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Guest wrestling365

Guerrero In Car Crash...confirms PWInsider

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Guest Dazed

No, we just didn't believe an unconfirmed report. Surely stupidity is blindly believing everything you are told.

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Guest Trivia247

Bret Hart Returns! Will wrestle despite having a stroke! He wants to go iron man on HBK to finally lay the feud to rest..


hulk hogan returns and challenges.....mr. america who has now turned heel......he beats and unmasks him, and finds out Its Brutus Beefcake!!!!


Then the FBI the real ones rush out from the stands and arrests good ol Uh uh no thats not cocanine thats Anthrax Edward.

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Guest Trivia247
You couldn't have posted this in the other thread?



And ouch- Trivia brings the unfunny

Was gonna say Regal was rumored to bring back he's the mans man gimmick again...Regal in a hardhat....


But fortunately good taste prevailed.

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They need to give the poor guy some time off before he self-destructs.

Well, at least they are not having Kurt Angle go off about how he shouldn't be WWE Champion because he'll just fall off the wagon again. ;)

That should help a little. Blame JBL for this B-) Then again he has stopped with the racist attacks on Eddie as well. He was all fine earlier this year before all that crap started no?

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Guest Banders Kennany

I hardly think JBL's racist attacks caused any of this. You sir are being a tool.

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Guest Banders Kennany

Edit - I assumed he wasn't joking since he didn't add a smiley after the sentence.

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