Guest MikeSC Report post Posted November 20, 2004 Al-Manar allowed to air in France By JOSEPH NASR In a move that angered French Jews, the French broadcasting authority (CSA) announced on its site Friday that it has finalized an agreement with Hizbullah's Al-Manar television, allowing the controversial anti-Israel broadcaster to remain on the airwaves in France. The CSA had threatened to ban Al-Manar from broadcasting in France following an advisory sent by the French Ministry of Interior on July 12 recommending that al-Manar's transmission via the Paris-based satellite operator Eutelsat be 'immediately terminated' because of its anti-Semitic content. The French government made the recommendation after members of the Council of Jewish Organization in France (CRIF) expressed outrage at a series of anti-Semitic programs broadcast through Europe by the Beirut-based television channel. On Tuesday representatives of Al-Manar in France were given a license they requested to carry on broadcasting in France and parts of Europe. In January 2003, over the Muslim festive season of Ramadan, Al-Manar broadcast Al-Shatat, meaning Diaspora, which portrayed the history of Jews and Zionism from 1812 till 1948. Based on the "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion," the Syrian-produced program alludes to a Jewish conspiracy for world domination, inspired by the Talmud, and shows, among other incitement-charged scenes, a group of Jews, acting on the orders of a rabbi, killing a Christian toddler to use his blood in baking matzots for Passover. CSA director Dominique Baudis, in a letter issued with the license, warned that the license would be violated if Al-Manar broadcasts hate messages as it did in the past. Baudis noted that some programming broadcast on Al-Manar "depicts violence toward civilian populations in a favorable light," and could incite hatred among religious or national groups and "bring trouble to the public order." Some scenes emitted by Al-Manar "make use of children to serve political propaganda which violates article 2-4" of the license, read Baudis letter. "Your signature of this license implies therefore that you will formally renounce broadcast of programs of this nature on the satellite that comes under French law," he said. Al-Manar, which signed the license Friday, issued a statement saying "it has no problem with French laws and is ready to abide by the legal requirements to broadcast on French airwaves." In the statement Al-Manar accused the "Zionist entity" of unsuccessfully attempting to silence the "voice of the Lebanese resistance" and provoke the French and other Europeans against Al-Manar. Representatives of Jewish organizations in France were outraged by the agreement. "This is very serious for France's Jewish community ... these terrorists are used to the worst kind of lies," said Roger Cukierman, CRIF president. "These are people that we should not be dealing with. "I feel the attitude of the French government in this affair is distressing," he added. "We are scandalized by the total redirection in the position of the CSA." Lovely. Just lovely. -=Mike Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Phenom Report post Posted November 20, 2004 That's the trouble with Free Speech: It works for everyone. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Czech Republic 0 Report post Posted November 20, 2004 I thought this would be about boobs. I'm worried some Americans think that would be worse than this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Styles 0 Report post Posted November 21, 2004 Those Jews are always complaining about something, aren't they? Hell the show sounds pretty good: For the second consecutive year, Arab television featured a vicious anti-Semitic series that depicts stereotypical Jews hatching a plot for Jewish world control and domination. The program, Ash-Shatat ("The Diaspora") is a Syrian production and was aired in October and November 2003 by the Lebanon-based satellite television network Al-Manar, which is owned by the terrorist organization Hezbollah. Al-Manar is widely available to viewers across the Muslim and Arab world and around the world. The closing credits of the programs gives "special thanks" to various government ministries in Syria, including the security ministry, the culture ministry, the Damascus Police Command and the Department of Antiquities and Museums. Timed to coincide with the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, the 30-part series purports to dramatize the "true history" of the rise of modern Zionism and the establishment of the State of Israel, and depicts historical figures, such as Theodor Herzl, Alfred Dreyfus and others. In October - November 2002, Egyptian TV featured a similar 41-part series based on the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion," Horseman Without a Horse, which also aired during Ramadan. At the time, the series was widely denounced by the United States, world leaders, ADL and others for its potential to incite and rationalize anti-Semitism across the Muslim and Arab world. Each episode of Ash Shatat opens with the following text scrolled on the screen: "Two thousand years ago the Jewish Rabbis established an international government aiming at maintaining the world under its control and suppressing it under the Talmudic commands, and totally isolating them from all of the people. Then the Jews started to incite wars and conflicts, while those countries disclaimed them. They falsely pretended to be persecuted, awaiting their savior, the Messiah, who