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Ed Wood Caulfield

The nWo Propaganda Videos

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I'm sure that everybody who watched WCW from 1996 on remembers the nWo Propaganda videos that aired. Usually these videos were about how great the nWo were and how they could beat everybody, but they were done in such an unusual style that you couldn't forget them. All the videos were in black and white, there were jump cuts galore, some of the videos were filmed to look like they were filmed on a 8 mn home movie old fashion camera. The audio sometimes skipped or repeated itself. Scratches appeared on the film like in old films from the 50s and 60s. It was all weird, yet at the same time very cool. And who can forget the beginning of each video where that guy said in a whisper: "The Following Announcement Has Been Paid For By The New World Order." I always used to mark out whenever that message appeared on screen since I knew I was going to watch something good.


So, who else loved the propaganda videos? What were your favorites? One of my favorites is the one where Hollywood Hogan is by himself. It was just him reveling in his evilness, but it was cool watching it. I also liked the one that was made before Starrcade 1997 when the nWo did a beatdown on Sting. In that one, they took a Sting action figure and repelled it from the rafters, only to cut the rope and have Sting fall to the ring, and have a Hollywood Hogan action figure beat it up. I always loved that one.


And I don't know if it counts as a propaganda video, but I loved the intro to Souled Out 1997 with Eric Bischoff's "We Are In Control" speech and the voice saying "New-New-New World Order" again and again. Then there was one that was a collage of Rowdy Piper beatdowns and dressing Piper in different costumes making fun of his kilt. And there was one where Hogan and Nash talked about their "Fingerpoint of Doom" match as the greatest match ever with Nash and Hogan crying in a funny moment. And another where the nWo dressed up as Flair and the 4 Horsemen with Hogan playing Flair and Disco Inferno playing Gene Okuerland celebrating David Flair's heel turn. That was awesome.


So what were your favorites?

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I liked the one nWo commercial w/ Hall/Nash selling Outsiders t-shirt and cap combo. At the end, Nash says,


"Buy the shirt, buy the cap, buy it all . . . buy buy buy"


Very subliminal.

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I loved the intro to Souled Out 1997 with Eric Bischoff's "We Are In Control" speech and the voice saying "New-New-New World Order" again and again.


Me too. :)

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Guest Stunt Granny

"You can buy 1 shirt for $20 dollars, OR YOU CAN BUY A MILLION FOR 20 MLLION DOLLARS!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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Guest JMA

I enjoyed the one where Hogan had the globe in his hands and spray painted parts of it. I remember him saying things like, "Charlotte is Horsemen country? Not anymore..."


The aforementioned "Sting action figure" one was also cool.

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I remember "We Are In Control" airing on WCWSN too.


Any merch commercial was good too.



"Buy the shirt!"

"The preceding announcement was paid for by the New World Order."



Also cool, along these lines: NWO Saturday Night. It was filmed in black and white at an empty Nitro arena and would have DiBiase and Nash on commentary, usually. It was surreal and cool.

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The nWo Saturday Night concept was one of my favorite things about the nWo storyline. I mean, in storylines the nWo was always persona non grata, so it makes sense that they had to tape their matches at Nitro about 3 hours before fans arrived.


I also liked how you could see Bischoff and DiBiase sitting in the crowd while doing commentary and making fun of the jobbers.

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I've always liked the one with Bischoff challenging Vince...EB had his cool intro music playing in the back and he kept saying "Do you got the guts Vince" and just kept saying "Vince" after every sentence...then he called him "Vinnie Mac"! EB did some crazy shizzle back in those days..EB should be given a fresh run on SD! with creative input if SD! nosedives again...

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Guest Loss

"All proceeds go to the Ric Flair Retirement Fund."


I really liked the video they did trashing Luger too. They had a sound byte of him saying "I'm just a plain, ordinary wrestler" while they drew a horse on his face and showed him getting beaten up by everyone.

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I absolutely loved nWo Saturday Night, as I have a tape of it somewhere.


They had all these innovative video editors working for them at the time who just had fun with what they were doing.


Best part about the show was, coming out to Bill Goldberg's theme.... Pat Tanaka.

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I remember them well. One you didnt mention was one where they were hawking outsiders shirts and had them modeled by "international male model of the year" Syxx or something like that







dude I totally remember nWo SN what ever happened to that angle they just dropped it.



Funny how I think this is cool now but back then I was still sorta a mark and hated the nWo (well I think it was because I was reluctant to cheer the bad guys but they had nash and hall two of my favs from the wwf years)


Though I did badly want an nWo shirt for some reason





I was very upset when we thought Sting had joined the nWo- but then again I should have paid better attention as that clearly was not Sting.

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"All proceeds go to the Ric Flair Retirement Fund."


I really liked the video they did trashing Luger too. They had a sound byte of him saying "I'm just a plain, ordinary wrestler" while they drew a horse on his face and showed him getting beaten up by everyone.


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