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Guest CronoT

The OAO "Will Orton Actually Get Over?" Thread

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Guest JRE
But nothing even really happened to spark a feud. They fought for like a minute as background noise in a pointless match and then inexplicably stopped fighting, despite the fact that niether guy was laid out. Aside from the initial Benoit run in, it was basically ignored.

Yes...it allowed the match to be one on one for the finish- Benoit stopped Batista from attacking Eugene and Regal- I think that was his point. If benoit and Batista are feuding...and that was the start of the feud- then why does someone need to be laid out already? We've got the other weeks befotre Unforgiven for that- and if the feuds just starting, why would a lay out already happen anyways? It was backround noise, it was. Did it need to be more important than the match? Nah, not too much.

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Guest Brian

It doesn't seem odd that a guy two weeks removed from a five-month world title reign was relegated to that insignificant of a role on the flagship show?

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Guest JRE

Not when it was one week where the focus was going to be on a wedding anyways. The wedding and Orton were more important this week. It's lame that Benoit wasn't all glorfied tonight, it's nothing to lose sleep over.

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Guest Super Pissed Smark
It doesn't seem odd that a guy two weeks removed from a five-month world title reign was relegated to that insignificant of a role on the flagship show?

In the context of the WWE? Nope.

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Can't we wait a couple of more weeks before we declare Benoit's career totally dead and buried?


Depends if he jobs at Unforgiven / Taboo Tuesday or not.

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Guest GreatOne
Can't we wait a couple of more weeks before we declare Benoit's career totally dead and buried?

How about we don't at all?


Christ was there THIS much bitching about him fighting tags with Rhyno last year two months after the Rumble match?


Besides midcard would usually imply feuding with a guy that isn't being pushed, Batista's been pushed pretty well since he came to RAW. At least wait until he starts feuding with Tomko or Mark Henry in the 'brutal revenge' feud.


Oh god, a guy that's a great wrestler but even his own fans mostly would admit to his problems (character/promos) in taking that final step to a permanent headlining spot isn't all over RAW and having everybody sacrificed to him! HELD DOWN! HELD DOWN!!!!!!!!!!

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Guest Anglesault
If benoit and Batista are feuding...and that was the start of the feud- then why does someone need to be laid out already?

Why would these two stop fighting for no reason?


They hit each other a couple times and then just walked away from each other. It's not even like one ran away from the other. They just walked away from each other.


No point was made either. Benoit did nothing to stop Batista from charging the ring and laying out Regal. Batista just got bored with the whole situation and walked away with Flair.


And really, I think they're allowed to let an angle between the former champ and one of the top upper midcarders become more important than two guys who have been managers for months fighting to resolve a manager fight at the PPV. I certainly wouldn't have been upset if Benoit vs. Batista became the focal point of that segment, seeing as that's the feud they want to build up.

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Guest GreatOne

Oh yeah, Jesse: 'They look like two carps"


Let me clarify: First on RAW that actually happened.

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Guest Staravenger

You got me there...unless you count HHH/Stephanies wedding, which was later revealed in storylines as being the plan all along.

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Guest Anglesault

One thing that people overlook (for obvious reasons, not many people were looking at Trish's face) after she says "I wore white because you couldn't", she does this awesome big, obvious wink, just to be that much bitchier.


Oh, and good news for me. I figured out why Randy's smile creeps me the hell out. I can sleep well tonight.

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Guest Dazed
Oh, and good news for me. I figured out why Randy's smile creeps me the hell out. I can sleep well tonight.



Please share.

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Guest Anglesault

Oh, and good news for me. I figured out why Randy's smile creeps me the hell out. I can sleep well tonight.



Please share.

Randy, facially, escpecially when he smiles, looks alot like someone I used to know years ago. I had just seen a picture of that person today, so I was able to make the connection.


It creeped me out, because, as you know by now, there's alot in my past that I'd like to forget, and that person happens to be a part of it.


I was going to stay up all night trying to figure it out if I had to. I'm glad I didn't.

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Guest PimpDaddySarp

This is the first Raw I've seen which neglected wrestling that I enjoyed and it's all because of Kane.


The Diva search was stupid as it always is and Rock couldn't save it. It still was the most entertaining Diva search segment I've seen so I'll give the Rock props for that; his charisma is simply unmatched. However, I'll always prefer the heel Rock to the smiling, joking one that appears whenever Raw is in California or Miami. The WWE should give me the $250,000. I could use it more than the contestants.


Jericho/Edge was good, not great, and this fued is starting to get old. Turn Edge heel already, this is taking forever. And I'm sick of commercial breaks two minutes into the match. I wish they'd cut to commercial during the Diva Search segments?


