as Eddie soaks up the fans’ cheers. He then starts talking. He says that last night he had one of the greatest matches of his career against Chris Benoit, and he lost fair and square. And he can live with that. But what he can’t live with, is the Extreme Revolution attacking him after the match. Eddie says that it was uncalled for and says that he beat Taz fair and square. Suddenly he is cut off by the old ECW theme and the Extreme Revolution, consisting of Taz, Rob Van Dam, The Dudley Boys, along with Paul Heyman make their way out to huge heat. Heyman says that Eddie didn’t beat Taz fair and square. Isn’t Eddie’s motto to lie, CHEAT, and steal? Heyman says that Eddie Guerrero didn’t deserve to be in the main event last night, and Taz would have been a much better opponent for Chris Benoit, and probably would have beaten Benoit. But instead Eddie had to cost Taz his shot at the title. And for that, he must pay! The Dudleys hit Eddie with 3D! Extreme Revolution beatdown Eddie as the crowd boos wildly. RVD heads to the top rope, but Jerry Lynn runs out and shoves him off the top! Jerry gets in the ring and starts pounding away at Taz!! But the numbers get the best of Lynn as the Dudleys nails Lynn from behind and beat him down as well. Taz locks Eddie in the Tazmission as the crowd boos like crazy. The Dudleys hit another 3D on Lynn and RVD nails Jerry with the Five Star Frogsplash! Extreme Revolution poses over Eddie and Lynn as we head to commercial.




Joey says Paul Heyman has lost his mind.


BACKSTAGE: An extremely pissed off Brock Lesnar is pacing in front of the arena doors, waiting for Ron Killings to arrive.


CWA TV Title

Super Crazy vs. Daniels


THE ACTION: Nice little spotfest here, with Crazy playing face and Daniels playing the heel. Daniels dominates with his methodical offense and Crazy gets in some hope spots. Daniels ends up outside jawing with some fans, and is met with the Crazy Special moonsault!!! Crazy nailed his shins on the guardrail! Both men slowly get back up and Daniels rolls Crazy back into the ring for a nearfall. Daniels continues in control until Crazy backdrops out of the Angel’s Wings and nails Daniels with a spinning heel kick! Ligerbomb! 1…2…but Daniels kicks out! Crazy gets the trifecta moonsault to pop the crowd! 1…2…Daniels kicks out again! Super Crazy tries for another powerbomb, but Daniels sunset flips out of it for a heated nearfall. Both men get back up, and Crazy tries a clothesline, but Daniels ducks and nails Last Rites! He covers and gets the pin.


WINNER: Christopher Daniels via pinfall in 7:44



BACKSTAGE: Paul Heyman opens the door to his office and walks in, only to be met by Eddie Guerrero and Jerry Lynn!! Lynn grabs Paul by the shirt collar as Eddie tells Heyman he should be sorry for messing with Eddie Guerrero. Suddenly the Extreme Revolution run into the office and start brawling with Lynn and Guerrero. The numbers soon come into play again, as Eddie and Lynn are left lying at the hands of Taz, Van Dam, and The Dudleys. Heyman says that next week, Lynn and Guerrero will be facing the Dudley Boys.


BACKSTAGE: Still no sign of Ron Killings, as Brock is becoming more and more pissed off by the second.




We return with Kid Kash, EZ Money, and Gorgeous George talking backstage. Kash tells George that he’s sorry about last night. To make it up to her, tonight The Currency Connection will take on Technically Gifted for the #1 Contendership to the CWA Tag Titles!


More highlights of the brutal “I Quit” match between Scott Steiner and Cactus Jack from New F’n Day are shown. Clips of the Steiner Screwdriver through the announce table, Steiner choking out Cactus with the barbed wire bat in the Steiner Recliner, Terry Funk getting destroyed by Steiner in his efforts to stop the match, and Steiner shoving Cactus’ wife down are shown.


Joey says that last night, Scott Steiner went too far. He says neither man is here tonight, and Cactus Jack was treated last night at a local hospital with a lacerated larynx.


#1 Contender to Tag Titles Match

Currency Connection vs. Technically Gifted

(Kash/Money) (Haas/Benjamin)


THE ACTION: The Currency Connection, as usual, are accompanied by Gorgeous George. Nice double teams from both teams in this match, and the Currency Connection shows off a more aggressive side. Crowd was solidly behind Haas and Benjamin in this match, as they worked over Kid Kash for most of the match. They got the Broken Arrow, leapfrog choke, on Kash, but Money saved. Benjamin nailed Money with the Dragon Whip, reverse enziguri, knocking him out of the ring, and nailed Kash with a superkick, sending him right back into a Haas german suplex for the pin.


