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6 puppies killed with fireworks

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Dogs attacked with fireworks

Tuesday, June 29, 2004 Posted: 10:47 PM EDT (0247 GMT)


TULSA, Oklahoma (AP) -- Six puppies were killed, apparently by fireworks placed in their mouths, shortly after teenage boys were seen carrying Roman candles in a north Tulsa neighborhood.


Animal control officers said they were following leads Tuesday but had no suspects in Sunday night's attacks, during which one person told police they heard a puppy yelp.


An older dog, a 41/2-month-old black Labrador mix, suffered burns on her muzzle and hindquarters from apparently being used as a moving target for fireworks.


The Tulsa Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals was caring for the injured dog and for the puppies' mother, a 11/2-year-old black-and-tan heeler mix that was not harmed.


The injured dog had begun to eat and was expected to survive, said Laurie Myers, executive director of the Tulsa SPCA.


The SPCA believes the puppies died from fireworks that exploded in their mouths.


A woman, Tonya Curry, 27, found all the dogs Monday among the remains of fireworks inside a vacant house and took the two survivors to the SPCA. When an animal control officer arrived later, the dead puppies were gone.


"Somebody probably went to clean up their mess so they wouldn't get in trouble," Officer Charity Curtis said.


The SPCA has raised about $1,000 and other organizations were undertaking similar efforts to reward people who provide information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible, officials said.

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Guest Joshua A. Norton

Sick fuckers. What would compel someone to stick fucking FIREWORKS into the mouths of PUPPIES?

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These fuckheads need the old "eye for an eye" type of punishment. See how much they like fireworks(I'm thinking Roman candles) lit in their asses.

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Guest Vitamin X

Nice to see cats aren't the only animals on the receiving end of cruelty.

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Guest Seven Sins

who in their fucking right minds would even think about putting any type of explosive in any animals mouth?

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Guest Vitamin X

You know it. ;)


But really, although this is pretty awful, I was merely stating a fact that it seems like cats are always getting thrown around, blown up, etc. and what's more there's much less sympathy for them than dogs. From what I've seen, anyways.

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Guest Hero to all Children

You know that the PeTA has become way, way too powerful when soccer moms cry for the death of people who torture animals but fight the death penalty for murder.


It's just kind of awkward that we'd choose to actually fight animal cruelty instead of poverty, or hunger or ANYTHING THAT REALLY MATTERS A LOT MORE THAN PUPPY ANUSES GOING EXPLODEY. Shit, I could have financed how many children a college education with the combined cost of the "Got Beer?" and the "Meat = Holocaust" propaganda campaigns.


We don't own pets anymore in California, we're their guardians now.

This society is fucked not because of Mc Donalds but because of people who detest Mc Donalds for killing the poor cowsies.



That being said I'm all for knocking these people around a bit and fining them heavily. But that's it, really.

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Animals are basically defenseless and these motherfuckers did this as a sign of power. Cruelty to animals is only a gateway to murder or mutilation of humans, and I'm all for fireworks in their mouth.

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Guest Hero to all Children

Like marijuana is a gate-way drug?

Come on.


I fried ants as kid, splattered snails and .. well, I sometimes kick this dog that also lives here but isn't mine for yapping up and down the house because it's bored. But it bit me before I ever kicked it so I think that's just fair.

Aside of that, I don't punt it accross the whole room.

And why am I trying to justify this at all? It feels damned nice to have that dog shut up for a second.


Doesn't mean I stick explosives into various orifices of people.

Believe it or not, a lot of people (me not included, I love kitties) believe that animals are things. That they don't have a soul and that it's perfectly cool to slaughter and torture them. To them it's like kicking a table. Just that the table doesn't scream.


It's not the most PC opinion but it hasn't vanished yet and it's unlikely to ever go away completely.

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Guest Hero to all Children

Dahmer was also gay. And blonde. Does that mean that all homosexuals and blondes have a higher likelieness of being serial killers?


Your average psychopath is male, intelligent, white and has very little of a moral conscience. This doesn't necessarily include the torturing of animals but it makes it likely due to the whole moral conscience thing.

Yet a lot of people simply tie their dogs to the next lamp-post when they're leaving for a vacation because there's no one to take care of the dog, which they can't take with them for whatever reason. These people aren't necessarily serial killers, just assholes.


If a good share of the serial killers are cruel to animals and some normal people are cruel to animals this doesn't mean that all normal people who are cruel to animals are also serial killers.




Also: Moisty, I consider that a cheapshot. I appologized for it and re-worded the arguement to "I'd give her ten seconds to get the hell out of my house before I lose it."

