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Best/Worst Looking Championship Belt

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Guest Duncan Eternia

Best: IC Belt from the early 90s


Worst: The first ROH Tag Belts - they have to been the worst in history. At least the tag teams that held those were pretty damned good - Daniels/Morgan, AJ/Red, and maybe the Briscoes (not sure if they got the current ones first).

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The "Attitude Era" WWF/E World Title was always my favorite. I thought it looked extremely classy and was a great update of the Winged Eagle belt: bigger, but similar.


The Big Gold Belt (I prefer the WCW version) and the Michaels IC belt are my other favorites.

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I always like the 86-98 IC title best. Actually the Big WWF title that was from 98-2002 was very nice.



I do like the Raw title ok it looks like a world title though it may be a bit too gold . The one Flair brought with him to the wwf the first time was better (it looked less gold almost a silvery-gold combo really nice-check out the flair dvd for this one)


The Ic title from the early80s (it was worn by valentine at wm 1) is really ugly and horrible.



SD Magazine Holiday 04 has an article about the history of the WWE title and it shows many of the different belts used



what about the WWF title from 86-88? (only worn by hogan-they even now sell a replica of it)


I liked the old tv title too. but the one from 92-96 isnt that bad as well



the current us title isnt too bad imo it looks better than the wwe title My fav version of the US title was the wcw one that was used all the way to the end of the company



the wcw cruiserweight title was nice looking as well




as for more worst


WCW Tag titles 97-01 (really ugly-the ones before them were much better)


Bradshaws Hardcore title from 2002


Current WWE Title (its too small)


Current IC title (terrible, why have they not changed it yet?)



ECW's last world and tag titles -ugly the Tv belt was much better


The current NWA title (i know its been around sinc ethe 80s, but I hate it, doesnt look like a world title)



XPW had a pretty decent world title (though it was obviously a cheap knockoff) oddly enough



And for some reason I liked the Blue WWF Title


Remember Goldust had a gold strap on his IC title


I liked the white ic title too the yellow one looked dumb


hell none of those are as bad as in the old days when belts were nothing more than glorified belt buckles

as for the cruiserwieght tag titles, what did you expect from WCW? (and besides they knew they were dead in march 01 so you think they would actually spend alot of money on nice looking belts?

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Damn straight.


I forgot all about the WCW US Title! That was a really great looking belt, as well. Not to make more of a strap of leather and some metal than they are, but that US Title and the Michaels/Hart/Hennig IC belt both just...LOOKED like important titles. Something to be proud of. Frankly, the oval IC belt they use now doesn't do it for me.

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Hey Kotzy, do you have the standard replica or the deluxe one (with the real leather)? And how is it holding up? I've wanted that for awhile.

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Deluxe, and I've had it since December of 2001 (18th birthday present). It's held up extremely well. I wear it to all the PPVs at the sports bar. Looks new after just a simple breathe n' wipe.

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