WINNERS: Technically Gifted via pinfall in 11:34



After the match, Kash and Money look pissed off that their losing streak has continued. George calms them down, but neither man seems happy.


Joey says that Technically Gifted will now battle Mikey and Tajiri at Stretching the Limits.


BACKSTAGE: The Extreme Revolution and Paul Heyman leave the arena in a limo.




We return, as Joey runs down next week’s card:


Guerrero and Lynn vs. Dudley Boys


AJ Styles vs. the debuting Paul London for the number one contendership to the TV Title


Plus, Scott Steiner will be here


BACKSTAGE: Lesnar continues waiting for Ron Killings to arrive. Maybe he isn’t coming? Wait, Killings nails Brock from behind with a chair! He must have come in some other door! Killings and Lesnar brawl until officials eventually separate them. Lesnar breaks free from the officials and goes after Killings again, but Killings nails him with another chairshot! Eventually officials get everything under control.


Meanwhile, Chris Benoit and Masato Tanaka are in their respective locker rooms, getting ready for their CWA Title match, which is coming up next!




We return as Bob Ortiz announces Masato Tanaka!!! Tanaka comes out to a nice pop.


The CWA Champion, Chris Benoit is announced, and he comes out to an even bigger pop. Both men get in the ring and stare each other down as the bell rings.


CWA Title

Tanaka vs. Benoit


THE ACTION: Another awesome main event, which is quickly becoming a tradition for CWA. STIFF fucking match here, with each man just killing the other with suplexes and strikes, Benoit using the chops, and Tanaka using the elbows. Midway through the match, Tanaka brings in a chair, but it gets knocked back into his face from Benoit. Benoit then takes over, working on Tanaka’s shoulder and arm, to set up for the Crossface, and presumably stop the roaring elbow. Benoit nails a shoulder breaker and a snap suplex, both for nearfalls. He tries the rolling germans, but Tanaka fights out and release germans Benoit right on his neck! 1…2…Benoit kicks out! Both men get to their feet, and we have a chopfest~! Benoit almost stops Tanaka’s heart with his sick chops, and Tanaka is now bleeding from the chest. Benoit then grabs Tanaka, and hits the rolling germans! He hits 2 of them, but as Benoit tries for the third, Tanaka flips out of it, and as Benoit turns around, Tanaka nails him with the roaring elbow!! Tanaka sells the arm, and cannot cover right away. He eventually does, but Benoit kicks out at 2! Tanaka rolls outside and grabs another chair. He nails Benoit across the back with the chair and then places it on the mat, next to the other chair. Tanaka then nails Benoit with a tornado DDT on the two chairs!! 1…2…but Benoit just gets the shoulder up! Tanaka lifts Benoit up for a fireman’s carry, and looks to be trying for a Death Valley Driver, but Benoit counters into the Crossface! No! Tanaka rolls through the move, and locks Benoit in a sharpshooter!!! Benoit struggles in the move, but cannot get out! Tanaka continues to wrench it on, tighter and tighter! Benoit may have to give up, but NO! He kicks Tanaka off, and stands up, putting Tanaka in his own version of the sharpshooter! Tanaka struggles in the move, and slowly slides across the ring, towards the ropes! Tanaka’s not quite there, and may have to tap out, but he gets the ropes! Benoit is forced to break the hold, as both men slowly get to their feet! Tanaka tries for a running elbow smash, but Benoit ducks and delivers a beautiful dragon suplex!!! 1….2….and Tanaka JUST gets the shoulder up!!!! Benoit picks Tanaka up, and tries for a powerbomb, but Tanaka slips out the back, and nails Benoit with an elbow to the face!! Disgusting. Tanaka falls on Benoit, 1….2….but Benoit gets the shoulder up!!! Tanaka slowly gets back up, and Benoit is not far behind. Tanaka grabs Benoit and drags him to the corner, before setting him up for the Diamond Dust! Benoit fights out, however, and climbs to the top with Tanaka, before giving Tanaka a top rope superplex onto the 2 steel chairs in the ring!!! Benoit slowly gets up, looks down at Tanaka, and signals to the crowd for the diving headbutt! Benoit heads up top, and flies off, but Tanaka pulls a chair in front of him and Benoit smacks his head on the steel chair!!! SICK! Tanaka drapes an arm over Benoit, 1…2…but Benoit kicks out!!! Benoit is now bleeding from the nose as Tanaka again sets him up for the Diamond Dust!! This time Tanaka is able to flip over Benoit with the move, but Benoit hangs onto the ropes and rolls directly into the Crossface!!!! Awesome counter!!! And Tanaka taps out! What a match!


