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Guest Mindless_Aggression

Statement: If given the chance to squash his fellow cruiserweights and continue channelling his character the way he does on the indy scene, Low Ki would get over huge in the WWE based on presence and unique offense, not unlike Tajiri, although a totally different vibe to Ki obviously.

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Statement: As long as Trish is a heel, the women's division is slowly vaporizing.

It doesn't matter if Trish is a face or a heel...if they concentrate on this Diva shit and show them as the important part of the show without having anything interesting for the current women's division to do, it will vaporize.


Statement: The WWE was better off five years ago than it is now.

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Statement: If given the chance to squash his fellow cruiserweights and continue channelling his character the way he does on the indy scene, Low Ki would get over huge in the WWE based on presence and unique offense, not unlike Tajiri, although a totally different vibe to Ki obviously.

Agreed about Ki to an extent. During his dark matches in 2000 and 2001 he got hella over with the crowd but it's the same for Ki as it is for Joe: The things that define them the most on the indy scene are the exact things that would be killed off the second they set foot in a WWE ring.

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Guest Rrrsh
Statement: Triple H is currently the TOP heel in the WWE today.


Statement: Batista is slightly underrated by the IWC. He's slowly improving week in and week out.


Statement: Booker T deserves one last title run before he retires.

Statement: Triple H is currently the TOP heel in the WWE today.


Rebuttal: True as of Monday. Before that, Randy Orton was



Statement: Batista is slightly underrated by the IWC. He's slowly improving week in and week out.


Rebuttal: Due to his wardrobe choosing at WM XX, the IWC has been loving him for no reason. The man has 4 moves, he still looks way to akward in teh ring and still cant bump properly. He is far to green to get the matches he gets. In 1 or 2 years, he has the potential to be very useful. As of now, he is a sack of shit.


Statement: Booker T deserves one last title run before he retires.


Booker T is in the same boat as RVD. They were very over in 2001 and could have been treated as legit ME then. As of now, neitehr deserve it.

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Statement: The WWE was better off five years ago than it is now.


Rebuttal: No. The angles were even more ridiculous than they are now. IIRC, the matches were pretty bad in 1999.


I'm assuming we're talking the product, not money.

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Guest Staravenger

Statement: Hulk Hogan SHOULD be on the Wrestlemania XXI card. There, now you can argue.


Statement #2: The diva's should get their own show just so it doesn't take time away from RAW & SD wrestlers, and proves how little interest casual fans have towards them that aren't 14 year olds who jerk off to women in tight skirts.

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Guest Mindless_Aggression
Statement: If given the chance to squash his fellow cruiserweights and continue channelling his character the way he does on the indy scene, Low Ki would get over huge in the WWE based on presence and unique offense, not unlike Tajiri, although a totally different vibe to Ki obviously.

Agreed about Ki to an extent. During his dark matches in 2000 and 2001 he got hella over with the crowd but it's the same for Ki as it is for Joe: The things that define them the most on the indy scene are the exact things that would be killed off the second they set foot in a WWE ring.

I agree that his offense would be neutered, but I still think the way he carries himself and his body language in the ring would still get him a decent reaction. He comes off like more of a badass than some roided up, tattooed covered "monster" could on any given day just because it seems natural, unlike the forced nature of the Heidenreich's of the world.

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Statement #2: The diva's should get their own show just so it doesn't take time away from RAW & SD wrestlers, and proves how little interest casual fans have towards them that aren't 14 year olds who jerk off to women in tight skirts.


Rebuttal: False, because it isn't necessary. Other than this Diva Seach crap, lately, the women, T&A or wrestlers, haven't been taking away time from the guys at all. There was usually only a short women's match, and hardly any skits with them. On Smackdown, they have a bikini contest once in awhile. So what? Would you rather the cruiserweights get that short time? Short matches like that don't do anything for them.

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Guest Rrrsh
Statement #2: The diva's should get their own show just so it doesn't take time away from RAW & SD wrestlers, and proves how little interest casual fans have towards them that aren't 14 year olds who jerk off to women in tight skirts.


Rebuttal: False, because it isn't necessary. Other than this Diva Seach crap, lately, the women, T&A or wrestlers, haven't been taking away time from the guys at all. There was usually only a short women's match, and hardly any skits with them. On Smackdown, they have a bikini contest once in awhile. So what? Would you rather the cruiserweights get that short time? Short matches like that don't do anything for them.

Rebuttal: I think if they give all the Woman the "WWE Experience" slot, it would give the legit woman actual time for matches and make RAW and Smackdown more focused.

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Statement: Hulk Hogan SHOULD be on the Wrestlemania XXI card. There, now you can argue.

Rebutal- True, only if it's billed as his final WWE retirement match and not the main event of the show.


Statement- WWE needs to get rid of all the stagnenet remains of the 2000 / 2001 era like Edge, Albert, Scotty Too Hotty, Test, etc.

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Statement: A Kurt Angle vs. Undertaker match for the WWE title at Wrestlemania 21 would do absolutely no good for the WWE, as it does nothing to build for the future, and is instead the product of two guys with big egos.

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Guest Rrrsh
Statement: If the WWE took womens wrestling off of TV and used the girls for valets and T&A nobody would give a flying fuck.

Rebuttal: Canadian Chick would.

