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Guest fanofcoils

WWE concerned over Raw rating

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I just re-watched Vengeance '01, to see how Jericho's title reign started and to everyone moaning about Triple H's involvements in Jericho's title reign, the problem starts here.


He needs Vince's help to beat The Rock, Vince AND Booker's help to beat Austin. The crowd just die when he wins the final match...apart from a couple of audible fans. Hell, Austin/Jericho starts with a Triple H chant even though he wasn't in the company.


Jericho got the title too early. You can blame Triple H and whatever all you want. Austin/Rock was the Vengeance money match, Jericho was about the fifth star on the rankings at the time. The way he won did nothing to help, but Jericho was given the belt about 3 or 4 months too early anyway.



And while we're on the subject of transitional champions...Orton had the belt for about a fifth of the time Y2J did. If we're talking transitional champions, Orton is right up there which MAY just have something to do with any drop of overness that may or may not have happened.

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The build up to Vengeance damaged Jericho as well. He got laid out/beaten clean by both Rock and Austin, and Angle as well I think. While that booking can make sense, in that it sets up two big title matches, Jericho wasn't at that level where he could survive such booking without serious harm. Jericho was already seen as weak, and that booking made him seem even weaker, and when he won it didn't do a thing for him. How he got handled in the subsequent months was just pilling it on.

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The main reason why I did not watch the main event is because it had poor timing. Now why leave only 5 minutes for the main event? 3 minutes of which would be spent on the theme songs which leaves what 2 minutes for Evolution to beatup Randy. Now why would I watch that? Was there any suspense in whether Randy would get some help and would I really care? The simple answer is no.

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Guest SteveyP93

I agree that Jericho is a superstar waiting to explode, and they are ignoring it because of politics. I'm an Orton fan, but it's not good for business to concentrate on pushing this bomb of a babyface turn and ignore Jericho's pops because Randy is the "chosen one". It's also not good for backstage morale. Guys are gonna look at this and say, "It doesn't matter how over I get myself, in the end Vince and HHH are just gonna push their favorites."


Orton's title reign came way too early. Like six-twelve months too early.


And when I thought about his win over Benoit from a kayfabe standpoint, I don't buy it. I don't buy that Randy Orton could have countered the Crossface into the RKO. You don't catch a great technical wrestler like that, especially when you're 24 and green.

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I agree that Jericho is a superstar waiting to explode, and they are ignoring it because of politics. I'm an Orton fan, but it's not good for business to concentrate on pushing this bomb of a babyface turn and ignore Jericho's pops because Randy is the "chosen one". It's also not good for backstage morale. Guys are gonna look at this and say, "It doesn't matter how over I get myself, in the end Vince and HHH are just gonna push their favorites."


Orton's title reign came way too early. Like six-twelve months too early.


And when I thought about his win over Benoit from a kayfabe standpoint, I don't buy it. I don't buy that Randy Orton could have countered the Crossface into the RKO. You don't catch a great technical wrestler like that, especially when you're 24 and green.

Jericho isn't a superstar waiting to explode. They've missed his window of opportunity as far as a main event push goes. Same for RVD. They could have been main eventers 3 years ago but not now.


The guy who should be a main event heel is Christian. He's outstanding in the ring and on the mic. Who gives a fuck if he doesn't have "the look"?


Orton should have stayed a heel and HHH should've went face. Orton was ready for a title reign but not as a face.

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But hey, at least they got the title of "youngest champion ever" off that one quitter

Just because a certain formula was successul with one person does not mean it will work for everybody.


The guy who should be a main event heel is Christian. He's outstanding in the ring and on the mic. Who gives a fuck if he doesn't have "the look"?

Forget Christian, its time for Regal to get into the main event title hunt.

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Jericho was booked like a bitch in and out of the ring. He played second fiddle to Stephanie, he got yelled at over lotion, he had to cheat and fluke his way around and then got pinned in one of the shortest Wrestlemania Main Events ever.


Uh...HHH / Y2J lasted longer than 10 Wrestlemania main events.


He didn't get the belt way too fast.


Mindlessly shoved down our throats since Bad Blood last year, went over a bunch of veterans since then, was named number one contender 2 weeks before WWE's second biggest PPV of the year, only being 24, and beating Chris Benoit clean, nuff said.


