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Random thoughts after seeing the Mass Transit

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Well, I've finally seen it...in full. Up until now, I had only seen the infamous couple second long clip that's circulating on Kazaa from that Figure Four web site or whatever it's URL is. I finally got the full match...hell, the full show...and sat down and watched it a few times. The whole story is intriguing in a weird sort of way, in that 8 years later, so many of the questions remain unanswered. You can't say that about many of the other incidents in wrestling, save for Montreal and a few other stuff (although HBK finally admitted on the first Confidential show that he was in on it). That's why I wanted to see it so bad...so I could judge for myself.


First of all, I had no idea the kid was that big. It was surreal watching him in the ring before the match started, telling the fans that were yelling at him to Fuck off! and suck his dick, pretty much...just being an arrogant heel...the reason I say it was so surreal is because here's this guy who at least appears to be having the time of his life (and he does; I could make out a smile, and just the way he was walking, he seemed happy to be in an ECW ring), and in a matter of minutes, his life would be changed forever, and it's all on tape.


What struck me was that I don't think he and D-Von EVER said a word to each other. D-Von seemed - and that's the key word, this is only my impression - he seemed to almost be looking at this fatass cursing out some fans, and just gawking at how pathetic he was. The camera never got a good look at D-Von's face and only got him from the side, but it looked like he kinda shook his head in disgrace a few seconds before the Gangstas showed.


I was surprised at first when Jack and D-Von started brawling, because all the stories say that Kulas and Jack are left alone because D-Von and Mustafa go brawling. That's complete bullshit. The entire match, Mustafa is either in the ring or right at ringside, and D-Von can also be seen almost all the time at ringside.


The whole thing...I was surprised by how short it was. I don't know why...maybe I'm a dumbass and just never read the stories closely enough...I was expecting Jack to blade him like three different times, and have him just be a bloody as fuck mess after several bladejobs, but it was just one, which surprised me. That one, though, jeez...sick. I rewound it multiple times and it looked like Kulas moved, although I have no idea if that had ANYTHING at all to do with the result. It's hard to tell for sure, but I do think he moved. It looked like, as Jack was finishing up on the bladejob, Kulas started to almost grit his face, as if trying to absorb a ton of pain. His shriek when New Jack finished up was scary as hell, that's for sure.


I was also surprised by how blatant and easy to hear the father's screaming was. I had no idea it'd be so easy to hear on the tape, but an old man could hear him clear as day on the tape, shouting for Jack to stop. What was also scary was that Jack seemed to look straight at the guy, clear as day, as he shouted, "take it easy on him!" and then went ahead and maimed him. As far as the bladejob itself...


It honestly didn't look too bad. The damage looked horrendous, obviously, but the bladejob itself...It looked to be going fine until the last like two seconds. The whole bladejob is reall weird. I swear on God's name...it looks like New Jack is doing nothing more than faking the whole thing, like he's moving the blade around and rotating his hand, but from the view the cameraman has, it looks as if he never even moves the blade's position, and is instead only changing his grip on it.


That's not the case I guess, but that's how it seemed to look the first few times I viewed it. If he is actually digging it in at that point, then good lord almighty, sick. If that were the case, it would seem to have been just pure reckless cutting, with no attempt to be careful. But it looks just like Jack picked the blade up from the forehead for a split second abut halfway through, and then he starts digging in again, and it's at that point that the damage APPEARS to really get done. It's then that the kid just fucking SCREAMS and collapses to the mat, with his forehead falling onto his hands, and you see him looking at the blood on his hands.


A kid thats obviously really close shouts, "Holy crud!" while the guy repeatedly touches his forehead and then looks at his hands, touches his forehead, looks at his hands, etc. It's at that point that the father starts yelling like crazy for the match to end. Another voice then says, "I can't get him out. Why can't you get [camera gets too far away to hear the rest of the sentence, but obviously he finished by saying "him out?"]. Then, like a second after that, the father responds and says, "Ring the fuckin bell. He's only 17. Ring the fuckin bell."


I will say this, and I don't want it to come off the wrong way, but EVEN AT THAT POINT, the damage doesn't look to be ATROCIOUS. The blood on the mat - there's SOME, but it PAILS, absolutely PAILS, in comparison to tons and tons and tons of other ECW matches. Compared to Eddie/Bradshaw recently, the mat was virtually spotless. It's not until awhile after that the blood at least appears to start fuckin pouring like crazy.


Here's what I found interesting. New Jack grabs the guy by the head and starts lifting him up to his knees. He appears to let go of his head entirely willingly and also move up onto his knees entirely willingly, and for about three fourth of a second, you get a clear view of his head, and - again, no one take this the wrong way - but he did NOT look very bloody at that point. I've seen hundreds of matches where the guy bloodier than he is there.


But here's what was interesting for me. Jack picks up a chain or something, and prepares to smack it down on the guy's forehead, but if you watch closely, he doesn't even come close, and instead moves the chain close to the kid's head and then pulls back when he changes his mind. At that point, Jack puts the chain down and OBVIOUSLY starts fumbling around...just nonstop fumbling. He goes to pick something else up, but then drops that, and finally comes away with some other thing that looked like a chain.


But while he's fumbling for the other object, he says something, and it's clear as day if you listen close enough - "You alright?" I replayed it multiple times and I swear to God it's New Jack saying it. He's looking away, looking down at the mat and picking up something when he says it, but he at least provides the kid a chance to respond (obviously I have no idea if he does), before finally deciding on what he wants to pick up, and then fucking ramming that down onto Kulas' skull. It's at that point that the blood at least APPEARS to really start flowing...and I mean fucking flowing. It's really disturbing.


