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Gamfaqs character battle

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The main character of LucasArts' Monkey Island series.


I like the site, and the guy who runs it seems like a good guy, but man, those forums....

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Ok. In the brief time I spent playing that game on someone else's computer in the 90s, I didn't catch the guy's name. Thanks.


On a happier note, my entry is perfect so far! hooray!

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Well, if it were Spike TV or something, Football Guy would go undefeated throughout the entire tournament.


Didnt Gamefaqs just have a Character Battle in spring or something?

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Conker lost in the first round. Screw PS2 and hateful Nintendo fanboys. Conker should have advnaced!

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You mean Luca Blight? 'Cause he's probably the best game villain ever. Certainly the most vicious. Of course, the fact that Suikoden II is so rare it fetches$80+ may be a factor, when everyone has played ct. I still get shivers when I see that cinema which shows Blight atop a hill of bodies, zoom in: craziest elated death face of doom ever!

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In TSM's, Blight BEAT Sephiroth.


...I think I don't have the records now.

I was pissed enough that Kefka lost to Sephiroth. Now, Kefka/Luca, that would be an interesting battle.


As entertaining as Luca Blight is though, his brother-in-law is the better character.

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He (Sephiroth) was broody and crazy and looked cool; had a cool sword too. He's not a bad character per se, but he is wildly overrated. He also had last boss music that may be the best song in a game to date. Also,




As if anyone didn't know, he killed a major character in pretty dramatic fashion. Though she's overrated too.



Agreed Jowy is a tremendous character, but Luca is the shit in terms of pure villainy. Kefka and Galleon are the only other villains I'd put up on the pedestal with him.

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Kefka may be a little 2-dimentional, but damn if he doensn;t go all the way with craziness and love for killing.


Sephiroth is one of the first characters who went straight from angsty to straight nihilistic villainy, which was refreshing at the time. Often if a villain has their villainy explained, it goes so far into 'poor guy' that you become ambivalent. Sephiroth is sorta like the Joker in that he was an ok guy, had a bad day, and was too weak to handle it. He's a good foil for Cloud, since he has extraordinary physical powers, and limited moral strength, while Cloud is a fairly ordinary guy with pretty extraordinary will (if you think about it.).


BTW, Kuja was the biggest attempt of a company to duplicate previous success with a character ever. He was EXACTLY Sephiroth, except for more effeminate.

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In TSM's, Blight BEAT Sephiroth.


...I think I don't have the records now.

I was pissed enough that Kefka lost to Sephiroth. Now, Kefka/Luca, that would be an interesting battle.


As entertaining as Luca Blight is though, his brother-in-law is the better character.

How would you feel if Kefka got his ass kicked by Knuckles the Echidna?


Check gamefaqs.

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Actually this is quite amazing considering the boards are riddled with them sqaure folk, must be mating season or something.

:lol: :lol: :lol:


Yeah, nothing worthwhile to contribute...


Kefka being beat is just a reassertion of the fact that Final Fantasy didn't actually get *good* until Final Fantasy VII, you fool. :D

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Ok, so, what the hell? Last year I didn't realize Kefka had a cult following and totally counted him out of the bracket, thus lost several points for each round he actually advanced. I correct that mistake this year, so what happens? He LOSES. God. Damn.


Funny thing is, according to the Contest Statistics, a total of 0% correctly predicted that bracket.


Edit: Since been changed to 43%

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