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The C Man

WWE: Smackdown!

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The whole urn thing was me putting an end to the stupid angle the WWE had going at the time. In typical WWE fashion it will never be mentioned again.

I don't really see any point in putting star ratings on. I'm using EWR and the star ratings are nowhere near realistic. Plus star ratings aren't important because the matches aren't really that important either, the most important thing in a diary like this is the angles.

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WWE Velocity

31st July 2004

Commentary: Josh Matthews & Bill DeMott


Funaki vs Jamie Noble

Wow, Funaki gets a match that isn't a squash. Good match, real good technical wrestling. Funaki never really gets a chance to show his skills but he can go given the chance. And Noble's just great. Funaki almost picked up an unusual win after a Missile Dropkick, but Noble kicked out and went on to win the match with a mean-looking Tiger Driver.

Winner: Jamie Noble


A recap was shown of Akio winning the Cruiserweight title from Rey Mysterio on SmackDown.


Orlando Jordan vs Kenzo Suzuki (w/Hiroki)

**shudders** Why do I have to recap this match? The WWE must still see something in Suzuki that no one else does. I wonder what it is? Oh ye, I remember now. It's because he's a BY GAWD HOSS isn't it. How could I forget? Being a HOSS > having actual talent. But Jordan isn't a HOSS so why is he still on the active roster? If you insist on keeping him at least send him back to OVW and make him Lance Storm's personal project. Suzuki won with that stupid claw-thing that isn't even a real move, not as if anyone cares.

Winner: Kenzo Suzuki


Another recap, but a good one this time. Good because it was the RVD heel turn. Yes, I've been waiting for that to happen since he came to SmackDown. I still say he should've been the one to turn at first and not Booker, would've made more sense considering he was Mr. Monday Night. I guess The Undertaker's a face now because they ganged up on him and Heyman SMASHED THE URN~! What a heinous act.


Theodore Long was in the ring along with his client Mark Jindrak. While Long put Jindrak over on the mic the 'Reflection of Perfection' posed in a mirror in classic Lex Luger-style. Long had some words for Billy Gunn. I couldn't understand most of them but I'm guessing they weren't nice. Holla Holla Holla. The FBI interrupted.


Johnny Stamboli (w/Nunzio) vs Mark Jindrak (w/Theodore Long)

Actually a pretty decent match. Stamboli's good in the ring and Jindrak's actually gaining some presence - he posed a lot more and even stole Scott Steiner's push-up pose. Jindrak better hope that Steiner doesn't mind or he'll end up like DDP. (If you don't get it just ask). Stamboli had Jindrak in position for the Forget About It but Long jumped onto the apron, but was quickly pulled down by Nunzio. However that was enough to distract Stamboli long enough for Jindrak to hit him with the Mark of Perfection (get it?)

Winner: Mark Jindrak

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Taken from genericprowrestlingnewssite.com:


Many backstage were very sceptical about the decision to have The Dudley Boyz squash Billy Kidman and Paul London after the two had done a good job building up their program. I guess that's just what happens in McMahonland when you're under six foot and weigh 200 pounds.


Speaking of the Duds they are being built up as violent unstoppable monsters in the tag division, leaning more towards their old ECW characters. That more extreme attitude was shown when, for the first time in the WWE, Heyman dropped the F-bomb during the Duds old catchphrase. The catchphrase is being brought back and will continue to contain the F-bomb for as long as McMahon sees fit, I guess.


After a month of build-up The Blue Nova debuted on SmackDown. He is working the tongue-in-cheek gimmick of a comic book villain. Everyone was extremely happy with his Shockmaster-style interview. But you can bet Fred Ottman wasn't. (Again if you don't get it just ask). However management does realise that it will be hard to keep the character a heel, which is the plan as of right now.


Akio has impressed many backstage with his attitude and willingness to follow instructions by changing his style. That, accompanied with the fact that he is getting over with the fans, was the main reason he was given the Cruiserweight title.


In case you missed it on SmackDown the 30-day title defence rule has now been changed to once-a-month. In typical WWE fashion they won't acknowledge the change; they'll just mention it a few times and forget that the 30-day rule ever existed. The main reason for the change is now that PPV's aren't monthly the 30 days could expire before the final show of the month, which is generally the 'big' show when there isn't a PPV. There isn't much difference between the two rules but management feel that once-a-month gives them more flexibility, while still retaining the general idea of the original rule.


The double-turn from SmackDown was said to have been well-received backstage. RVD and The Undertaker are also said to be happy with their respective turns. The general feeling is that Van Dam was stale and needed something to freshen up his character, and Paul Heyman had been pushing for a heel turn for a while now. It also helps that RVD had recently signed a new contract. Taker was turned face again because the fans weren't accepting him as a heel. The double turn also allows the two to potentially continue their program which had been going on, if the WWE wants to.

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WWE Smackdown!

5th August 2004

Commentary: Michael Cole & Tazz


RVD, fresh off of a heel turn, was just arriving at the arena. A security man said 'hello' but Van Dam ignored him. Strangely RVD just stood outside.


Security: "Is there a problem Mr. Van Dam?"


RVD: "Ye, there's a problem. And it's Mr. Thursday Night to you. I'm Rob Van Dam, I don't open my own doors. Open the damn door dude."


The security man obliged and opened the door. RVD then entered the arena and met Kurt Angle. Angle told him that he was late and that won't be tolerated on his show.


RVD: "Your show? Dude, I'm Rob...Van...Dam, the Whole Damn Show. The people came to see me...me, Rob...Van...Dam. It's my show."


RVD then walked off leaving Angle annoyed that he had been blown off and mainly just annoyed with RVD's annoying attitude.


Scotty Too Hotty vs The Blue Nova

Nova used a lot of old-school heel tactics like eye pokes, and made them seem like dastardly acts. After most he would let out an attempt at an evil laugh. Much like last week he nailed the Kryptonite Krunch and then made the cover, this week pulling the tights to cheat.

Winner: The Blue Nova


Again like last week Nova ran away after his 'dastardly' act. But just as he walked through the curtain he was met by Funaki, who wanted an interview. Nova put over his evil ways and said that no one could stop his "reign of terror" because he was EVIL~!, to which Funaki responded with "indeed". But it wasn't actually Funaki's voice, it was the old Kaientai voiceover. The two men looked at each other puzzled and looked around. Nova said that he can't be the only one with evil powers and shook Funaki's hand, before finishing with an evil laugh - coming from a voiceover again.