WINNER: Chris Benoit via pinfall in 27:49



After the match, both men shake hands in a show of respect. They then hug, as alternating chants of “Benoit” and “Tanaka” echo throughout the arena. Tanaka heads to the back as Benoit celebrates in the ring. Suddenly someone runs in from the crowd and spears the hell out of Benoit!! It’s Edge!!!!!!! Edge is in the CWA, and he just laid out our champion!!!


Joey freaks out as the fans boo Edge. Edge leaves through the crowd as we go off the air.


Fade to black.




Feedback appreciated...

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I started working on the next show, should be up fairly soon.

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Guest Real F'n Show

Thanks. I'm almost done with the next show, could be up as soon as tomorrow.

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Guest Real F'n Show

CWA TV (Week 2 of 4 before Stretching the Limits)

From Denver, Colorado

With your host, Joey Styles


Styles welcomes us to the show, and we’re kicking things off with a match.


#1 Contender to the TV Title Match

Styles vs. London


THE ACTION: The debuting Paul London is met with much applause. He and Styles pull out all the stops to try and earn a shot at Daniels’ TV Title. Crowd is way into the match. After some flip-flop, Styles ends up outside and London takes him out with a frogsplash crossbody from the top to the floor! London rolls Styles back in and gets a nearfall. Styles tries to give London a back suplex, but London flips out and gives AJ a dropsault! London goes to pick AJ up but is met with the kip-up rana! Styles then nails London with a crucifix powerbomb into a DDT, that he calls the Cliffhanger!! 1…2…but London kicks out! Crowd is split 50/50 on this one. London charges AJ in the corner and tries for a running forearm, but Styles backdrops him to the apron. London gives AJ a forearm to the head, and tries to slingshot in with a quebrada. AJ ducks it and London lands on his feet, only to be hit with a quebrada reverse DDT from Styles!!! Awesome spot. AJ tries for a german suplex, but London flips out and gets his double chickenwing into an inverted sit-out powerbomb!!! He calls that the Waffle Face! 1…2…but Styles kicks out at the last possible moment! Both men get back up and London nails Styles with an STO DDT! 1…2…AJ gets his foot on the rope! London climbs up top, and flies off with his London Calling shooting star press, but AJ moves!!! London crashes to the mat! AJ picks London up and tries the Styles Clash, but London counters with a hurricanrana!! London tries for a german, but AJ gets the go-behind and hits a german suplex!! Both men’s shoulders are down!!! 1…2…3!! Who wins?


WINNER: Draw via double pin in 14:18



The ref tries to explain to both competitors that it was a double pin as Christopher Daniels makes his way out. All three wrestlers argue with the referee, before Paul Heyman’s music hits. He says that at Stretching the Limits, it will be Chris Daniels vs. Paul London vs. AJ Styles for the CWA TV Title in a triple threat match! Daniels looks pissed.




We return as Bob Ortiz announces Scott Steiner and Midajah to the ring to tons of heat from the sold out crowd.


PROMO: Steiner says that 8 days ago, he beat the living HELL out of Cactus Jack, and thus cements himself as a legend. He is better than everyone on the CWA roster apparently, and can beat every single one of them.


Suddenly Cactus Jack’s music hits to a HUGE pop!!!! Cactus is out, with a bandage on his throat and one on his forehead. Cactus says that at New F’n Day, Steiner crossed the line. He’s okay with the fact that Steiner made him say I quit. He can live with that. He’s okay with Steiner beating up his good friend Terry Funk. But what he’s not okay with, is that Steiner laid his hands on his wife. Cactus said he would have never even said I quit if his wife hadn’t talked him into it, but then Steiner had to go and shove her down. And that makes Cactus Jack angry. Cactus says he is challenging Steiner to a rematch at Stretching the Limits. Steiner says he’s already beaten him twice, and he can do it again, no problem. Cactus says in the match he will be defending his wife’s honor, and this match will be no ordinary match. The crowd pops for this, as they know what’s coming. Cactus is about to say something, but Steiner cuts him off. Steiner says that if Cactus wants Hell in a Cell, he’s got it. Cactus says he never said anything about Hell in a Cell. Cactus says Hell in a Cell is for pussies. At Stretching the Limits, it will be Scott Steiner vs. Cactus Jack, in a BARBED WIRE ROPES MATCH!!!!! BANG BANG!