I just re-watched Vengeance '01, to see how Jericho's title reign started and to everyone moaning about Triple H's involvements in Jericho's title reign, the problem starts here.


He needs Vince's help to beat The Rock, Vince AND Booker's help to beat Austin. The crowd just die when he wins the final match...apart from a couple of audible fans. Hell, Austin/Jericho starts with a Triple H chant even though he wasn't in the company.


Jericho got the title too early. You can blame Triple H and whatever all you want. Austin/Rock was the Vengeance money match, Jericho was about the fifth star on the rankings at the time. The way he won did nothing to help, but Jericho was given the belt about 3 or 4 months too early anyway.


I loved Jericho getting the belt because it was a true shocker and something new since everybody was expecting Stone Cold / Rock which was the same old dragged out feud. It wouldn't have been so bad if Jericho could have defeated The Rock clean. Jericho being helped in BOTH title matches was absolute horseshit.


The guy who should be a main event heel is Christian.



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But hey, at least they got the title of "youngest champion ever" off that one quitter

Just because a certain formula was successul with one person does not mean it will work for everybody.

Sarcasm, my dear raz


I was mocking how it seems that the E made Randy a transition champion almost solely just to get the "youngest champ evar" title off that buzzcutted what's-his-name, because they sure didn't do it to make a good storyline

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The football player #69 shall be back and everybody will fear his new move the POUNCE! But the announcers will call it something else like modified Spear or What a Move.

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But hey, at least they got the title of "youngest champion ever" off that one quitter

Just because a certain formula was successul with one person does not mean it will work for everybody.


The guy who should be a main event heel is Christian. He's outstanding in the ring and on the mic. Who gives a fuck if he doesn't have "the look"?

Forget Christian, its time for Regal to get into the main event title hunt.

Christian's not ready to main event because his wrestling is still pretty poor. When has he ever had a good match that didn't involve a ladder? Regal's too old and while the crowd pops for him protecting Eugene, they don't really care to see him wrestle.

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HHH vs Regal vs Benoit vs Batista vs Orton in the elimation chamber should be the main event at Taboo Tuesday.


Stephanie can be the special guest ref.

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Mindlessly shoved down our throats since Bad Blood last year, went over a bunch of veterans since then, was named number one contender 2 weeks before WWE's second biggest PPV of the year, only being 24, and beating Chris Benoit clean, nuff said.

Yeah, it's a bad thing that the WWE successfully pushed new talent into the main event. :rolleyes:


He deserved the title but not as a face.

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Mindlessly shoved down our throats since Bad Blood last year, went over a bunch of veterans since then, was named number one contender 2 weeks before WWE's second biggest PPV of the year, only being 24, and beating Chris Benoit clean, nuff said.

Yeah, it's a bad thing that the WWE successfully pushed new talent into the main event. :rolleyes:

How was it a success if people still don't give a shit about Orton ?

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Mindlessly shoved down our throats since Bad Blood last year, went over a bunch of veterans since then, was named number one contender 2 weeks before WWE's second biggest PPV of the year, only being 24, and beating Chris Benoit clean, nuff said.

Yeah, it's a bad thing that the WWE successfully pushed new talent into the main event. :rolleyes:

How was it a success if people still don't give a shit about Orton ?

People don't give a shit about him as a face. He was plenty over as a heel.

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Guest fanofcoils

The main problem is Orton's character. If he was the cocky guy he was before and had the Evolution music and HHH dropped the Evolution name from his group, Orton might be over just like he was over as a heel, I don't know about main event face over. Orton's music right now is killing him just as much as his character, he needs to drop the Maven like music as soon as possible for starters.


Regal is too old? He is younger than Benoit. I think the crowd likes Regal just like Benoit because they are both intense badasses.

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Yeah, it's a bad thing that the WWE successfully pushed new talent into the main event.


Because half of the roster deserves to be involved in the main event much more than new talent.


He deserved the title but not as a face.


Bullshit, I don't care what anybody says, you pay your fucking dues in WWE and Orton didn't and hasn't yet.

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Guest SteveyP93
They've missed his window of opportunity as far as a main event push goes.


