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Lamest hero.

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Ok so I get my friends sitting around talking about comic books and everyone has a hero they think is just lame for various reasons.


"Superman is boring!"


"Aquaman sucks.....what does he do?"


And so on. I haven't really thought about what main hero I thought was lame. So what main super hero do you guys think is just stupid? And why?



*PS*I mean main hero. Not some guy that got a 20 issue series before it was realized he was stupid and not selling.

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Guest The Last Free Voice

Guy Gardner sucks. And they pushed him forever.

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Superman can be boring depending on the writer. Using him properly means showing that he's not only super powerful, but can also use his brains. To me, the big cosmic stuff is rather boring.


By that same reasoning, Thor should be boring as well. But almost every time that I've read it Thor has been more interesting than it has any right to be.


Speaking of Thor though, The Ultimates are lame. Or maybe the book was just boring with it's glacial pacing and even more glacial time between issues.


Aquaman will never overcome the Superfriends era. The guy is super-strong, can breathe underwater and is/was King of Atlantis, but he'll be forever known as a guy who can talk to fish.


Spawn was pretty lame. The smartest thing McFarlane did was have the guest writers early on in the series. And I say was because I haven't read Spawn in ages, so I can't really say if it's still lame.

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Guy Gardner sucks. And they pushed him forever.

I disagree. Guy was perfect for the Giffen/DeMattis/Maguire Justice League. Especially his "fight" with Batman...

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Guest BDC

Aquaman... well, he never did get a chance, I think. To actually let him fight, y'know, using his strength (and maybe even the Trident of Poseidon), he could've done well.


Green Arrow is a guy that also was hurt by his cartoony era with his gimmick arrows. Frankly, a master marksman that puts arrows where ever he wants is pretty good, IMHO.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
Aquaman will never overcome the Superfriends era. The guy is super-strong, can breathe underwater and is/was King of Atlantis, but he'll be forever known as a guy who can talk to fish.

You're wrong there, the last storyline in his book has been tremendous, and has gotten quite a buzz.

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Aquaman will never overcome the Superfriends era.  The guy is super-strong, can breathe underwater and is/was King of Atlantis, but he'll be forever known as a guy who can talk to fish.

You're wrong there, the last storyline in his book has been tremendous, and has gotten quite a buzz.

Well, that's definitely good to hear, but I still stand by what I said. The casual comic book reader will always know him as "the guy who talks to fish", and I don't think that there's much to make them think otherwise.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
The casual comic book reader

There is no such thing anymore.


You either go to the comic store, and buy comics once a month or some such. Or you only know the characters who've been in movies. There's no in between anymore.

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I will defend the honor of Green Arrow and Hawkman.





















but after dinner.


Very quickly, I'd just like to give a definition to the casual comic book reader that currently exists:


• Don't necessarily care about back issues and purchasing everything.

• Actively seek out Marvel's webcomics instead of getting a phyiscal copy.

• More willing to pick up a trade at a bookstore or from the library.

•  Occasionaly pick up related merch.

• Keep up to date with trends and such thanks to Wizard and the net.

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I'm no DC buff so someboby sell me on the green arrow.

In lieu of taking the time to formulate a real defense, I'll just direct you to Kevin Smith's Quiver.


As for me, I'll second the nomination of Moon Knight, with Darkhawk coming in a close second.

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Green Arrow spent the first half of his life as a Batman ripoff. Basically, Oliver Queen was a rich industrialite who was shipwrecked on an island where out of necessity he honed his archery skills (which he abandoned after being too petrified to shoot an elephant that wound up goreing his parents to death while they were on a safari).


When he returned to Star City, he caught the super hero bug after stopping a pickpocket with a bow and arrow. Basically everything Batman did, he did. Arrowcave, arrowmobile, younger version in sidekick form.


Fast foward to the mid/late 1970s, Arrow loses his fortune and business and becomes a hardcore liberal activist, going from city to city in stealth and fighting injustice and crime. He catches up with Green Lantern, whom he calls out as being out of touch with the world and the two go cross country fighting for the common man. These stories, by Denny ONeil and Art Adams are highly reccommended. All the while he's out helping people, he fails to help out his own former sidekick Speedy is now a heroin addict.


Arrow and Lantern splits, and he spends the 80s - mid 90s as a vigilante, being chased by the government and others for becoming totally like Robin Hood, targeting corrupt businesses and government officials.


Green Arrow winds up getting killed in an explosion in a plane over Metropolis. His son, Connor Hawke, assumes the mantle of the Green Arrow out of respect for the father he never knew. The original Green Arrow gets resurrected by Parallax (Hal Jordan) and fights to get his soul/memory back in the only good comic book project Kevin Smith has been involved with, Quiver.


