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Goldberg/Regal on Nitro. F'n NASTY.

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I still think Page / Goldberg from HH 98 is Bill's best match in his entire career.

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Guest ian.

And his match with Sting the next night wasn't too shabby either. When hogan came out I got really pissed, and it was the first time that a fucky ducky finish got me out of my seat and had me yelling at the tv.


Or maybe it was just a mark out match that made it good.

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I know all the shit around it and how Regal got fired after


What's that all about?

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Guest Staravenger
I know all the shit around it and how Regal got fired after


What's that all about?

I can guess Either Regal stiffed the shit out of Goldberg or he was pulling a Paul Roma and trying to make himself look better (because he is).

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I still think Page / Goldberg from HH 98 is Bill's best match in his entire career.

So since we are talking about Goldberg, was this a legit ***-***1/2 match, or was it the best for him personally, which I'd see being closer to **-**1/2?

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I still think Page / Goldberg from HH 98 is Bill's best match in his entire career.

So since we are talking about Goldberg, was this a legit ***-***1/2 match, or was it the best for him personally, which I'd see being closer to **-**1/2?

I gave it ***.

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Regal basically showed up Goldberg by stiffing him, sandbagging him, and instead of making it a squash, he chained wrestled him.


I think I have to go watch Page/Goldberg again...I haven't seen it forever.

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Guest Ray
I just watched this and yes, I know all the shit around it and how Regal got fired after but minus the two botches (spinning neckbreaker by Goldberg and Regal going for something after an irish whip), this match was fucking nasty. Watch all the chain wrestling and Goldberg pulls out some fucking sweet counters to some of Regal's moves. And Regal is stiff as hell which makes it even more pimp.


I'm sorry, but I marked the fuck out for this match. Download it on KaZaa sometime. It's worth a look.

Hell yes. I nearly jumped out of my chair when Goldberg busted out that leg hold/takedown. I also loved the announcers trying to cover for Goldberg, because they were expecting a squash. "Uh....Goldberg has faced many different challenges...this is a new type of challenge for Goldberg...uh." Something like that.


Regal forcing Goldberg into a wrestling match = greatness. :cheers:

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Guest ally mccoist
And it's funny he got FIRED because of this. You'd think he'd get praised for actually pulling out a watchable match. All the fans know that Regal is a legit tough guy wrestler so it's logical he doesn't go after Goldberg with punches and stupid shit, but stiffer forearms and palm strikes...and also wrestling takedowns.

Yeah but the fans werent expecting that kind of match. They were expecting the usual spear/jackhammer/pin minute long match. The fans barely react to the match, they only popped at the usual. I don't think Regal deserved to get fired over this (but im not sure this was the main reason for his departure anyway) but he shouldnt have bothered trying what he did. Problem is you can't have Goldberg squash every jobber/midcarder in town and then suddenly one random midcarder is getting the better of him for a good few minutes. It makes Goldberg look bad with the fans wondering "why can't he beat THIS guy, but he can beat everyone else in seconds?" That was always the problem with the Goldberg push.

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This is the firing where Regal went to WWE and got stuck with that horrible "Man" gimmick right?

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And it's funny he got FIRED because of this. You'd think he'd get praised for actually pulling out a watchable match. All the fans know that Regal is a legit tough guy wrestler so it's logical he doesn't go after Goldberg with punches and stupid shit, but stiffer forearms and palm strikes...and also wrestling takedowns.

Yeah but the fans werent expecting that kind of match. They were expecting the usual spear/jackhammer/pin minute long match. The fans barely react to the match, they only popped at the usual. I don't think Regal deserved to get fired over this (but im not sure this was the main reason for his departure anyway) but he shouldnt have bothered trying what he did. Problem is you can't have Goldberg squash every jobber/midcarder in town and then suddenly one random midcarder is getting the better of him for a good few minutes. It makes Goldberg look bad with the fans wondering "why can't he beat THIS guy, but he can beat everyone else in seconds?" That was always the problem with the Goldberg push.

Then the match could have easily led to a big Regal push. "Hey, this guy hung with Goldberg" and thus he gets over big time.

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Yeah that's really "cool" that Regal was insubordinate and made Goldberg look bad. Fuck Regal. He's never been worth a dime, can't draw, and contrasts his "style" (if you can it that) with nearly every great drawing talent in the business, that's why he's written off in anything important he's ever done. See: easy non-match squash on Raw last week.


Just think, if say, Rick Martel or so had sandbagged The Ultimate Warrior back in 1988 and ruined his reputation, no one here could jizz themselves over Warrior/Hogan from WM 6 or Warrior/Savage from WM 7.


