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The Czech Republic

Another week, another "I might leave the board"

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As I've mentioned, I move into my dorm room tomorrow. I've got a spiffy laptop that I'll be taking along to do all my work, and they promise me DSL service in my room. Thing of it is, I don't know when they promise it. I'll probably have it by tomorrow or the day after, but it could take a week, two weeks, who knows. So if I'm gone from the board, that's why. Ideally and probably, this won't even happen, but just in case, I'm going to explain my temporary departure.


And in the event that they go "omg u r a freshman no internet 4 u d00d," then it's been a fun almost-three years, thanks for everything. Kinda weird, I signed on with the SmarkBoard (as I AM THE ALLIANCE) around late September, early Ocotber of 2001, and I've been part of the community from my sophomore year in high school to now. Not a bad run if this is the end. But it won't be, I won't let it be. If those techies dilly-dally with getting me my Internet service, I'ma hafta march into their office and say "Listen pal. I belong to a little something called an Internet Wrestling Message Board. And I write so much crap there I should get a semester hour or two of English credit, okay? And not to mention, I've been in dial-up hell for the last eight or so years. So I suggest you get steppin' and hook me up. Bitch."


A thread celebrating my transition to college should be on the way, hopefully soon.

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And the response was to simply tell him that no one responded. It didn't really relate to the subject at hand, so therefore it can't really count as a reply, can it?

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Why the fuck would you claim responsibility for being I AM THE ALLIANCE?

I don't even know. I should go back and change it to saying I was "RSPWFAQ" or something. No wait a sec


Anyhow I don't care that nobody read this because I'm 99% sure I'm not leaving anyway. This thread was just for the 1% chance I go

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Then why post a thread like this? I'm sure if you were unable to get Internet access from your computer that somewhere, somehow you would have been able to log onto the Internet and then make a thread talking about a subject that nobody cares about...

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And the response was to simply tell him that no one responded. It didn't really relate to the subject at hand, so therefore it can't really count as a reply, can it?

Solid logic, until the post following yours.


And of course you'll have internet access, Czech. Unless your school is run by luddites.

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Guys, I'm going down to the shops. If I get hit by a car and killed, I'd just like to let you all know that it's been a great near four years here. I realise it's unlikely that it happens, but there is a 1% chance so I figured I'd let you guys know just in case it does surpass.

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