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October 1, 2004





By Evelyn Dunn


AP-The release of a psychiatric patient from

A state run mental institution has sparked outrage

In the community. A demonstration at the

Oakview State Hospital was held this morning just hours

Before the release of (name withheld).

Protestors claim that the release is part of an ongoing

Governmental policy to cut costs by releasing

Numerous institutionalized residents without

Properly evaluating them.

DPH spokesman Charles Anderson L.S.W. stated

That (name withheld) had not had any inappropriate

Behavioral issues in over three years and the

State felt he was a good candidate for release as he was

Able to secure full-time employment and has found

A willing legal guardian.

Elaine Dionne NP,RNC of the Oakview State Hospital

Disagreed stating that (name withheld) had not had any outbursts

In recent years only because he was constantly in restraints

And heavily medicated. She warned that his,” employment”

Consisted of a contract with the S.W.F. Pro Wrestling Federation.

“I am extremely concerned that (name withheld) will be released to

The general public. He is an extremely unpredictable individual

Who I feel is a very bad candidate for release at this time.

I further feel that exposing him to a Professional Wrestling

Environment is foolhardy. I strongly feel (name withheld) posses

A high risk to the community…not to mention his fellow

Wrestlers…if released.” Stated Elaine Dionne NP,RNC.

The DPH did not agree. “(name withheld) is a good candidate

For release due to his ability to find suitable employment

As well as an official legal guardian. This guardian will be

Responsible for his safety as well as the safety of the community

On a whole. I an sure (name withheld) will do well once released and

We at the DPH wish him well. It basically comes down to

Second chances and everyone deserves a second chance.”

Stated Charles Anderson LSW.

This is a developing story that the GAZETTE will be following.

We will give you more information as becomes available.

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Interesting, I'll give you that. Not sure about the structure, what with each new line being started with a capital letter. But hey, each to their own.


The only other time I remember a newspaper article being quoted was when janus left - also covering an apparently genuine psychiatric illness.


Oh, and nice touch to actually use a picture of the psychiatric hospital!

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Interesting. The lack of wacky tags is a change, not sure if it's a good one, though.


I agree with Toxx about a captial letter for each new line. And this is just me nitpicking, but the sign and the name of the hospital in the 'article' don't match up!



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I'm gonna start calling the guy "Name Withheld" now.



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Only if we can call you "Grease Monkey".

Meh. Whatever floats your boat.


Or your dingy... Or yacht.

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