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Question about a Chris Jericho quote...

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Somebody has a quote from Chris Jericho where says something like "No, no, no. I will not be looked past you stupid son of a bitch" or something like that.


When did he say that?

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Guest Thrashist

I'm not good with quotes at all, but even I have a general idea of when that was from (I think). I believe the Rock was just assuming he would beat Jericho at the Rumble 2002 on his way to Wrestlemania, but Jericho got fed up and said that.


Either that, or it was Austin saying he was going to go against HHH at Wrestlemania X8 by beating Jericho at No Way Out. One of the two.

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Guest TigerDriver91

"Nooooooooooo! This is not a joke. I am not a joke and you will not look past me you stupid son of a bitch!"


One of my favourite Jericho quotes actually.

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Guest Staravenger
Nooooooooooo! This is not a joke. I am not a joke and you will not look past me you stupid son of a bitch!"


It's a shame HHH denied THAT claim.

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Guest GreatOne

Well in Jericho's defense, he got to have 4 months with the belt, even if a month was being Stephanie's lapdog,


whereas Trips got the honor of not only jobbing to Hulk Hogan but having the ending changed during the match........


Hey come to think of it didn't Vince McMahon draw the ire of the entire smark community when he did in effect the same thing a few years before that? I wanna say the match took place in Montreal but I'm not sure...............

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Well in Jericho's defense, he got to have 4 months with the belt, even if a month was being Stephanie's lapdog,


whereas Trips got the honor of not only jobbing to Hulk Hogan but having the ending changed during the match........


Hey come to think of it didn't Vince McMahon draw the ire of the entire smark community when he did in effect the same thing a few years before that? I wanna say the match took place in Montreal but I'm not sure...............

Wait a second...the HHH/Hogan finish was changed DURING the match?

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Jericho's best promo since the Malenko fued and his debut to the WWF.


Jericho and Rock have great chemistry.


Does anyone have the clip, so I can download it?

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Guest GreatOne
Wait a second...the HHH/Hogan finish was changed DURING the match?


I would imagine the shock there'd fall in line with John Kerry serving in Nam or Dick Cheney working for Haliburton.

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Guest GreatOne

Yeah cause I doubt the whole motive of bringing Hogan back was to give him one last title run (complete with the MOTORCYCLE RIDE OF DOOM!~) combined with making HHH the only guy to win the world title at Wrestlemania just to lose it at the next PPV since they started doing monthly PPVs (no 2000 doesn't count I said won as opposed to just keeping it). Also cite the Taker and Jericho run-ins.


But even without the match result (since I can't find the bit from Meltzer on it) Jericho will at least have that, and lifelong Flair-mark HHH sucking up to his 'all-time favorite' Hogan, which reminds me of Benoit suddenly claiming Jimmy Snuka as his idol. Of course HHH got his year-and-a-half run (that was interrupted by HBK and Goldberg) and Jericho intro'ing Evolution as his 'buddies', but that's after the fact.

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With the HHH/Hogan match, I think the Internet rumor was that Vince hadn't decided who was going to win the match until that very day. But, once the match had started, he already knew that he wanted Hogan to go over.

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Guest GreatOne

OK I was close enough, but I also remember something about mid-match.


Either way you can't say HHH was never made to look like a jackass..............

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