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Guest FrigidSoul

Crying over wrestling

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent


We have a winner.

Hey whore, where did you find the DVD?

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
Sunrise Records....................bitch.

Fuck you capitalist Eastern Canada swine get everything. Fuck off.

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Guest FrigidSoul
If he was crying over a wrestling storyline then he'd be lame, but he's getting emotional over a real display of emotion from Benoit.

This is no excuse. It also makes me uncomfortable to ever watch wrestling with Curry because I'm not about to console a man crying over a wrestler winning a title. Maybe Rudo would hug him, but I would not.


Curry, enjoy the rest of this week and the weekend. Come Monday you go on a strict regime to inject a larger sense of masculinity in you. When I'm done with you you'll be able to watch the end of Titanic without shedding a tear and eating red meat until your colon cries.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

I watched Titanic with a beastly drunk girl that I barely knew...the two other people I KNEW had fallen asleep, so I was stuck with the drunken sloth. Incidently, I have heard this sloth just finished her latest stint in rehab for her cocaine addiction.

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Frigid, I really get along well with you man, but for fucks sake, WOULD YOU GET THE FUCKING POINT. Curry has as much right to cry over Benoit finally realising his dream of being recognised as the best in the world as you do of being a big manly man. Crying doesn't make you any less of a man, its the ones who rip on the person for crying who lose masculinity because they're the ones who are afraid to let their emotions get the better of them. I was misty when Benoit won the title, and when he won the rumble, I was very close to crying, but I didn't.


Nevertheless, if I had of cried, I wouldnt give a FLYING FUCK what you had to say because you mean absolutely nothing to my life in the long run. And therefore you mean nothing to Curry's life in the long run either. This board is a bunch of wrestling fans coming together and discussin a passion of ours. I know that ever since I became a Chris Benoit fan I wanted him to win the World Championship. When he finally won the title, I was, to put it mildly, ecstatic. I was jumping around the room pumping my fist in the air, because I had been waiting for it for years.


So Frigid, in short, GROW UP. If the man wants to cry, let him cry and have a big glass of shut the fuck up. You are being a juvenile immature little kid who doesn't know where the line is for what's funny and what's just fucking stupid. GET THE FUCK OVER IT.

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Guest Danny Dubya v 2.0

Whee. Cue the "well I don't care about your not caring about me, SO THERE." response.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
What other response would you prefer I give?

Frigid shouldn't have made you sad by not taking his medicine today

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

I hate that phrase...heck, I hate the cyber chap who has that in his user title ata certain website...

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Guest FrigidSoul
Crying doesn't make you any less of a man

Unless done so over wrestling, and the movie My Girl. Banky if you cried over that then god help you


Nevertheless, if I had of cried, I wouldnt give a FLYING FUCK what you had to say because you mean absolutely nothing to my life in the long run.

whoa, WHOA, WHOA, WHOA, WHOA! Lets not start saying things we can't take back. We both know I'm an intricate part of your everyday life. Don't deny that my posts have carried you through some of the bad times of your life and brought you to a better place.


This board is a bunch of wrestling fans coming together and discussin a passion of ours.

I guess I missed the part where we all sit around a fire in our tighty whities banging on a drum and singing Koom-bay-ah while watching Benoit and Jericho. I can't join you in this though. I need to wear boxers because tighty whities are too snug for me. I have too much manhood flopping about and the testosterone that it emits is enough to make women 50 miles away go "Do you sense dick? I feel like there's dick around."


I was jumping around the room pumping my fist in the air, because I had been waiting for it for years.

This is acceptable behavior.


If the man wants to cry, let him cry and have a big glass of shut the fuck up.

Now that's just uncalled for. Perhaps even UNFUCKING CALLED FOR. I will not let you tell my friend, my very good and misguided friend, Lord of the Curry to have a big glass of shut the fuck up. That is not very nice coming from a Nice Guy named Adam.


I'm sure Frigid knows that I don't really care about him. At least he should.

This is a lie. Lord of the Curry is still emotional right now and thus not thinking clearly. Don't you worry any my good friend. I'm going to help you through this...one step at a time.

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You don't remember me

But I remember you

'Twas not so long ago

You broke my heart in two


Tears on my pillow

Pain in my heart

Caused by you


If we could start anew

I wouldn't hesitate

I'd gladly take you back

And tempt the hand of fate


Tears on my pillow

Pain in my heart

Caused by you


Love is not a gadget

Love is not a toy

When you find the one you love

She'll fill your heart with joy


If we could start anew

I wouldn't hesitate

I'd gladly take you back

And tempt the hand of fate


Tears on my pillow

Pain in my heart

Caused by you

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Guest FrigidSoul

Its also acceptable to cry over the horrible Human Jukebox gimmik. That fills everybody with grief.

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Now if there's a smile on my face,

it's only there tryin' to fool the public,

but when it comes down to foolin' you;

Now honey, that's quite a different subject.


But don't let my glad expression

give you the wrong impression.

Really I'm sad.

I'm sadder than sad.

You're gone and I'm hurtin' so bad.

Like a clown I pretend to be glad.