For those that haven't seen it, Jack then fucking SLAMS a garbage container down onto Kulas' face, and then Mustafa lifts him up to his feet (he moves willingly), looks somewhere toward his face, or at least his upper body, and then tries to bodyslam him, but the kid is just gigantic and Mustafa drops him like halfway through. Jack then hits the flying chairshot STIFF AS HELL across the kid's face. After Jack leaves him to be, they do the zoom in that the Figure Four web site I mentioned got the clip of. My tape is considerably clearer than the computer clip I used to have. It's really nasty to watch. The zoomin zooms in SO far it's scary.


The nurse then comes in and puts a gauze over the wound, and you can easily see the blood spread throughout the gauze, but surprisingly, it doesn't appear to fill the entire white space up before they zoom out again. It's so hard to tell how thick the blood was from the view provided because it's looking down on him. You would need to be on the adjacent side of the ring to where the camera guy is standing to be able to see how much space the blood was taking up. But man, just sick as can be.


I don't really know why I wrote all this. I guess I'm just rambling about my impressions upon FINALLY seeing it. I've been waiting so long to see the damn thing, and finally has. It's like a relief, but at the same time disturbing. But am I delusional, or did Jack clear as day ask "You alright?" to the kid before slamming him with the chain (I think that's what it was). Just watching it the first few times, I noticed details that I never even heard about. Why has no one mentioned what Jack said? Am I hearing things, because I swear to God he asked the kid that question, didn't he? Someone else pull the tape out and tell me I'm not delusional.


EDIT: WOW, I wrote more than I thought I did...

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The point where you said he was "gritting his teeth" etc. was what convinced the Judge he knew what he was doing. It is routine for wrestlers to grit their teeth and puff out their cheeks to make the blood flow more freely.

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Guest AdamF

I remember seeing Mass Transit appear on a few TV shows like "Extra" or something (doing stories on the dangers of backyard wrestling or something) and them showing the lifelong scar he has on his head. Can't remember if it looked bad or not though. Anyone else see this? He also claimed he was "stabbed in the head ten times" which of course is a lie.


One thing people forget is that when they took the kid to the hospital, the doctors called the cops and the hauled the Dad off for child abuse, believing that nothing so gruesome could ever come from a "fake" pro wrestling match.

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Can someone give me a basic rundown of what happened that made this infamous. Other than the match of course.

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Basically, a fat untrained 17-year-old kid who'd never been in a ring before somehow managed to bluff his way into a jobber spot on an ECW house show by saying he'd trained at Killer Kowalski's school, and got FUCKED up by New Jack thereafter.

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Guest Mindless_Aggression

We should cherish this, it's very rare when one gets to call a bodyslam "brutal" and it actually be an accurate comment on said slam.

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Basically, a fat untrained 17-year-old kid who'd never been in a ring before somehow managed to bluff his way into a jobber spot on an ECW house show by saying he'd trained at Killer Kowalski's school, and got FUCKED up by New Jack thereafter.

Wait, he WANTED to work in ECW untrained? What a dumbass.

....Oh, wait. He's not in a coma is he?

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Even better swiggy, he's dead.

No way?!?! DEAD!!! The one time I use that joke and the kid is dead? This is as bad as when I used the "your mom's so old..." joke on the guy who's mom just died. Wow.


How did he die? Did it have anything to do with the match?

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Guest whitemilesdavis

No, he was just way too fat. Heart attack. He was only like 20 or 21. A truelly tragic story.


You should be ashamed of yourself.

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No, he was just way too fat. Heart attack. He was only like 20 or 21. A truelly tragic story.


You should be ashamed of yourself.

So should you, but for so many other reasons.

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Guest AdamF
Basically, a fat untrained 17-year-old kid who'd never been in a ring before somehow managed to bluff his way into a jobber spot on an ECW house show by saying he'd trained at Killer Kowalski's school, and got FUCKED up by New Jack thereafter.

He HAD been in a ring before. I have a buddy that saw him a few tiomes on small indy shows in the Northeast. He was, for the most part, self-trained, but would often do "comedy" matches against a couple midgets.


He actually showed up to the show in Revere with the midgets, but either something didn't work out, or Paul E. didn'tr want to use them, because they left.


It was asked of Mass Transit if he would be willing to bleed, and he agreed. As New Jack was more experienced, and Mass Transit had never bladed before, it was agreed that New Jack would do the task.


So it's not lime Mass Transit had never been in a ring before, and it's not like he didn't know what was coming (he just didn't know hopw bad it would be).

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Seriously, though, had he never seen New Jack before? From what I've seen and heard, taking on New Jack can be life threatening. And why was his dad in the audience? If I was going to work ECW, I would not have my dad come along, because he would react badly to it.


There is no way this situation could have worked out well.

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No, he was just way too fat. Heart attack. He was only like 20 or 21. A truelly tragic story.


You should be ashamed of yourself.

So should you, but for so many other reasons.

Why should he be ashamed? It's not his fault the kid buttered up his bacon every morning.

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No, he was just way too fat. Heart attack. He was only like 20 or 21. A truelly tragic story.


You should be ashamed of yourself.

So should you, but for so many other reasons.

Why should he be ashamed? It's not his fault the kid buttered up his bacon every morning.

It's an inside joke. Sorry.

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Guest whitemilesdavis
Why should he be ashamed?


Yeah, please don't ask. Notice how I totally ignored the comment.

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About Mass Transit:


He died due to complications from gastric bypass surgery, where they reduce the size of your stomach so you can lose weight. I think he went into shock due to an infection caused by the stitches/staples on the stomach, which caused a heart attack.


His brother, who was equally as fat, but wasn't a wrestler, died from the same complications.


I have a cousin who knew the family. Weird bunch of fuckers. Kulas' brother was either mentally retarded or just slow. I forget which.

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