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DAREDEVIL: The Director's Cut

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Apparently its got 20 minutes of extra footage.


I really liked the original release, but admit it could've been better (better fight scenes, too much comedy is proportion to the story).


Since this version got slapped with an "R" rating, it'll prettty definitely be more violent, and not as watered down. There's apparently also a smaller role for Elektra (despite the fact that Jennifer Garner is my next baby's momma, even I think she's wasn't the best person for the part).


I'm looking forward to seeing this.


Release date is Nov. 30th.

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I think I'm actually one of the few people here who liked the original movie, so I'm looking forward to this release. I'm definitely getting it as soon as it comes out. But like Renegade said, it's ashame it won't come with the extra disc like the original release had, it was pretty good IMO.

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Just got finished watching the new Director's Cut DVD and I just have one word for it:




Thirty minutes of new material and somewhat new editing make up for a far better movie IMO. Now, I really liked the theatrical cut, but like the Director said in the featturette, it felt a little more like a revenge movie than a true DD story. With the new murder subplot with Coolio the movie gains new life and has more purpose. Everything makes more sense now, like the Kingpin's reputation and his subsequent downfall. It really felt like a true DareDevil graphic novel. Why do the movie execs feel like they have to castrate something as good as this cut is beyond me. And the new R rating? Totally unnecessary since there's just a few more curse words here and there and the added voilence is really more extended fight sequences.


Trust me, you'll feel like you've watched a whole different movie. A better movie. An awesome movie. Give it a chance.

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I got the Director's Cut disc a few weeks ago. Was OK. Didn't see the first version, although I'll probably get it when it's on sale or something, but here's another quesiton.


I just saw a preview for a movie that is about Elektra. I'm assuming this is the same person. But didn't she, in the Daredevil movie...






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So the reason they didn't include Murdock talking to Father Everett in the confessionary in the Director's cut was to modify it so it wouldn't seem like a revenge tale? :huh:

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Guest Failed Mascot
I just saw a preview for a movie that is about Elektra. I'm assuming this is the same person. But didn't she, in the Daredevil movie...






No. Watch it a few times and you'll realise she didn't die. I don't feel like going into detail but it has to do with the whole jewelry finding at the end.

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It would be awesome if the omitted that whole embarassing fight in the playground between affleck/garner. Also, the scene in the beginning where young matt murdock does this huge friggin somersault to get out of the bully's way....THAT was a tad bit ridiculous...What, was he a master gymnast at 8 years, too?

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I just saw a preview for a movie that is about Elektra. I'm assuming this is the same person. But didn't she, in the Daredevil movie...







At the end of the movie, DD finds a jewelry tab with those small knobs on it that blind people use to read (I forgot what they're called). Elektra knew he was blind and left it behind to let him know that she was alive and well.

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So the reason they didn't include Murdock talking to Father Everett in the confessionary in the Director's cut was to modify it so it wouldn't seem like a revenge tale? :huh:

Not really. They re-edited the movie so the story didn't center around Matt Murdock/Daredevil's relationship with Elektra but rather his struggle to cope with the burden of being a lawyer that hepls the common man in the day and a vigilante at night. The new murder subplot takes it into that new direction. He does have a meeting with father Everett that doesn't take place in the confessionary that also helps to understand a little better what Murdock's all about, also without revealing that the father knew about his identity, which he ultimately finds out when he appers in the church all messed up and he takes his mask off.


Also, both Ben Urich and Wilson Fisk have a little more to do in the movie and it makes more sense why Kingpin is so feared and how Urich was able to play such an important part in his downfall while also working on his other story about finding out who Daredevil really was.


Really the only scenes missing are the confessionary scene (replaced by the one I talked about) and the scene where Matt and Elektra have sex, which really makes the following scene (when Matt goes to his office all depressed) make more sense.

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They got rid of the love scene because they wanted to show how committed Matt is to his "night job", he never can get away, he always senses some crime and that it makes him much more of a tortured hero, which is a lot more true to character. Its funny that without the scene how much changes but I think her death actually means more now as he never really got the chance to be with her because his life won't allow it.


And how in the bloody hell are we supposed to know that?


