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Lord of The Curry

A question for all

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Since the inception of cd burning to this day, do you burn less, more or the same amount of music? (Or maybe you never burned anything in the first place).


For me it has been less over the last year or so.

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I still go out and buy cds regularly, although every now and then I'll just take a burn from my brother. But I do burn anything I plan on putting into my 200 disk changer gimmick, I'd hate to damage the original.


I know a lot of people are just fine with burns, but I like having the packaging and whatnot

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Guest whatitistoburn

I don't really burn all that much anymore. While I still try and DL cds before they're released, I do rather enjoy having physical copies of the work most of the time.

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Guest Crazy Dan

I have been burning more CD's these days... but usually it is a mix CD for me to listen to while I work out. I refuse to pay mucho dinero for one song, and especially if the song is performed by a band I hate, yet love the song for that guilty pleasure.


But, I will by CD's from artists that I like. For instance, I like Incubus, so when their new album came out, I bought to support them. But I just don't have the funds to buy much stuff, let alone CD's. But I did find a retail chain, Rasputin's, which sell their CD's for very reasonable prices. I think I paid 11.99 for the Pixie's Greatest Hits and I noticed that all the CD's were that price. So for all you Bay Area people, I recommend going to Rasputin's to purchase your CD's. And if you don't mind used CD's, then you can also get used ones as well at Rasputin's as well. And no I do not work for the store, I just think they have good prices.

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I barely ever burn. Download like a fiend, and buy what I really like. If it's good enough to put it on a CD-R and take it beyond my laptop or iPod, I generally want to legitimately own it.

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The majority of my collection is probably burned cds.

Yup, me too. Mostly all Napster/Kazaa mixes. Although, over the past year, I've bought 8-10 CDs, which I NEVER did from about '97-'02.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Oh, I buy plenty to go along with it, I just don't have the money to be buying everything I want.


Also, what's everyone's hard-on with mix cds?

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Also, what's everyone's hard-on with mix cds?


I like being able to take songs off of albums that I like and mix them with other songs that I like by that same band.



As for the original post, I don't really buy CD's anymore, I just get the songs that I like and ignore the CD.

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I don't buy a lot of stuff, but I usually play the heck out of whatever I like at the moment(right now that means the Project A-ko CD) and I download tons of Overclocked Remixes and burn them when I have enough to fill a CD

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If a band isn't good enough that I want to listen to every song on the album, then I don't want to listen to them at all. There are two exceptions. Burning makes me look poor, so I don't generally do it.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

I burn all of the time. I certainly can't afford of the albums in my collection, I need to burn. Its a necessity. When I really really like a group, find a good deal, or can find it on vinyl - I'll purchase it. Otherwise, its burn time. Plus I can find black cd's for really really cheap.

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