King Cucaracha 0 Report post Posted July 4, 2004 Inside of a busy looking locker-room, a group of wrestlers seems to have gathered together and are busily discussing something or other. The group seem familiar but not exactly orthodox, as finally the commotion which is in the air is cut through by one of the group. "Guys, guys...I'm the team captain, so everybody listen to me." The typically modest, understated Tom Flesher doesn't succeed in quietening the group or any member of them as murmurs, shouts and...erm...squawks fly his way. "Why should YOU be the captain!?!" snaps Ace Lezaire from the middle of the group. "I'll give you two guesses buddy...and both of them begin with 'SWF World Heavyweight'." "Look, baby...calm down..." "No Allison, we need to sort this out before go-time! I don't want him screwing up my win-loss record!" "Ah shut up you cocky egomaniac!" snaps Edward James. "Who asked you rookie!?!" "ALRIGHT... SHUT UUUUUUUUUUUPPP!!!" The booming voice of Chris Card suddenly quietens the room and it's none other inhabitants, with only the SWF ICTV Champion remaining anywhere near calm. "Ok...none of us want to be in this match, and we all agree that Zenon is trying to get a rise out of us by putting sworn enemies in the same team. We all agree though that victory is the most important thing to strive for. So, can we just settle down and work this a TEAM!" The murmurs re-emerge, although this time quiter. Edward James and Petey stand away from everyone else, discussing something or in the center of the room, the other eight people group together. "Right...thank you. Landon, the floor is yours." Ace raises his eyes, as Maddix strides into the centre of the group grinning, making sure everyone gets a shot of his gold. "Okay. Now, Chris is right...none of us are pleased about this match. But in amongst this circle of people is talent. Talent that together with the safety in numbers could overcome anything. What we need however is a gameplan. Now...on Storm, me and Tom were successful in beating two of our opposition in tag team action. So, if you Ace can follow our lead, then we should be ok." "Excuse me?" sputters Ace, unable to believe his ears. "No offense man, as you're a great talent. And that whole 'powder to the eyes' thing...consider it forgotten. But me and Tom know how to deal with Toxxic and Drazon so we've got the gameplan covered on them. The only other guy who bothers me is Van Siclen." "I've got Van Siclen." calls James from across the room. Landon looks around and nods to his arch enemy's ally...before turning back to his circle of compadres and tutting. ", Ace, you've got Van Siclen." "No problem." "The other two should be no problem." "What about OUR other two." sneers Allison. Landon goes to say something, but turns over to his tag team partners...Petey busy offering Edward James a raw fish, and James looking as if he's actually contemplating the gift. "Good point." "Don't worry." Flesher says as he steps forward and takes Maddix's spotlight. "Us three are good enough to carry the rookie and penguin boy. All we need to make sure is we carry our weight...and there's." "They can do some of the dirty-work when we need them to." Maddix agrees, trying to step back into control. "And...what about the rest of us?" "Well, Steve'll be out with me..." "And Allison with me..." Landon turns to Card, who shrugs his shoulders and nods his head towards Natasha's...assets. "I see. Well, Megan will be with me, so that's three...possibly five. So that's that base covered. As long as we don't let 'Flippers' and Clark's bitch get isolated we should be just fine." "Great." sighs Ace. "Now, if we've got that sorted, I've got places to be and people to I'll see you chumps next week." Chuckling to himself, Ace strides off with Steve following after him in typical camera-man action...both of them leaving the room as Tom and Landon look over at each other. "Phff." "What an egomaniac." "Totally." Suddenly realising that Ace has gone, James and Petey decide to walk...or in Petey's case Flesher and Allison begin to follow them, but Landon stops Tom with a hand on the shoulders. "Hey, Tom...don't go using my finisher, eh buddy?" Flesher laughs as do the various hangers-on of both men, as Flesher pats Landon across his title belt covered shoulder. "Don't worry kid...I'll leave that be, as long as you leave the Straight Edge guy to me." "Consider him yours." The two proud egomaniacs shake hands, as Allison shares goodbyes with Natasha and Megan before Flesher and Allison walk off and leave the locker room. Landon meanwhile looks to all three of his associates before lounging back onto the couch that sits behind him and grabbing his can of Pepsi Max. "You know what...this could more fun than I thought." "Ha! I think you may be right." chuckles Card. "Hey...I'm ALWAYS right!" OOC "Landon?" "Yes Megan." "Why are we in a locker room when we haven't got a show." "Cause Flesher and Toxxic suck." "Indeed." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
muzz 0 Report post Posted July 4, 2004 I had an idea for a group promo, but it went more like this. In an isolated locker room, far from prying eyes, four men sit around a table, looking at each other in turn, looking at the announced match laid out before them. Tom Flesher, Landon Maddix, Ace Lezaire and Edward James all stare in disbelief... A commotion is heard outside the door, and the four men turn in unison to meet the source of the intrusion; a man in a giant penguin suit. He looks at the four men, and they look back. Tom Flesher suddenly breaks the silence, echoing the thoughts of all five men. "What the fuck?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Tonights Highlite Report post Posted July 4, 2004 Muzz's promo made me laugh out loud. On a wholly seperate note, this does a good job establishing a gameplan for the ten man. Something which is clearly very difficult. A lot of underlying tensions were addressed and I wonder if you'll be able to fit every emotional storyline into this match. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites