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Guest Beingz0wningj00

Promo: Who am I

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Guest Beingz0wningj00

*all this a promo that was mailed to the SWF from the Canadian/US border for Storm as Drazon was being cavity searched for excessive doses of cocaine. Warning... next time they ask you if you have any drugs, don't say yes shitloads and do a rail on that bulletproof glass... they don't like that...*




The screen flickers to life, as it shows the facial structure in close up view of Jamie Drazon. Although it’s evident he is in a room, what’s around him is unknown to the viewer. It’s evident some stitches are over his eye from the Ground Zero match, although they look like they are ready to be removed. His demeanor is calm however he does look like he is ready to say something. He takes a moment to rub his hands over his face, passing over the top of his head, which isn’t quite seen in the screen. As his hands clear, he opens his eyes and begins speaking to the camera.


“About my performance last week… heck, since my returning to the SWF. There hasn’t been a lot to say. I’m not going to do a rant about how I’m going to change all that… I’m not going to state I’m the rightful winner of last week. None of that shit matters, because you all already know.”


Drazon takes a moment to pause before clarifying the last sentence.


“You see, everybody in the fed knows and has their own opinion on many things. They all know I’m a menace, they all know I’m a maniac, and they damn well know I am hardcore! But that’s not a statement or a funny catchphrase. It’s a motherf**king fact. I fight. I kick the shit out of people. It’s what I do. It’s emotionless to me. Every kick I deliver isn’t intended with hate. Sure, I can deliver with rage… we all can. Hell from time to time, I’m on the worst side of it. But that’s ok. It’s the destiny I have chosen.”


Resting back a bit, Drazon crosses his arms over his chest as he continues to speak, sputtering sentences off while remaining in somewhat grasp of a point.


“I’ve been to the top of the mountain, I’ve taken the hardest fall. I’ve seen this fed since the very beginning, and I’ve crossed it’s paths many times as my fate has chosen. I’m not your chosen one, or your next big thing. Some may call me a force to be reckoned with or your worst nightmare. But not me… that’s not what I am. This fed is filled with psychos who make my crimes pail in comparison. We are run by those who manipulate our potential to it’s fullest extent for their mere enjoyment. And even worse, we are bombarded with all these forthcomings of punks with presidents to their fanclubs, looking to prove a point, trying to make a statement with their deathmove of the week. I’ve seen it all before… and you know something…”


Drazon pulls his face close to the camera as he chuckles a sadistic grin into his face.


“Heh heh… I wouldn’t have it any other way!”


Drazon twists his neck to it’s left, then right, the twists each punctuated with a crack


“One thing this federation is most of all at this moment. It’s my home. I’m not the man to build this company around. I’m that standard who will obliterate you if you’re not worthy. I’m that son of a bitch and tough old bastard who will be here no matter what is done to you. I’m that cocky canuck who will be scrapping, kicking, punishing, and crushing you all until I’m in my sixties. I’m your damage that won’t be undone and worst of all for you. To me it’s just business with the personal only being the power of my skills.”


Drazon pulls his fists up in front of the camera, where he is taped up at both of his wrists, he pounds them together before wiping his hands over his head. The camera finally rises a bit, revealing that Drazon has shaved his head. His eyes radiate a strong hate as he looks back into the camera, his fists resting under his chin.


“It’s not time for business to pick up nor am I announcing any spectacular arrival. You all know my kicks of legend… however now, the legend has decided to protect it’s claim. Let’s go boys… The fire has come out to play.”

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A relatively unassuming promo - interesting... in the slew of people claiming to be the next World Champion and stuff, it's always good to have someone whose character is content to just be a fucking psycho and kick people very hard. Of course, now Drazon will probably go on a tear and beat everyone in sight, finishing off by winning the World Title by October. Or something.

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From the opening tone of the promo, I thought you were quitting.


I guess you're not. Suppose that's good.


Bring back Jay Dawg.

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Guest Beingz0wningj00

Well at least the point is getting...


This fed is many a war of words, and with the recent intelligence growth in promos, not to mention every point of view heard, and every opinion justified... I think some simple change of directions(to prevent me from confusing myself with other characters;)) was necessary. I'm not your quote of the week, or your match of the month... but I am responsible for that footprint on your dome. :ph34r:

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Guest Beingz0wningj00

I didn't... I just record it into a mic and hire the courts to transcribe it for me...



You wonder why I'm broke all the time... whoever said anything about 'FREE' time. ;)

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