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Lil' Bitch

The OAO "Does Booker T have a chance in Hell of

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Guest Icanshave

The WrestleMania 19 match was AWFUL.


I think HHH vs Booker T from Wrestlemania 19 is underrated and not rating-wise,because it isn't normal for this match to be discussed for it's greater action but for how it ended and how it should've ended.


HHH vs Booker T wasn't near or at awful in my opinion and obviously not the best

performance one could enjoy but still good here with most minutes passable,like

the beginning of basics, Triple H&Booker T's signature time,newer choice of offense

and the ending of selling from Booker T as Triple H's Indian deathlock was too much.


The ONLY interesting work Booker T has done in his WWE Career is teaming with Goldust and producing a couple decent matches with Christian/Jericho and Christian/Storm.


Booker T&Goldust has done better than decent with both Jericho&Christian, because I remember Goldust pinning Jericho in a burning hot tag that had nice length.

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The guy has been treated as a complete joke since the day after KOTR 2001.


WWE totally screwed up by having WCW/ECW be automatically heels and thus booking them all as pussies.


WWE then booked T as an imbecile who obviously had a low IQ.


He then went on to his 1st Wrestlemania match over a shampoo feud.


He went from the top guy of the Alliance crossover to meaningless mid card tagging (considering Bookdust got a 1 month reign and Goldust was depushed and canned)


He's flopped from heel to face while having his ass handed to him in feuds with Rock (Couldn't beat him in a handicap match), Austin (supermarket, church), Undertaker (never had a chance), and Triple H (the racial angle in which he LOSES)


He gets handed the IC title and has to use a face GM to keep getting him repeat shots in order to finally win.


Gets traded to SD where he looks hot and makes a turn then proceeds to get squashed.


The guy does not bitch. The guy does not try and counteract. He just does his job.


Whiner? No.

He might not be a whiner, but also according to you he's not qualified to get the belt either.

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We're not arguing whether he should get the belt- you said he was a whiner which he clearly isn't.


Booker had moments where he was over enough to get the belt- I don't know if now is the time though

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Yeah, but guess what they have to say about your golden boy Edge?

Um, alright. Thanks for adding the the thread and bringing up someone that has absolutley nothing to do with the topic!


To be honest, I want to see the reaction he gets at Survivor Series. It's tough to judge reaction from Smackdown. If he gets the crowd going, sure, he'll be fine as a (I'm assuming) transitional champ. If he doesn't, than I don't feel he brings anything to the table.

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Guest Rrrsh

I'd rather see Taker get a Transitional Reign. Nostalgia trip and all that. But Booker needs to be built more than 3 weeks to be legit. Right now, he is just a mid-carder.

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