Say what you will, but Goldberg was responsible for a shitload of business in the ENTIRE pro wrestling industry, despite his lack of actual wrestling knowledge. Personally, I feel Goldberg had better intensity and a better look than 95% of the talent working in the late 1990's. A shame he was typecast into his "no-selling monster" gimmick, as who knows just how good an actual "wrestler" he could've been.

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Guest AdamF

If you watch closely enough, Regal is trying to work WITH Goldberg, not against him, as he he's trying to put himself in holds and give Goldberg openings, but for the most part, Goldberg doesn't have a clue what's going on and does his own fair share of not cooperating. Obviously, Regal took a few shots out of frustration, but nothing I would consider dangerous or out of line. Anything he did was clearly in "working fashion", ie: solid European uppercuts.


It's not Goldberg's fault, either. He just got so big, so fast that his value and popularity grew faster than his ability to improve/learn/progress. For once, WCW didn't squash a guy that was getting over.


I don't think it was worth firing Regal over, as as soon as Goldberg hit the spear, everyone forgot the previous five minutes anyways.


I have seen much worse. If you haven't seen it, I recommend downloading it, though.

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Guest Loss

This was around the time Regal got fired, but it wasn't the reason he got fired. I believe he got fired for urinating on a flight attendant on a charter plane.

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Yeah that's really "cool" that Regal was insubordinate and made Goldberg look bad. Fuck Regal. He's never been worth a dime, can't draw, and contrasts his "style" (if you can it that) with nearly every great drawing talent in the business, that's why he's written off in anything important he's ever done. See: easy non-match squash on Raw last week.


Just think, if say, Rick Martel or so had sandbagged The Ultimate Warrior back in 1988 and ruined his reputation, no one here could jizz themselves over Warrior/Hogan from WM 6 or Warrior/Savage from WM 7.


Say what you will, but Goldberg was responsible for a shitload of business in the ENTIRE pro wrestling industry, despite his lack of actual wrestling knowledge. Personally, I feel Goldberg had better intensity and a better look than 95% of the talent working in the late 1990's. A shame he was typecast into his "no-selling monster" gimmick, as who knows just how good an actual "wrestler" he could've been.

I'd a say who helped train guys like Spanky, American Dragon and who most of the ROH roster has either worked with or credits as a huge influence is worth quite a bit more then a dime in the business.


Regal's never been put into a position to draw- so saying he can't draw doesn't prove anything.


Regal didn't sanbag Goldberg and obviously didn't hurt his rep. He tried to work a match with him rather then get squashed. I don't think anyone thought Goldberg was a pussy cause of that match.


Regal had great matches with Flair, a good match with Sting and of course a MOTYC with Benoit. With what other great draws did his style constrast with? He worked a couple matches with Austin but they were all TV matches. Ditto Rock

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Guest Joshua A. Norton
This is the firing where Regal went to WWE and got stuck with that horrible "Man" gimmick right?

#He's a man...

Such a man..

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This was around the time Regal got fired, but it wasn't the reason he got fired. I believe he got fired for urinating on a flight attendant on a charter plane.

Oooooooh yeah. I remember that story. I'm sure this match didn't help though.

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Guest Redhawk
He tried to work a match with him rather then get squashed. I don't think anyone thought Goldberg was a pussy cause of that match.

True, but if you don't fire (or at least discipline) Regal, what happens next? The next match Goldberg has, another jobber "pulls a Regal" and doesn't take his squashing. Then another, and then another. Regal had to be fired to make an example out of him.

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But Regal wasn't fired for that. He was fired for being on drugs and peeing on a flight attendant.


And as a wrestler- you have to learn to protect yourself. So it would've been Goldberg's fault had that happened

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That match never had the chance to get off the ground. Jericho injured his ankle and they had to go home earlier then expected. That's why there was the out of nowhere finish. Still a pretty good match though.

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Guest Ray
He tried to work a match with him rather then get squashed. I don't think anyone thought Goldberg was a pussy cause of that match.

True, but if you don't fire (or at least discipline) Regal, what happens next? The next match Goldberg has, another jobber "pulls a Regal" and doesn't take his squashing. Then another, and then another. Regal had to be fired to make an example out of him.

Who, but Regal, could shoot on Goldberg though? :)

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Guest Paul H.

If you only judge by fan reaction then we woulda had a Rikishi world title reign and Doink would still be around.


Sometimes the marks are wrong,i'm not saying they should cater the internet but the business needs to find some middle-ground between "us"(what's cool and what's wrestling) and "them"(what makes money).

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