Charlie Haas burst into Angle's office shouting and full of rage. He wanted to know where 'he' was. Angle asked who and Haas told him that he was looking for Luther. Haas claimed that Luther was the one who beat him up last week. Angle said Haas must be mistaken because Luther was with Angle for the full show last week. Haas replied that he knew Angle had something to do with it, so why doesn't he just kicks Angle's ass right now instead. Angle asked Haas if he would hit a man in a wheelchair. Just as he was about to find out Luther entered the office. Haas attacked him but security entered the room and pulled Haas off of Luther. Angle told security to escort Haas out of the building because he was indefinitely suspended.


Shannon Moore & Spike Dudley vs The Dudley Boyz (w/Paul Heyman)

The Dudleys finally got what they wanted this week. And they wanted REVENGE~! And that's exactly what they got. Poor Spike and Shannon probably wished they hadn't crossed the Dudleys, because the Duds made them pay. Basically a stiff squash match. Moore was finished off with the 3D for the convincing win.

Winners: The Dudley Boyz


After the match Spike was met by a 3D and left in a beaten heap like his partner. Heyman got on the mic and put the Dudleys over. He said what happened to Spike and Moore is an example of what happens when you don't listen to what he says. "You don't steal, you don't kill, and you do not f*** with the Dudleys". Just as he had finished that sentence someone entered the ring. It was Paul London. He nailed Bubba with a Dropsault and went after D-Von, but was eventually outnumbered and 3D-ed onto a title belt. Heyman and The Dudleys looked satisfied with their days work and left looking angry.


Kurt Angle was in his office along with Luther and Rob Van Dam. They had all just finished watching The Dudleys win. Angle said they were impressive and Van Dam agreed. He said they were impressive because they were associated with "Rob...Van...Dam. They were taught by the master, Rob...Van...Dam. You see the 3D, I taught them that. Ye dude, me, the Whole Damn Show, Mr. Thursday Night, Rob...Van...Dam". But before RVD could continue Angle cut him off. Angle was pissed off with Van Dam. "You've said your damn name three times in the last damn minute. I'm your boss, I know who you are". Paul Heyman and The Dudleys then entered the room. After getting congratulated Heyman asked what was going on. Angle said that he was just booking RVD in a match for next match week, one-on-one, with The Undertaker. Heyman and The Dudleys looked at Van Dam worried. Angle had a smile on his face. But that was wiped off his face when Van Dam said "cool". Angle looked surprised but then had a brainstorm. He said that he hadn't finished, because it's going to be a no DQ match. Even that didn't seem to bother Van Dam as he uttered another "cool". Angle asked if he was crazy; he's wrestling a pissed-off Undertaker in a no DQ match and it doesn't bother him. Van Dam was quick to reply: "Dude I'm Rob...Van...Dam, the Whole Damn Show, I'm the best thing on this damn show. And you think I'm scared of The Undertaker? Dude, seriously. When was the last time The Undertaker hit the Five Star Frog Splash? Or the Van Daminator? I'm gonna totally kick his ass".

Team ECW (or whatever they're called) then left. Angle was still a little surprised his 'plan' had failed. He told Luther to go fetch RVD and tell him he is wrestling Rey Mysterio tonight, and to prepare for his own match with Eddie.


Mark Jindrak was in the ring along with Theodore Long and one of those big mirrors. Long put the 'Reflection of Perfection' over and then ripped into Billy Gunn. "Why you be hating on my boy playa?". Long said that Gunn had no chance against Jindrak, because is PERFECTION~! Billy Gunn then came out and went toe-to-toe with Jindrak. Gunn got the advantage and attempted a Fameasser, but Jindrak managed to avoid it and hit a low blow, and then a super kick. He wasn't finished though. He got hold of his mirror and laid it on the canvas. He picked Gunn up, and nailed the Mark of Perfection onto the mirror, smashing it into "a billion pieces" said Cole. Gunn was left down and out on the canvas, seriously injured. Long and Jindrak celebrated and before they left Long got on the mic again: "Beliee dat, playa".


Funaki caught up with Rey Mysterio before he headed to the ring for his match with Rob Van Dam. Mysterio was asked about RVD and he did the typical face thing and condemned RVD's turn and alliance with Heyman and The Dudleys. Mysterio never got to say much before RVD himself interrupted. Despite saying his own name almost as much as any other words he did manage to tell Mysterio that not only was he going to beat him, but he was going to embarrass him.


Rey Mysterio vs Rob Van Dam

Quite easily match of the night, as you would expect. RVD was a lot more arrogant and big-headed than usual, if that's possible. He must've had sore arms after the match from the amount of times he did the 'double-thumb'. He did what he said he would, and attempted to embarrass Rey at every opportunity. RVD had the advantage for most of the match, although both men did manage to hit almost all of their trademark spots. But RVD did make a mistake by attempting to hit one spot too many. This allowed Rey time to recover and he hit the 619, but RVD kicked out. After a high-paced exchange RVD attempted to powerbomb Rey, but YOU CAN'T POWERBOMB REY~! Rey hurricanranaed RVD, straight into a pin, but RVD kicked out again. Following another high-paced exchange Rey attempted to hurricanrana RVD, but it was RVD this time with the reversal, and he hit a powerbomb. He then headed upstairs, and leapt off with the Five Star Frog Splash. The three-count was academic.

Winner: Rob Van Dam


Post-match RVD did the 'double-thumb' some more and cockily kicked Rey. He went up top and nailed another Five Star, stood over Rey and did the 'double-thumb' again, as if to say 'I told you so'. Suddenly John Cena ran to the ring and knocked RVD down. Cena was all over Van Dam until the Dudley's ran to the ring for the save. Cena managed to fight off both Dudleys but met a Van Dam roundhouse kick when he turned round. Cena was triple-teamed until Rey Mysterio jumped onto all three with a dive. That was enough to send all three former ECW'ers to the outside and all five engaged in a staring contest.


The camera joined Rob Van Dam, who was walking through the corridors, presumably going back to his dressing-room. He bumped into Eddie Guerrero, who was headed in the opposite direction. Van Dam gloated about what he did to Eddie's friend Rey Mysterio, in between saying his own name a lot of times. Eddie said that he didn't have time to waste talking to someone like RVD, but he assured him that Rey would get him back. "If he doesn't then maybe I will". RVD asked if Eddie was challenging the 'Whole Damn Show', to which Eddie responded with "we'll see homes, we'll see" and walked off. RVD looked pissed but eventually just laughed.


Eddie Guerrero vs Luther Reigns

Eddie came down to the ring first in his low-rider, in classic fashion. Luther was next to make his entrance but he only got to ringside before he was attacked from behind by what looked like a fan. But it was in fact Charlie Haas. Haas and Luther brawled around the ringside area before Haas took the fight into the fans, to avoid the security which was chasing after them. The ref then declared Eddie the winner.