Green Arrow now spends his time continuing his fight against oppression, catching up with Speedy (who cleaned up and is now called Arsenal), getting to know his son Connor, and trying to fix all the things he did wrong in his life, like being a total womanizer.


Green Arrow is basically a combination of Batman and Robin Hood. He's not a great A-list hero like Spider-Man and Batman, but anything but lame.


I used to think Hawkman was lame, but the current series makes sense of hir origin in a cool way. Basically there was this Egyptian prince Khufu and his lover Chayra were killed and cursed by an evil priest that made them immortal via being in a cycle of being killed and reborn forever. The Hawk part comes from Thangarian Nth metal which can fly that the priest killed them over.


As for a lame character, I'd have to say Aquaman.

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I'm sorry, in my mind Superman is, well, too good. BEing that I prefer my heroes to be scrappers(I'm a huge fan of Spiderman and Daredevil, and my favorite character in DBZ is probably Kururin, all of whom have less than perfect lives and are not unfamilair with getting their BUTT kicked), so unless someone's done something radical to SUperman I just don't think i could get into his stuff.

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The casual comic book reader

There is no such thing anymore.


You either go to the comic store, and buy comics once a month or some such. Or you only know the characters who've been in movies. There's no in between anymore.

Look at Damaramu's original post. Sounds pretty casual to me.

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D-Man is propably the lamest mentioned so far.

D-Man isn't really mainstream though.


Hawkman is both cool and lame at the same time. The concept - flying guy who wields a mace - is very cool, but they've messed around with his continuity so much that people have really stopped caring. Now, with the new series and Hawkgirl playing a prominent role in Justice League, I'm hoping that they stop fucking around with the character.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

I'd have to say Wonder Woman. Not her character but the way DC has mishandled her for a long time now. She's been a write off since they tried to turn her comic into a kung fu book in the 60s.

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Guest PlatinumBoy

Lamest? I mean this in the BEST WAY, as it's why we (I) love him....... Blue Beetle.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
The casual comic book reader

There is no such thing anymore.


You either go to the comic store, and buy comics once a month or some such. Or you only know the characters who've been in movies. There's no in between anymore.

Look at Damaramu's original post. Sounds pretty casual to me.

His friends sound like people who know of comics, not guys who actively buying a lot of them.

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The casual comic book reader

There is no such thing anymore.


You either go to the comic store, and buy comics once a month or some such. Or you only know the characters who've been in movies. There's no in between anymore.

Look at Damaramu's original post. Sounds pretty casual to me.

His friends sound like people who know of comics, not guys who actively buying a lot of them.

Well I just gave you the streamlined version of what my friends say. My friends are actually people that go to the comic book store like twice a week and get every new issue of the paticular series they are reading and tons of trades. I only go like....once a week.

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Guest JMA

I think most super-heroes can be very interesting if they're written right. I think Aquaman gets a lot of unwarranted hate from the mainstream fans. Sure, if you only know him from his crappy portrayal in "The Superfriends" you'll think he's pretty lame. But if you know the character's history, you'll see he has much more depth to him. He was one of the first heroes to marry his love interest (Mera) and have a child with her. He's even become xenophobic and cold in recent years.

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For those who said Moon Knight, I'm no fan of his, but if handled right he could be pretty cool in a Batman kind of way, being that he's almost a Bats rip-off. And his costume is the shits.


As for Hawkman, I liked his 70's cartoon portrayal where he had this claw on his right hand that could shoot about four types of energy beams.


I vote for Martian Manhunter. Hugely overrated IMO.

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Guest JMA
He's even become xenophobic and cold in recent years.

So Aquaman is biting off Namor?

You could see it that way.

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I think i could be considered a casual comic book reader. I go to free comic book day, get stuff from the library(more manga, but still), have bought a few mangas, and get Shonen Jump(I so wish there was something equivalent for US comics, if there is, let me know)

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Guest JoeyStyles

Aquaman is the lamest hands down, everything about him is lame like Aqualad, Black Manta, his ability to communicate with sea creatures, etc.

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Guest JMA
Aquaman is the lamest hands down, everything about him is lame like Aqualad, Black Manta, his ability to communicate with sea creatures, etc.

It makes sense that a guy named "Aquaman" is able to communicate with sea creatures. And how is Aqualad any different than Robin? As for Black Manta, I always thought he looked pretty cool. It's like I said before, people shouldn't look at the "Superfriends" era Aquaman when talking about the character.


Christ, I'd hate to see how people would perceive Batman if everything they knew about him was from the 60's series.

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Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb!

Sorry, couldn't resist.

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