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WWE confirms Austins and Hogans return!

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A new set would be nice. I wonder if the Rock will be in attendance. It is being held somewhat close to California

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frankly, I'd rather see Heidenreich slipping little Johnny to Cole than either of those selfish bastards on WWE programming again.

I hear you on that. Fuck them for giving their bodies to wrestling, and paying the price to entertain us. What selfish bastards they are.

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frankly, I'd rather see Heidenreich slipping little Johnny to Cole than either of those selfish bastards on WWE programming again.

I hear you on that. Fuck them for giving their bodies to wrestling, and paying the price to entertain us. What selfish bastards they are.

Damn straight. They're the only two wrestlers in history that have killed their bodies to entertain us. They've earned the right to do whatever they damn well please as opposed to the thousands before them who did what was right for the business.

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frankly, I'd rather see Heidenreich slipping little Johnny to Cole than either of those selfish bastards on WWE programming again.

I hear you on that. Fuck them for giving their bodies to wrestling, and paying the price to entertain us. What selfish bastards they are.

Damn straight. They're the only two wrestlers in history that have killed their bodies to entertain us. They've earned the right to do whatever they damn well please as opposed to the thousands before them who did what was right for the business.

I don't think you could have missed the point any more than you have. Foley has literally shortened his life for the fans, so I'd say he can pretty much what he wants. Not to mention he was one of the few top guys to willingly put up-and-comers over as strong as possible. Austin broke his neck for the fans, and earned himself a lifetime of pain, because he wanted to put on the best performance he could, so if he wants to take some time out every now and then, he can. As for Hogan, politics aside, he pretty much took wrestling mainstream in the 80's in the US, which, like it or not, gave wrestling a huge shot in the arm.

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I don't think you could have missed the point any more than you have. Foley has literally shortened his life for the fans, so I'd say he can pretty much what he wants. Not to mention he was one of the few top guys to willingly put up-and-comers over as strong as possible. Austin broke his neck for the fans, and earned himself a lifetime of pain, because he wanted to put on the best performance he could, so if he wants to take some time out every now and then, he can. As for Hogan, politics aside, he pretty much took wrestling mainstream in the 80's in the US, which, like it or not, gave wrestling a huge shot in the arm.

Yes, all of these guys accomplished great things for WWE.


In the past.


WWE has enough trouble building new stars as it is. When Hogan and Austin are around, WWE focuses too much on them. And neither is the type to say "Maybe you shouldn't put so much emphasis on me" or "maybe I should put over somebody, seeing as how I can't wrestle a full schedule."


Let them stay in the past.

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I don't think you could have missed the point any more than you have. Foley has literally shortened his life for the fans, so I'd say he can pretty much what he wants. Not to mention he was one of the few top guys to willingly put up-and-comers over as strong as possible. Austin broke his neck for the fans, and earned himself a lifetime of pain, because he wanted to put on the best performance he could, so if he wants to take some time out every now and then, he can. As for Hogan, politics aside, he pretty much took wrestling mainstream in the 80's in the US, which, like it or not, gave wrestling a huge shot in the arm.

Yes, all of these guys accomplished great things for WWE.


In the past.


WWE has enough trouble building new stars as it is. When Hogan and Austin are around, WWE focuses too much on them. And neither is the type to say "Maybe you shouldn't put so much emphasis on me" or "maybe I should put over somebody, seeing as how I can't wrestle a full schedule."


Let them stay in the past.

I know it was 'only April, of this year, but Foley made Orton bigger than he was before. And I know it was way back in 2000, but Foley made Triple H a main event star, by putting him over for three months straight. And, yeah, it was way back when, in the dark ages of 2002, but Hogan was one of the main reasons that WM that year did such huge numbers. And Austin was only the key figure in the biggest wrestling boom ever. So, yes, I can quite understand why some fans are bitter towards these guys for wanting to do thing on their own terms once in a while. It's not like they did anything for the fans. Geez, I can understand why some wrestlers don't like sections of the IWC, when some of them consider 5 months ago as 'the past', and think anything done beyond that doesn't matter any more when it comes to given starst of the past some leeway on what to do.

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Update on Hogan by Dave Meltzer


"WWE sent a camera crew down to Orlando on Friday to film Hulk Hogan's segment for Smackdown. He just answered questions about Smackdown, and also did some segments for the proposed 24/7 channel with Jimmy Hart."

