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Gary Floyd

"Team America gets NC-17 Rating"

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Guest Mindless_Aggression

I think the real message is "...Now suck my cock!"


How am I NOT gonna be able to say that everytime someone gets into my car from now on?

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This movie is awesome. I need a soundtrack.


How could Ebert not get the message? The message gets spelled OUT for him and he still missed it. Ebert must not like good movies anymore.


It's a parody of action films mixed in with a parody of...well everything


I loved it. I'm buying the DVD.

I'll remind you that Ebert LOVED the Star Wars prequels thus far.


Loved the hell out of them.


I'm pretty sure he only gave Episode II two stars.

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Saw it tonight. It was all right. Certainly sublime. After a great first half hour or 40 minutes, the novelty of the puppets wears off, and the jokes start falling flat. I'm more impressed with the bravado of doing this retarded marionette stuff for 100 minutes than I am with the actual jokes/message.


The songs were the best part, by far. And the panthers. Oh, and "Come on everybody, we've got quilting to do!" Yet while I'm always happy to sit down with the South Park movie, I doubt I'll ever care to see this again.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

I thought Team America was a pretty cool movie. Pretty much what you would expect from Parker/Stone, and it did have plenty of laughs. Best part of the movie though were the songs....................

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Here's my point from earlier: If Parker and Stone were trying to skewer both liberals and conservatives, it really didn't succeed. Frankly, most conservatives probably wouldn't get that they were even poking fun at gung ho foreign policy and would probably just enjoy the film. Liberals will pick up on this subtext, but then will also realize the film is much harder on leftists in Hollywood.


Mind you, I really enjoyed the film a lot (the puppet work and filming was amazing, I had no trouble taking them as real characters). But consider the difference in this compared to the South Park movie. In that the Canadians attack the Baldwin estate, and it's hilarious. It just makes you think "WTF??" It was arbitrary and silly, and I think the Baldwins themselves could have a laugh at it. Here it's much more mean spirited (albeit hilarious). Baldwin and Co. are basically being ridiculed for their political views, and while I don't listen to them and could care less what they think, at least they HAVE opinions.


Still, how can you not laugh at Matt Damon knowing nothing aside from his own name? They mentioned Affleck in the songs in this movie, but I was hoping for a puppet of him too.

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My thoughts of the movie...FUCK YEA!!!


Finally, a political satire that skewers both sides. From the Bush administrations handling of the war against terror (or T.W.A.T.) to obnoxious Hollywood liberals (granted, I'm a pretty liberal guy myself, and I loved seeing the likes of Michael Moore, Sean Penn, and Alec Baldwin get theirs) it has it all; kick ass musical numbers, one of the longest vomit scenes in film history, puppet sex (though I thought it was funnier in "Meet the Feebles") a parody of "RENT", this movie has everything. Next to "Shaun of the Dead," this is the funniest, and best, movie of the year.

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1) Many celebs are a bunch of fucks who try to act like big shots by talking about shit they know nothing about.


Same thing can be said about Parker and Stone AND WORSE, given how they do the EXACT FUCKING THING and worse...


2) Stupid things are done by all on both sides, and it's funny.

And if conservatives do stupid things, then it's not funny and is off-limits in terms of mocking....


3) The United States may make odd decisions at times, we have a certain image, but damnit to hell, we still kick ass.

Again that's ok but you can't fucking pick and chose WHAT bad things you want to highlight in order to make the overall mesage that America still rules if you want the audience to take said message home with them.


4) It's ok to make light of serious topics, so sit back, understand that it's all in fun, laugh, and enjoy ya bunch of tight assed bastards.

Except when THEY (Parker and Stone) are the ones being mocked and cursed and stuff. Though I'll gladly eat my words if Stone and Parker are man enough not to retaliate against Sean Penn through South Park by way of not mocking Penn in any way on the show for daring to call them on their shit....

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As soon as Ebert gave thumbs up to "Van Helsing", I quit following his reviews. He is now a moron who I think has lost touch or sold out. "Van Helsing" was trash and when I saw him give it a favorable review, he lost all credibility in my eyes.