Elektra was not supposed to die!


The studio wanted this scene in to confirm that Elektra was alive, the diretor said that in the "unedited" version, after he finds the necklace, they show Elektra on the roof behind him spinning her sais, but the director took it out so it would be left open to interpretation - she could have either left the brail necklace before going kamakazee, then died - or lived and put it there after she survived. In the theatrical version, the view is much more centered on Matt and the necklace, you don't quite see what's behind him. It also left future plot options for the Daredevil and Elektra franchises.


I always looked at it as she lived...but of course the director, comics and the Elektra movie said otherwise. : \

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First of all, this movie was the original film. The reason scenes like the sex scene and the confessionals are not in it, because they went back and filmed those scenes after this cut of the film was finished. The theatrical version is the newer one. The original idea was for Matt to appear more alone than he did the in the theatrical.


Elektra is supposed to be dead, but the studio didn't like the idea that the girl got killed and the bad guys survived. This is also why Bullseye's final scene was moved to the credits in the theatrical cut. They also wanted the director not to show Elektra's body when the cops showed up on the roof but he refused. She dies.

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I could have sworn I've posted this before, but I can't seem to find it on here so here you go. I was pissed the DC of DD didn't come with the bonus disc that the regular DD DVD had so I double dipped. I watched both versions to see what the differences were:


Theatrical Version:


- Matt sees his father roughing up a guy and drops his report card.


- The scene of Matt following his father's shadow before the fight. *


- Elektra grabs Matt's hand as he tries to leave and asks him to stay with her which leads into the love scene*


- Matt in the confessional room *


- Matt and Elektra conversating through Hell's Kitchen after the playground fight.*


- After Bullsyes kills the old lady on the plane, Daredevil is shown on the balcony with the gargoyles and chases down one of Kingpin's thugs through a building and beats him up.


- Matt sees the priest in the confessional room again before Nikolas's funeral. *


- After the Kingpin / Bullsye conversation, Ben Ulrich confronts Matt and tells him that the Kingpin kills family members too.*


- After the credits, Bulleye is shown in the hospital


Director's Cut:


Extended Scenes:


- Matt with his father in their home


- Matt with his father in the hospital


- Matt playing on the city rooftops


- Matt following his father to the ring


- Jack Murdock's final fight


- The bar including the brawl


- Matt getting into his metal coffin


- Wesley entering the Kingpin's office


- Matt and Frank conversating through the courtroom, which leads into the Daunte Jackson subplot.


- Matt with Frank in the law office.


- The Natchios party


- Ben Urich in the medical room


- The Elektra / Bulls-eye fight


- The police outside of the church


- The Daredevil / Kingpin fight


New Scenes:


- Matt visits the docks to see his father. When he is told his father hasn't been there in months, he drops his report card. Then Matt sees his father roughing up a guy as he's leaving.


- Fallon is shown smiling at Jack's death before his limo takes off.


- When Matt goes to sleep, he has a flashback of being visited by a nun when he was a kid. (This replaces the confessional scene)


- The ending of the playground fight


- The Kingpin kills his bodyguards before Nikolas Natchios arrives.


- Matt and Frank walk through Hell's Kitchen.


- Bullsye going through an airport.


- Matt in the church talking to the priest before he goes to his law office


- Frank working solo in the courtoom (This replaces the 2nd confessional room scene)


- After Nikolas's funeral, Matt gets into a cab and is about to leave, but is stopped by Ben Urich, who has new information to give him which leads into another new scene.


- When Matt goes for a walk (before he finds the brail necklace), he stops by the church to talk to the priest, then Ben Urich confronts him and vows to reveal to everybody that Matt Murdock is Daredevil.


- Kingpin and Wesley shown in jail


Scenes Moved:


- After Matt tells Elektra he has to go on the rooftop, Daredevil chases down one of Kingpin's thugs through a building and beats him up.


- Daredevil on the balcony with the gargoyles is moved into the scene where Nikolas is trying to leave New York.


- Bullseye in the hospital is shown right after the Kingpin in jail scene.


- Nothing shown after the credits.


Oh yeah and Bullsye says fucking instead of bloody in his costume line.


* = Not in the DC at all

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