Steiner looks scared out of his mind as Cactus heads to the back to a huge pop once again!


Joey can’t believe it. Steiner vs. Cactus, barbed wire ropes at Stretching the Limits!


BACKSTAGE: Brock Lesnar bursts into Paul Heyman’s office. The Extreme Revolution is standing around Paul, almost like bodyguards. Lesnar has a staredown with Taz, before turning to Heyman. Brock yells at Heyman that he wants Ron Killings in the ring tonight! Heyman says he can have Killings, but not tonight. That match is too big, and we already have a main event tonight. Heyman says at Stretching the Limits, it’s going to be Brock Lesnar vs. Ron “The Truth” Killings. Brock smiles, before leaving Paul’s office, slamming the door behind him.




We return as Bob Ortiz announces the two newest members of Los Locos Mexicanos, Mr. Aguila and Juventud Guerrera!


And their opponents this evening, accompanied by the Sinister Minister, the CWA Tag Team Champions, Mikey Whipwreck and Yoshihiro Tajiri, The Unholy Alliance!!


CWA Tag Titles

Los Locos Mexicanos vs. Unholy Alliance

(Aguila/Juvy) (Mikey/Tajiri)


THE ACTION: Nice tag match here, as the new tag champs defend the belts for the first time. Los Mexicanos bring the highspots as Tajiri and Mikey bring the cool double teams. Guerrera and Aguila hit Mikey and Tajiri with stereo flying headscissors sending them out of the ring on opposite sides, and they follow up with stereo springboard planchas!! Sweet. Back in, Tajiri regains the momentum, and works over Aguila with his stiff kicks. Crowd pops as Tajiri tags in Mikey before locking Aguila in the Tarantula, followed by Mikey dropkicking Aguila in his exposed chest! Mikey covers for a close fall, with Guerrera saving. Mikey works over Aguila, but Aguila gets a desperation hurricanrana before making the tag to Juvy! Juvy comes in and he and Whipwreck go back and forth. Guerrera attempts the Juvy Driver, but Mikey slips out and nails the Whippersnapper! He covers, but Mr. Aguila breaks up the pin! Tajiri in now, and he spits the green mist into Aguila’s eyes! Mikey and Tajiri give Juvy a double brainbuster and Mikey covers! 1…2…3! Aguila couldn’t see anything to break up the cover because of the mist! Mikey and Tajiri retain!


WINNERS: Unholy Alliance via pinfall in 13:13



After the match, Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas come out, and they stare down the champs, before eventually shaking hands.




We return as the music of the CWA Champion hits! Chris Benoit makes his way out to a big pop!


PROMO: Benoit says that last week he had just had one hell of a match against Masato Tanaka, and was minding his own business, when Edge attacked him from behind for no reason. Chris says he doesn’t know what Edge’s problem is, but he’s guessing it’s jealousy, because Benoit is the CWA Champ. Benoit says that if Edge is a real man, he’ll come out here and explain his actions. Benoit waits for Edge, but suddenly Edge appears from the crowd and slides into the ring behind Benoit. He spins Benoit around and nails the Downward Spiral!! Edge quickly leaves the ring as the crowd boos his actions. Benoit is down in the ring as Edge leaves through the crowd.


BACKSTAGE: Heyman is in his office talking to the members of Extreme Revolution, when Scott Steiner comes bursting through the door. Steiner says there’s no way in hell he’s facing Cactus Jack in a barbed wire match. Heyman says he’s sorry, but the match is already signed. Steiner gets pissed and picks up Heyman’s TV, before slamming it onto the floor, causing it to shatter. Steiner storms out of Heyman’s office.


Rob Van Dam: “What’s his problem?”


Joey runs down next week’s show:


Killings vs. EZ Money


Daniels defends the TV Title


Plus tons more! Don’t miss it!


