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Guest Deviant

IWA-MS Ted Petty Invitational Night One

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Guest Deviant

From Indy Insider:


Posted by Andrew Pesina on 09/17/2004 at 11:14 PM

Non Tournament:

Mercedes Martinez defeated Lacey to win the IWA-MS Women's Title


1st Round Matches:

Matt Sydal defeated Salvatore Rinauro

Nate Webb defeated Hallowicked

Rainman defated Chris Sabin

CM Punk defeated Austin Aries

Danny Daniels defated Todd Sexton. After the match BJ Whitmer congratulated his partner Danny on his win, but then turned on him, and gave him an exploder through chairs.


Non Tournament Match:

Jimmy Jacobs defeated Delirious in the ladder match for the Vacant IWA Light Heavyweight Title


1st Round Matches:

AJ Styles defeated Jimmy Rave

Nigel McGuinness defeated Double C

Mike Quackenbush defeated Chris Hero

Samoa Joe defeated Roderick Strong

American Dragon defeated Alex Shelly

Petey Williams defeated BJ Whitmer

Arik Cannon defeated Super Dragon


Thanks to Rico at CZWFans' message board for the results.




Hero going out early is a surprise.


3 down, 3 to go for Arik Cannon. Cannon for the TPI crown baby!!

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A few more bits and pieces picked up from the CZWfans baord and the IWA Mid-South board:


"The big announcement was that they've struk a deal wth Big Japan & will be having a KOTDM tournament next October in Japan & they are going to work out travel packages so that the IWA fans can travel overseas with them."


Also the matches for TPI Night Two:


"Petey vs Cannon

Aj vs Sydal

CM Punk vs Am Drag

Quackenbush vs Spyder

Rainman vs Daniels

Joe vs Nigel



Scramble match with those eliminated in the first round


Ian Rotten vs Steve Stone No DQ"


Looks like the Boz & Bradley/Tank & Iceberg/Wildcards tag will be on Night two as well.

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Guest Deviant

I hope Petey is defending the belt for his TPI matches, because then my prediction of Arik Cannon: IWA-MS Champion and TPI Winner 2004 will come true.


If those are in bracket order, I say Cannon, Sydal, Dragon, Quack, Rainman and Joe advance, with Cannon vs Quack vs Joe being the final.


I'm looking forward to detailed results, not to mention Night 2's results. I'm definitely buying all of the tapes from this week, it's been incredibly solid sounding throughout.

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Hmmm, Aries and Hero going out first round, odd. Especially Quakenbush over Hero [wtf?!]. I figured a second or third round match-up of Hero-Cannon or Hero-Dragon, due to the current storylines, but meh. He might do a run-in or something. Still sounds good.


Any info on what spots/bumps were in the Delirious/Jacobs Ladder match?

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From the CZWfans board:


"Here's a really good review with some more detail, I stole it from Lipinski at DVDVR:


IWA Mid South, TPI (Ted Petty Invitational) Tournament, 250 people (I think they were hoping for 300) in Highland, Indiana

-Show began with an announcement that the King of the Death Match will be back in 2005 but in Japan, in affiliation with Big Japan Pro Wrestling at the Korakuen Hall in Japan in October of 2005. IWA will be sending many wrestlers (Chris Hero, Delerious are going next week), they're going to offer travel packages to get as many people there as possible..more on this later as Ian Rotten will be on the PPH shortly...he also said IWA will give a trip away for a lucky fan as they can enter a SWEEPSTAKES~! with every IWA piece of merch they buy at shows...he also said "I'm the one who booked four shows in one week like a dumbass"

1. Mercades Martinez defeated Lacy at 11:07 with a pinfall as Mercades had Lacy in a leg submission to win the IWA Mid-South/NWA Midwest Women's Title

2. TPI: Matt Sydal defeated Salvatore Rinauro in 9:36 with a "moonplex" belly to belly off the top rope where he ends up on top of the guy in a pinning combination, outstanding match, Sydal is very impressive.

3. TPI: Nate Webb defeated Hallowicked in 8:43 with a Soylent Green #2

4. TPI: Rainman upset Chris Sabin at 10:16 with a pumphandle driver, very good match

5. TPI: CM Punk defeated Austin Aries in the second best match of the night at 16:46 with the pepsi plunge off the second rope. Just an awesome back and forth match, many two counts, as Aries worked on Punks leg after he hit the ring post with a shining wizard. I was thinking upset, but it didn't happen. An awesome match.