Ditto. Ebert put out some head-scratching reviews before (as can be expected), but that was just insane. Must have been Beckinsale + bustier...


However, I'm starting to get skeptical of the film--the only review that gave it over 2 stars was Rolling Stone with 3 1/2. Everyone else says that it's kinda funny, but a good number of jokes fall flat, it overstays its welcome, and it pretty much has no point.


I think it definitely works, but it relies more on action movie spoofs than it does political satire. The political satire that is there is hilarious, although some of the jokes are weak. I'm glad I saw it, and there's plenty of memorable moments, but it's not even close to the quality of SP: BL&U.


I didn't notice this until a review pointed it out--but the streets of Paris are made of croissants. :P

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JasonX, you are ____________________________________.







Back on topic though, I saw the film tonight (and I saw a special showing of Friday the 13th after it) and I thought it just kicked all kinds of ass. It was funny as hell, and I'll own the DVD as soon as it comes out. I already can't wait for it. I'll post more thoughts on the film later.

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JasonX you you you HATER!


If Sean Penn didn't want to be mocked for seasons on Southpark, he didn't have to open his fucking mouth. He could have taken it as good clean fun which it WAS, and moved on.


But no. He KNOWS he's right about EVERYTHING. And he has to bitch at Parker and Stone for disagreeing w/ him.


He's an entertainment pussy, and he's about to be screwed by a couple of true entertainment dicks, if I'm any judge. Not my analogy, but I think it fits.


BTW if you couldnt see this movie mocking EVERYONE including the creators, you're blind.

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Guest GreatOne
Though I'll gladly eat my words if Stone and Parker are man enough not to retaliate against Sean Penn through South Park by way of not mocking Penn in any way on the show for daring to call them on their shit....

You gotta be fucking kidding me, Sean Penn acts the total bitch, and he's 'calling them on their shit'?


Worse yet, P+S have to be 'man enough not to retaliate'? Fuck that. They're justified in ripping him to shreds for being a total bitch if they want.

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This was a very, very funny movie. I actually found the stuff where they capped on liberal hollywood less funny than everything else since it seems they just lumped all the liberal hollywood folks together and went off of name value as opposed to developing them as individuals. The whole dick/pussy/asshole analogy is comic gold. The songs were awesome. This is the best movie to come out this fall, IMO.


BTW, we know how Sean Penn feels about the movie, but are there any other celebs that were portrayed as liberal hollywood in the movie that have spoken out against the movie? Just wondering is all.

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BTW, we know how Sean Penn feels about the movie, but are there any other celebs that were portrayed as liberal hollywood in the movie that have spoken out against the movie? Just wondering is all.

I haven't heard of any. Clooney's a bud of theirs, Damon's used to being made fun of, the rest I haven't heard anything about yet.


I think they realize that even if they w

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Guest MikeSC
1) Many celebs are a bunch of fucks who try to act like big shots by talking about shit they know nothing about.

Same thing can be said about Parker and Stone AND WORSE, given how they do the EXACT FUCKING THING and worse...


Actually, Parker and Stone don't try and tell people what to believe, stating that if anything they can do can change your opinions, you're too weak of thought to actually have an opinion and to please not vote in that case.

4) It's ok to make light of serious topics, so sit back, understand that it's all in fun, laugh, and enjoy ya bunch of tight assed bastards.

Except when THEY (Parker and Stone) are the ones being mocked and cursed and stuff. Though I'll gladly eat my words if Stone and Parker are man enough not to retaliate against Sean Penn through South Park by way of not mocking Penn in any way on the show for daring to call them on their shit....

Hell no. They should UNLOAD on Penn for being a dribbling vagina here.


He wants to make himself out to be a total douche? Good. Let him.


And SP will mock him --- well, even moreso than his comments do.


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Oh yeah. With the new season right around the corner, I'm sure Ms. Penn will be lampooned.