A video package of the Extreme Revolution/Eddie Guerrero situation is shown. Joey says that Eddie Guerrero and Jerry Lynn will take on the Dudleys, NEXT!




Dudley Boys vs. Guerrero and Lynn


The Dudleys cut a pre-match promo, and it looks like Buh Buh’s back to his stuttering gimmick again. He calls Jerry Lynn the “New Fa-Fa-Fa-Fuckin Homo” and calls Eddie a “spa-spa-spa-spic piece of shit”. Crowd starts chanting “Buh Buh Buh” to piss him off and he tells them all that he “fa-fa-fa-fucked their moms last night”. D-Von then gets on the mic and explains why he hates Denver, starting a “Fuck You D-Von” chant. D-Von almost gets into it with a fan, but is interrupted by Lynn’s music, followed by Eddie’s.


THE ACTION: Decent main event here, with the crowd strongly behind Eddie and Lynn. The Dudleys control most of the first half of the match, working over Eddie by using quick tags and high impact maneuvers to keep Eddie down. The Dudleys tries for 3D, but Eddie somehow counters with an armdrag/flying headscissors combo on both Dudleys!! Eddie then makes the hot tag to Jerry Lynn! Lynn pounds away on D-Von as the crowd is going wild! Tornado DDT to D-Von! Buh Buh charges at Lynn, but Lynn ducks a clothesline and dropkicks Buh Buh in the face! Eddie is tagged in, and all hell is breaking loose! Eddie throws Buh Buh into the corner, before climbing up top and nailing D-Von with a frogsplash! He covers, but Buh Buh breaks it up! Eddie grabs Buh Buh and hits the rolling vertical suplexes!! D-Von tries to attack Eddie, but Lynn stops him and hits the Cradle Piledriver!!! Eddie covers, 1…2…but Paul Heyman’s out with a steel chair to distract the referee!! With the ref distracted, Taz and Rob Van Dam come from the crowd and attack Eddie and Lynn from behind!! Lynn and RVD brawl outside and RVD nails the Van Daminator as Taz locks Eddie in the Tazmission in the ring!!! Eventually Taz lets go, and Eddie falls to the mat, possibly unconscious. Taz and RVD leave through crowd, but the damage has been done. D-Von grabs Eddie and holds him in place for a Heyman chairshot, but Eddie ducks and Heyman nails D-Von with the chair!! Lynn whips Buh Buh into the steps on the outside as Eddie rolls up D-Von, 1…2…3!!! Somehow Eddie and Lynn beat the Extreme Revolution!!!


WINNERS: Guerrero and Lynn via pinfall in 15:51



After the match, Taz and RVD return, and all 5 members of the Extreme Revolution beat the hell out of Lynn and Eddie. Taz locks Eddie in the Tazmission again as RVD hits Lynn with the Five Star Frogsplash. Heyman tells the Dudleys to bring in a table, and they lay Eddie across the table. The Dudleys then nail Lynn with the 3D through Eddie and the table!!! Holy shit! We go off the air with the Extreme Revolution standing over the battered and beaten Guerrero and Lynn.


Fade to black.




Feedback please.

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Thanks for the feedback. I will start working on the next show Monday.

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Guest Real F'n Show

Sorry for not posting a new show in over a week, I've been really busy at work and have been having computer problems as well. It seems that everytime I try and save the show that I typed, my computer freezes. Hopefully this problem won't happen anymore.

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Guest Real F'n Show

CWA TV (Week 3 of 4 before Stretching the Limits)

From Las Vegas, Nevada

With your host, Joey Styles


Opening video recaps last week’s events.


BACKSTAGE: Benoit walks into Heyman’s office. Taz gets in Benoit’s face, but Heyman tells Taz to let Benoit talk to him. Benoit says he wants Edge at Stretching the Limits. Heyman says he can have Edge, but only if he puts his title on the line. Benoit accepts.


Ring announcer Bob Ortiz announces the debuting Jimmy Yang to a mixed reaction. Yang is apparently doing a Kung Fu Movie Star gimmick.


And his opponent, the CWA Television Champion, “Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels!


