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Lord of The Curry

Should Nicholas Gill carry Canada's flag?

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No, this isn't a typo, I'm actually posting a thread in sports.


Anyways, I was watching OTR last night on TSN and Landsberg brought up a good point amongst his guests: Should Nicholas Gill, a man who voted seperatist and was a staunch Quebec supporter during the referendum, be allowed to carry our countries flag in Athens?


The guests themselves were torn. The two Canadian women thought he should be allowed. The two men, one American and one Canadian, said no. The Canadian man posed an interesting question to the American: Would you ever see a man who voted for confederation holding the US flag? The guy said not a chance.


What do you think? Does it matter? Did the Canadian Olympic Committee fuck this up?



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I'm sorry, I'm like the American in response to this. I wouldn't want it to happen, because quite frankly, I don't think that anyone who wishes to split up this country in any fashion should carry the CANADIAN flag, when in fact they don't wish to be apart of CANADA.


That's my thoughts on it.

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I'm pretty sure he's 'only' won a silver and a bronze, so I'd prefer it went to someone who's been at the very top of their sport. I would have let Daniel Igali carry it, since you know he loves the country and has won an Olympic gold, so it makes for a better story (poor African imigrant and all that stuff).


I could care less about his politics, I'd just rather it went to a more deserving athlete.

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What do you think? Does it matter? Did the Canadian Olympic Committee fuck this up?

I'd ask a few questions first:


- OK, so he voted for the Bloc. Is it because he's a separatist or because he truly believes that they will do what's right for Quebec?


- And if he is a separatist, then what are his reasons for being on the Canadian Olympic Team, which represents a country that he wants to be free from?


Personally, I think that he does think that the Bloc would represent Quebec the best. If he really was a separatist, there's no way he'd have accepted carrying the Canadian flag in a very public display as the opening ceremonies. He'd probably have separatists pissed off at him.


Anyways, when all is said and done, I agree with treble - Igali should be the one carrying the flag, not Gill.

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No, no, its not just that he voted for the Bloc in this past election or any election. He voted in the referendum back in 95(?) for Quebec to seperate. The one that you know, was marginally rejected by what, 0.5%? Big difference between voting to seperate or merely voting the Bloc in a federal election.

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Guest Rrrsh

I think he should now.


But I think that the Committee are a bunch of idoits and should have realized that the shit would have hit the fan.

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