will terminate the revenge against the Goyim that their God, Jehovah, started. In the beginning of the 19th century, the international government decided to increase the conspiracies and the Jewish international secret government was established, headed by Amschel Rothschild." The series is saturated with horrifying stereotypes of Jews, anti-Semitic stereotypes, references to the infamous anti-Semitic forgery The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and includes a heinous dramatization of the killing of a Christian child and the use of his blood to make matzah. Jews are presented as conspiring people, violent, evil and manipulative, who will easily betray their community members for their own interest. As the program develops, the characters work through an "international Jewish government" to "rule the world," using "money, science, politics, murder, sex and any other means", and attempting to incite wars between nations. The extremely hostile depiction of Jews and the propagation of age-old anti-Semitic conspiracy theories in Ash Shatat is a frightening demonstration of the deeply entrenched anti-Semitism in much of the Arab and Muslim world. Image from Hezbollah's TV station Al-Manar in Beirut, Lebanon, showing a scene from the ''Al-Shatat'' or Diaspora, on Wednesday Oct. 29, 2003. In this scene, a council of the "Jewish World Government" plots to take control of the world. Al-Manar's logo is on the top right. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye 0 Report post Posted November 21, 2004 I fail to see the problem here, unless this network is also known for doing things far beyond telling their side of the story. Maybe the uproar is because the station/shows are run by a terrorist group? As far as I can tell from the articles here, the only worry is about a contrary opinion that is on TV, which is really nothing different from expressing more 'acceptable' message that are put out. The only real danger to anyone's convictions is that they incite people who don't think for themselves, or if what they broadcast beyond propoganda is far over the top and senseless. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Styles 0 Report post Posted November 21, 2004 I can't help you if you don't see the problem with France allowing a program entirely based on racist propoganda and lies used to defame and fuel hatred, aired on a network owned and opreated by a nototious terrorist group to air. Can you imagine the uproar if something like this was legitimacised in the US? The ADL further explains the myth: It is a classic in paranoid, racist literature. Taken by the gullible as the confidential minutes of a Jewish conclave convened in the last years of the nineteenth century, it has been heralded by anti-Semites as proof that Jews are plotting to take over the world. Since its contrivance around the turn of the century by the Russian Okhrana, or Czarist secret police, "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" has taken root in bigoted, frightened minds around the world The booklet¡¦s twenty-four sections spell out the alleged secret plans of Jewish leaders seeking to attain world domination. They represent the most notorious political forgery of modern times. Although thoroughly discredited, the document is still being used to stir up anti-Semitic hatred. Origins of the Protocols Serge Nilus, a little-known Czarist official in Moscow, edited several editions of the Protocols, each with a different account of how he discovered the document. In his 1911 edition Nilus claimed that his source had stolen the document from (a non-existent) Zionist headquarters in France. Other "editors" of the Protocols maintained that the document was read at the First Zionist Congress held in 1897 in Basel, Switzerland. Note: According to reputable scholars, including Prof. Norman Cohn in his noted book, Warrant for Genocide, the world-control myth was actually lifted from a 19th century French political satire in which the alleged plotters weren¡¦t even Jewish. Impact of the Bolshevik Revolution After the Russian Revolution in 1917, frustrated supporters of the ousted Czar rescued the document from obscurity in order to discredit the Bolsheviks. The emigre Czarists portrayed the Revolution as part of a Jewish plot to enslave the world, and pointed to the Protocols as the blueprint of that plan. The scheme of yoking the Protocols to the Bolshevik Revolution not only led to the allegation of a Judeo-Communist conspiracy, but promoted the forgery internationally. In later years, vicious Soviet anti-Semitic propaganda under Stalin and others echoed the conspiracy mythology of the Protocols. International Publicity In the 1920¡¦s, two British correspondents, Robert Wilton of the London Times and Victor Marsden of the Morning Post, each of whom had lived in pre-Communist Russia, .promoted the idea of a Jewish conspiracy in Great Britain. Eighteen articles on the subject of a Jewish conspiracy as well as on the "Protocols" themselves were published in the Morning Post. Marsden translated the Protocols into English and in his introduction to the document asserted: . . . the Jews are carrying it out with steadfast purpose, creating wars and revolutions, . . .to destroy the white Gentile race, that the Jews may seize the power during the resulting chaos and rule with their claimed superior intelligence over the remaining races of the world, as kings over slaves." A Polish language edition of the Protocols appeared in 1920. The following year the Arabs of Palestine and Syria used the Protocols