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Just watched Deus Ex Machina, don't know if this was already established or not but I watched the scene with Boone on the radio with subs and the response he got when he said he was a survivor from Oceanic Flight 815 was "Hello, we're survivors of flight 815."

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Okay, since I didn't want to ead the whole thread-


Sell me on this show. Showuld I go pick it up, or should I pass on it. It's obivous that everyone here seems to like it, so tell me why. I'm interested, and I can get it for $35 at Walmart, but I wan't to have my eyes open on this one instead of going in blind.



I started watching after the first 6 episodes, it hooks you in. With such a diverse and ensemble cast, some stand out, but many are intriguing.


If you got the 35 bucks, buy it, you won't be disappointed.


I just wish I could find 35 bucks.

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odd thought, loosely Lost-related;

does anyone else have "Numbers"? Like, numbers that show up a lot (not unlike The Numbers on Lost)? For some reason, 42, 314, and 222 show up all the time for me...

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I hope this is appropriate, but in a 62-page thread about "Lost", you really shouldn't be in here if you don't hope to find out things about the show.


I've never seen the show. I hear it's great. The First Season is out cheap on DVD. I want to pick it up.


A certain indy wrestler reccomended it to me Saturday. Another, upon hearing the reccomendation, said, "Lemme guess the plot. They're already dead, and their souls are in limbo. I bet I know it without seeing it."


QUESTION: Is this the case? Please reply with a spoiler tag, so those who, like me, won't know IF or IF NOT this is true.


However, if it IS true, I will not be buying the DVD set, simply because I found that stupid ass "trick the viewers into thinking it's real-life, when, SURPRISE, it's really a spiritual story!" SUPER LAME and trying to be original when it was attempted in the horrible "Soul Survivors" movie.

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Here's an Update on the new season.


2.1 - "Man of Science, Man of Faith" (Jack IV)

Jack wife and dad are in the flashback. Since Julie Bowen is a regular on Boston legal now, I'm guessing this is going to show what led to Jack's divorce since she likely woudn't have been able to come back later in the season).

2.2 - "Adrift" (The L.A. Times is reporting this will be Sawyer III)

2.3 - "Orientation" (Locke III)

2.4 - Hurley II

Jorge Garcia is appearently telling people that this is going to show how Hurley ended up in a psych ward.

2.5 - "... and found" (Jin and Sun III)

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For reals.


So we need to get this thread up and running again and I figure what better a way then to list the important stuff from last season? Big or small, list 'em all.


I think that Claire was kinda slept on in Season One in terms of importance to the island. The dream she had with Locke and the black eye, the crib, her writing in her diary about The Black Rock before the rest of the group knew what it was......

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Am I the only regular contributer to this thread that thinks we'd be better off creating a season 2 thread instead of keeping this one going?

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Well, season 2 is just building on what season 1 established, so the thread could be a similar continuation, especially since people will continue talking about season 1 anyway, but how large is too large. It's difficult trying to wade through all the pages, looking for some conversation or information you missed. It's really daunting, especially for those wanting to break into the discussion or start watching the show. I'm torn, but if we do start a new one, what better way to kick it off with than Curry's idea.

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Like I said before: We were here first. There's too much insight and relevancy in this thread to let it die. If the newbies can't deal with it, fuck 'em.


The only way that this would work is if this thread was pinned and a new one started. Either way, this thread should not be going anywhere.


I was thinking to myself today where the battle lines would be drawn if the Jack/Locke feud takes full bloom. This list was made earlier in the thread but maybe opinions have changed. I'm not including Jin, Michael, Sawyer or Walt because they aren't on the island at this point in time.


The Good Shepherds








Team Lockedown






X-Factor- Sayid.


If the aforementioned four were on the island I'd probably put Michael and Jin with Jack and Sawyer and Walt with Locke.

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Guest Fishyswa

Quick question, how much of the island they're on has been covered in the series? Is there even proof it's an island, like have we been shown the entire thing or only where they crashed and a bit into the jungle part?


Dumb questions I know....

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Like I said before: We were here first. There's too much insight and relevancy in this thread to let it die. If the newbies can't deal with it, fuck 'em.


The only way that this would work is if this thread was pinned and a new one started. Either way, this thread should not be going anywhere.


I was thinking to myself today where the battle lines would be drawn if the Jack/Locke feud takes full bloom. This list was made earlier in the thread but maybe opinions have changed. I'm not including Jin, Michael, Sawyer or Walt because they aren't on the island at this point in time.


The Good Shepherds








Team Lockedown






X-Factor- Sayid.


If the aforementioned four were on the island I'd probably put Michael and Jin with Jack and Sawyer and Walt with Locke.


I'm actually not so sure about Hurley. If it came down to Science vs. Faith, Hurley might go with Faith (what with the Curse and all)

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Quick question, how much of the island they're on has been covered in the series? Is there even proof it's an island, like have we been shown the entire thing or only where they crashed and a bit into the jungle part?


Dumb questions I know....


Technically, they haven't searched enough of the island to determine if it really is an island or not.


That was always one of my few complaints about the show. I recognize that the 'monster' scared them from spending a lot of time in the forests at first, but with a few weeks with no sign of the monster I probably would have done some exploring, and seen what the island had to offer.

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I'm not so sure Kate would be with Jack either. I was going over the DVDs and someone was asking Kate why she wouldn't move to the caves and her answer was..."Sometimes you need to have faith" or something similar to that. It immediately popped into my head that she might side with Locke even though Jack is her man.


