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EVIL~! alkeiper

Some notes from your new Forum Mod

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The board is smart enough to know what is deserving of it's own thread, and what can go into general discussion. Also, this probably goes without saying. The discussions on a specific topic should be limited to one thread.

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At the very least there should be weekly threads for the NBA, NFL and MLB. I don't want to read through a thousand threads on each freaking game.

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Guest Flyboy

As your first action al, I suggest you ban Anglesault... you can do that right? ;)

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True, but it would be silly to end a discussion on a topic just because it happened last week.

We don't close threads at the end of the week. If there's a good discussion, continue it. But if an entirely new topic comes up, new thread.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion
As your first action al, I suggest you ban Anglesault... you can do that right?  ;)

No, and no matter how good the Yankees are doing, he's got a right to bitch about them (as long as it's the topic at hand) because it's SPORTS. People bitch about their teams, because the very nature of the beast is to be taken too seriously. That's what makes competition great. In my time of watching the Bears falter year after year, I've suggested everything from hiring convicts to take out the other team's star players, to Japanese ritual suicide so that the coaching staff won't have to deal with the shame of losing. People get pissed at their teams.


I know trolling when I see it, and AS gets a bad rap in here. There's plenty of unhappy Cubs and Sox fans as well.

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No, and no matter how good the Yankees are doing, he's got a right to bitch about them (as long as it's the topic at hand) because it's SPORTS. People bitch about their teams, because the very nature of the beast is to be taken too seriously. That's what makes competition great. In my time of watching the Bears falter year after year, I've suggested everything from hiring convicts to take out the other team's star players, to Japanese ritual suicide so that the coaching staff won't have to deal with the shame of losing. People get pissed at their teams.


People have a right to bitch about their teams, but there's a line that has to be drawn somewhere between bitching and throwing a temper tantrum.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I agree, and I'm not trying to undermine your sports folder modness or be a dickwad or anything, but that line wasn't drawn in your "a certain someone can't make certain complaints."-type comment.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Right on. I'm posting here just because I noticed this anagram:





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One thing I noticed during the NFL season: the weekly threads were a nightmare. I'd be watching the RAVENS~! at 1:00, and because I don't sit there and type posts about a game while I'm watching it (try watching TV away from the computer sometimes, kids), the 1:00 games would get buried. I'd pop into the thread whenever the 4:15 game ended and find that all the 1:00 games fell out of the discussion 12 pages before. That's ridiculous. Who wants to read back thru 12 pages of "OMG WHAT A CATCH~!!1!!!!11!!!!" to find some discussion on the early games?


My idea? Create separate threads for each time slot. Have a 1:00 game thread, then combine the 4:15 and Sunday Night ESPN games into one thread. MNF can get its own thread if needed. This way, it's easier for people to actually talk about the games they watched without taking the thread back to a topic that hadn't been glimpsed in the last 12 pages.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion
My idea? Create separate threads for each time slot. Have a 1:00 game thread, then combine the 4:15 and Sunday Night ESPN games into one thread. MNF can get its own thread if needed.


I dig this idea also.

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Guest FrigidSoul
(try watching TV away from the computer sometimes, kids)

That's it. The stress of adminship evidently has driven you mad. Hand the keys to Sass before you send us all off a cliff.


My idea?  Create separate threads for each time slot.  Have a 1:00 game thread, then combine the 4:15 and Sunday Night ESPN games into one thread.  MNF can get its own thread if needed.  This way, it's easier for people to actually talk about the games they watched without taking the thread back to a topic that hadn't been glimpsed in the last 12 pages.

Now there's an idea I like. I'd actually combine the Sunday Night Game and MNF though. There tends to be alot of 1pm games, alot of 4:15pm games, and then the last 2 games of the week happen 24hrs between one another. Might as well combine those two.

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Guest FrigidSoul

I hadn't thought of that. I just figured most of the football fans that post here would be around often in the threads to know where things started/left off


They could each get their own seperate threads for all I care since they're both nationally broadcast prime time games that usually have alot of pregame and halftime happenin's

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Some new rules I'm establishing......


1. OaO threads should only be started by moderators, either myself or one of the global mods. If you feel something deserves an "official" or "OaO" thread, PM me.


2. No more "athletes you dislike" threads. We get them every 3-4 months, and they're all quite pointless.

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