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Statement #2: The diva's should get their own show just so it doesn't take time away from RAW & SD wrestlers, and proves how little interest casual fans have towards them that aren't 14 year olds who jerk off to women in tight skirts.


Rebuttal: False, because it isn't necessary. Other than this Diva Seach crap, lately, the women, T&A or wrestlers, haven't been taking away time from the guys at all. There was usually only a short women's match, and hardly any skits with them. On Smackdown, they have a bikini contest once in awhile. So what? Would you rather the cruiserweights get that short time? Short matches like that don't do anything for them.

Rebuttal: I think if they give all the Woman the "WWE Experience" slot, it would give the legit woman actual time for matches and make RAW and Smackdown more focused.

Rebuttal: There aren't enough women wrestlers to do that. There are only about 6 of them.




You mean people actually pay attention to WWE womens wrestling?




Ah, shut your hole. :P

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Guest Staravenger

Lets see, WWE Divas (including non-wrestling):


Trish Stratus

Molly Holly



Torrie Wilson





Gail Kim



OK, nevermind. They wouldn't have enough for a show on a weekly basis by themselves. Well, if they used the GOOD ones unless you want Trish vs. Victoria or Molly vs. Trish every week.

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Statement: If the WWE took womens wrestling off of TV and used the girls for valets and T&A nobody would give a flying fuck.

Rebuttal: Canadian Chick would.

Rebuttal: Taking Gail Kim off TV would absolutely crush TigerDriver91.

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Lets see, WWE Divas (including non-wrestling):


Trish Stratus

Molly Holly



Torrie Wilson





Gail Kim



OK, nevermind. They wouldn't have enough for a show on a weekly basis by themselves. Well, if they used the GOOD ones unless you want Trish vs. Victoria or Molly vs. Trish every week.

If they all wrestled, it'd be enough. But only 8 wrestle of those listed, 7 if you ignore Ivory.

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Guest Staravenger

Statement: Would a Survivor Series main event featuring 5 of todays top wrestlers (example: Orton, Batista, Cena, Benjamin, Haas) versus 5 veterans/ringers (example for veterans: Benoit, Eddie, Angle, HHH, Flair) be a good idea?


Or maybe 5 legends like Hogan and his buddies :lol:



Edit: Thats actually a question. Oops.

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Statement- WWE needs to get rid of all the stagnenet remains of the 2000 / 2001 era like Edge, Albert, Scotty Too Hotty, Test, etc.


EDGE?!? You may not want him in the main event, but he should be kept in some form. And keep A-Train. He's cool.


Rebuttal: Due to his wardrobe choosing at WM XX, the IWC has been loving him for no reason. The man has 4 moves, he still looks way to akward in teh ring and still cant bump properly. He is far to green to get the matches he gets. In 1 or 2 years, he has the potential to be very useful. As of now, he is a sack of shit.


No. He's had good singles matches with Edge and Benoit this year, and I enjoyed the Vengeance match with Jericho (though a lot of people didn't). He's had solid tv matches with Tajiri and Shelton Benjamin, his match with Shawn at Armageddon was real good, and he's been in some really great tv tag matches this year (and don't put it down to 'oh he was with great workers', Batista played his part). Plus I thought his match with Jericho on Monday was pretty swank until the terrible ending.


Booker T is in the same boat as RVD. They were very over in 2001 and could have been treated as legit ME then. As of now, neitehr deserve it.


Booker was WAY more over in 2002. And because WWE didn't make him a legit main eventer back in the day, it means he doesn't deserve it now? How does that work? Booker has had ONE bad year in WWE, and that's 2004. Prior to this year, he's been really over (before Mania XIX, when his heat, shockingly, dissapeared. I wonder why?) had some damn good matches (yes he has) and has constantly been entertaining.

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Guest Rrrsh

If Booker is having a bad year this year, how does he deserve the belt?


And in 2003, he was just another wrestler HHH squashed like RVD and Kane.

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Guest Staravenger

Booker T: The Tag Team Wrestler is fine because it hides his weakness of doing 20 minute singles matches. Booker T: The Singles Wrestler is too limited in the ring, and doesn't have anything in his wrestling arsenal that wows people. (The spin-a-rooni is not a move!)

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Statement: WWE, and Raw in particular, would be in a better position right now if it had been Chris Jericho instead of Chris Benoit who scored the tap-outs at WM20 and Backlash

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STATEMENT: countrary to some, Undertaker did more harm than good for Brock. He did not "make" him and should have jobbed at the first PPV match between them.

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Guest Staravenger

I'm pumping out a lot of these since they don't deserve their own threads.


Statement #1: Rodney Mack is too underated I think. Sure, he's not too good but he was only called up from OVW about 4 months before his injury. He's just a late bloomer like Batista (who's been on the main roster since May 2002, but was injured for a good chunk of 2003)


Statement #2: Shannon Moore looks like he tried out for the Lost Boys II: Men In Caves.

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Statement: WWE, and Raw in particular, would be in a better position right now if it had been Chris Jericho instead of Chris Benoit who scored the tap-outs at WM20 and Backlash

Rebuttal: Tough to say, because Benoit had a ready made storyline with it. Jericho would have been good in the same position, but the dynamic of the angle would have been totally different.

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