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WWF bookers

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In the 80s, it was Vince, Pat Patterson, George Scott, Hogan, and I think Jim Barnett


90s, there was Vince, Patterson, Cornette, Russo, Bill Watts for a very brief period, Chris Kreski, Stephanie, Shane for a little bit, Gerwirtz, Heyman, Lagana, Hayes, Bruce Prichard, Tommy Dreamer for like a week, Ed Kosky (sp?), Dominic Pagliaro, and I guess HHH.



In the 80s, I know George Scott was the one who booked the main event angles, because Vince learned from Scott that the main event is the only thing that matters, and you just fill in the undercard


Patterson was the man who created all the gimmicks in the 80's and 90s and him and Vince came up with the campy skits they did in the 80s and early 90s. I think Brisco has always just been an agent.


Any left?

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