CWA TV Title

Yang vs. Daniels


THE ACTION: Nice little match here, and a good debut for Yang. He got over surprising quick with the fans, mainly because of him shouting out the names of his trademark moves. After some flip-flop, he hits Daniels with a lightning fast strike sequence, before apruptly stopping, shouting “Fists of Fury!” and delivering a jumping enziguri to Daniels head. Daniels fights back with his great offense, planting Yang with an STO and his Best Moonsault Ever for a close 2 count. We cut backstage to see that both AJ Styles and Paul London are watching the match from their respective dressing rooms. The action continues, with the crowd mostly behind Yang. Yang gives Daniels a nice cradled Michinoku Driver, which he calls “Enter the Yang” for a close nearfall. Daniels fights back and plants Yang with a blue thunder bomb for a close nearfall. Daniels tries for the Last Rites, but Yang counters and nails Daniels with a nice spinning kick to the head. Yang then heads up top, before flying off with the Yang Time, sky twister press!! Daniels moves out of the way however, and Yang crashes to the mat! Daniels then picks up Yang and delivers the Angel’s Wings! 1…2…3! Daniels retains.


WINNER: Christopher Daniels via pinfall in 11:43





BACKSTAGE: Pamela Paulshock is standing by with Chris Benoit. She asks him if he knows why Edge has targeted him in attacks the last couple of weeks. Benoit says he thinks that Edge is jealous. He says at Stretching the Limits, not only will he retain his title, but he will teach Edge a lesson. Benoit turns to leave, but from out of nowhere comes Edge!! He spears Benoit HARD into the CWA Interview set. Edge continues pummeling away on Benoit. Pamela screams for help as Edge mercilessly beats on the CWA Champion. CWA officials eventually arrive as Edge quickly leaves the seen. Benoit is left on the concrete, clutching his ribs as one of the officials calls for a medic.


BACKSTAGE: Scott Steiner enters his dressing room, only to find a barbed wire baseball bat sitting on a chair. Steiner looks scared, but then hears footsteps in the shower part of his dressing room. He grabs the bat and slowly walks to the shower as the footsteps get closer. Steiner raises the bat as the person emerges! Steiner swings the bat, but stops just short of nailing Midajah! Midajah screams as Steiner lets out a sigh of relief. Steiner asks her how the bat got into the dressing room. Suddenly Cactus Jack nails Steiner from behind with a chair!! Cactus hits the downed Steiner with the chair again, before picking up the bat. He starts talking to the bat, and tells “Barbie” not to leave him again. Cactus then looks at a terrified Midajah, and tells her to “Have a Nice Day” before leaving.


Back at ringside, Joey talks about the Benoit/Edge and Cactus/Steiner matches that will be taking place at Stretching the Limits. Joey mentions the barbed wire ropes stipulation for the Cactus/Steiner match, and says the match will definitely not be for the weak at heart.




We return as Bob Ortiz welcomes Ron “The Truth” Killings to the ring to a big pop! Joey mentions that this is Killings’ first match back since being assaulted by Brock Lesnar.


The Currency Connection’s music then hits, as EZ Money and Gorgeous George make their way out.


Killings vs. EZ Money


THE ACTION: This is basically an extended squash for Killings, as he dominates most of the match, and gets his offense over with the crowd. Money does get some offense in however, including a nice flip over the ropes into a clothesline, called the Money Clip. Killings battles back though, and tries the axe kick, but Gorgeous George trips him up! Killings turns to George, but Money nails him from behind. Money grabs Killings in suplex position, possibly going for the EZ Bomb, but Killings reverses and hits the True Conviction (sit-out front suplex)! 1…2…3! Killings wins it!


WINNER: Ron Killings via pinfall in 7:11



Suddenly Brock Lesnar runs down to the ring and nails Killings from behind! Lesnar taunts Killings to get up, before nearly decapitating him with a clothesline!! Lesnar then pulls Killings back up and delivers a double powerbomb, followed by a devastating spiral powerbomb!!! Lesnar jaws with some fans as the crowd is booing loudly. Lesnar pulls Killings back up and lifts him up in a fireman’s carry, before planting Killings with the F5!!


Joey says that Killings will have a tough time trying to beat Lesnar at Stretching the Limits.




BACKSTAGE: A medic is taping Chris Benoit’s ribs.


