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Guest fanofcoils

WWE concerned over Raw rating

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Orton trys to hard to sell the move himself! All of the grunting, silly faces and the curly schuffle that he has done to sell the "chokehold" looks rather stupid.

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And the stunner when you think about it, is just you falling on your ass. That looks stupid, but doesn't change the fact it's a wrestling move. Most wrestling moves do look stupid. Does the Rock's little shuffle before his people's elbow not look stupid as hell?


And obviously you've never been choked, but even logic should let you know between, someone putting their arms around your neck, and someone putting there arms around your neck and squeezing hard as hell as well as turning to the side basically cutting off all air, which hurts more.

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And the stunner when you think about it, is just you falling on your ass. That looks stupid, but doesn't change the fact it's a wrestling move. Most wrestling moves do look stupid. Does the Rock's little shuffle before his people's elbow not look stupid as hell?

The major difference here is that Austin and the Rock has something that Randy Orton does not.













Guess what "it" is?
















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In Austin's case, he was also a fantastic wrestler.

The Rock is a great wrestler too.


Orton isn't there yet but he's young and will improve.

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In Austin's case, he was also a fantastic wrestler.

The Rock is a great wrestler too.


Orton isn't there yet but he's young and will improve.

He was pushed first and then became a good wrestler though. Austin was a good wrestler long before his big break.

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Guest fanofcoils

Is Orton really a good wrestler or just another Edge who can only be good if he is wrestling someone who can carry him?

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But his match with Edge turned out to be pretty damn good, and even many Orton haters admitted 'it wasn't horrible' as they would probaly put it.


So if neither man can carry someone, who carried the other in that match?


Exactly, it's not that ORton can only have good matches with good people, evidently it's just that he has 'good days and bad days', and don't forget people only like to point out the bad in his matches. Jericho botches a move, you hear nothing about it, Orton botches a move it's in at least five people's sigs. (exaggerating, so sue me :P)


Of course Orton isn't the greatest wrestler, but the thing is, look at him a few years ago, look at him now, a huge difference, in ring wise, promo wise, everything. He still has time to grow. Granted, that seeing as that's true, putting the title on him was stupid, so now when he has his 'big win/title reign' it wont' be as important, but come on, there have been worse champs. And he was only a transitional champ as we now see.

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Guest Loss

Orton is still green, and it shows. He's got a little too much Mark Jindrak in him and far too little Kurt Angle.

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The guy who should be a main event heel is Christian. He's outstanding in the ring and on the mic. Who gives a fuck if he doesn't have "the look"?


I agree he's quite entertaining on the mic, but in the ring? He's so boring.


And it's not his look that's the problem. He has the same look as Orton practically, so that's neither here nor there. His current character is what's the problem. He's like heel Jericho, except he can't incorporate a serious part to his character like Jericho could. He's the cocky guy who really isn't that good, but thinks he is. Not a character a World Champ should have. Plus, he's portrayed as a pussy.

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Guest fanofcoils
Orton isn't the greatest wrestler, but the thing is, look at him a few years ago, look at him now, a huge difference, in ring wise, promo wise, everything.


Ring wise better, promo wise nope he's always been the same in quality which people fail to realize, just his character changes.



Granted, that seeing as that's true, putting the title on him was stupid, so now when he has his 'big win/title reign' it wont' be as important, but come on, there have been worse champs. And he was only a transitional champ as we now see.


I think every other champ has been more entertaining (maybe not in the ring, if so they had a better character) than Orton was in his one month.

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Guest Anglesault
Of course Orton isn't the greatest wrestler, but the thing is, look at him a few years ago, look at him now, a huge difference, in ring wise, promo wise, everything.

Rig wise, he was God awful. Simply terrible. He'd have to be Test to not get any better eventually. And i don't really think it's such a huge improvement. The HHH match, which was probably supposed to be the match that solidified him as a top level worker, kind of sucked.


And he's still pretty iffy on promos.

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Will people start to say that future transitional champions "Randy Ortoning It" when a long term main event push ends in failure in the same vain that people refer to Billy Gunn?

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Who knows where they are heading with this Orton/HHH thing, but if they have another match at Taboo Tuesday I think that is the end of that feud having any chance of reaching WM 21 as a world title main event. I always figured this match was not Mania main event material anyways. You know, Benoit and Jericho seem to be getting some strong reactions. If they are listening to the market they should slow burn Jericho back into the main event scene and do a program with Benoit for Mania and forget this Orton/HHH crap.

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