6. TPI: Danny Daniels Baby (his name is danny daniels but during his match he says the word baby at least a 1,000 times) defeated Todd Sexton at 10:55 with an electric chair into a rollup. After the match former tag partner BJ Whitmer attacked Daniels and gave him an exploder into two rows of chairs

7. In a ladder match for the Vacant IWA Light Heavyweight Title Jimmy Jacobs defeated DELIRIOUS in 16:42 when Jacobs grabbed the belt as Delirious hit a dropkick off the front row. Jacobs was hanging but grabbed the belt and fell down. Very good match for a number of resons. Jacobs used two spikes (long nails) to rip apart Delirious' mask (yes, it would have been a DQ in Arena Mexico) and Delirious bladed very nicley. Lots of good back and forth. Two negatives: 1. only one ladder, and the ref needed to balance it out each time by putting a foot on one side to keep it down 2. they did a table spot, IWA tables are usually very hard wood (only the best) and as jacobs tried to get off the ladder he hit the top rope and took a super nasty bump..

8. TPI: Mike Quakenbush defeated Chris Hero in 17:37 with a rollup. There were about 25 armbreakers in this match...yes, it went over well at times it wasn't like wrestling but more like a dance!

9. TPI: AJ Styles defeated Jimmy Rave in 12:41 with an awesome bow and arrow submission where the opponent has his body upright and AJ cranked back on the head with both hands...it was awesome

10. TPI: In the match of the night: Samoa Joe defeated Roderick Strong in 14:18 with a muscle buster. Wow, this was what great strong style wrestling is all about. Joe makes everything look so believable and Strong had plenty of great moments. On two occasions the crowd was on their feet believing the upset was going to happen. This was incredibly brutal, and amazing. Strong looked amazing here, joe is the f***** man. Strong went toe for toe and deserves a push as he was the bomb here.

11. TPI: Nigel McGuinness defeated Claudio Castagnoli (a rich european) in 13:31 with an arm submission...nothing could follow that last match...nothing.

12. TPI: American Dragon defeated Alex Shelley in 14:41 with a backslide after Shelley escaped the Cattle Mutalation, hit the crossface of Jado, I mean Shelley, and Dragon reversed it with the backslide. Good match. Dragon did a 28 count airplane spin, which was sweet.

13. TPI: Arik Cannon defeated Super Dragon in 13:43 with a shining enzugiri, another super stiff match. Crowd was hot for this as they were for most things. Nothing beats a KILL KILL KILL chant.

14. TPI: Petey Williams defeated BJ Whitmer in 12:48 with the Canadian Destroyer to retain the IWA Mid South Heavyweight Title (Show lasted from 7:40-12:45ish)


Matches for Saturday

1. TPI/IWA Mid South Heavyweight Title (is defended in every match with the champion) Petey Williams vs Arik Cannon

2. TPI: AJ Styles vs Matt Sydal

3. TPI: CM Punk vs American Dragon

4. TPI: Mike Quakenbush vs. Nate Webb

5. TPI: Rainman vs. Danny Daniels Baby

6. TPI: Samoa Joe vs. Nigel McGuinness

7. TPI (IWA Mid South Title): Winner of #1 (Williams/Cannon) vs. Winner of #2 (Styles/Sydal)

8. TPI: Winner of #3 (Punk/Dragon) vs. Winner of #4 (Quakenbush/Webb)

9. TPI: Winner of #5 (Rainman/Daniels Baby) vs. Winner of #6 (Joe/McGuinness)

10. Three-Way IWA World Tag Team Title Match: Bradley & Boz vs. Wild Cards vs. Tank & Iceberg

11. Non-Sanctioned/Falls Count Anywhere/Anything Goes Ian Rotten vs. Steve Stone

12. IWA Women's Division Six-Way Special Attraction Lacy vs. MSCHIF~! vs. Mercades Martinez vs Daizee Haze vs Rain vs Mickie Knuckles

13. Scramble Match (with the losers of the first round)

14. TPI Finals (3 way dance) "

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Another report:


"And I thought the Evansville show was hot.