Haas vs. Tajiri


THE ACTION: These two men, along with their partners, will square off at Stretching the Limits for Mikey and Tajiri’s tag team titles. Nice little match here, with Haas bringing the sweet submissions, and Tajiri bringing the stiff kicks. Crowd is mostly behind Tajiri. Tajiri gets in some of his trademark moves, including the handspring elbow, and the Tarantula, which gets a big pop. Haas works over Tajiri’s legs to isolate the kicks, using various cool leg submissions. Tajiri also does a great job of selling the leg. Haas continues to dominate Tajiri with a nice STF variation, but Tajiri is able to get to the ropes. Haas goes for another leg submission, but Tajiri breaks free, and cleans Haas’ clock with a stiff kick to the temple! Tajiri goes for a brainbuster, but can’t lift Haas because of his injured legs. Haas takes advantage, and goes back to work on the legs, eventually locking on the Haas of Pain for the submission victory.


WINNER: Charlie Haas via submission in 15:09



Joey says that at Stretching the Limits, the Mikey and Tajiri vs. Technically Gifted tag match could very well tear the house down, much like it did last month.




BACKSTAGE: Eddie Guerrero and Jerry Lynn are talking. Eddie says he’s sick and tired of being beaten up by the Extreme Revolution. He says tonight he’s going out there to challenge the Extreme Revolution to an 8 man tag match at Stretching the Limits. Lynn says he’s all for that, but wonders who their two partners will be. Eddie says he doesn’t know yet, but tells Lynn to watch his back tonight.


BACKSTAGE: Steiner is yelling and throwing things around in his dressing room. Midajah tells him to calm down, before he hurts her. Steiner says she’s right, and he needs to save his anger for the PPV. At Stretching the Limits, he’s gonna kill Cactus Jack.


Back at ringside, Joey runs down the current Stretching the Limits card, which is just 13 days away, live, and only on PPV:


Cactus vs. Steiner in a Barbed Wire Ropes match


Daniels vs. London vs. Styles for the TV Title


The Unholy Alliance vs. Technically Gifted for the Tag Team Titles


Lesnar vs. Killings


Benoit vs. Edge for the CWA Title


Joey says we’ll hear from Eddie Guerrero, NEXT!




We return as ring announcer Bob Ortiz announces Eddie Guerrero to a HUGE pop!!


Eddie walks out through the curtain as the fans continue cheering loudly. Suddenly the Extreme Revolution attacks Eddie from behind!!! The crowd boos loudly as Taz, Rob Van Dam, and The Dudley Boys throw Eddie into the ring and continue stomping away on him. The fans suddenly start cheering as Jerry Lynn makes his way out!! Lynn slides into the ring and starts hammering away on the Extreme Revolution! Eventually the numbers come into play however, and the Extreme Revolution is now beating the hell out of both Lynn and Guerrero. Taz locks Lynn in the Tazmission, and Van Dam gives Lynn a spin kick to the face while he’s locked in the submission! The Dudleys pull out a table from under the ring and set it up outside the ring, next to the apron. D-Von grabs Lynn and lays him on the table as Taz and Buh Buh Ray pound on Eddie in the ring. Buh Buh sets Eddie up for a powerbomb in the ring, before pointing down at Lynn on the table outside! Suddenly DDP and Kanyon run out to a huge pop!!! They slide into the ring and begin brawling with the Extreme Revolution, as Lynn and Guerrero are still down. Kanyon and DDP continue beating on the four members of the Extreme Revolution, but again, the numbers come into play, and with Eddie and Lynn down, it’s 4 on 2 again. Buh Buh sets Kanyon up for a powerbomb through the table on the outside, but is nailed with a low blow from Eddie! The 8 men continue brawling as Paul Heyman makes his way out to tons of heat from the crowd. He walks down the ramp, but Masato Tanaka is right behind him! Tanaka spins Paul around and nails him with the roaring elbow!! Heyman is out cold! Tanaka then grabs a steel chair from ringside, and slides into the ring, clearing it of the Extreme Revolution. The Extreme Revolution picks up Paul and carry him to the back as Eddie, Lynn, DDP, Kanyon, and Tanaka celebrate in the ring!


Fade to black.

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Feedback appreciated.


I'll be working on the final CWA TV before the PPV within the next few days. A PPV preview and the PPV itself should be up soon after that.

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Guest Real F'n Show

To anyone who was reading this:


Sorry for the hiatus and lack of shows, but I've been busy as hell with school/work/girlfriend recently. However, I am planning on continuing this, although I can't promise I'll be rolling out shows as fast as I was before. So I'll be continuing where I left off, with show 4 and then the PPV as soon as I get them written, and even more new shows eventually.


Real F'n Show

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