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ykknow I was at FYE last week and they ha d abunch of xpw dvds for sale (11.95 each) like the revolution will be televised, go funk yourself, baptized in blood 1 and 2, genocide, hostile takeover, liberty or death, aftermath, kristi myst, lizze borden, and the best of the black army.


I got to get some cash soon and pick some of those up

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Aftermath? You sure that was the name to it? I don't think they ever released a DVD called "Aftermath." What did the cover look like/do you remember what matches were listed on it???

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Aftermath? You sure that was the name to it? I don't think they ever released a DVD called "Aftermath." What did the cover look like/do you remember what matches were listed on it???


Aftermath was the name for the January of 03 shows right before XPW gave up on Philly.


It wasn't released on DVD though. He probably just made a mistake.

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Guest slamers
ykknow I was at FYE last week and they ha d abunch of xpw dvds for sale (11.95 each) like the revolution will be televised, go funk yourself, baptized in blood 1 and 2, genocide, hostile takeover, liberty or death, aftermath, kristi myst, lizze borden, and the best of the black army.


I got to get some cash soon and pick some of those up


wait, are you sure you saw a kristi myst xpw dvd as well? if so, let me know bro...

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She kinda tells the same Venis story in her book, too. Something along the lines of "the sex was over within minutes" or something like that.


I did the Missy interview a couple days ago and it went well.


One of the questions was "On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being the worst), how bad was the drug scene in the XPW lockerroom?"


She said that she couldn't speak for the lockerroom as a whole, but for herself, back in '99, she was upwards of 20.

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I contacted Sabu directly about doing an interview and heard back tonight, it is no dice though...his policy is "no interviews" (well unless thy're Japanese publications...cuz lets face it the Sabu loves the Japanese press and the Japanese press loves Sabu). I was willing to pay him, but I think the RF Video shoot left a bad taste with him for some reason and he's not going to do any interviews anytime soon. Have no fear, though, there will be more name guys added as time progresses.

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What happen with the RF shoot interview Sabu did? Oh and when are you going to post more retrospective of XPW?

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EMAXSAUN is still working ont he retrospective web site. Once that finally goes up, I am going to start pumping out the editions faster. The next edition is going to focus on the wrestlers who quit Slammers and then went on to form SCCW, which was a precursor of XPW.


Not 100% sure about the Sabu shoot, but from wahwt I've heard Sabu was in bad health and had a lot of hospital bills at the time of his shoot so that played a big part in why he did the shoot. He got $5,000 for that RF shoot IIRC. So I think looking back he may regret doing it as he's doing fine now since so many promoters and fans helped him get through the hospital bills and such by fundraiser shows and such. Jus ta guess..

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ykknow I was at FYE last week and they ha d abunch of xpw dvds for sale (11.95 each) like the revolution will be televised, go funk yourself, baptized in blood 1 and 2, genocide, hostile takeover, liberty or death, aftermath, kristi myst, lizze borden, and the best of the black army.


I got to get some cash soon and pick some of those up


wait, are you sure you saw a kristi myst xpw dvd as well? if so, let me know bro...

yea it was there, it was in the FYE at Palisades Mall in West Nyack, NY

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Aftermath? You sure that was the name to it? I don't think they ever released a DVD called "Aftermath." What did the cover look like/do you remember what matches were listed on it???

I thought it said aftermath but I didnt look at it closely, cuz I was in a hurry that day.

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It couldn't have been a Kristi Myst-XPW DVD. Maybe it was a Lizzy Borden DVD. Or a Wrestling Vixxxens DVD that had Kristi on the cover. XPW hyped a Kristi Myst video back in 2000 but it was never released.

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It couldn't have been a Kristi Myst-XPW DVD. Maybe it was a Lizzy Borden DVD. Or a Wrestling Vixxxens DVD that had Kristi on the cover. XPW hyped a Kristi Myst video back in 2000 but it was never released.

they didn't? I could swear I saw it in a store vhs version back in 2000 or 01 .


and actually thinking about it aftermath was the name of the show I went to in may 00 so I may be mistaken

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Really? That gets me curious as I always thought they never released it, even though they hyped the tape on XPW TV and in magazine ads (WOW Magazine, etc.). I'll ask Kristi sometime, maybe she will know if it was released, although I doubt it.