Now there's some sad things known to man,

but ain't too much sadder than

the tears of a clown

when there's no one around.


Now if I appear to be carefree,

it's only to camouflage my sadness.

In order to keep my pride I try

to cover the hurt with a show of gladness.


But don't let my show convince you

that I've been happy since you

decided to go.

Oh, I need you so.

I'm hurt and I want you to know.




Just like Pagliacci did,

I try to keep my sadness hid.

(aaargh! I can't remember! It'll come to me and I'll send it along.)

But in my lonely room I cry

the tears of a clown

when there's no one around.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

This late night bitch session is kicking...except for the fact i decided to skip Frigid's elongated reponses. He needs some sleep...and a job...and to get laid. FAST.

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We (Saskatoon) have officially been called the crime capital of Canada. Would that make us the Harlem or Detroit of Canada? I'm on edge here, folks. I''m surrounded by pimps and/or drug dealers looking to break my neck. Uh oh, they just got into my house,...don't forget about Bankkkkkky

At last! We (ex-Regina) aren't the worst any more!

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[Chorus: (sampled)]


After laughter, comes tears


[Verse One: The RZA]


Yo check yo yo, check the script

Me and the gods get it ripped

Blunts in the dip, forty dogs in my lip

Had a box, 'Boom Boom' the bass will blast

We was laughing, at all the girls that passed

Conversation, brothers had begin to discuss

(Hey yo, Ra, remember that kid ya bust?)

Aw yeah, he ran, but he didn't get far

Cause I dropped him, heh heh heh heh heh HA

Not knowin, exactly what lied ahead

My little brother, my mother sent him out for bread

Get the Wonder, it's a hot day in the summer

Didn't expect, to come across, a crazy gunner

"Hey Shorty, check it for the bag and the dough"

But he was brave, looked him in the eye, and said "No!!"

Money splattered him, BOW! then he snatched the bag

In his pockets, then he jetted up the Ave.

Girls screamin, the noise up and down the block

(Hey, Rakeem!) What? (Your little brother got shot!)

I ran frantically, then I dropped down to his feet

I saw the blood, all over, the hot concrete

I picked him up, then I held him by his head

His eyes shut, that's when I knew he was...

Aw man! How do I say goodbye?

It's alway the good ones who have to die

Memories in the corner of my mind

Flashbacks, I was laughin all the time

I taught him, all about the bees and birds

But I wish I had a chance to sing these three words




[Verse Two: Ghostface Killer]


Me and my man, my ace big Moe from the shelter

Bout to hit the skins, from this girl named Thelma

Now Thelma had a rep, that was higher than her neck

Every girl from Shaolin dissed her respect

We was stimmy, you know how it is when you're blitzed

Three o'clock in the morning, something gots to give

Moe said he'll go first, I said I'll take next

Here, take this raincoat, and practice safe sex

He seemed to ignore, I said be for real

She's not even worth it, to go raw deal

A man's gonna do what a man's gonna do

He got BUTT-naked and stuck the power U

Twenty minutes went by, my man went out, without a doubt

I'm not pumpin' up, I am, airin out

Hey yo, he came out laughing with glory

I'm surprised, he's still livin', to tell his story

But he carried on, with the same old stuff

with Stephanie, like a whammy, he pressed his luck

Both tried to be down with O.P.P.

Ain't nuttin' wrong but he got caught with the H.I.V. now

No life to live, doc says two more years

So after the laughter, I guess comes the tears


[Chorus X2]

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
We (Saskatoon) have officially been called the crime capital of Canada.  Would that make us the Harlem or Detroit of Canada? I'm on edge here, folks.  I''m surrounded by pimps and/or drug dealers looking to break my neck.  Uh oh, they just got into my house,...don't forget about Bankkkkkky

At last! We (ex-Regina) aren't the worst any more!

Its true, I just heard we surpassed you folks this past year. I feel so priveledged.

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Guest INXS

Hey, I cried three times during Titanic! The only time i've ever cried over wrestling was during the Owen Hart RAW. You know, one shouldn't be lambasted for crying every now and then at something that is moving.

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Crying over a movie like My Girl is lame; save the tears for movies like Brian's Song. (Hell, seeing a movie like My Girl is pretty lame ... it better have come with a side of fellatio for you to even try to sit through a movie like that. Unless you're a pedo and that girl with the Russian name was giving you wood, but that's an entirely different story.)


And, FS, I don't think you meant this to come out as it sounded:

Come Monday you go on a strict regime to inject a larger sense of masculinity in you.
... at first reading, it sounded like you were going to start giving him anal. And that takes it way too far.

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Guest Nelly's Bandaid

Real men don't have time to make threads like this, it's clear FS is a lesbian who's just trying really hard.

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Guest Dids

Anybody with an ounce of self-esteem doens't give a fuck what people think and doesn't have any problems displaying their emotions.


I loathe dudes who get too caught in up macho bullshit. Stop caring so much about what other people think of you.

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Guest Nelly's Bandaid

^Clearly your not man! A real man would of said 'unnnngh', ate a live bird and than shit himself because toilets are too 'girly'.

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