No they haven't. He's getting insanely over as a babyface, just listen to the live crowds every week. Can you imagine how over he would be if they were actually pushing him?


Jericho was right when he once said that he was bullet-proof (as far as jobs) because he's that entertaining.


The window of opportunity is NOW.

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Bullshit, I don't care what anybody says, you pay your fucking dues in WWE and Orton didn't and hasn't yet.

Like the Rock did?

The Rock has "It". Randy Orton has nothing but HHH's love-uh.

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The guy who should be a main event heel is Christian. He's outstanding in the ring and on the mic. Who gives a fuck if he doesn't have "the look"?


Yeah, "outstanding". But Christian would be welcomed (by me) into the main event. He can be carried as much as Orton can, and that's good enough for me (with the current state of Raw, anyway).


Oh, and Val Venis vs Chuck Palumbo on Heat the other week was better than Orton vs Triple H. That is all.

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Bullshit, I don't care what anybody says, you pay your fucking dues in WWE and Orton didn't and hasn't yet.

Like the Rock did?

The Rock has "It". Randy Orton has nothing but HHH's love-uh.

Well I'm sure in teh beginning they didn't know he had 'it'. Even though of course evidently they realized he did, but fact of the matter is, when I think of who I want to see main event a PPV I'm paying for, I don't think of some funny looking guy with a jerry curl, wearing blue tights with some kind of tassle thingies on it.


And hey...now look at that guy. The rock is a 'legend' of sorts.

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The guy who should be a main event heel is Christian. He's outstanding in the ring and on the mic. Who gives a fuck if he doesn't have "the look"?


Yeah, "outstanding". But Christian would be welcomed (by me) into the main event.

I can't buy Christian as a main eventer. He's a remnant of past heat, a second banana for life. Gangrel, Edge, Lance Storm, Chris Jericho...hell, I think of him as Trish's sidekick right now.



EDIT: Restholds, restholds, restholds...

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Mindlessly shoved down our throats since Bad Blood last year, went over a bunch of veterans since then, was named number one contender 2 weeks before WWE's second biggest PPV of the year, only being 24, and beating Chris Benoit clean, nuff said.

Yeah, it's a bad thing that the WWE successfully pushed new talent into the main event. :rolleyes:

How was it a success if people still don't give a shit about Orton ?

People don't give a shit about him as a face. He was plenty over as a heel.

Then the push failed if he isn't over a lick as a face. Once they turned him, the push went tits up, and it failed.

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The guy who should be a main event heel is Christian. He's outstanding in the ring and on the mic. Who gives a fuck if he doesn't have "the look"?


Yeah, "outstanding". But Christian would be welcomed (by me) into the main event.

I can't buy Christian as a main eventer. He's a remnant of past heat, a second banana for life. Gangrel, Edge, Lance Storm, Chris Jericho...hell, I think of him as Trish's sidekick right now.



EDIT: Restholds, restholds, restholds...

The main issue that will hurt the Christian main event push is that he is the Marty Jennety prototypical tag team wrestler. As for the restholds issue, well, he has more knowledge at it then the male model former transitional champ.


And the only big match ups that will draw are Kane vs Christian and Jericho vs Christian or HBK vs Christian.

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As for the restholds issue, well, he has more knowledge at it then the male model former transitional champ.

No, this isn't just my RKO markism :P , but anyways, I have to say BS to that. For instance RAW the other day. When Christian puts on a resthold...what does he do? He sits there...basically it just looked like he was holding Jericho up...not trying to choke him out or anything...but he was just sitting there. And his arms happened to be around Jericho's neck.


EVERY time, Orton puts on his 'restholds' the one thing that makes it a believeable move is the fact he tries to make it looks like it hurts. He 'wrenches' the neck as he has it on, the way a hold should be. Perfect example is teh one he did to Benoit where he was kind of going around in circles while holding it. Restholds are supposed to 'hurt' so why not make it look like it hurts? So once again as for the quoted statement I say BS.

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Its quite a shame that Lesnar couldn't make the Vikings since the Vikings play tomorrow night.


I think more people would watch MNF to see him play then sit through 15 minutes of them announcing who the Diva Crap winner is, as if we didn't already know.

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