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Guest Arnold_OldSchool

WWF/E Tidbits from the past

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I remember hearing that the Rougeaus (at least Jacques, anyway) has some heat with Vince for some reason or another. Any idea on what caused it if it exists?

It may go back to an incident where one of them got ribbed by having their bag put in the showers by the Bulldogs and then a couple of weeks later Jacques blindsided Dynamite with knuckle dusters and knocked some of his teeth out which led to Vince ordering Jacques pay his dental bills and apologise.

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Guest The Decadent Slacker
I remember hearing that the Rougeaus (at least Jacques, anyway) has some heat with Vince for some reason or another. Any idea on what caused it if it exists?

It may go back to an incident where one of them got ribbed by having their bag put in the showers by the Bulldogs and then a couple of weeks later Jacques blindsided Dynamite with knuckle dusters and knocked some of his teeth out which led to Vince ordering Jacques pay his dental bills and apologise.

I was originally thinking that, but Jacques had like three other runs, if i remember correctly (as the Mountie & two as half of the Quebecers), & Raymond was a broadcaster for a few years in there, so i don't know if it was the whole Dynamite issue or what. I was thinking it was related to like Raymond being released or the couple week return of the Quebecers in early '98, myself.

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1. Regarding Sgt. Slaughter's heel run, was he promised a big babyface run afterwards for doing it? Or did they turn him face afterwards because after the stuff with Hogan they had no use for him as a heel? (and no reason for him to keep getting death threats)


2. With Bam Bam getting promised a babyface run in 1995 for jobbing to LT at Mania, did they ever promise him something specific? (As in the WWF title or IC title or whatever) Were there ever any other possibilities of guys who would do the job to LT?

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They never resolved it. Rumor was it was Big Bossman, but in reality it was rainy day booking. If they needed somebody to feud with Austin, then that was the catalyst

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Guest news_gimmick
Who raised the briefcase at KotR '99? I don't remember them ever resolving that and I've always been curious if there was ever any plan there.

For years I've always believed that the next night when the Bossman rejoined the Corporation at the beginning of the show, that was indicating it was him who did it, since noone from the Corporation was allowed to interfere. Yah...not exactly 100% sure, but its the closest I think there ever was to an answer.

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does it really matter who raised the briefcase? the fact that it happened was enough to piss off austin.


just like when HHH revealed that he made rikishi run down austin, austin suddenly stopped going after kish and after HHH?


clearly in kayfabe terms, austin cares more about who hired somebody to do something wrong to him lol

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Guest jm29195

The main event for WM 16 was originally supposed to be Austin vs Show as mentioned earlier- the two did actually meet on ppv at Insurextion 2002 with Austin beating nWo Show following botched interference from Nash and Hall....

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What about Kanyon's "monk" gimmick that never came to be. Before his return in 02 there weer rumors about this and when Kanyon redubted on Velocity, he did a promo where he said that he had spent alot of time in a monastery or soemthin, but it was never mentioned again.

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Chris Kanyon, one of the most completely wasted performers of all time in any promotion, never allowed to live up to his potential.

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Guest jm29195
Not sure about that, but there were plans to redebut him in his WCW Mortis gimmick at one point before his release.



He even wrestled as Mortis at a couple of house-shows around the time of his release...

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I was reading this month's "Power Slam" and came across a story about how about 14 years ago in a nightclub Vince McMahon said to a group of wrestlers he would take all of their finising moves. Apparently Vince took a beating. It said it was a famous story but I've never heard of it. Does anyone know anything about this?

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Guest jm29195

It's mentioned on the Road Warrior's shoot, apparently Vince always wanted to be awrestler but his Dad wouldn't let him so to fit in with the boys he did daft things like this, including taking the doomsday device on the wooden dance floor in a night club.


Vince has also repeatedly tried to wrestle Angle on a plane as mentioned in Angle's book.....

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Test mentioned in his BTR interview last night that he was originally set to debut at the Rock Bottom PPV in December of 1998 and attack Big Bossman, helping the NAO retain the tag titles, and then join DX. They decided against it and put him in the Corporation instead.

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Test mentioned in his BTR interview last night that he was originally set to debut at the Rock Bottom PPV in December of 1998 and attack Big Bossman, helping the NAO retain the tag titles, and then join DX. They decided against it and put him in the Corporation instead.

makes sense, as test first appeared as "motley crues bodyguard" when they played live on raw. dx was seen hanging out with them backstage so that could have been the setup.

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Any reason why Yokozuna didn't have a match at Summerslam 1994? The card was already filled or something?


