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The Tino Standard

What now for Nick Dinsmore?

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The way Eugene was completely and thoroughly squashed last night, not to mention injured, it seemed like the character was written out for quite a while. Later in the show, JR even made a comment about how "it appears Eugene's career is over."


You'd have to think they saw the negative sentiment toward Eugene growing with the booing growing louder each week... So did they just write out Eugene temporarily or pull the plug on him completely?


And if, in fact, Eugene is done, then what do you do with Nick Dinsmore?

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Guest Loss

Will he do a run-in and cost the faces the tag match at Unforgiven? I think that would be ridiculous, but it's also a possibility.

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Ummm, not to burst any bubbles here, but the fanatic series presentation for October I believe is about Eugene. Look for a DVD on Eugene. I don't know how true this rumour is, but...damn if I wasn't on the floor laughing.

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Guest JebusNassedar

There are three possible ways to go with it.


One: SD! picks him up, just like Long said. (Most probable.)


Two: Mask him as Mr. Wrestling II. (Something similar, mebbe.)


Three: Mask him, send him to SD!, and if unmasked, he's not Eugene, he's his twin brother Nicholas.


That's all I got.

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Guest Loss

Or maybe it could be revealed that Mick Foley and Eugene are actually the same person. It was Cactus Jack who originally coined the "Uncle Eric" moniker.

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Knock on the head. Turns him into either a psycho or a 'normal' guy. Hey, it'd be better than Goldust getting tourettes from an electrical box.

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Guest Trivia247

for the character as it is, Im amazed they ran this angle with Eric Bischoff just revelling in his Nephew's pain and misery. You'd think the character's mother despite how mentally challenged Eugene would be wouldn't be Suing Bischoff's ass. What is this fictional Mother simply not watch Raw? Kinda heartless if her "special little boy" was gonna be on national tv. You'd think she would actually be there. Slapping the crap out of Eric.


What should have happen is that Eugene takes two three four dozen chairshots at the conclusion of the match. then a few months later Eric Spots Eugene and tries to talk down to him, But Eugene speaks completely intelligently as if the shots had knocked his brain to the proper side and suddenly he is lucid and quite aware of all that has happen to him, and he swears revenge.


in my mind even Vince McMahon during Most of his Heel activities on WWE tv always Got his Come uppins sooner or later....and Bischoff don't at least not with Eugene is concern.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

I told EVERYONE this gimmick would kill Dinsmore's career. But does anyone listen? No.

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I had this weird feeling all along that maybe because of that beating Eugene took, he will be knocked into being smart. The beating was so bad, that he probably suffers a concussion, and he becomes smart, arrogant, and a heel....

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Guest GreatOne

I was gonna say well there goes Randy and Eugene as the next Rock N Sock Connection. But Eugene makes his return at Survivor Series and we get that 'long-awaited' HHH/Benoit/Eugene match at Survivor Series with Eugene winning out of nowhere.


Then the next night HHH wins the belt back with Orton doing hilarious guest commentary:


'Eugene's making a comeback'


(HHH spinebuster)


'Eugene sucks'

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Guest wrestlingbs

Nick Dinsmore is in a bad situation here. Vince and Management have obviously lost faith in the guy (Toronto can't be totally blamed) and HHH seems hell-bent to prove that Eugene was just a favor-of-the-month. Part of his problem is that he was promoted as being this great wrestler with an interesting gimmick, and yet the guy hasn't produced any blow-away matches. A gimmick in which you have to play a mentally-retarded guy while wrestling doesn't help, either. A quick solution would be to reveal it was all a hoax, but damn if that wouln't be stupid, and where does he go from there? I think what will most-likely happen to him is HHH will grow tired of him (if he isn't already) and send him on to a fate worse than death...



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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

Who wants to bet Dinsmore is released by Christmas time?

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

I see Dinsmore more as a Zack "they used me for a cheap thrill" Gowen release.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

I was thinking they might do the one thing that would REALLY piss me off. That is making Eugene return in non retard form.......only to be the newest member of Evolution.


p.s. - By the way, if you are thinking that it wouldn't make sense.......then I guess you forgot what company your watching.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
I was thinking they might do the one thing that would REALLY piss me off. That is making Eugene return in non retard form.......only to be the newest member of Evolution.


p.s. - By the way, if you are thinking that it wouldn't make sense.......then I guess you forgot what company your watching.

Ahh the Paul Roma of Evolution.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
Gowan was also a whiny little bitch (which played into his release), which is something I'm sure Dinsmore isn't.

Maybe, but did the fans like Gowen? Not really, had they continued to cheer for him they'd have extended his push longer...

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Guest whitemilesdavis

I bet he disappears. Just as many of us said when the first talk of this gimmick came up, there was just nowhere to go with this character. It was a last chance shot for Dinsmore to make the Majors. Hats-off to him, he made it work in the time given, but he seems to finally have hit the dead end. The best thing for Nick now would to be released, where he could capitilize elsewhere on his fading fame.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
I doubt we're seeing another Gowen situation here, Dinsmore already having a leg-up on Zack...........


*waits for the tomatoes*



Dinsmore, if not released, will get demoted.

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Guest HitmanHart

All I know is, this was one Triple H burial that I was glad happened. Now maybe "Eugene the retarded wrestler" will be off my screen for good. One can only hope.

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I bet he disappears. Just as many of us said when the first talk of this gimmick came up, there was just nowhere to go with this character. It was a last chance shot for Dinsmore to make the Majors. Hats-off to him, he made it work in the time given, but he seems to finally have hit the dead end. The best thing for Nick now would to be released, where he could capitilize elsewhere on his fading fame.

Blah, that's a load of crap.


The guy can still be a midcarder. He still would be a top midcard face along with Jericho.

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I really doubt they'd write him out of the show. They say this "he may never wrestle again, by gawd!" crap everytime someone gets attacked. I'd be surprised if he's gone 3 weeks. He took a gimmick that shouldn't work and got it over. He's selling stuff. He's just never going to be a main eventer with that gimmick, is the thing.


They can repackage him, or give him a mask.


And Dinsmore's a great tag team wrestler, especially with Rob Conway, so they have that card to play. They would immediately be the best team on the roster.


He's a perfect type of wrestler for TNA if they'd dump him.


That's all reasons why he will be back soon.

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Every single week Bischoff pulls the "I'm so evil, that I want you to beat up Eugene so bad that he'll never come back." This has happened before, who's to say he won't be back in 2 weeks as...EUGENE!

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