Winner: Eddie Guerrero via forfeit


Eddie celebrated after the match, with both his title and the referee. He and the ref partied in the low-rider for a minute before returning to the ring. The ref then raised Eddie's hand again, but Eddie was blind-sided by Booker T. He knocked Eddie down with some punches, but Eddie eventually managed to fight back with a low blow. However Booker then did the exact same as Eddie, and followed it up with the Scissors Kick. He waited for Eddie to get back up, and put him back down with a belt-shot. Booker then celebrated with Eddie's title as the show went off the air.

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WWE Velocity

7th August 2004

Commentary: Josh Matthews & Bill DeMott


Aaron Kidd vs Johnny Stamboli (w/Nunzio)

A good match, probably match of the night. The two workers styles meshed well together. Despite having a development contract the former Hardcore Kidd was treated like your average run-of-the-mill jobber. Stamboli won with the Forget About It.

Winner: Johnny Stamboli


One of the usual video recaps played showing the events of SmackDown. It showed Angle announcing Rob Van Dam against The Undertaker, then RVD's match with Rey Mysterio, and then the aftermath of the match. The announcers then announced (go figure) that on SmackDown The Dudley Boyz would be taking on John Cena and Rey Mysterio in tag-team action.


Rene Dupree was in the back admiring himself in a full-length mirror. Rikishi appeared and started putting baby oil on his rear. The look on Rene's face was priceless. Rikishi asked Rene if he would help but the French Phenom ran away, looking as though he was about to be sick.


Rene Dupree (w/Fifi) vs Rikishi

Dupree wasn't very keen on wrestling the big Samoan and stuck to throwing punches and kicks because every time he attempted a move he would get wary of Rikishi's ass. Rikishi knocked the Frenchman down with a superkick and he fell in perfect Stinkface position. But Dupree managed to avoid it and scurried to the outside. And he didn't come back.

Winner: Rikishi by countout


Another video recap played. It showed the Eddie Guerrero/Luther Reigns 'match' from SmackDown and Booker's post-match beat down of the champion.


Chavo Guerrero vs Hardcore Holly

Another decent match, probably due to Chavo. Holly hit one of his 'picture-perfect' dropkicks. Does any remember when Holly's dropkick actually was picture-perfect? Ah, those were the days. Holly won with the Alabama Slam.

Winner: Hardcore Holly

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** Sorry for the recent hiatus. The diary isn't dead; in fact as far as writing the shows go I'm currently in October, and I already have my Wrestlemania card planned as well as all the feuds leading into it. In other words, the diary is going to continue for a while. I'd appreciate feedback - preferably what is good/bad about the diary, but any feedback is appreciated. **


Taken from genericprowrestlingnewssite.com:


OVW worker Aaron 'Hardcore Kidd' Aguilera jobbed to Johnny Stamboli on Velocity in what was probably the match of the night. The match was used as a 'tryout' for Aguilera, who used the name Aaron Kidd, to judge how ready he was to get called up to the main roster. Aguilera impressed a lot of people and the general opinion is that he is almost ready. He will be travelling with the main roster and working house shows to further assess his progress. If he impresses enough then he will be brought up to the main roster fairly soon.


The Blue Nova is really impressing everyone backstage with how quickly he has gotten over. Although it is easier to get a comedy act over, and get over faster, many feel that there are still lots of options for the character and that it can last longer than most comedy characters.


The Mark Jindrak/Billy Gunn segment where Billy Gunn was 'injured' was used to prolong the feud because there is no room for it on the Summerslam card. And with SmackDown having the next brand-exclusive PPV the decision was made to run with the 'injury' angle and save the match for Unforgiven.


RVD has proved a lot of his critics wrong with his heel character. A lot of people were unconvinced that Van Dam could turn his current character around and adjust it to playing the heel. The early reports seem that the fans haven't entirely turned against him but that they will eventually because of annoying behaviour, which is the main route they are going with his heel character. Many feel that if Van Dam continues his egotistic and annoying interviews, and slightly tweaks his ring style, then he will easily become the no.1 heel on the show (which in all fairness isn't saying much).


The RVD/Eddie confrontation left a lot of fans drooling at the mouth. At the moment it isn't known if Van Dam will get pushed to the very top of the card but if he does then a feud with Eddie would certainly be on the cards. Given the right build-up most feel that it would be a great feud that would benefit SmackDown a lot.

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WWE Smackdown!

12th August 2004

Commentary: Michael Cole & Tazz


Akio vs Nunzio (w/Johnny Stamboli)

The Cruiserweight champ's first match since winning the title, and it was quite a good one too. Nunzio went for Akio's legs like an Italian wolverine, a rabid Italian wolverine. Ok, maybe I made that bit up. Akio won the match with the Dai Time.

Winner: Akio


As Akio was celebrating his win Rey Mysterio came down to the ring. He got in the ring and went face to face with the Cruiserweight champion and challenged him to a rematch for the title. Akio, a man of few words, never answered but stared a hole in Rey as he left.


Scotty Too Hotty (w/Rikishi) vs The Blue Nova

Nova's quite funny. He used a lot of old-school heel tactics, but as usual played them up like they were the worst crimes ever committed. Nova eventually goaded Rikishi enough that the big man attempted to enter the ring, but the referee stopped him and Nova hit Scotty with a concealed weapon, what looked like a cane.

Winner: The Blue Nova


Scotty and Rikishi were arguing in the back about Scotty's loss. The Blue Nova then entered and asked Scotty if he liked his 'Nova-cane', presumably the weapon he used. Rikishi held Scotty back. Nova then thanked Rikishi ("Our plan worked perfectly, fellow evil-doer"). Scotty confronted Rikishi but Rikishi denied and the two were still arguing as Nova walked away laughing (evilly).


A JBL segment played. He was dressed in his usual attire: shirt, tie, hat, cheesy smile. The camera was zoomed in only showing his top half and he was standing in front of an American flag background. He said that he had had a terrible scare when he nearly lost all his money, but being the outstanding American that he is, he managed to get it all back. And that is the story of his life, he said, never giving up in the face of adversity. Suddenly there was a knocking, like someone at a door. JBL got embarrassed, but carried on like it wasn't there. The knocking continued, until two men burst in. The men said that they were here to "pick up the last thing on the list". JBL began pleading with them not to take it. But they said by order of the U.S government, they were here to repossess his limo. The camera zoomed back as the two men walked out of shot. It seemed JBL hadn't got his money back after all, he was now living in a trailer. The two men went outside and JBL, who was only wearing underwear, followed. JBL begged the repo men not to take the limo but they refused. All the noise must have woken up the neighbours, because Jamie Noble stormed out of his trailer wondering what was going on. (JBL: "Go away you stupid hick"). Like any respectable piece of trailer trash Noble stayed and watched the show. But there wasn't much left to see. One of the repo men drove the limo away, and left JBL on his knees crying. He shouted that it was a conspiracy, this time blaming it on the Mexicans.