Don't think I just treat women like that, if some guy in a relationship with one of my friends cheats on them and I get permission, they're liable to get beaten quite badly too. Moreso than women actually so it's the good old gender discrimination.


And every future allegation of me advocating wife-beating will earn you the un-witty retort of "I advocate the beating of you." With italics and all.

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Guest Hero to all Children

Everything I could and would say about me fighting another man mano a mano would, and will be percieved as boasting and macho-strutting. So I'll just nod, agree with the general premise of "you get the first punch" and also increase my post count by one.

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What a bunch of cruel fuckers. I'd like to fucking fly to Tulsa with about 10 rabid Pitbulls and let em loose on these pieces of shit. Those dogs were totally defenseless and vunerable to something like this...I hope those people rot in hell.

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Guest Real F'n Show

Puppies? That's horrible. I don't want to even think about what the remains looked like...

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Guest Vitamin X
Dahmer was also gay. And blonde. Does that mean that all homosexuals and blondes have a higher likelieness of being serial killers?

Yes but being gay or blonde was never ever considered being a gateway to being a serial killer.

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Guest FrigidSoul

There would be no outcry if this was "6 baby cows killed with fireworks" because people would be eating veal instead.

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Guest Hero to all Children
Yes but being gay or blonde was never ever considered being a gateway to being a serial killer.

Homosexuality was considered a curable mental disease officially well into the last century. And some people still believe that. Which doesn't make that belief any more valid.


Wasn't Lee Harvey Oswald considered gay?


I think we can agree that homosexuality is not a mental disease and that thereby science sometimes makes errors, especially psychology.

Wait, let me rephrase that: especially psychology.



Also: Isn't a gateway something you must walk through in first place? And isn't it usually so that animal abuse was found in serial killers as a symptom of their lack of empathy and conscience? As in: It's the plauge bacillus (I think it's a bacteria and not a virus, feel free to prove me wrong) the thing that causes the plauge and not the obviously visible bubos? Though the latter surely spread it but sociopathy isn't a contagious condition so that point is moot.


I can't really imagine people being bullied into abusing small animals by peer pressure, ending up enjoying it and then becoming the next Dahmer.



I'd argue that branding every asshole that is cruel to animals as a serial killer is at best one step above of suspiciously eyeing every middle class, white, intelligent male because they may be a serial killer.

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I like to beat the living shit outta these kids and their parents.

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Guest Vitamin X
I think we can agree that homosexuality is not a mental disease and that thereby science sometimes makes errors, especially psychology.

Wait, let me rephrase that: especially psychology.

As a matter of fact, I don't think we can all agree on that because that issue is still up for considerable debate. Now, I'm not a homophobe or anything nor do I oppose gays in any fashion, but I do believe that homosexuality is a certain form of psychological disorder because of the simple fact that sex with the same gender is counterproductive to the whole concept of reproduction, and thus believing in evolution weeding out those that are weak of mind or body, which is of course not politically correct since we're all to accept everybody as is, which is just fine..it's what makes us civilized.


Anyways that is sure to earn a lot of unwarranted off-topic discussion so I think I'll just stop there...

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Guest Bertil Olsson
Had these been 6 people killed with explosives, no one would give a shit.

But people can fight back! Or at least they should.


Just yesterday night, some kids in this neighborhood I am now living in were exploding their fireworks. Now I am fairly new to this country, but I was under the understanding that the 4th of July would be the next day so I did not know why these children were exploding their fireworks one day before the actual day!


I went outside and was to asking them why they were exploding their fireworks so early, but they started yelling at me and calling names at me. They said I was a sissy and faggot and that I wore a dress. They then chased me around with their sparklers!


Apparently they thought my dressing gown was a woman's clothing. They do not understand that where I come from, a dressing gown is very high class and masculine. I certainly was not going to go to the outside in my long underwears!

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I'd argue that branding every asshole that is cruel to animals as a serial killer is at best one step above of suspiciously eyeing every middle class, white, intelligent male because they may be a serial killer.

It is, to a point.


IIRC, about 90% of serial killers and sociopaths abused animals when they were in their teens. It's not accurate to call animal abuse a "gateway" to becoming a serial killer, since I'm sure there are many people out there who get their kicks killing kittens, then never do anything like that to a person. Most people who kill and abuse animals do not become serial killers or sociopaths. However, it's accurate to say that most sociopaths started out by killing and abusing animals.


While I can't get behind the "OMG KILL THEM~!" tone of many posts in this thread, I will say that these worthless wastes of sperm and egg should be jailed as long as they law allows, and fined as much as the law allows.

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