Funny DVD moment:

The deleted scene where Charlie tries to impress Shannon and starts singing You All Everybody. She then goes on to trash Driveshaft and asks him if he has the song stuck in his head, "their only song." After he says yeah, she says, "I'm sorry" and he walks away. It was a pretty funny scene.

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Quick question, how much of the island they're on has been covered in the series? Is there even proof it's an island, like have we been shown the entire thing or only where they crashed and a bit into the jungle part?


Dumb questions I know....


I'm guessing, maybe one-third of the place they crashed has been covered, but from Danielle's maps, we can assume it is an island.


I think it's pretty safe to say Hurley would join the Faith side, and I'm not so sure about Sun.


That was always one of my few complaints about the show. I recognize that the 'monster' scared them from spending a lot of time in the forests at first, but with a few weeks with no sign of the monster I probably would have done some exploring, and seen what the island had to offer.


But first came Danielle, then the Ethan problem, and from that point they didn't know how many other potentially dangerous things or people were on the island.

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But first came Danielle, then the Ethan problem, and from that point they didn't know how many other potentially dangerous things or people were on the island.


All the more reason to explore. They have guns & knives, and can fashion other weapons ... why not see what's out there? For all they know there's a way off the island. After a few days of sitting and staring at the horizon, hoping for a boat to come save me, I'd be out there trying to find what's up.


Plus, maybe there's killer pot plants or something. At least I'd be high while sitting around doing nothing.

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I dont know if you guys have heard, but they had a big screening of the first episode of the 2nd season and there's a lot of fucked up shit going on.


Not to spoil...but we found out what's in the Hatch, and it's really, really fucked up.


There's an apartment down there with Henry Ian Cusiak living in it. And he's crossed paths with Jack before. So pretty much someone's living down there, perfectly healthy and functional.


My new theory is that this definately is a Government conspiracy and that it was in motion for years and years.

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Hell, AICN seems to have spoilers for the whole episode.


The season opener starts with a "previously on Lost" recap of events which happened last season. After that the buzzing of an alarm clock goes off and we are in someones room. The unknown man wakes up and is going about his morning routine of working out, making breakfast, showering, etc. During his routine, an explosion is heard and the room shakes. The man rushes to grab a gun as the camera moves away and out of the room, down a corridor, and up a shaft to show Locke and Jack peering down the hatch.


The flashbacks in this episode center around Jack in what seems to be his earliest flashback to date, excluding the childhood ones. He is sporting a new, longer, haircut and we see him in the emergency room treating victims of a car crash. He is forced to decide between working on the man who was hit or the woman who crashed her car into the other guy. He chooses the woman and works his magic. After the emergency room sequence we see that the woman is in fact Julie Bowen who played Jack's wife last season. She needs an operation because her spine is crushed and will almost certainly be permanently paralyzed for the rest of her life. Jack isn't too optimistic about her situation.


Afterwards, Jack is called aside by his father who tells him that he has to be optimistic at times even though it may be giving false hope. Jack then promises Sarah that he will fix her before starting the operation. Next we see Jack running up and down stairs in a stadium. Jack slips on a stair and twists his ankle, but another runner comes over and helps Jack. They get to talking and the other guy's name is Desmund. He is an athlete training to go around the world. He talks to Jack about his promise to fix Sarah and that he broke his promise and they talk about miracles happening. Desmund gets up and before leaving says, "see you in another life." Sarah wakes up after the surgery and


Jack is sititng by the bed. He tells her that he broke the promise and that she is paralyzed from the waist down. She says that he must be joking because she can wiggle her toes. They share a happy moment.


Note that this all takes place throughout the episode through several flashbacks, not just one like I described it.


Back on the island, Hurley explains to Jack about the numbers being bad luck and Jack replies, "they're just numbers." Seeing that the ladder down the hatch is broken, Jack decides to go back to the others and tell them that they need to find somewhere else to hide since they can't lower everyone into the hatch one by one. Back at the camp, Shannon has lost Vincent and goes off looking for him along with Sayid. They are seperated and Shannon sees a drenched Walt standing in the middle of the jungle. Sayid comes up behind Shannon and she turns back but Walt is gone. Jack tells everyone that they can't go into the hatch, but they can make cmap there and that they'll be fine. Locke comes back to gather some cables because he is going into the hatch. After talking with Jack, Kate decides to go along with Locke.


Locke lowers Kate into the hatch and at the bottom, she says that theres something down there. Next thing you know white light is shining out of the hatch and Locke pulls up a Kate-less cable. Locke decides to go in after her. Jack goes after Kate and Locke and gets to the hatch to see no one there. He uses the cable to descend into the hatch.


At the bottom is a long corridor, reminiscent of a submarine in the way that there are pipes all over. There is a wall with a large mural painted on the wall with the paints still on the ground next to it. Then there is a sound of a motor which turns out to be something like a surveilance camera. Jack pulls out the gun and all of a sudden loud music starts playing and bright white light is shining down the corridors. Jack turns down a hall away from the light and makes his way into a large room with lots of computers and machinery. He is about to press a button on one of the keyboards when, from behind, Locke says, "you shouldn't do that." Jack turns around and pulls the gun on Locke. Then a gun is pulled to the side of Locke and we see the mysterious man from the beginning, but not much of his face. After some threats and a false shot being fired, we see that the mysterious man is actually Desmund, whom Jack met in his flashback. Jack says, "you...?" and the episode closes with the trademark "LOST" and DOOSH sound.

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