Johnny Stamboli (w/Nunzio) vs Mark Jindrak (w/Theodore Long)

Jindrak did his usual mirror spot before the match. I'm actually quite surprised, Jindrak is pretty decent now. He's improved quite a bit since I saw him last, he actually has some ring presence now. Hard to believe isn't it? And his push continued when he hit Stamboli with the Mark of Perfection for the three-count.

Winner: Mark Jindrak


Evil GM Angle came to the ring, wheeled out by Luther. His first target was Charlie Haas, who he said was not only indefinitely suspended but would be arrested for trespassing if he tried to pull a stunt like last week. He then turned his attention to Eddie Guerrero, whom he called "a disgrace to the sport of professional wrestling, and a disgrace to SmackDown". And Angle said that wouldn't be tolerated on his show. But, because Eddie is the WWE champ, Angle can't do anything about. Angle vowed to throw everything at Eddie to get the title off of him, "my three I's will beat his lying, cheating and stealing". Angle said that he had confidence in JBL because he is a real American, "a truthful, honourable American that only this country can produce". But JBL failed, and failure isn't a word a great athlete like Angle understands. Kurt then went off on a tangent about him being a great athlete, seemingly reminiscing on his career, and said that was now over, he is now unable to even walk never mind wrestle. After that curious outburst Angle got back to talking about Eddie Guerrero. He said that he has been assured that Eddie's reign will come to an end soon by a man that he believes in, a man that is an upstanding citizen, great athlete, and a former champion. That man is Booker T. Booker came to the ring, with the WWE title over his shoulder. He got on the mic and said that anything Eddie can do he can do better. "I know how to steal too sucka". He said that Angle told him to make an impact, and he did. He told Eddie that it was nothing personal, just business. And he guaranteed everyone that come Summerslam he would be a six-time, six-time, six-time, champion. He handed back to Angle, who said that Booker had jumped the gun a little. Angle said he was the one making the Summerslam matches, and then made the Eddie/Booker match official. Eddie's music then played and Latino Heat appeared on the big screen. He was in Angle's office, sitting on his chair with his feet up on the desk. Eddie told Angle that he should watch where he puts his keys and flashed the aforementioned keys. There was some noise in the background and Eddie said he had called his 'familia' and they liked some of Angle's stuff. The camera zoomed out, and Angle's office was empty except for the chair and desk. "You wanna take what belongs to me essa? Then I take what belongs to you". Eddie moved onto Booker T and said the usual stuff about their match at Summerslam. He said he admired Booker's stealing but that he still has a lot to learn. A video then played of Booker talking to an unimportant person in the backstage area. He was gloating about having the title and told the man that he was going to be a nice guy and give him an autograph. He laid the title down to sign the autograph, and Eddie swapped it without Booker noticing. Eddie was great. He did the comedy thing of looking at the camera and laughing while he was swapping the titles. Funny stuff. The camera went back to Eddie in his office. He now had his title over his shoulder and was shining it. Eddie said that Booker didn't have the title now and he wouldn't have it after Summerslam either. He shined the title again, "it's nice isn't it?" as the camera cut. Booker was furious and threw the dummy title down and started stamping on it.


John Cena & Rey Mysterio vs The Dudley Boyz (w/Paul Heyman)

Really good match, almost made match of the night. The Duds aren't that great when they're in singles action but they do make one hell of a tag team, even if they're still registering a value on the stale meter. Cena's insanely over for a face with virtually no offence. Therefore logic would dictate that Cena should be the face-in-peril. But no, you can't have the cruiser seem strong, that's against the law. So Rey was the face-in-peril while Cena worked the crowd on the outside. But Rey eventually made the tag to Cena, or should I say GRANDMASTA...EN...FEUGO~! Generic face offence everywhere, and crowd were going apeshit. A bit more originality with the Five Knuckle Shuffle, hell let's make that two Five Knuckle Shuffles. A pin on D-Von, but Bubba made the save. Bubba whipped him to the ropes, and Cena reversed into the F-U. Another pin, but Bubba wasn't the legal man. Rey, who was still recovering on the outside, got a nasty surprise when Akio ran to the ring and absolutely killed him with a kick sandwich, between Rey's head and the steel steps. Rey was knocked out cold which left Cena against both Dudleys. And the Master of Thuganomics was winning the battle until Paul Heyman stuck his (greasy) nose in. Heyman jumped onto the apron and Cena knocked him back down, but when he turned round he was met by the 3D. That's all folks.

Winners: The Dudley Boyz


Cole and Tazz put over how dangerous the Dudleys are in the tag environment, saying that they looked almost unbeatable. But while they were doing that someone entered the ring and attacked the Dudleys. It was Billy Kidman. Despite getting a slight advantage Kidman was quickly overpowered and 3D-ed for his troubles.


A rare Undertaker interview was next with the Deadman's obvious target being Rob Van Dam. Taker said that Van Dam doesn't know what he has done, he has committed a deadly sin. He has angered the Deadman. But, Taker said, RVD will pay for his sins next when The Undertaker takes his rotting soul. Wow, it was that cheesy I could actually smell the cheese.


NO DQ match

Rob Van Dam(w/Paul Heyman) vs The Undertaker

This was actually a really good match. They brawled all over the place; in the fans; in the locker rooms, just a good 'old-fashioned' brawl. I'm really starting to hate RVD now. Never thought I'd say it but I do, he's just so annoying and full of himself - and not in a good way like it used to be. Sometimes I really want to kill him. Anyway enough of my murderous tendencies. When both wrestlers got back to the ring Taker had the advantage and nailed the Chokeslam, and then made the cut-throat gesture. But the Dudley Boyz ran to the ring and pulled RVD out. All four former ECWer's then discussed a game plan on the outside. But Taker wasn't having that. So he picked up steam and vaulted over the top rope onto all four men. The crowd really liked that one. Taker's done it before but it's still impressive. While on the outside Taker attempted to fight off the Dudleys and forgot about Van Dam. Van Dam got back in the ring and recovered in a very unique fashion. Most wrestlers would just slump in a corner but not Van Dam, he took a chair in and sat on that. But his recovery period didn't last long because John Cena ran to the ring. Van Dam swung the chair but Cena ducked and the two started brawling. Seeing this the Duds left Taker and attempted to help RVD. But Taker followed them in and went after Van Dam as Cena brawled with the Dudleys. The three uninvited workers then brawled to the back leaving the match the way it started, Taker vs RVD. And Taker was distracted by the shenanigans on the outside which gave RVD time to smack him with the chair. He made the pin, but Taker kicked out. He waited for Taker to get up and threw the chair at him, Van Daminator. One...two...kick out. RVD was getting frustrated. He waited for Taker to get up again, and smacked him back down with a chair shot. His next idea was to head up top and hit the Five Star Frog Splash. One...two...thr, kick out. RVD was angry and started shouting something. He called Paul Heyman onto the apron and the two began smiling. Heyman took the chair and got into position as RVD dragged Taker into the corner in Bronco Buster position. On the outside Heyman held the chair in position as RVD climbed the ropes once more. He then leapt off, across the ring, and dropkicked the chair into Taker's face - the brain-cell erasing Van Terminator. RVD pinned Taker once more, one...two...three. RVD had finally put Taker away and he and Heyman celebrated in the ring afterwards.

