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Guest Astro

An Asian Gang nearly attacked me today

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Guest Astro

Somedays I wonder how I get myself into such trouble....


As I'm driving to my business law class tonight, I'm doing 70-75 on the Highway....A car pulls behind me with 4 asians in it....they ride my ass bumper to bumper, and I get annoyed real fast...I hammer the horn and speed up....they stay on my ass....I slowed way down and waved them past....they slowed down and stayed on my ass.... I sped up and they sped up,,,,,,finally they blow past me and suddenly cut right in front of my car and slow way down.....traffic is honking...and passing them.....I try to pass them, and they swerve in front of me......we repeat this game 3-4 times and they let me pass..... now I speed up big time so I can avoid these nuts....they speed up and try to pass me....and I use another car to block them off....finally they do roar past me again...flicking me off and honking


They cut in front of me again and slow way down....blocking traffic.....I stop completely...getting worried now....They stop completely....traffics backing up.... I try going forward...they cut in front of me.......repeat this 2-3 times again, and they suddenly pull in the middle of a busy highway (rush hour mind you) and litterly park sideways blocking the traffic.... they're yelling and daring me to drive up by them.....other cars are driving in the ditch sides to get by them....I try and they cut me off....finally a van reates an opening and I get by.....they race ahead and cut the van off......we head up an on ramp......they let the Van drive by......now they pull to the side and wave me over....I said fuck that and tried driving by.....they cut me off again....cars are lined up on the onramp behind us....12-15 deep.....I'm stuck 20 feet behind 4 punks who keep screaming obscenities at me and won't let anyone pass.....I'm thinking...pop the trunk and grab the tire iron.....I need a weapon....They get out of the car and start toward me...swearing....I get half out of the car...and say "I just didn't like you riding my ass...I don't want no trouble....then quickly dipped back in the car.....when they saw me in my potential 2 ton weapon...they kept swearing and flicking me off ....but they retreated to their car and finally roared off...... That may have been 20 of the freakiest minutes of my life, as i was honestly expecting them to have knifes or guns, or something an royally fuck me up.....


Had i had some one with me, I'd fought'em I think, but 4 on 1 didn't sound so appealing....


Oh well, another day in my wierd life....

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Guest Bitterness the Star

Yeah, you get cunts like that from time to time.


But, if I were you and they hadn't wanted to retreat, I would've happily let the tyre iron do the talking. Depending on their physical stature, that tyre iron could've taken them all or at least scared them off if you smashed one of them, preferably the leader, in the head with it.


If not... well, repeat three times.

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Edit till I learn to read


Edit 2: No, I read it right the first time.


But, if I were you and they hadn't wanted to retreat, I would've happily let the tyre iron do the talking. Depending on their physical stature, that tyre iron could've taken them all or at least scared them off if you smashed one of them, preferably the leader, in the head with it.


Clearly Bitterness hasn't dealt with a crew of Asians in a situation like this.

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Guest Bitterness the Star

I'd much rather attempt to defend myself if they wanted to make something of it. You'd be idiotic not to.

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Guest Astro

What a story that would've been


22 year old fights 4 Asian teens (?) in fit of Road Rage, expected to go on trial today.....Racism believed to be a factor in heinous beatings....

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Guest Bitterness the Star

Astro, would you have used the tyre iron?


Edit: Of course you wouldn't have. What kind of a tool would rather be known as beating the shit out of a group of Asians in a 4-1 situation over possibly having their own face beat in for life?


Why, most certainly not me.

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i was honestly expecting them to have knifes or guns, or something an royally fuck me up.....

And they didn't? That's too bad.

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By "too bad" I mean for those of us who you subject to your horrible stories, in case you were wondering.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I would have ran them off the road with my huge fuckin' truck.

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Perhaps you were driving an American car and they were unemployed auto-workers from Japan.


But yeah, those "road rage" incidents can get freaky. That's how I'm probably going to go out in this world -- by someone getting out of their car and shooting me in the head...

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Oh well, another day in my wierd life....

Christ dude, what city do you live in? Sounds like something out of Big Trouble in Little China. :P

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How can a dog from the future drive a car, lest be screamed at by a gang of Asian youngsters? Maybe when they heard you talk, they thought you were mocking them....



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Guest SP-1
If there were any girls in the group, just threaten to bind their feet


That'll shut them up

Post of the day.



And Astro, the tire iron would have done no good. They're obviously undercover ninjas, and you know what that means.

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If there were any girls in the group, just threaten to bind their feet


That'll shut them up

Post of the day.



And Astro, the tire iron would have done no good. They're obviously undercover ninjas, and you know what that means.

Astro had a run in with the Foot Clan?

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I never got into a fight with an Asian before. But I did get almost get into a fight with somebody, like, three times my size and a few years older than me when I was 12.


I was riding my bike down my street, having a bad day, and my friends Pat and Eric were with me. This kid who hung out with this other kid that lived down the street was like "hey, where you going, you faggots?" so I flipped him the bird. He got up and ran after me, telling me that if I flipped him off again he'd beat the shit out of me.


So naturally, I flipped him off again. He started walking over to me, grumbling profanities and talking about how he'd kill me and whatnot, and I get off my bike, throw it down, walk right up to him, and shove him about five feet back. He punches me in the chest a few times, and I don't even notice it, and then I trip him down onto my bike. He gets up, I grab my bike, flip him off again, and ride away.


I know. I should have pulled out my ninja powers and killed him, but alas, I was a trainee at the time, and using such powers was strictly forbidden.

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The funny thing is, I bet the asians weren't even fucking with you. That's probably how they actually drive. It's a well known fact that asian's are the worst drivers. In fact, one plowed into me last year. Next time you should just run them off the road and straight into a fucking tree.

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Guest Dynamite Kido
I never got into a fight with an Asian before. But I did get almost get into a fight with somebody, like, three times my size and a few years older than me when I was 12.


I was riding my bike down my street, having a bad day, and my friends Pat and Eric were with me. This kid who hung out with this other kid that lived down the street was like "hey, where you going, you faggots?" so I flipped him the bird. He got up and ran after me, telling me that if I flipped him off again he'd beat the shit out of me.


So naturally, I flipped him off again. He started walking over to me, grumbling profanities and talking about how he'd kill me and whatnot, and I get off my bike, throw it down, walk right up to him, and shove him about five feet back. He punches me in the chest a few times, and I don't even notice it, and then I trip him down onto my bike. He gets up, I grab my bike, flip him off again, and ride away.


I know. I should have pulled out my ninja powers and killed him, but alas, I was a trainee at the time, and using such powers was strictly forbidden.

Don't worry about it Laz. Hey, I learned a good effective technique when I was younger. One thing......brainbusters.....

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The funny thing is, I bet the asians weren't even fucking with you. That's probably how they actually drive. It's a well known fact that asian's are the worst drivers. In fact, one plowed into me last year. Next time you should just run them off the road and straight into a fucking tree.

My favorite post so far

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The funny thing is, I bet the asians weren't even fucking with you. That's probably how they actually drive. It's a well known fact that asian's are the worst drivers. In fact, one plowed into me last year. Next time you should just run them off the road and straight into a fucking tree.

This is how we should've done it in WW2.

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