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I know it was 'only April, of this year, but Foley made Orton bigger than he was before. And I know it was way back in 2000, but Foley made Triple H a main event star, by putting him over for three months straight.


We're forever in your debt, Mick...

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I know it was 'only April, of this year, but Foley made Orton bigger than he was before. And I know it was way back in 2000, but Foley made Triple H a main event star, by putting him over for three months straight. And, yeah, it was way back when, in the dark ages of 2002, but Hogan was one of the main reasons that WM that year did such huge numbers. And Austin was only the key figure in the biggest wrestling boom ever. So, yes, I can quite understand why some fans are bitter towards these guys for wanting to do thing on their own terms once in a while. It's not like they did anything for the fans. Geez, I can understand why some wrestlers don't like sections of the IWC, when some of them consider 5 months ago as 'the past', and think anything done beyond that doesn't matter any more when it comes to given starst of the past some leeway on what to do.

"Some" leeway?! Austin can't wrestle anymore, so they let him zoom around on an ATV and terrorize the entire roster, with nobody able to stand up to him. I'll be it's really fun for Austin, and frankly if I were in his shoes I would happily exploit Vince and the rest of WWE for every last nickel I could, health of the company be damned. But it does nothing for the new or current generation. Actually, scratch that, it HURTS the current employees of WWE.


Foley made Orton marginally bigger than he was before, because HHH had already slapped him around. And was Foley the ONLY person capable of elevating Orton? If not, that means the entire company has no-one to elevate new blood. In which case, they're in more trouble than previously suspected.


As for WM, that was Hogan's lone bright spot in what, the past five, six years? Oh, and because he hung around, they put the title on him and ratings dropped. Sending the message that the senior citizens were in charge again. In the long run, probably not worth it.


Their time is OVER. And yet WWE is now resorting to getting video footage of old guys in order to boost the ratings. This doesn't strike you as the slightest bit backwards?

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Hogan was not the reason why the ratings were dropping. The ratings were dropping before he even came to the WWE. The ratings started to drop all because of the weakass Invasion angle. And the WWE has yet to recover from it.


Hogan during his stint did do well for the business side of things. He sold tons of merchandise(Spelling?), attendence figures started to rise, and crowd heat was up, because of Hogan.

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Bringing Hogan back would actually make me want to watch SD!/RAW more often. ANYTHING new at this point is a benefit.


Except Viscera & Gangrel.

Hogan is new?


I think you mean "anything really old that I haven't gotten sick of in a while."

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I don't think you could have missed the point any more than you have. Foley has literally shortened his life for the fans, so I'd say he can pretty much what he wants. Not to mention he was one of the few top guys to willingly put up-and-comers over as strong as possible. Austin broke his neck for the fans, and earned himself a lifetime of pain, because he wanted to put on the best performance he could, so if he wants to take some time out every now and then, he can. As for Hogan, politics aside, he pretty much took wrestling mainstream in the 80's in the US, which, like it or not, gave wrestling a huge shot in the arm.

I completely got your point, I just disagreed with it. No matter what was added to the business in the past, it doesn't give you free reign over the present of it.


I was only speaking of Austin and Hogan. Foley always goes above and beyond the call of duty. He's earned the right to make his appearances, whether it be to shill his book or have an active role. The fact that it's there to pop the crowd and/or add something to a match is a further indication of how much he adds to the business. He accepts a mid-card role and plays the string out until the story is completed, a pure professional.


Austin didn't take some time off now and then, he walked out on the company, twice. He's not happy with the direction, fine, his contribution earned him the right to have some say in that direction. His say doesn't bring enough change, fine, let yourself get written out, drink some beer at home, we'll come up with something agreeable. Instead of being professional, he just walks out leaving everyone to pick up the pieces. This is to say nothing of the already mentioned invincibility his character was given. The limitations of his body made him stronger, not weaker. It looks bad on current stars when the broken down past star has an easier time wiping the floor with them than he did in his prime.


Hogan was at least willing to help new talent. While Brock was the only one he put over, he did give a rub to Edge among others. But like Austin, he was virtually invincible, and he just walked out when he wasn't happy with his direction. He had to be the centre of attraction and when he didn't like the direction his storyline was taking, he left.


Their past contributions and the toll taken on their bodies gives them the right to have jobs for life, but not to hurt the future of the business.

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