Winner: Rob Van Dam




**While reading through the shows again I noticed I forgot to include Kidman attacking the Dudleys after their match. Wow, I'm smart. I've added it in and hopefully it makes the Kidman/London team make a bit more sense.**

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WWE Velocity

14th August 2004

Commentary: Josh Matthews & Bill DeMott


Aaron Kidd vs Hardcore Holly

Another match for the former Hardcore Kidd. And another good one. Much like his match with Stamboli the previous week the two workers styles worked well together. Unsurprisingly Holly won with the Alabama Slam

Winner: Hardcore Holly


A video recap of the Mark Jindrak/Billy Gunn feud played, including Billy Gunn getting injured.


Chavo Guerrero vs Funaki

Great, great match. I feel sorry for Funaki. He's probably one of the most technically sound guys on the roster and all he gets is 5 minute jobs or 2 minute squashes. Not all that long ago he was Japan's new golden boy. In any case Chavo won with a Gory Bomb.

Winner: Chavo Guerrero


Another video recap played concentrating on the Booker/Eddie title feud. It was announced that Booker and Eddie would wrestle in a tag match on SmackDown, with Rob Van Dam and John Cena being their respective partners.


Spike Dudley was in the back when Rene Dupree approached him. Dupree asked Spike who he was wrestling tonight. Spike seemed quite surprised and told him it was Spike Dudley. Dupree laughed and asked if Spike was kidding. Spike got angry and said that it was him and he was going to whip Dupree's French ass. (Is a French insult now mandatory in the WWE now?) Dupree laughed again and said that Spike had no chance against the French Phenom quite simply because he is French, and the French are superior or something like that.


Rene Dupree (w/Fifi) vs Spike Dudley

Fifi watch: white tonight. Hey, that rhymes. Hey do you ever read the Times? See what I did there? Get it, rhymes, Times. I'm the new Rabbie Burns (if you don't know then you bloody well should, you sing one of his songs every New Year). Dupree was the aggressor and Spike was the plucky underdog that mounted a big comeback, but was then hit with a Death Valley Driver and pinned. You didn't expect Spike to win did you? Silly WWE fan.

Winner: Rene Dupree

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Taken from genericprowrestlingnewssite.com:


Aaron 'Hardcore Kidd' Aguilera worked another match on Velocity. He again worked under the name Aaron Kidd but this week wrestled Hardcore Holly. Onlookers said the match was a decent brawl and that the potential was there for a very entertaining hardcore brawl.


Barry Darsow made a surprise appearance on SmackDown in the JBL video segment. He ironically played one of the repo men.


Also on SmackDown a breakup of 2 Cool - Rikishi and Scotty Too Hotty - was teased. Not much is known about the angle or where it will go. There are still a lot of unanswered questions e.g. who will turn, or even when the turn will take.


The Dudley Boyz won again on SmackDown. The WWE is continuing their push as almost unbeatable in tag team action.


Many were very surprised that The Undertaker actually put over Rob Van Dam almost entirely cleanly. While many say that someone sweet-talked him into it others say that it is a sign of Taker being a 'company man' afterall.

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Guest Real F'n Show

Wow man, this is fucking great. All of these storylines are actually making sense, unlike alot of other feds like this too.


I'm loving the pushes of Haas and Yang, two of my favorite underused wrestlers right now.


Heel RVD rules, especially the way you're using him.


The Nova stuff is fucking hilarious. I'm just imagining that happening in my mind and laughing out loud.


Again, awesome, awesome booking dude, keep up the great work.

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Wow man, this is fucking great. All of these storylines are actually making sense, unlike alot of other feds like this too.


I'm loving the pushes of Haas and Yang, two of my favorite underused wrestlers right now.


Heel RVD rules, especially the way you're using him.


The Nova stuff is fucking hilarious. I'm just imagining that happening in my mind and laughing out loud.


Again, awesome, awesome booking dude, keep up the great work.

Aww, you're too kind. I think I'll put part of your glowing reference in my sig. If you think this is good just wait till you see Wrestlemania, it'll blow you away. I've even impressed myself with how good it turned out.

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WWE Smackdown!

19th August 2004

Commentary: Michael Cole & Tazz


Kurt Angle was in his office along with Luther Reigns and Booker T. Angle had redecorated after the Guerrero family stole his stuff last week. Booker was complaining that he had to team with RVD. "I'm a five-time, five-time, five-time champion and you got me teaming wit a zero-time bingo champion, sucka". Angle said that Booker and RVD had better get along, because he wanted Eddie softened up for Summerslam.


Akio and The Blue Nova vs Rey Mysterio & Scotty Too Hotty

Scotty wasn't teaming with Rikishi tonight, maybe they're unhappy with each other from last week's show. Also on last week's show Rey challenged Akio to a rematch for the Cruiserweight title. So far Akio hasn't answered. Really good match with Akio and Rey not having much interaction. Nova was entertaining, if he wasn't committing 'evil' acts in the ring he was playing to the crowd when he was outside it. While Scotty was in the ring - and Akio and Rey were eventually going at each other on the outside - Rikishi decided to poke his BUTT in. (That didn't quite sound right). That didn't please Scotty who yelled at his dancing buddy, which was distraction enough for Nova to roll him up (with a handful of tights of course) and get the three-count.

Winners: Akio & The Blue Nova


Post-match Nova ran to the back as Rey and Akio were being pulled apart on the outside and Scotty and Rikishi were having another argument in the ring. But it didn't come to blows and they eventually walked from the ring separately.


Torrie Wilson was walking in the back when Mark Jindrak confronted her. Jindrak looked her up and down as Torrie looked anxious. She tried to walk away but Jindrak blocked her path, then she tried the other side but Jindrak blocked her again. He asked why a woman like Torrie is with a man like Billy Gunn. Doesn't she want a real man, a man that is perfect? A man like Mark Jindrak, the 'Reflection of Perfection'. Torrie said 'no thanks', which made Jindrak angry. He said that she is just jealous because after all the hours she spends putting makeup on he looks better in the mirror than she does. "Face it Torrie, you don't deserve me". Jindrak moved his arm and allowed Torrie to leave, which she did. As she walked away Jindrak muttered "stupid tramp".


