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Question about the WM 2000 bonus disc

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On the Wrestlemania 2000 bonus disc which has a ten minute retrospective from Wrestlemania I-XV, Vince tells a story in the Wrestlemania III segment about how he was an announcer and he had a vision of his dead father.


Vince said something along the lines of "I had stage fright but then I saw my dad who died four years ago and I knew how proud he would be of me and it was all okay"


Wasn't Vince Snr at Wrestlemania I? Doesn't Vince know when his dad died?


Can anyone explain?

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Just to add to this, I saw the WM2000 DVD the other day, what exactly is on the extras, and are they any good?

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Guest LooneyTune

Maybe he was thinking about when he first took over the company in 1983 and simply crossed over to an entirely different topic in the rest of the sentence.

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Just to add to this, I saw the WM2000 DVD the other day, what exactly is on the extras, and are they any good?


Disc 1:

Featurette - Triangle Ladder Match Extras


This is some behind-the-scenes footage of such things as the three teams having a group huddle, one of the Hardy Boyz having his foot being put back into place, and so forth. This is interesting because everyone is out of character and they mention what wrestling means to them and the fans instead of bogus storylines. This also has background information leading up to the match.

Featurette - Why A Triple Threat Match for the IC & Euro Champs


This is background information leading up to the match, mainly just showing why they doubled up the titles for the one match.


Featurette - Backstage Axxess


This is a featurette similar to Tech Talk on the Wrestlemania XV DVD, being interviews with the behind-the-scenes staff such as cameramen. This time, however, it has been extended. This is compulsory viewing for all WWF fans.


Featurette - The Road To Wrestlemania


Background information leading up to one of the "biggest Main Events of all time" (a.k.a. The Fatal Four Way Elimination Match), put together in the mandatory epic segment like only the WWF can do.


Alternate Commentaries - Triple Call


Chris Jericho

Kurt Angle

Chris Benoit


They comment over their triple threat match with the normal commentary being only lowered in volume, not removed entirely. Chris Jericho's commentary is the best on the disc, since he talks about aspects of the match such as unsuccessful moves and working with Chris Benoit in Japan, while Kevin Kelly (the interviewer) keeps trying to get him to talk about the plot and so on. It's funny listening as Kelly changes the subject and Jericho just changes it back, over and over. Kurt Angle (or Kurt Angel as Jericho calls him) has the next best commentary giving some insights into his wrestling background.


Disc 2:


Just goes over WM 1 - 15 in clips


I'll go over it in details later.

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Guest LooneyTune

With that information, yes, it's the same disc as the Wrestlemania Book DVD. It's a clipped (to hell) version of the 8 Hour Wrestlemania: All Day Long that aired before WM XVI.


And the WM Book sucked. It's pretty boring and only shows current workers (at the time) in a good light, and people like Hogan not really getting much "popular" comments.

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Guest LooneyTune

I didn't even buy it...my local Library actually has it (and a big WCW book on it's roster at the time; around Fall 1999). Everyone can insult my Library now.

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Guest Sturgis
I didn't even buy it...my local Library actually has it (and a big WCW book on it's roster at the time; around Fall 1999). Everyone can insult my Library now.

That's nothing my HIGH SCHOOL has those books.


Along with:


Have A Nice Day

Sex, Lies, & Headlocks

WCW "Bios" on Sting, Goldberg, Nash, Hogan, and DDP

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I didn't even buy it...my local Library actually has it (and a big WCW book on it's roster at the time; around Fall 1999). Everyone can insult my Library now.

That's nothing my HIGH SCHOOL has those books.


Along with:


Have A Nice Day

Sex, Lies, & Headlocks

WCW "Bios" on Sting, Goldberg, Nash, Hogan, and DDP

My college library has Flair and Austin's autobiographies, along with Foley is Good and the Hardys' book.

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Guest LooneyTune

My old (old old) High School had an old WWF Book from 1991 which pretty much had bios of the roster at the time, and a bunch of Apter books from the mid-lates 80's, so I beat everyone once again.

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Guest Wisdom
was the second disc of WM2000 the same one released with the WrestleMania Insider's Story book?

I have asked a similar question in the past, but I think the are slightly different with the Wrestlemania Bonus Disc having a bit more on it. I think it has some more interviews and is a bit longer.

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On the Wrestlemania 2000 bonus disc which has a ten minute retrospective from Wrestlemania I-XV, Vince tells a story in the Wrestlemania III segment about how he was an announcer and he had a vision of his dead father.


Vince said something along the lines of "I had stage fright but then I saw my dad who died four years ago and I knew how proud he would be of me and it was all okay"


Wasn't Vince Snr at Wrestlemania I?  Doesn't Vince know when his dad died?


Can anyone explain?


mmm since he said it in the WM3 segment maybe he was saying he had stage fright etc. at WM3, wasn't that the first one where he said "WEEEEEEEELCOME...to WRESTLEMAAAAAANIA"

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My old (old old) High School had an old WWF Book from 1991 which pretty much had bios of the roster at the time, and a bunch of Apter books from the mid-lates 80's, so I beat everyone once again.

my high school had an old book called wrestling superstars II and it was form the mid 80s with bios on pretty much every main star at the time, and it was half-kayfabe half-shoot form (it actually acknowledged mcmahon on the head of the wwf) I checked it out once after finding it (damn should have stole it at the end of my senior year lol jk

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Guest LooneyTune

I'm pretty sure WM III was the first time he did that, and being in front of 93,000 people on the center stage is just bed-wetting material.


Howard Finkel did it for WM 1, and I don't know who did it for WM 2 (3 Different Locations? Probably the commentators)

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