IWA Mid-South presented a killer night one of the 2004 Ted Petty Invitational

at the Lincoln Center in Highland, In. I'm thinking it made my all time list

of live events. CM Punk vs. Austin Aries, Samoa Joe vs. Roderick Strong and

Chris Hero vs. Mike Quackenbush were all amazing, and each in a different way.

The crowd of 300 saw a show that blew away last year's first night, which was

an excellent show in its own right.


Ian Rotten opened the show with the announcement that the King of the Death

Match Tournament wasn't dead after all. Rotten said that the 2005 tournament

will take place at Korakuen Hall in conjunction with Big Japan Wrestling.


Rotten did a nice tribute to Ted Petty and asked for a moment of silence.


(1) Mercedes Martinez beat Lacey to win the IWA Mid-South Women's Title in

11:07. The crowd had fun with this match, enjoying it for what it was. Back and

forth pin attempt early. Martinez's shoulder got rammed into post. From there,

it was Lacey going after the injured arm, and Martinez making babyface

comebacks with crabs and leglocks. Martinez applied an excruciating crossed-legged

submission, and Lacey was in too much pain to get her shoulders off the mat.


Dave Prazak introduced the 24 man tournament field. Fans chanted for Super

Dragon, A. J. Styles, Chris Sabin, Hero, Punk and Joe. Prazak announced that any

westler involved in outside interference during a tournament match would be

subject to a one-year suspension from IWA Mid-South.


(2) Matt Sydal beat Salvatore Rinauro in 9:36. Rinauro got the "faggot"

chant. Sydal popped the crowd with a tope over the top. Rinauro used Azrael's Ted

Bundy move (vertical suplex dropped into a uranage). They were both left

hanging upside down after a battle on the middle rope. Sydal did a standing

moonsault off Rinauro's back for a close two count. Sydal escaped from the Phoenix

Fury Legdrop and won it with an overhead belly to belly superplex. Crowd chanted

for Sydal.


(3) Nate Webb beat Hallowicked in 8:44. The crowd treated this like the

winner was a forgone conclusion. Hallowicked has some skills, once you get past his

awkward Igor like movements. The gimmick draws from both Shark Boy and

Delirious. Webb went for one too many Nebraskan Tumbleweed. Hallowicked punished

Webb in the tree of woe. Webb turned Hallowicked inside out with a clothesline.

Hallowicked showed good explosiveness on his flying headscissors. Hallowicked

dropped Webb on his head with a german. Hallowicked got too flippy for his own

good, and Webb finished him with Soylent Green.


(4) Rainman pinned Chris Sabin in 10 minutes. A battle of contrasting styles.

Sabin went with the air game wrestle and Rainman wanted to brawl to set up

his signature power moves. Rainman hit the Spinesplitta for a near fall. Sabin

came back with a pair of enzuigiris to put "the Soul Assassin" on the deck.

Sabin nailed a springboard missile dropkick and hit a tiger suplex for a near

fall. It was the night for the Wildside guys to borrow each other's moves, as

Rainman used Seth Delay's Kool Krusher. Sabin used a wicked cradle piledriver

variation (ala Kevin Steen). Rainman applied the Hillside Strangla but Sabin made

the ropes. Rainman hit a pumphandle Michinoku Driver (Rinauro's finisher) for

the upset victory. Crowd was obviously surprised to see Sabin out of the

tournament but showed respect for Rainman's ability.


(5) CM Punk beat Austin Aries in 16:46. Damn, this was hot. Easily the best

match of the first half of the opening round. Two great performances. The crowd

was the third star of the match with vocal factions pulling hard for each guy.

The stiffness quotient was way up from anything up until this point. Aries

stepped on Punk's mouth HARD. At 4:00, Punk hit a Tope Suicida. Aries freaking

clobbered Punk's ass and hit a corkscrew pescado. Aries chopped the post. Punk

rammed his knee into the post when Aries ducked a shining wizard. Aries

destroyed Punk's knee, at one point using a knee DDT. Punk hit a shining wizard that

did more damage to his knee. Punk rolled through on Aries' flying bodypress

and hit a german suplex with a bridge. Aries missed on a 450. Great false

finishes here, Punk with a hammerlock lariat and Aries with a top rope brainbuster.