Mark Jindrak (w/Theodore Long) vs Nunzio (w/Johnny Stamboli)

Nunzio challenged Jindrak to the match after the 'Reflection of Perfection' beat his FBI team-mate Johnny Stamboli last week. He probably wished he hadn't because the match was as close to a squash as possible without actually hurting Nunzio. Jindrak won with the Mark of Perfection (get it? get it? oh the wit of the WWE)

Winner: Mark Jindrak


Jindrak celebrated after the match with Teddy. But his festivities were cut short when Hardcore Holly appeared with a mic (oh goody). Holly said that he doesn't like little pretty-boys like Jindrak. And he likes him even less after what he did to Billy Gunn - who's healing by the way (oh double goody). So what Holly wants to do is get a little revenge and mess up Jindrak's pretty-boy face, so he challenged him to a hardcore match next week. Long got a mic and accepted on Jindrak's behalf, and told Holly that he "be a fool fo messing wit ma boy playa".


Billy Kidman and Paul London were being interviewed by Josh Matthews. Matthews asked them about their 'alliance'. London was about to respond when Kidman butted in. Kidman said that he doesn't like London, and London said he didn't like Kidman either, but they both tried to beat the Dudleys separately and that got them nothing except for a beating, which made them realise that the only way they could overcome the Duds was to team up, and that's exactly what they're going to do. They then challenged the Dudleys to a match for the titles at Summerslam. Kidman: "SmackDown say hello to your newest team, Billy Kidman and Paul London". London: "I think you mean Paul London and Billy Kidman". The two then engaged in a staredown. Wow, this alliance is going to last.


Billy Kidman & Paul London vs Chavo Guerrero & Jamie Noble

The new team was really impressive and pulled out numerous double-team manoeuvres. Oh wait, I lied. The two couldn't even tag each other, every 'tag' was a forced one - usually in the form of a slap. And I mean a slap. However it looked as though the new alliance would get off to a winning start, you just got that feeling. Kidman made a hot tag (slap) to London and the former Ring of Honor man leapt off the ropes at Noble, and knocked him to the outside. As London climbed back up the ropes Kidman tagged himself in, and London jumped onto Noble on the outside. London then climbed onto the apron and was about to jump onto Noble as Kidman attempted to whip Chavo to the ropes at the same time. Unsurprisingly Chavo reversed and the two new team-mates collided, with a Chavo roll-up following.

Winners: Chavo Guerrero & Jamie Noble


As you might have guessed the post-match argument followed, with the two 'team-mates' eventually having to be separated by security.


We came back from the break and Kidman and London were still being held back by security and road agents, shouting at each other. London wanted to know why Kidman tried a whip when London was on the apron, and Kidman wondered why London was on the apron in the first place. The Dudley Boyz and Paul Heyman then appeared and laughed. Heyman accepted Kidman & London's challenge for a tag title match at Summerslam. The Duds then laughed about how easy it was going to be.


Booker T was in the back pounding on Rob Van Dam's locker room door. After a few minutes RVD finally appeared, and told Booker to chill. Booker said that they were teaming up and he wanted assurances that RVD's was going to do what Booker told him. RVD laughed: "Dude, you're Booker T, you're not Rob...Van...Dam. You're not 'Mr. Thursday Night' Rob...Van...Dam, you're not the 'Whole Damn Show' Rob...Van...Dam, you're...", Booker cut him off. Apparently he couldn't stand RVD saying his own name anymore. He told Van Dam to meet him in the ring, Booker was going out first because he was more important. RVD: "Ye, like anyone believes that. There's no way you're better than Rob...Van...Dam". How many times did RVD say his own damn name. Dude, seriously.


Booker T & Rob Van Dam vs Eddie Guerrero & John Cena

Good match, great match when RVD and Eddie were in the ring. RVD really seems to be enjoying playing the heel, he seems to have a new-found enthusiasm all of a sudden. And I'm enjoying watching him again. Oh, and Cena still has probably the weakest offence of any face on the roster. I guess that's just the weird world of the WWE. At one point Eddie rolled-up Booker but RVD came in and broke it up, which prompted Cena to enter and the referee to totally lose control of the match as it turned into a four-man brawl. As Cena and RVD brawled on the outside Booker had the advantage over Eddie in the ring, but Eddie used a low-blow to shift the momentum and after hitting the Three Amigos suplex combo he headed to the top rope, but RVD pushed the champ off from the apron. Booker was the first to recover and with Eddie down he attempted a Spinaroonie to show off. But Eddie grabbed his leg and rolled him up, and grabbed the tights, to pick up the win.

Winners: Eddie Guerrero & John Cena


Booker was surprised after the match and tried to attack Eddie but Eddie got the better of him, until RVD got back in the ring and teamed up with Booker. However it wasn't long until John Cena also joined in the brawl, evening up the sides. The Dudley Boyz then sprinted to the ring, led by Paul Heyman, and made it four-on-two. Despite struggling bravely Eddie and Cena eventually succumbed to the numbers game. Suddenly Paul London and Billy Kidman ran to the ring and leapt off the turnbuckles; London taking out D-Von and RVD; Kidman taking out Bubba and Booker. This gave Eddie and Cena enough time to recover and soon the tables had turned, and the faces drove the heels out of the ring. The usual staring contest then followed as the show went off the air.

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WWE Velocity

21st August 2004

Commentary: Josh Matthews & Bill DeMott


Kenzo Suzuki (w/Hiroki) vs Spike Dudley

Another Suzuki match, another lacklustre match. Please WWE just fire the guy already. Pretty please, with cherries on top. Spike's all right, nothing offensive, but nothing great either (unless he's being used as Mike Awesome's rag doll). Suzuki won with that stupid claw-thingy. Exciting.

Winner: Kenzo Suzuki


A recap played of the Rey Mysterio/Scotty, Akio/Nova match from SmackDown. It showed the finish and the aftermath of Scotty and Rikishi arguing, with Nova getting involved. It was then announced that 2 Cool have challenged Nova to a tag match on SmackDown, with Nova being allowed to choose a partner.


Bubba Ray Dudley (w/Paul Heyman) vs Rikishi

Kinda dull match. Neither the Dudleys are great when they're alone and Rikishi is well, just a walking, wrestling ass. At least Paul Heyman made an appearance, which is always good. During the match Bubba hit the Bubba Bomb but the move had virtually no effect on Rikishi (because of his ass). The finish came when Bubba actually hit the Senton Bomb.