to stir up resentment against Jewish settlers in Palestine, suggesting that the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine would further advance the "international Jewish conspiracy." This propaganda tactic persists in the contemporary Middle East; Arabic editions of the Protocols have been widely circulated by official Saudi sources, among others. American Debut The Protocols were publicized in America by Boris Brasol, a former Czarist prosecutor. Auto magnate Henry Ford was one of those who responded to Brasol¡¦s conspiratorial fantasies. "The Dearborn Independent," owned by Ford, published an American version of the Protocols between May and September of 1920 in a series called ¡¥The International Jew: the World¡¦s Foremost Problem." The articles were later republished in book form with half a million copies in circulation in the United States, and were translated into several foreign languages. By 1927 Ford had repudiated the "International Jew," but hundreds of thousands of people around the world had been encouraged by his initial endorsement to accept the Protocols as genuine. The Protocols and Nazi Germany The Protocols served to rationalize anti-Semitism and genocide in Hitler¡¦s Germany. The myth of the Jewish world conspiracy permeated Hitler¡¦s thinking, and he linked Germany¡¦s economic hardship during the 1920s to the secret plot. Once in power Hitler invoked the Protocols to justify anti-Semitic legislation and suppression of all opposition to the Third Reich. For example, the first anti-Semitic measure in April of 1933, a one-day boycott of Jewish stores, was deemed a defense against the "Plan of Basel" (another name for the Protocols). Anti-Semites around the globe still actively circulate the Protocols. It has appeared in Japan-where bestsellers by anti-Semite Masami Uno cite them as evidence of a "Jewish conspiracy to dominate the world¡¦-and in Latin America (including Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Paraguay). The document is also favored by such U.S. right-wing extremists as the Ku Klux Klan and Aryan Nations. The most common U.S. edition was published by hatemonger Gerald L. K. Smith¡¦s Christian Nationalist Crusade. The Protocols have become a major source of Arab and Islamic propaganda. Between 1965 and 1967 alone, approximately 50 books on political subjects published in Arabic were either based on the Protocols or quoted from them. In 1980, Hazern Nuseibeh, the Jordanian delegate to the United Nations, spoke about the Protocols as a genuine document. In October of 1987 the Iranian Embassy in Brazil circulated copies of the Protocols, which it said "belongs to the history of the world." During the 1980s Muslim groups peddled the forgery worldwide. The Muslim Student Associations at Wayne State University in Michigan and at the University of California at Berkeley disseminated the document. American Black Muslim groups have sold it. The Protocols were for sale at an Islamic exhibition in Stockholm and in London¡¦s Park Mosque, and during a 1986 conference sponsored by the Islamic Center of Southern California the Protocols were prominently displayed. Based on a perverse "interpretation" of the Protocols, the Saudi Arabian government blamed Israel for an attack on a synagogue in Istanbul in 1986. With Glasnost there has also been a reappearance of the Protocols in the Soviet Union. A Soviet book released in 1987 called "On the Class Essence of Zionism" revived insidious canards contained in the Protocols, and made repeated references to Jews engaging in "constant efforts to gain control of the world." And sections of the Protocols have reportedly been read during meetings of the anti-Semitic Russian nationalist movement Pamyat (Memory). During the past 60 years impressive authorities have publicly attested to the Protocols¡¦ fraudulence. Hugo Valentin, lecturer in history at the University of Upsala in Sweden, characterized the Protocols in his 1936 study Anti-Semitism, Historically and Critically Examined as "the greatest forgery of the century." Father Pierre Charles, Professor of Theology at the Jesuit College in Louvain, France, stated in a 1938 essay: "It has been proved that these ¡¥Protocols¡¦ are a fraud, a clumsy plagiarism. . . made for the purpose of rendering the Jews odious..." In 1942, several prominent historians, including Carl Becker of Cornell, Sydney Fay and William Langer of Harvard, and Allan Nevins and Cariton J. H. Hayes of Columbia, introduced Professor John Shelton Curtiss¡¦ ¡¥An Appraisal of the Protocols of Zion" with their endorsement of his findings as "completely destructive of the historicity of the Protocols and as establishing beyond doubt the fact that they are rank and pernicious forgeries." In 1961 Richard Helms, then Assistant Director of the CIA, stated at a Senate subcommittee hearing: "The Russians have a long tradition in the art of forgery. More than 60 years ago the Czarist intelligence service concocted and peddled a confection called The Protocols of the Elders of Zion." And in August of 1964 a subcommittee of the Senate Judiciary Committee issued a report repudiating the Protocols, to which Senators Thomas J. Dodd and Kenneth B. Keating appended the following: "Every age and country has had its share of fabricated ¡¥historic¡¦ documents which have been foisted on an unsuspecting public for some malign purpose. . . One of the most notorious and most durable of these is the ¡¥Protocols of the Elders of Zion.