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Scenario for long term angle....

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I thought of a concept that I thought was interesting. Let's say at WM21, two wrestlers have a match and something happens that the GM says they must be kept apart for a prolonged amount of time. Either of them violates the edict and they are fired (think HHH-Austin no contact). Over the next week or so, they cut prromos on each other but stay away from being in the same place. Then, one of them challenges the other to a stipulation. Since they have to stay away from each other and can't interact until a certain point, they will sign for a match on the first PPV that the edict is over. And whoever has the most wins over that time period gets to pick the stipulation for the match. Now what I was thinking, would be 5 months (Summerslam), 8 months (Survivor Series), or 12 months (WM22). Do you think that a feud could work like that where you know that far in advance that the match will take place? I also thought that the competitiveness of trying to win more matches than the other would be interesting.



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I like the idea. I've seen something like that done in an e-fed before where a big feud ended where they couldn't face each other for a year but stayed competitive throughout that year and then fought each other the second the year time period expired. Your idea is a good one I think. The more long term planning, the better.

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Not in the WWE. Most fans' attention spans are probably far too short for such a slow-build angle, unless it's carried out between two real stars. Austin/Rock would have worked in the role in 99 maybe.


Bear in mind, a year is a LONG time in WWE land. Think of Rock in Jan 99, compared to Rock in Jan '00.


Also, so long as it's not played like Austin/HHH. You can't have a year of 'Wrestler A provokes Wrestler B ever week'.



It'd be hard to carry out. If it were, for example, a ROH type fed where the shows aren't quite so regular then it may be a little easier and effective.

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Guest Loss

It would definitely work. Fan attention spans are only short because they've been taught to believe that nothing matters over the long haul.

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It would definitely work. Fan attention spans are only short because they've been taught to believe that nothing matters over the long haul.

That's the important point. Fans can handle long term builds and storylines in other shows, why should the WWE be any different if they handled their storylines intelligently?

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