Winner: Bubba Ray Dudley


D-Von Dudley (w/Paul Heyman) vs Johnny Stamboli (w/Nunzio)

Heyman stayed at ringside and as Bubba left D-Von appeared and the two Duds embraced. This was actually a decent match, even though it was D-Von. Could have been better if it was Bubba. I like Stamboli, I've liked him since his WCW days, he's a good wrestler. D-Von secured the double win for the Dudleys with that sweet-looking turnbuckle neckbreaker.

Winner: D-Von Dudley


Another video played showing the main event from SmackDown. It was announced that on SmackDown Booker T, Rob Van Dam and The Dudley Boyz would take on Eddie Guerrero, John Cena, Billy Kidman, and Paul London in a Summer Games Relay match. Whatever that is.


Funaki vs Rey Mysterio

Good match. Damn you WWE, let Funaki wrestle for over ten minutes for once. He can go. HE CAN GO. Stupid crazy Hoss-obsessed fools. Anyway Rey won with the 619.

Winner: Rey Mysterio

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**Announcement here folks**


I had to format my hard drive today, wiping out its entire contents. Didn't expect my comp to fuck up so basically I lost everything, including my copy of EWR, the stats update, all the shows I've booked & written, as well as my future plans.

I'm going to try and redo everything but it may take some time. In the meantime I was thinking all my loyal fans could reply with letters of condolences much like when Hulk Hogan got squished by Earthquake all those years ago. Just something simple, maybe expressing your regret and concern and your hope that one day you may eventually get to see my outstanding Wresltemania 21 card.

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My God people don't all seem so concerned. If I didn't know better I'd think that no one cared. But it's quite obvious what has happened. You've all seen that my diary has hit a major hitch and - thinking that life isn't worth living anymore - have all commited suicide. It's understandible, my diary was (is?) that damn good.

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This diary is freaking great. The pushing of Akio, the proper pushing of London/Kidman are all great. Overall, great writing, good fueds, and a best booking on TSM. Good luck with this and I hope you get EWR back up. BTW, What are you gonna do with JBL and The Undertaker?

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Thanks. Think you shall be getting a mention in my sig.

JBL is currently injured but in 'kayfabe' he has lost all his money and possessions and no one knows where he is.

Taker missed SmackDown because as of right now I have nothing for him to do. But could he still be pissed at RVD? Could there feud still continue? Who knows? Well I know but I just aint telling. Ha ha.

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PPV Schedule


August 28th: Summerslam


September 26th: Unforgiven


November 28th: Survivor Series


December 26th: Armageddon


January 30: Royal Rumble


March 27: Wrestlemania




Yes, this is a very blatant (and not very original) attempt to keep the diary going without it actually going anywhere, if you know what I mean.

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I'm wondering if anyone would be interested in being a 'creative consultant' (wow that sounds professional). Just basically someone who I can bounce angles/feuds/ideas off of. With the diary being erased I've got the chance to re-book almost everything and correct some of the mistakes I felt I had made. Bear in mind doing this may spoil the diary for you. Any takers?

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Guest Prof_Plague

After a read-through, can't say I'm a big fan of your entries. I think I'll stick with TheManErnieRowe as the best booker on TSM. The matches are short and generic - a punch, kick, and the finisher. Woo. The best push is on Akio; and I do like Akio, but not all that much. The best writing is the commentary, which is bit dry. Good luck with the entries, and keep at it.

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After a read-through, can't say I'm a big fan of your entries.  I think I'll stick with TheManErnieRowe as the best booker on TSM.

Fair enough, you're entitled to your opinion. But mine and ErnieRowe's diary's are entirely different. Firstly, his shows have been going on a lot longer than mine - I haven't even had 1 PPV yet. I haven't read Rowe's diary (too smarkish) but I doubt his long-term planning will be anywhere near as good as mine. For once I'm not being sarcastic, I actually mean that. Also I think my diary is a lot harder to do than his. I have to keep within the realms of WWE 'realism' - I can't fire who I like; I can't sign who I like; I can't make someone a main-eventer if I don't think they'll draw in the WWE; I have to lower wrestlers overness in the game if I feel they wouldn't be that over in the real world. In all fairness it's a lot harder to do than simply 'fantasy booking'.


The matches are short and generic - a punch, kick, and the finisher. Woo.


Coming from anyone else I could accept that but you copy & paste from EWR, I at least put some effort into writing my own matches. While I do accept that some of the matches are quite generic & boring, when they need to be they're detailed enough (see the recent RVD-Taker match). But the matches aren't all that important in a diary. The angles are the most important thing.


The best push is on Akio; and I do like Akio, but not all that much.


A lot of people have been commenting on Akio's push. He has had the most obvious push. In fact I wouldn't really call it a 'push', as such. More like highlighting his strong points. He becomes no.1 contender; is made to look strong; and wins the title (which makes him look even stronger). Plus he went over Rey Mysterio - and that won't damage Rey because right now it's very hard to make Rey less over.


The Akio push has been a decent angle but right now my personal favourite is the Kidman/London tag team. I'm surprised there hasn't been a lot more love for that.


The best writing is the commentary, which is bit dry.


That's probably cause I do have a dry sense of humour. I'm guessing that's what you meant.


Good luck with the entries, and keep at it.


What do you mean by that? Keep at it? Sorry to end on a confrontational note but my writing blows yours away. Right now it's only a slight breeze but the further I go with my diary the stronger the wind will get, if you know what I mean.

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Guest qujexz
What do you mean by that? Keep at it? Sorry to end on a confrontational note but my writing blows yours away.

...says who....you?....self proclaimation is just sad



Right now it's only a slight breeze but the further I go with my diary the stronger the wind will get, if you know what I mean


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What do you mean by that? Keep at it? Sorry to end on a confrontational note but my writing blows yours away.

...says who....you?....self proclaimation is just sad

Sorry, I'm very big-headed. But I'm also never serious. It was just a little bit of big-headed humour.


Right now it's only a slight breeze but the further I go with my diary the stronger the wind will get, if you know what I mean



You need to include the previous statement for that sentence to make any sense.

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Guest Prof_Plague

Naturally yours has been better updated because I haven't been updating. Updating hasn't been a top priority of mine as of late.


And about keeping a sense of realism within the game...c'mon. It's exactly that, a game. Why be realistic to the WWE? If I wanted to see a game realistic to the WWE, I would only watch the WWE - and you're game wouldn't be useless to me, with the occassional, "Hey, I would rather have seen this segement done this way than the way the WWE did." This game is supposed to be something different than the WWE, that's the point of having it be a fantasy booking; it's exactly that, fantasy booking - what you would like to do if you had that position.


And Rowe's diary isn't "smarkish", it's original. And how would you know it's too "smarkish" for you if you haven't read it. And in case you have forgotten, even if it was too "smarkish", have you forgotten what forum you're on? This is the SmartMarks.