Aries teased a Pepsi Plunge before Punk caught him with a reverse Pepsi

Plunge to score the pin. This match jumped the intensity level of the show up



(6) Danny Daniels pinned Todd Sexton in 10:56. Daniels was all over Sexton

early. Sexton finally ran Daniels to the ropes to shake him off. Sexton went to

work on Daniels' knee with dropkicks to set up the sharpshooter. Daniels

answered with a double stomp into a senton backsplash. Daniels hit a huracanrana

from the top, but Sexton came back with an ankle lock. Daniels hit a tombstone

piledriver for a great near fall. Sexton got the sharpshooter locked in good

and tight, but Daniels was able to reverse it into the Walls. Daniels dropped

Sexton on his head with the Rubix Cube. Strong pop for the finish.


B.J. Whitmer gave Daniels an exploder suplex into the first row of seats in

the postmatch. Fans chanted "die, Whitmer, die."


(7) Jimmy Jacobs beat Delirious in a Ladder Match to win the IWA Mid-South

Lightweight Title in

15:56. It didn't take long to get the ladder involved. Delirious gave Jacobs

a flapjack onto the ladder at ringside. Delirious dropkicked the ladder with

Jacobs standing inside of it. Jacobs took advantage of his small stature,

executing offensive moves while standing inside the ladder. They each pulled out

spikes. Delirious lost his spike taking a bump. Jacobs drove his spike through

Delirious' mask and Delirious was busted open. Very effective use of blood to

heighten the drama of the match. Delirious came back with Shadows Over Hell off

the top of the ladder. Delirious taped Jacobs to the ropes and climbed, but

Jacobs used the spike to free himself and knock Jacobs off the ladder. In the

tightrope-without-a-net spot of the night, Jacobs set Delirious up on a table at ringside and

tried to dive off the top of the ladder, but he slipped on the launch, and

impaled himself on the top rope. It could have been so much worse. Jacobs put Delirious through the table with a

cannonball senton off the top. Jacobs had the belt in his grasp when Delirious

missile dropkicked the ladder out from under him. Jacobs hung onto the bungee

cord that was attached to the ceiling and dropped to the mat with belt in hand. Great finish.


(8) Mike Quackenbush beat Chris Hero in 16:35. The crowd loved this match.

This was billed as a battle of Chikara Wrestling Factory co-trainers. Both of

them were treated like deities by the crowd, not that they didn't deserve it.

They worked a slew of intricate arm reversals. Quackenbush went lucha style,

which was a smart way to minimize the size difference. Hero hit a tilt-a-whirl

backbreaker and used his size to control Quackenbush on the mat. Quackenbush

came back with some great submissions. Hero did the coolest hammerlock superplex

ever. Quackenbush did a outside/inside tornado DDT. Hero hit the cravate

suplex. The finishing sequence was back and forth reversals building to a cradle

pin. Mega pop for the finish.


Rotten announced that Hero was leaving for his first tour of Japan in the

morning. Rotten said was sending their best guy to represent the best promotion

in the US. Rotten said the handful of fans that heckled Hero had to be true

assholes not to appreciate his talent.


(9) A. J. Styles beat Jimmy Rave 12:45. This was another very good match.

Rave worked heel. Rave tried to work for the cross ambreaker. Styles got pissed

and tried to rip Rave's arm off. At 4 minutes, Styles suplexed Rave into the

turnbuckles. Styles went with dropkicks. Rave responded with a rabbit lariat and

a baseball slide to the nuts. Rave got the crossarmbreaker and Styles made

the ropes. Style worked on Rave's neck. With Rave straddling the top rope,

Styles nailed a flying roundhouse to the temple. Styles went high impact. Rave came

back with Dusk Till Dawn. Styles submitted Rave with a kneeling Mutalock.


(10) Samoa Joe beat Roderick Strong in 14:20. A strong style classic. Stiff,

stiff, stiff. Joe was ridiculously over with the crowd. Strong earned ther respect by taking everything Joe could

dish out. Joe got the best of an exchange that was stiff beyond belief. Both

of their chests were beet red. Joe tried to cave Strong's chest in with kicks.

Fans chanted "Joe is going to kill you." Joe busted Strong's mouth open with

a face wash sequence. Joe hit a tope suicida. Just when it looked like Strong

was dead meat, he countered the Ole Ole with a sidewalk slam on a chair.

