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The Czech Republic

9/11 Conspiracy Theorist on CNN

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I've read some of the conspiracy stuff about the WTC, and the basic argument is that demolition experts and physicists believe that the WTC collapsed not because of the official jet fuel/pancaking floors theory, but because it was a controlled demolition. The demolition experts say it looked exactly like a controlled implosion, and the physicists claim that the clean freefall of the towers refutes the claim that each floor was pancaking since the whole thing came down in "freefall" time--10 seconds. That doesn't allow time for even one floor's structural integrity to crack once the domino effect started. They say that to buy the official story of what happened is to ignore the laws of physics.


I don't know where I read it, but if I find it, I'll post it.

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Totally unrelated but can somebody post a link to the 2008 election thread, I am being blocked from the index page for whatever reason. Thanks.

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Just out of curiousity...how EXACTLY would anyone know what the hell a plane full of jet fuel striking a building would do?


No one does. It's not something that has been tested.


So all the experts can kiss my ass with their crazed theories. If they want free press, they could have found a better way to do it.

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Guest MikeSC
I've read some of the conspiracy stuff about the WTC, and the basic argument is that demolition experts and physicists believe that the WTC collapsed not because of the official jet fuel/pancaking floors theory, but because it was a controlled demolition.  The demolition experts say it looked exactly like a controlled implosion, and the physicists claim that the clean freefall of the towers refutes the claim that each floor was pancaking since the whole thing came down in "freefall" time--10 seconds.  That doesn't allow time for even one floor's structural integrity to crack once the domino effect started.  They say that to buy the official story of what happened is to ignore the laws of physics. 


I don't know where I read it, but if I find it, I'll post it.

People who buy that need to read this.


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I know someone, from New Jersey, who was off work that day. He worked on the 90th floor of tower two. He claimed there were Port Authority men on his floor, prior to 9/11/2001, placing a putty like substance on the other structure, in order to plug up the wind drafts. Funny thing, one man said they had to hold that putty in place with this cord like wire, that had printed on it, umm, ‘primacord.’ Humm………………… ????



what other structure are you talkng about?

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Guest BDC
I've read some of the conspiracy stuff about the WTC, and the basic argument is that demolition experts and physicists believe that the WTC collapsed not because of the official jet fuel/pancaking floors theory, but because it was a controlled demolition. The demolition experts say it looked exactly like a controlled implosion, and the physicists claim that the clean freefall of the towers refutes the claim that each floor was pancaking since the whole thing came down in "freefall" time--10 seconds. That doesn't allow time for even one floor's structural integrity to crack once the domino effect started. They say that to buy the official story of what happened is to ignore the laws of physics.


I don't know where I read it, but if I find it, I'll post it.

Interesting. The Learning Channel did a piece a while back about it.


They claimed the jet fuel all burned off really fast, but screwed the structural integrity of the building and caused the top part (half? quarter?) to drop in on itself which WOULD be strong enought collapse the floors below it.


They talk about the structural freefall, but they do understand that it took time for the towers to collapse, right? If they were wired, shouldn't they have just fallen right then?

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Guest Loss
Check out some of the bullshit DVD reviews at DVDTalk sometime, especially these two.






DVDTalk leans so to the left that they are about to fall off the edge of whatever crazy plain they reside on.

And expecting movie reviewers not to have political bias makes no sense at all. They aren't "the media" and they're not expected to call it down the middle.

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And expecting movie reviewers not to have political bias makes no sense at all. They aren't "the media" and they're not expected to call it down the middle.

It's an example of how fucking stupid people can be, and will believe any bullshit they want to believe, not an example of "the media" like you think I meant.

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