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Naturally yours has been better updated because I haven't been updating. Updating hasn't been a top priority of mine as of late.

My last significant update was October. Hardly my top priority either.


And about keeping a sense of realism within the game...c'mon.  It's exactly that, a game.  Why be realistic to the WWE?  If I wanted to see a game realistic to the WWE, I would only watch the WWE - and you're game wouldn't be useless to me, with the occassional, "Hey, I would rather have seen this segement done this way than the way the WWE did."  This game is supposed to be something different than the WWE, that's the point of having it be a fantasy booking; it's exactly that, fantasy booking - what you would like to do if you had that position.


By 'the game' I'm guessing you're meaning EWR (or TEW). But I'm not using it as a game; I'm using it as a simulator for my fantasy booking. You seem to be missing the point of my diary. I'm not trying to sign/push every wrestler I mark for; nor am I going to fire/job every wrestler I dislike. If I was then Rhyno would be murdering the entire roster (GORE!!!!!!!!!!!). What I'm trying to do is present an alternative reality to the WWE, so to speak. I'm taking the angles the WWE had going and doing my own thing with them. Like a 'what if'. "I liked that angle but what if this happened". "I think this wrestler could really get over if this happened". The Angle/Eddie feud, for example. That had so much more potential. But look what happened, the WWE screwed it up. That's basically what my diary is all about. Taking angles that had lots of potential and attempting to get it to live up to that potential.

Also when I started the diary SmackDown - and its writers - were getting a lot of bashing. So I wanted to put myself in their position and attempt to see how hard it is to book the WWE. Which is why I can't fire/sign who I want, or push someone like Funaki to the WWE title.


And Rowe's diary isn't "smarkish", it's original.


Maybe on this board, where the active diaries can be counted on one hand. Try going to the Extreme Warfare Battleground, you'll find a lot more diaries of the same type. That wasn't me trying to diss the diary, please don't take it that way.


And how would you know it's too "smarkish" for you if you haven't read it.


His sig.


And in case you have forgotten, even if it was too "smarkish", have you forgotten what forum you're on?  This is the SmartMarks.


By 'smarkish' I meant the common IWC stereotype. Midget spot-monkeys > mean-looking Hosses. Everyone over 250 lbs is bad; everyone under is good; indy flavour-of-the-month getting a large push; Bryan Danielson in the WWE.

Yes this is The Smartmarks, but there are lots of differing opinions here. Some people here actually enjoy Albert, JBL & Billy Gunn. Ok so maybe I lied about the last one but you get the idea.

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Guest Prof_Plague
Some people here actually enjoy Albert, JBL & Billy Gunn. Ok so maybe I lied about the last one but you get the idea.

It's ok. No one likes Billy Gunn. Billy Gunn doesn't like Billy Gunn.

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Some people here actually enjoy Albert, JBL & Billy Gunn. Ok so maybe I lied about the last one but you get the idea.

It's ok. No one likes Billy Gunn. Billy Gunn doesn't like Billy Gunn.

Billy Gunn's mom puts a paper bag over his head every time she kisses him.

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Everything's back in working order so expect some meaningful posts sometime soon. Everything is correct in the game; I've got a few shows written out; and I've booked all of Wrestlemania 21 and two matches of Wrestlemania 22. (Damn I'm good). However I think I'm going to skip doing the last SmackDown of August and also Summerslam. Anyone who's ever played EWR knows it's much easier to do it that way.


Next show up soon folks, I know you can't wait.

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WWE Smackdown!

26th August 2004

Commentary: Michael Cole & Tazz


Before the show opened GM Angle picked up his (red, white & blue) phone and dialled a number. "Hey Eric, it's Kurt..."


The Blue Nova & mystery partner Funaki beat 2 Cool

Nova cheated to win. Scotty and Rikishi had another little falling out. After the match Nova sucker-punched Funaki and hit him with the Kryptonite Krunch.


Josh Matthews attempted to interview Rob Van Dam as he entered the arena. Matthews wanted to know why RVD aligned himself with Paul Heyman. RVD blew him off. GM Angle appeared and asked RVD why he was late again. RVD said he was Mr Thursday Night, he could arrive whenever he wanted. Angle wasn't happy and told RVD that this was the second time; another wouldn't be tolerated. RVD just laughed, "ye like there's a show without me. I am the damn show".


Mark Jindrak was in his locker room posing in front of a full-length mirror, while a groupie rubbed baby oil into Jindrak's body and Theodore Long was talking about Jindrak's hardcore match with Hardcore Holly later on. Jindrak was worried, not because he was afraid of Holly, but he didn't want his 'perfect' complexion damaged. Long assured him everything would be fine, "chill playa".


Rey Mysterio beat Shannon Moore


The eight participants in the Summer Games relay match were drawing their numbers for the match, overseen by GM Kurt Angle, Luther Reigns, and a ton of security. Kidman wasn't pleased with his number and tried to swap it with London's. The two ended up having to be seperated by security. In the midst of that Booker T tried to steal D-Von's number. It didn't work. Both Dudleys stared Booker out.


Rey Mysterio entered his locker room to find Akio. The two went face-to-face. Akio, a man of few words, looked at his Cruiserweight title and then simply said "Summerslam".


Mark Jindrak beat Hardcore Holly in a hardcore match

Jindrak held his own for most of the match. A Teddy Long distraction and a ring bell-shot were enough for Jindrak to pick up the win.


In the Olympic Office Kurt Angle was talking to Luther. Luther asked what would happen if Booker failed to win the title at Summerslam. Kurt laughed. Luther then said "well, you know, there's always...". Angle angrily cut him off; "over my dead body". Angle said there was no need to worry, he was sure Booker would win.


Before heading to the ring Eddie and Cena angrily told Kidman and London to stop fighting with each other and concentrate on kicking their opponents asses.


Eddie Guerrero, John Cena, Billy Kidman & Paul London


Booker T, Rob Van Dam & The Dudley Boyz

First ever Summer Games relay match. Kidman and Bubba Ray never entered the match. In the end Booker pinned Eddie, thanks to Rob Van Dam.

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WWE Summerslam

29th August 2004

Commentary: Michael Cole & Tazz


SmackDown matches


Rey Mysterio beat Akio to regain the Cruiserweight title in a good match.


Billy Kidman & Paul London beat The Dudley Boyz to win the WWE Tag Team titles in a major upset.


John Cena went to a no contest with Rob Van Dam for the U.S. title when both men were counted out.


Josh Matthews entered SmackDown GM Kurt Angle's office enquiring about the RVD/Cena no contest. Angle was in the middle of a conversation with RAW GM Eric Bischoff. Luther threw Matthews out.


WWE Champion Eddie Guerrero beat Booker T cleanly with a Frog Splash.

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