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The amazing comeback

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

parry that shit down bitch!


I'm gonna go watch that again.

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I had been wanting to see that, thanks for the link.


Unbelievable. That might be the most impressive thing I've ever seen done in a videogame.

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I dunno who these people are, but I laughed more when I saw what the two "fighters" looked like at the end than I did at the amazing comeback

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I dunno who these people are, but I laughed more when I saw what the two "fighters" looked like at the end than I did at the amazing comeback

Huh? I've seen lots of pics of Daigo and Justin, they look normal to me.

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Holy shit. That had to be one of the coolest things I've ever seen. To start watching him parry, and waiting for him to screw up, but it doesn't and then watching him just beat the shit out of Chun Li was fucking cinematic.

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Insanity. Pure insanity.


I wish I had even a quarter of the skill at Street Fighter that these kids do. :(

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