The Orton/HHH segment was as well done as it could have been, given the way they've decided to approach the falling out between the two. I'm sure the slow build could have resulted in a better long-term payoff, but they've handled the rapid pace they are advancing the angle well. I'm still not sold on Orton as a babyface. But I'll give it time. Tonight was a step in the right direction. By the way spitting in somebody's face is just disgusting. It seems as though Randy was building up that loogie the entire time he was walking to the ring. HHH has taught Randy how to spit well.


Regal/Flair was decent. It's pretty amazing what Flair can still do even though he is a shell of his former self. He's still better than Hogan ever was. Regal needs new tights. And its good to see Benoit back in the midcard. He was SO overexposed as champion, sometimes I was like, 'Shut the hell up already, and stop hogging TV time.' Batista/Benoit should be interesting if Batista can carry Benoit to a decent match.


The wedding was tremendous, one of the most entertaining segments ever on RAW and by far the best wrestling wedding I've ever seen. You could tell that you weren't supposed to take it seriously. Kane is so great in this role. This is one of the dumbest angles I can remember yet Kane's performance has single-handedly saved it from sucking. Instead, its hilarious and I'm glad Kane is finally happy. The video package was priceless and had me in stiches. And the Kane theme wedding remix was perfect.


Overall a terrible show for wrestling, with only two matches. Both matches were decent though. However, this show was mostly entertaining from start to finish so I give it a thumbs up. Usually I hate shows like this with little wrestling, but Kane might just be the most entertaining guy in the company right now. Entertaining show.

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This was one of those car wreck Vince Russo type of shows. It really was. Reminded me of one of his early Nitros during the Powers That Be era.


Kane is seriously my favorite guy on Raw and has been for some time now. Given that they have spent so much time on Kane don't you think they need to put him over Michaels and give him a real push this time? Not just a lame "win the battle royal and job to the champ" push.

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Guest JoeyStyles

Oh, and good news for me. I figured out why Randy's smile creeps me the hell out. I can sleep well tonight.



Please share.

Spittin' image of Jim Carrey there.

Randy Orton pet detective.

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Guest Loss

Trish looked SO good last night that I think she turned me straight.


I wish I was joking.

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Guest SetsunaMeioh

Not the greatest show ever, but very entertaining.


My only gripes were:


The Diva Search (That could've been cut down to 15-20 minutes at most)

Regal/Flair match ( :mellow: )

No HBK ( :( )


Either than that, good show! Kane's music on the piano and cello was Godly. :headbang:

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It was a bad wrestling show, but a somewhat entertaining sports entertainment/Russo's wet dream show.


The Diva Search/Rock segment was about 10 minutes too long, but I see why they did that because they believe the Rock is ratings crack. If I were in charge, I'd move the "competition" segments to Heat and trim the Divas to 2-3 minutes total segment time.


Rock was good here although he couldn't save the whole thing from being a waste of time. They really need to cobble together another tag team besides Rhyno/Tajiri and La Resistance, just for the long-term health of the company since very few wrestlers get TV time anymore.


I'll go ahead and talk a bit about the new "glass floor effect".


The following wrestlers have been getting regular Raw TV time:

Benoit, Jericho, Edge, HHH, Batista, Orton, Flair, Regal, Eugene, Tajiri, Rhyno, La Resistance, Kane, Matt Hardy (with Michaels taking his spot).


Hurricane and Rosey get TV about every other week. Benjamin, Christian, and Tomko will probably get regular time once they return (or in Tomko's case, once Christian is back).


Bischoff and Coach are non-wrestlers. Trish and Lita get regular TV time. Gail Kim, Victoria, Keibler, and Molly will get TV time once the diva search is over.


The problem is, after that crew (around 20 male wrestlers), it's an absolute wasteland. The WWE has to do a better job of building up guys outside that core group of 20 since they don't have the developmental talent available to replace a sizeable number of them.


Edge/Jericho had a nice TV match which was ruined by two breaks and a screwy finish. There's better ways to book a draw.


The Orton/Evolution segment was good, although this entire angle is super-rushed.


Regal/Flair was okay, nothing more. Regal and Benoit need to have a match already because at this point, Regal is still stagnant and still not getting any reactions while wrestling.


They need to kill the recaps of the other shows. At least the "MOMENTS AGO" segments seem to have been dropped.


The wedding will probably pop a bit of a rating, but I don't see the point beyond that... Michaels and Kane already have a good motivation for their feud. There's some nice sized plotholes in the whole thing (why didn't Lita divorce Kane right after the show?, why does Kane not use his magic fire powers in a match?). The wedding was entertaining however.

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Guest Anglesault
Trish looked SO good last night that I think she turned me straight.


I wish I was joking.

::Hands Loss the t-shirt::

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