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I loved it. It was the bastard child of Office Space, Zoolander and Old School - cept not as good. Plus it had ALAN FUCKING TUDYK in it as Steve the Pirate and in the end Washes it up~! YEAH!!!


I laughed at a good deal of the jokes -cept it suffered from the same thing Zoolander did, and that's a lot of duds as well- but the best part was I was laughing hysterically at the same stuff a 8 year old kid behind me was laughing at. That rules.

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I was a little disappointed in it. It was funny, but it was more chuckle throughout funny than roaring laughter funny. I don't like Vince Vaughn as the straight man. And it suffered from the trailer giving away 90% of the money jokes.


I did enjoy the "deus ex machina" on the chest at the end

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If Ben Stiller can make a movie with both Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson then it will make $100 million or else the movie would bomb like the past 2 chick flicks he did with Drew Berrymore and Jennifer Aniston.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

I'm going to see it tomorrow afternoon, I didn't even know Alan Tudyk was in it. That should make it all the better...


Along Came Polly didn't bomb. It made $88 million in the US, and over $170 million worldwide. The total budget 67 million.

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I dug it for pretty much the same reasons that Rudo listed. Whilst Rudo was giggling just as much as the 8 year old behind us I was more intent on the couple making out in front of us for the reason that the dude kept trying to move in every 4 seconds and the girl was blocking him off. Classic.


The nerdy white guy cheerleaders selling of the wrench to the face was the funniest shit EVER.

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Dodgeball made $11.6 on Friday Night.


Which is better than the $11.3 that Harry Potter made the same night last week.

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It freaking rocked.. yeah baby.


And it had Milton too

Bill Lumbergh was the play by play guy on "The Ocho" too...


And I just realized that Christine Taylor played Melody on Hey Dude!

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Guest Jimbo

Saw it last night and Patches O'Houlohan is official my idol. God was he funny.

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Guest Greg Valentine

Just a warning to anyone who hasn't gone yet, you have to stay until the end of the credits, don't ask why, just do it. It's a little scary, but it's worth it.

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Guest The Last Free Voice

I don't like the game dodgeball. When i was in first grade i got hit in the head so hard I had to sit out the rest of gym class. I didn't remember this untill being told the other night while that GSN Dodgeball show was on. In all acutuality that explains alot.

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Just saw the movie and loved almost all of it. A couple "meh" jokes but otherwise hilarious.


My favorite jokes:


-Thank you, Chuck Norris

-ESPN8, The Ocho

-Ugliness and fatness is not your fault, like baldness or necrophilia

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