Strong pulled off some power moves that showed he's one deceivingly strong dude.

Joe did a powerbomb into a crab into an STF into a crossface. Joe dropped Strong

on his head a couple of times. The finish saw Joe take Strong's face off with

a kick and hit a musclebuster from hell. The fans exploded with in "IWA"

chant. They shook hands and the fans chanted for both men.


(11) Nigel McGuinness submitted Claudio Castagnoli with a Rings of Saturn in

13:30. Lots of European style. I like Castagnoli as a heel. He got heat

hurling insults in German. McGuinness outwrestled Castagnoli and did a slow burn

about his cheating. Castagnoli double crossed McGuinness on a handshake.

Castagnoli took McGuinness to the mat with a cobra clutch and a Crippler Crossface,

but McGuinness made the ropes. McGuinness befuddled Castagnoli with a headstand

on the turnbuckles. McGuinness blocked Castagnoli's submission and stretched

him on the mat to set him up for the tap out.


(12) Brian Danielson beat Alex Shelley (14:43). Great stuff. They went back

and forth with variations on a Nirvana Strangle. Shelley emptied his nostrils

on Danielson. Shelley got the Border City Stretch but Danielson quickly made

the ropes. Shelley hit a lariat backbreaker. Danielson rocked Shelly with

European uppercuts and returned the favor with the snot blowing. Danielson tortured

Shelley with a surfboard dragon sleeper. Shelley put Danielson's head between

his knees and hammered it into the mat. Danielson hit his awesome superplex.

The key spot was Danielson doing a 30 revolution airplane spin that left both

men dazed and confused. Danielson tried for the Cattle Mutilation and Shelley

reversed it into the BCS, before Danielson got him with a backslide. Danielson

was so dizzy that he headed in the wrong direction after the match. Shelley

stopped to hurl on his way to the back.


(13) Arik Cannon beat Super Dragon with a shining wizard in 13:45. Good

match, especially if you like stiff strikes and head drops. Tremendous response for

Dragon's entrance. This was his first visit to Highland. Cannon looked

quicker than Dragon on the mat. Dragon gave Cannon a curb stop. The fans called for

an encore and Dragon obliged. The crowd was marking out for just about

everything Dragon did in this match. Cannon came back with a curb stop of his own, so

Dragon gave him one more. Cannon suplexed Dragon into the turnbuckles to take

over. Cannon used a cravate surfboard. Cannon missed with a cannonball

senton, and Dragon DESTROYED him with a barrage of strikes. Dragon did an ungodly

top rope double stomp to the back of Dragon's neck. Cannon knocked Dragon out of

the ring with a shining wizard but couldn't get the three. Cannon dropped

Dragon on his head a couple of times to set up another wizard.


(14) Petey Williams beat B. J. Whitmer (with Jim Fannin) to retain the IWA

Mid-South Heavyweight Title in 12:58. Fannin did his best to provoke a fan into

a physical altercation prior to the match. Fannin ordered the ref to ring the

bell. Williams ran in through the front door to schoolboy Whitmer, and it was

almost over before it started. Williams was the aggressor. He hit a slingshot

huracanrana that ruled. Whitmer came back with a spinebuster and beat Petey

up. Some sick thudding soccer kicks here. Williams did a cool flying crucifix

slam. Whitmer tried to choke Williams out. Whitmer blocked the Destroyer and hit

an exploder suplex for a near fall. Williams got the sharpshooter but

couldn't close the deal. Williams tried for a Super Canadian Destroyer. No go, thank

God. Williams blocked another exploder and hit the Canadian Destroyer standard

for the pin. Daniels had to be restrained from going after Whitmer in the



NOTES: The brackets for tonight are as follows:


1) Williams vs. Cannon, Styles vs. Sydal

2) Punk vs. Danielson, Quackenbush vs. Webb

3) Joe vs. McGuinness, Rainman vs. Daniels

The survivors advance to a three way dance finale to determine the tournament



Also on the card are Brad Bradley & Ryan Boz vs. Tank & Iceberg vs. Eddie

Kingston & Blackjack Marciano for the IWA Midsouth Tag Titles, a 6 way women's

match and STILL MORE. There are 41, count 'em, 41 wrestlers booked…Rotten

announced that the promotion was setting up tour packages for the 2005 KOTDM in


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