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*Smackdown Spoilers* from Spokane

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Gangrel's return reminds me of a time way back when Edge and Christian were absolutely horrible on the microphone.


"Beware! Take care! The freaks come out at night!" -- Edge


"There's no hope for you!" -- Captain Charisma

Christian's really come a long way. Edge hasn't though. "Evolution, one by one, you're all going down!" :rolleyes:

Not to mention:


Edge: I don't like you Randy Orton. You are bad.

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Gangrel's return reminds me of a time way back when Edge and Christian were absolutely horrible on the microphone.


"Beware! Take care! The freaks come out at night!" -- Edge


"There's no hope for you!" -- Captain Charisma

Christian's really come a long way. Edge hasn't though. "Evolution, one by one, you're all going down!" :rolleyes:

Edge is joining Evolution. Just watch, I'm calling it.

When he gets healthy, that would be the smart thing to do since his face run has completely fucking bombed.

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Gangrel's return reminds me of a time way back when Edge and Christian were absolutely horrible on the microphone.


"Beware! Take care! The freaks come out at night!" -- Edge


"There's no hope for you!" -- Captain Charisma

Christian's really come a long way. Edge hasn't though. "Evolution, one by one, you're all going down!" :rolleyes:

Edge is joining Evolution. Just watch, I'm calling it.

When he gets healthy, that would be the smart thing to do since his face run has completely fucking bombed.

Well, hopefully, the ScreeHHHing Walrus, and Vince McMaHHHon will roll along with that idea. If Edge goes heel and joins Evolution, he can't go wrong, unless WWE Logic rears it's ugly head, again.

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Guest GreatOne

Well there's nowhere else really for Edge to go, the Billy Gunn karma rears its' ugly head. Maybe it's a good thing we never saw the conclusion of the HHH/Edge mini-angle on Smackdown a couple years back..................


Besides both share the distinction of being absolutely horrible on the mic in '99:


Edge: 'The freaks come out at night'


HHH: 'If you wanna play this game, you gotta be in my league, and you are nowhere NAIR my league'


All we need now is JR to say something like 'Harsh words being exchanged here'...................

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I'm all for Gangrel, I've been waiting for the possibility of him coming back. I thought he could hold his own in the ring and he has the awesome music and entrance to boot.


Viscera is a worthless fat slob, however. Right up there with Giant Gonzales, Nathan Jones, Tomko, etc. when it comes to blatant non-ability.

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Only one man can save Smackdown and his name is Rico! By God, I'm so happy he has returned! :headbang:

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Guest GreatOne

Considering that HHH is actually the YOUNG one of the group, it'd make sense for that reason.


But we've seen Edge and Xian around for a few years too so that probably wouldn't work. Although Edge=Billy Gunn (and I'd rather him than X-Pac), there's hope for Christian--it'd be like putting 94/95 Michaels in the Million Dollar Corporation as a lackey.

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I'm all for Gangrel, I've been waiting for the possibility of him coming back. I thought he could hold his own in the ring and he has the awesome music and entrance to boot.


Viscera is a worthless fat slob, however. Right up there with Giant Gonzales, Nathan Jones, Tomko, etc. when it comes to blatant non-ability.

At least Visc can do a spinning heel kick. Those guys are lucky if they can pull off a kick. :P

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Good God, here is a more detailed recap of Cole/Heidenreich from OO:



" Michael Cole Backstage With JH

-Cole is Pressed stomach first against the wall with JH's stomach pressed against Cole's back

-JH says he's gonna give Cole somethings he's wanted to for a long time, he the grunts and both guys lurch upwards and forwards. I wish I was making this up and no, it wasn't being played for humor although I found MC being raped quite amusing."


Wonder if that was Heyman's idea?



Also, match 5 of Cena v Booker will be at No Mercy

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Good God, here is a more detailed recap of Cole/Heidenreich from OO:



" Michael Cole Backstage With JH

-Cole is Pressed stomach first against the wall with JH's stomach pressed against Cole's back

-JH says he's gonna give Cole somethings he's wanted to for a long time, he the grunts and both guys lurch upwards and forwards. I wish I was making this up and no, it wasn't being played for humor although I found MC being raped quite amusing."


Wonder if that was Heyman's idea?

I'd say it was Pat Patterson's.

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Viscera hopefully not long.


Gangrel though...I've always liked Gangrel. Back at Royal Rumble 99 I was actually hoping that he would defeat X-Pac for the European Championship.


It would have made more sense for him as European Champion than Pac. I mean, Vampires are kinda european in decent...

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