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EMAXSAUN is getting the site up. Once that's up (in a month or so I hope) I will start pumping updates out more frequently. There will also be a LOT of exclusive content on the site once it goes up, so look forward to that. I appreciate the interest. I know people are getting kind of tiredsome waiting for the next update; it WILL come, I promise! And it will be worth the wait.

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When the site goes up (hopefully in a month or so), you can expect a lot of exclusive content. I will post 2 XPW match music videos that I made to correspond with the launch of the site. One will be of the unreleased Supreme vs. Kaos "fire incident" which was one of the best death matches you'll ever see (psychology-wise and violence-wise) and the other is of Vic Grimes vs. Altar Boy Luke vs. Little Guido at Hostile Takeover in one of the greatest matches in the history of Viking Hall.


There is an issue with Tommy Dreamer (who dealt with Rob Black extensively before XPW was even around, and of course was right in the middle of the HeatWave riot). He has expressed moderate interest in doing an interview for the retrospective. However, there is a problem due to his WWE contract and as of this point it doesn't look like WWE is going to let him to do an interview, but if that changes, I will let you know. I will see Tommy in 2 weeks and am going to try to convince him to do one, but if I had to guess I'd say its unlikely as of this point.

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Shit I talked to Kristi a few days ago for a long time and didn't even cross my mind to mention the tape and whether or not it was released. Anyone know where I can find a picture of the cover cuz I have a feeling she may not even remember it unless she has something to jog her memory.

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Followup about Tommy Dreamer - I talked to him last night at a show; basically, the interview came very close to happening (much closer than I expected it to)...it was all set up and everything...and then he backed out at the very last minute because he decided he didn't want to talk about XPW (this after giving me a verbal committment he would do it). Trust me, though, there will be more names announced.

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After three years of trying to get in touch, I FINALLY got a hold of the one and only "Queen of Xtreme," Lizzy Borden. Unfortunately, she was not willing to do an interview (nor is Rob Black). The one thing she was willing to say is, "We lost millions of dollars and trusted the wrong people."


I don't know about the second part, but the first part is most definitely true. Nonetheless, though, it MUST be said that Lizzy is an absolute class act. She was extremely nice about it. If there is ANYBODY who you ever hear talk shit about Lizzy, I assure you they are totally full of shit (unless they're name is Billy Welch...he has SOME reason to be ticked off about her, but still, there is a lot more to that story than meets the eye). Lizzy sure does promote a sick and twisted type of entertainment, but she is an absolute sweetheart, and if anybody says otherwise they're a total asshole.


Currently, Lizzy is very actively involved in a Save the Seals campaign designed to stop the murders of baby seals. More info at protectseals.org . If you donate to the campaign and send in proof to Extreme Associates, you can get a free porn DVD.


As far as an update on the retrospective, just sit tight. EMAXSAUN is still working on getting the site up. Once it does go up, I have two XPW music videos that will coincide with its launch, and at that point, the written editions/articles will start coming out more regularly.

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am i the only one that thought XPW sucked?


I thought it was ok but I couldn't stand the annoucing. It was sooooooo freaking bad and it was very hard for me to sit through an entire tape of XPW without turning it off because the annoucing was just that bad.

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am i the only one that thought XPW sucked?


I thought it was ok but I couldn't stand the annoucing. It was sooooooo freaking bad and it was very hard for me to sit through an entire tape of XPW without turning it off because the annoucing was just that bad.

oh come on LARRY RIVERA RULES!!! :D


but yea I can see why people would hate it, but I liked xpw for its inherent crappiness, not to mention it was like our local promotion.

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There is a very interesting development in the works that I will have more info on in the next week.


I contacted Evan Karagias for an interview about XPW (he did 2 or three matches for them) but he wanted $100 so I said no.


I asked Justin Credible last night if he would do an interview but he just wanted to go back to the hotel so maybe another time (hopefully)...


I am trying to work something out with Tommy Dreamer although I don't think it will happen.

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