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The OAO Raw thread for 07.12.04

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Guest The Ultimate Fantasy

You know, I like Benoit not being mentioned, it goes well with his charecter becuase while HHH whines and needs camra time, Benoit just goes out kicks ass and when he whines to much he just makes him tap but fuck with all these complaints: Job him to Bradshaw in a unification match by making him tap to the shapshooter in Canada!!!!! :bonk:

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Guest Choken One

Apprently according to Wildpegasus, Benoit isn't a convincing enough bad ass...He needs the GOLDBERG badass sell.


I haven't read around here today, but are you people still bitching about HHH and coming up with idiotic "protected" theories, when despite the fact every single thing that went down last night made HHH look inept and made Benoit look merely smart and desperate.

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I really cant wait for the 17 Diva Search promos for the show on Thursday.


Not to mention the fact that for the next 10 weeks, probably about 20 minutes of RAW will be devoted to the Diva Search elimination crap.



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After the match, Hardy told Lita that he had to figure some things out and that she should stay far away from him while he does this. Will Lita listen to Matt? Or will she once again attempt to reconcile with her man? Find out on Monday Night RAW.

If this ends with Matt sweeping everything under the rug and playing happy families with Lita i'll scream. Hopefully there is some sort of swerve instead.

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Apprently according to Wildpegasus, Benoit isn't a convincing enough bad ass...He needs the GOLDBERG badass sell.


I haven't read around here today, but are you people still bitching about HHH and coming up with idiotic "protected" theories, when despite the fact every single thing that went down last night made HHH look inept and made Benoit look merely smart and desperate.

Do you just call everyone else an idiot and nothing else?

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Guest Choken One

I'm still waiting for Jeff Hardy to be revealed as the daddy.


I'm convinced that was the plan the whole time...


Matt should just go Savage on Lita here and kinda be a tweener where he basically berates Lita for cheating on him and is somewhat physical with Lita but not on that dangerous level, while Kane, shows his emotions and humanization by trying to keep Lita from Harm.


I am convinced by early September, Kane will be a complete face one way or another here...by either storyline or by the fans forcing it.

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So Matt, the 225lb cruiserweight, would be a heel in a feud with the 320lb monster after the big dude kicked the shit out of him many times unprovoked, his bitch whored herself out and the big dude pretty much raped his girl. And this makes Matt a heel?

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Guest Staravenger

Here's a simple prediction: Chris Benoit vs. Evolution Member tonight, as well as a bunch of tag matches with nothing interesting about them.

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Guest The Ultimate Fantasy

I read at the Torch that it will be Batista vs Edge and Lita and Kane will be on the Highlight reel. Also for those who worry about size difference on Matt turning heel, don't forget X-Pac who Kane feuded with for like an eternity.

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Guest Choken One

yeah but Xpac had that whole "burnt weiner" and fucking the one girl (to that point that we knew) Kane ever had "feelings" for. Xpac had the psychological Edge over Kane...


Matt has nothing. Kane fucked and potentially impregenated his girlfriend...Matt's only edge would be to threaten the life of Kane's potential baby and I can't see WWE going that...nevermind.


Matt the Emo Baby Killer will Join Kane the Necrophilaic Pyromaniac.

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Guest The Ultimate Fantasy
yeah but Xpac had that whole "burnt weiner" and fucking the one girl (to that point that we knew) Kane ever had "feelings" for. Xpac had the psychological Edge over Kane...


Matt has nothing. Kane fucked and potentially impregenated his girlfriend...Matt's only edge would be to threaten the life of Kane's potential baby and I can't see WWE going that...nevermind.


Matt the Emo Baby Killer will Join Kane the Necrophilaic Pyromaniac.

HELL YEAH!!! :cheers: Better yet Matt could try to eat the unborn child so it would be Kane the Necrophilaic Pyromaniac vs Matt the Zen Master Baby-Eating Cannibal, because Cannibalism EQUALS RATINGS!!!

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Yeah, I was talking more about Matt's motives. Why would the crowd boo this guy after everything he's went through? I wouldn't.

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Guest wrestlingbs
I'm still waiting for Jeff Hardy to be revealed as the daddy.

That's impossible. Isn't Jeff gay? And even if he isn't, he would have to be pretty wasted. :P


It's gonna be exactly like Kane/Xpac, only reverse. Lita's gonna reveal that it was all a ploy to mess with matt's head, and side with Kane.

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Guest Choken One

No he isn't Gay.


Despite everyone here's beliefs, just like Chyna wasn't really a man and just like Sable isn't a complete old looking hag and just like hhh not being a evil ruthless diabolical dicator.


All lies.

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Guest Real F'n Show

Batista vs. Edge?


Kane AND Lita on the highlight reel?


Raw sounds like shit so far.


Give us Benoit vs. Jericho!

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Guest The Ultimate Fantasy

On a differnt note, what if they do the whole Eugene is not really a retard and is just Nick Dinsmore who pretended in order to be on RAW. I was thinking that maybe it could be a ploy by both Randy Orton and Eric Bischoff in order to end HHH's dominance.

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But that's silly, and alot of people have that theory. It would probably be the lamest pay off to the whole thing possible.

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Guest Staravenger
thats about the worst idea yet.

You should've read my idea on how to repackage Mark Henry in the thread about him yesterday.


Oh great, I realized you meant on THIS angle. Um...Kane is really the pregnant one and Lita has a dick?

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Guest Real F'n Show
On a differnt note, what if they do the whole Eugene is not really a retard and is just Nick Dinsmore who pretended in order to be on RAW. I was thinking that maybe it could be a ploy by both Randy Orton and Eric Bischoff in order to end HHH's dominance.

I'm all for that. WWE is too stupid to do that though. Instead we'll get Benoit vs. Eugene vs. Trips for the title at Summerslam with Trips going over and Eugene becoming a full-fledged face again.


Eugene will then do his usual shit before the writers run out of things to do with him, and he'll be released, while Trips continues to keep the title, and possibly feud with Michaels, or even Kane again.

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Guest Reservoir_Kitty

If Jeff Hardy threw one in Lita, that furthers the theory that he's gay, because I'm convinced she has a bigger wang than Kane and Matt Hardy put together.


Anywho, if anyone leaves Evolution, I think it should be Batista. He's got enough character to go off on his own. He's the odd one out of Evolution, in their little spiffy entrance video, everyone's getting their swerve on except good ole Dave.. he's lifting weights and screaming at air pockets.


Besides, I like him the best out of Evolution and would like to see him go places without them. This isn't to say that I don't like Evolution; I just like Batista more. :wub:

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Guest Choken One

it just came upon me that we are either in for a throwaway show/long tag match night simply because of the Derby...so they will just throw this one out so they can simply justify the low ratings on the Derby

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I forgot the Derby is tonight. Though seeing how Griffey isn't in it, I'll probably just switch between the two channels.

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