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Hunter's Torn Quad

Meltzer piece on TNA from 11/29 Observer

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What I don't get is...why do people that come here, or the WWE folder, seem to wish death on these companies. I mean, for christsakes, I wouldn't want somebody to hope ill on my company, my life, my source of income and health care. Some of these guys, we don't like (we being the IWC), but, there are guys like Benoit and Styles that are great wrestlers. Do we really want to see AJ end up on Velocity, or worse, only available thru tape trades. Yeah, that'll be great. Then, when he's 40 and retired selling tires some place, he can play videos of himself. I personally would love to see TNA take off, and I'd love to see the WWE bounce back creatively. I'd love to see ROH become a better-known indy darling, that turns into a SLLLLLOWWWWW ECW...taking at least 20 years to get a PPV....and see OVW become Velocity and Heat...


I love wrestling. I want it to survive and prosper. If you don't feel that way, then, why are you here? To bitch and moan about something that provides you entertainment at someone else's effort, blood, and tears? To bitch because it's all you know how to do?


If true. Wow. Congrats. You must be a real productive member of society.

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Fuck you, man.



















Shit...now wrestling's gonna know about Taco Bell. Fuck. Waitaminute....ach hah!


A Threesome!!!! Thanks Corey!!!

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