Was there any real reason why Yokozuna wasn't really kept around the title picture after Wrestlemania 10? Considering he lost on a "fluke" and was a big monster heel, it's kind of weird that he never was kept in that level ever again or even got a real rematch with Bret.

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Any reason why Yokozuna didn't have a match at Summerslam 1994? The card was already filled or something?

I think he'd have faced Earthquake had he stayed around.


At least with Undertaker coming back they had a decent Kayfabe explanation.

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Guest Fook

They were planning on HHH/Undertaker (in fact, they had Flair name Taker the number one contender on TV), but Hogan was getting insane pops so Vince changed the match and HHH/Taker ended up happening anyways at KOTR.

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HHH/Taker wasn't the plan.


Flair did announce the match, but it was a storyline that Taker got "shafted" of his title shot.


McMahon pointed out that Flair had no right to name the main event, due to the original draft's Coin Flip giving McMahon (Smackdown Owner) the first main event (which was Backlash).

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No, the plan was to do HHH/Undertaker at Backlash for a while. But WWE saw the support Hogan was getting and wanted to capitalize on it quickly. On the same token, the fans were rather flat for the HHH/Taker feud throughout April as they were building it up. As a result, Hogan/HHH got the Backlash slot in order to pop a nice buyrate quickly. Then, two months later, they decided to run the HHH/Taker match anyway. Despite the fact they knew the crowd wasn't into it two months earlier, they still tried to stick with the plan -- coming up with one of the worst PPV Main Events in a long time.


The Flair/McMahon storyline wasn't planned until they decided to change the Backlash Main Event a few weeks before the show.

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Did Terry Funk explain in his book why he was Chainsaw Charlie in WWF in 1998 and not just Terry Funk?

This is from the book


I got ready for my big debut on Raw that Monday night in December, and the plan was for me to come out of a box. Bruce Prichard, one of the backstage guys, was describing to me what they wanted me to do.


I said, "That's it? You just want me to come out of the box?"


"Well, yeah," he said. "Just come out of the box. Do you want to come out as anything?"


Before my brain could fully process the question, my lips blurted out, "Chainsaw Charlie! Get me a chainsaw, so I can go out there!"


I can't explain it, it just popped into my mind.


They asked me what I wanted to wear and then got me some Levi jeans and a pair of suspenders. I already had a red shirt, so I kept that. Then, they got me a woman's pantyhose stocking and some baby powder to put on my head, all at my request (what an idiot). I guess I could have just gone out there without anything over my head, but I wouldn't have been Chainsaw Charlie with Terry Funk's head, would I? I would've been Chainsaw Terry!

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Did Terry Funk explain in his book why he was Chainsaw Charlie in WWF in 1998 and not just Terry Funk?

This is from the book


I got ready for my big debut on Raw that Monday night in December, and the plan was for me to come out of a box. Bruce Prichard, one of the backstage guys, was describing to me what they wanted me to do.


I said, "That's it? You just want me to come out of the box?"


"Well, yeah," he said. "Just come out of the box. Do you want to come out as anything?"


Before my brain could fully process the question, my lips blurted out, "Chainsaw Charlie! Get me a chainsaw, so I can go out there!"


I can't explain it, it just popped into my mind.


They asked me what I wanted to wear and then got me some Levi jeans and a pair of suspenders. I already had a red shirt, so I kept that. Then, they got me a woman's pantyhose stocking and some baby powder to put on my head, all at my request (what an idiot). I guess I could have just gone out there without anything over my head, but I wouldn't have been Chainsaw Charlie with Terry Funk's head, would I? I would've been Chainsaw Terry!

Thanks for the explanation!

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No, the plan was to do HHH/Undertaker at Backlash for a while. But WWE saw the support Hogan was getting and wanted to capitalize on it quickly. On the same token, the fans were rather flat for the HHH/Taker feud throughout April as they were building it up. As a result, Hogan/HHH got the Backlash slot in order to pop a nice buyrate quickly. Then, two months later, they decided to run the HHH/Taker match anyway. Despite the fact they knew the crowd wasn't into it two months earlier, they still tried to stick with the plan -- coming up with one of the worst PPV Main Events in a long time.


The Flair/McMahon storyline wasn't planned until they decided to change the Backlash Main Event a few weeks before the show.

actually the hhh/taker match was annoucned on the second post split raw, the changed to hogan/hhh on sd the same week, (actually the very next night as sd is taped on tuesdays). Hogan came out with his new red and yellow boas and tights.

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