I'll probably just buy the DVD, and of course Ebert doesn't like this film because it dares poke fun at the Hollywood establishment.


Now if Spike Lee would have done this film and killed Bush and pals, Ebert would be typing his review with one hand and jerking off with the other...

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Guest MikeSC
Oh yeah. With the new season right around the corner, I'm sure Ms. Penn will be lampooned.


I'll probably just buy the DVD, and of course Ebert doesn't like this film because it dares poke fun at the Hollywood establishment.


Now if Spike Lee would have done this film and killed Bush and pals, Ebert would be typing his review with one hand and jerking off with the other...

Like he did when he wrote "Beyond the Valley of the Dolls" (I think that was the one movie Ebert penned)?


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and of course Ebert doesn't like this film because it dares poke fun at the Hollywood establishment.

Ebert's objection mainly seemed to be "making light of a serious world situation, creating the message "who gives a fuck about this war?" belittles everyone fighting and dying in it and that it does matter, and who are these dickheads to say it doesn't?", if that's an accurate portrayal of what he's trying to infer.


I still haven't seen it, so I can't tell you if he's off the mark on this one.

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Favorite quotes of the movie-





"You're a BUTT-fucking quitter!!!"


"Jesus titty-fucking Christ!!!"


"You are fucking worthress Arec Bawdwin..."


"Hans Brix, you're breakin my barrs!"

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Guest Reservoir_Kitty

This movie was hilarious. I haven't laughed so hard and so frequently at a movie since I went to see Dodgeball. There are so many parts of the movie I'm STILL laughing at today. I'm definitely glad we went to check it out.


It was what I expected, but funnier and more clever than I had originally thought it would be. Very quotable... loved the songs.. kudos to Stone and Parker for making a puppet movie and making a damn good one at that.


Puppet sex, hahahahahahahah... still laughing about that.


"I guess you're with me, cockbag."

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In all fairness, I think the quote was "cockfag"


My favorite quotes?


"No mi amo" or however you say "I don't like this!" when that guy was being swept away.


"It's not about sex, it's about trust!"



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Next to "Shaun of the Dead," this is the funniest, and best, movie of the year.


As someone who saw both movies back to back yesterday, let me say "No." Shaun of the Dead blows Team America away. Team America just wasn't that good. It had some funny moments (the puppets fighting was amusing) and the Dicks, Pussies, and Assholes monologue was fucking gold, but for the most part, it didn't work for me. They were so intent on mocking cheesy dialogue, that almost the whole movie ended up being cheesy dialogue ... which WASN'T funny. You have to do it in small doses. Another thing was that everyone in the movie other than Kim Jong Il used the "Generic South Park Male" or "General South Park Female" voice, which is okay in the small doses they use on SP, but for a whole movie it's just really lame.


All I'm saying is Shaun of the Dead is far superior. The idea that the guy was so used to people acting like zombies in the first place that he didn't even notice when they turned into zombies at first was brilliant. And there were a few repeated jokes done in the movies, but they were only repeated once, under a different context that made them even funnier the second time.


I will say this though. America ... fuck yeah.

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Funny story about the movie's conception: Matt and Trey knew they wanted to do a puppet movie, but they hadn't come up with a story yet. Then they came across a screenplay for a movie that was so goddamn awful that they had to use it. The script was appallingly hilarious on its own, but with puppets, it would have been even better. Unfortunately, they couldn't get the rights to do it and instead, it was made as a serious movie and released as a high-budget blockbuster.


And that movie's name is The Day After Tomorrow :o

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Oh man, I loved this. All of it. Good lord it was beautiful. I love Bruckheimer films, so I was going nuts over every cliched thing in this film. I also love South Park, so all the voices (especially KJI) were classic. The vomiting scene had me almost out of my seat. I swear, I was a shade away from being in the Showtime at the Apollo audience. The only qualm I have with it is that it had no moneyshot. All the Celebrities deaths (esp. Susans) were sweet.


The way they used "ACTING" and "TERRORISTS" was also gold.

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