¡¦." In 1935 a Swiss judge, presiding at a trial of two Swiss National Socialists charged with circulating the Protocols, wrote: I hope that one day there will come a time when no one will any longer comprehend how in the year 1935 almost a dozen fully sensible and reasonable men could for fourteen days torment their brains before a court of Berne over the authenticity or lack of authenticity of these so-called Protocols . . .that, for all the harm they have already caused and may yet cause, are nothing but ridiculous nonsense. Unfortunately, the judge¡¦s hope has not yet been fully realized. There are still those anti-Semites and their willing audiences who remain ready to circulate and believe this fantasy of hate. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye 0 Report post Posted November 21, 2004 Thank you for the articles, Slapnuts I can't help you if you don't see the problem with France allowing a program entirely based on racist propoganda and lies used to defame and fuel hatred, aired on a network owned and opreated by a nototious terrorist group to air. Can you imagine the uproar if something like this was legitimacised in the US? Ok, I'll clarify a bit. I do have a problem when things like this are done by people who obviously have no idea what they're talking about, as if they haven't even studied their subject enough to properly justify their position. Now, if you come across something that just bleeds research and study (regardless of what the actual opinion is), it is something that serves much better purpose because it's an educated assertion. Myself, I would be completely disinterested in such...controversial things if it's obviously borne out of blind hatred or fear. If presented with an item that is presented as a discussion of ideals, instead of a hammer of ideas, I will be more likely to at least give it a moment's attention. In fact, I do think that there should be more of the latter allowed everywhere. At the least, people might be able to apply a more proper context to those that deserve, regardless of whether or not they agree. People should be able to make the call for themselves whether or not they'll buy into it. But then again, I still trust humans too much in things like this it seems. Can you imagine the uproar if something like this was legitimacised in the US? By people who are too scared or uneducated to discuss such things in a meaningful way? Shit like what's described in above posts is such that it would be crushed anyway, due to what looks like some pretty gaping logical holes, and focus on blind hatred. I'm no advocate of racism, so don't make that mistake, but I don't bother getting worked up over things like that so much that I won't touch it with a 39 1/2 foot pole. I guess this rant is about how I hate seeing such discussion (with the great potential for personal expression that it has at least) knocked down because of the topic. Again, those are some interesting reading, thanks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
2GOLD 0 Report post Posted November 21, 2004 That may be the greatest show of all time and I can't even hear it. That guy on the right is styling. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kkktookmybabyaway 0 Report post Posted November 21, 2004 There are Jews in France? Perhaps this is payback for that "no religious garb" rule... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Cerebus Report post Posted November 21, 2004 There are Jews in France? Not for long apparently. Apparently those Free French partisans in WW2 used far more condoms than the Vichy French. Too bad, we could have used some improvement in that bloodline. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
iggymcfly 0 Report post Posted November 24, 2004 Unless this is being sponsored by the French government, I see no reason why it shouldn't be allowed to air. I don't know that much about French law, so I can't say for sure what would and wouldn't be permitted under their government, but if it were in the United States, it would be an outrage to keep it from airing. Free speech and religious tolerance do work for everyone, so if they want to criticize the Jews, they have every right to do so. Stopping the Muslims from attacking Jews is no different than trying to stop Christians from saying anyone who hasn't accepted Jesus as their personal savior goes to hell. If they directly libel someone, I could see civil charges, but their condemnation of the entire Jewish people should not be censored under any sort of free government. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Prime Time Andrew Doyle 0 Report post Posted November 24, 2004 That may be the greatest show of all time and I can't even hear it. That guy on the right is styling. That reminds me of the P.I.M.P video with the Pimp Legion of Doom Preach, Preach Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Big Ol' Smitty 0 Report post Posted November 24, 2004 There are Jews in France? Apparently those Free French partisans in WW2 used far more condoms than the Vichy French. Petain! *spits* Whoa, sorry. I temporary channeled the soul of an 83 year old French resistance fighter. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Cerebus Report post Posted November 24, 2004 There are Jews in France? Apparently those Free French partisans in WW2 used far more condoms than the Vichy French. Petain! *spits* Whoa, sorry. I temporary channeled the soul of an 83 year old French resistance fighter. Yeah Petain couldn't pull his pants down and bend over for Hitler fast enough. Some things never change do they? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites